Control the Dragon of Time

Chapter 16

Chapter 16 ogre

Looking left and right, after seeing no other creatures around, Galleon turned around and pointed his noble dragon’s butt at the hole he just dug.

Next, he held a dragon claw on his chin with thorns, and looked deeply at the flawless night sky in the distance, exerting a little force, while thinking about dragon life.


Dragons excrete like bows and arrows, full of energy.

After a thunderous sound, Galleon’s dragon face showed a relieved expression. He ate a lot, and after absorbing the essence and nutrients, there was also a lot of waste accumulated in his body.

A few minutes later, Galleon left the precious dragon droppings in place that would delight the White Hound.

He lightly coughed, and without turning his head, he swept with Time Dragon’s tail, swept away a large swath of snow, covering the precious dragon dung.

“Ai, there are no toilets in the wilderness, so you can only take care of it.”

Serious dragons, from time to time, “fly at high altitudes” on their way to high altitudes, and occasionally Hit a lucky one or two and get them up close and personal with the True Dragon Aura.

But even though Galleon has become a dragon, he still has a bit of shame in his heart.

He felt that it was a bit inappropriate to solve physiological problems in the wild. The high-altitude throwing was really difficult for him, but now there is no good way, unless one day he can eat his stomach without blood and rely only on swallowing. Time or elemental energy can survive.

It’s the least noticeable and safest way to settle in a glacier, but Galleon doesn’t want to find them in their lair one day.

Galleon was ready to leave here and return to the location of the Glacier Territory after exhausting the burden of his body.

Before leaving, he suddenly felt an aura approaching from behind, his eyes narrowed, and he turned to look.

A sturdy humanoid creature with a height of nine feet and about three meters was quietly approaching itself. The posture, the atmosphere froze for a while.

Uga Bonebreaker is an ogre from a small ogre colony with a population of around forty, the Bonebreaker Tribe.

It’s just coming of age and needs a tough prey to prove its mettle and strength to show off its muscles to other ogre for higher status in the Bonebreaker Tribe and the right to pick a mate .

Uga Bonebreaker has always considered himself smart.

No ogre is smarter than the boss of the Bonebreaker Tribe, the two-headed ogre that uses spell.

Among a group of not-so-intelligent ogre, Uga Bonebreaker always feels out of place.

As for the smarter leader, Uga Bonebreaker thinks it’s because it has two heads and only one of its own, so it’s acceptable to be inferior to the other.

One day, seeing a two-headed ogre leader who could connect with female ogre at will, and command other ogre’s, Uga Bonebreaker had a bold idea in mind.

If Galleon knew what it was thinking, it would describe it in an appropriate sentence.

“A real man should be replaced.”

The idea grew like wildfire in Uga Bonebreaker’s heart.

According to the tradition of the Bonebreaker Tribe, ogre as adults have the opportunity to challenge the boss. After defeating the boss, he can replace him and become a new boss.

But the two-headed ogre boss is the most powerful boss the Bonebreaker Tribe has ever seen, and it even has a throne made of challenger skulls.

Uga Bonebreaker won’t be as reckless as the other challengers, it’s going to wait for the boss to get old and challenge when it’s weak.

But before that happens, Uga Bonebreaker needs to prove he’s a true coming of age ogre and get his rite of passage.

“hmph, the mighty Uga can even hunt a giant dragon.”

Uga Bonebreaker blew the clansman, then, in the adoring eyes of the other ogre, the big Leaving step by step, set foot on the ice field outside the tribe.

Along the way, Uga Bonebreaker relied on ogre’s strong body, coupled with a much smarter mind than ordinary ogre, or created traps, or ambushed with sneak attack, killing many hunters on the ice field .

But it’s not very satisfying.

Because the two-headed ogre leader once killed an ice storm snake that was almost ten meters long and the size of a bucket, more powerful than all its prey.

Until just now, after it left the Bonebreaker Tribe for a hundred miles, it saw a small White Dragon that was excreting!

Uga Bonebreaker knows how powerful the True Dragon is, even if the opponent is the weakest of them, the White Dragon.

Turn your head and leave, when nothing is seen is the best choice.

But the thought of his rhetoric really having a chance of success, the sight of the ogre crowded around him, the favor of the fat bloated ogre beauties.

It decided to use the thick wooden mace that he carried with him to go to the little White Dragon in front of sneak attack.

As long as the sneak attack is successful, it has a chance to realize its dream!

“The history of the Bonebreaker Tribe will depend on my Uga Bonebreaker’s name because I hunted a True Dragon as an adult!”

Uga Bonebreaker fantasized in his mind, At the same time, he stepped quietly and cautiously approached the little White Dragon.

But it just had this idea, and before it took a step, it saw the little White Dragon suddenly turn his head, his eyes full of murderous intention.

Uga Bonebreaker was stunned, then filled with all kinds of records about evil dragons, and panicked.

It forced a reluctant smile on its face, and said to Galleon: “Honorable True Dragon, Uga Bonebreaker is just passing by here, and there is no malice.”

While saying, it While hiding the wooden mace quietly behind him, there is a sense of concealment.

Galleon turned his head, and the dragon body also turned, facing the creature in front of him.

Nine feet, nearly three meters tall, humanoid, dark black rough skin, thick and powerful body, with muscles all over, white pupils, black eyes, fishy smell, mouth full of fangs, dressed in simple tanned rough Animal hide, holding a large black wooden hammer still stained with dried blood.

Seeing himself being discovered, ogre muttered a language that Galleon didn’t understand.

There are only Dragon Language and Common Language in Dragon’s inheritance. Large humanoids like ogre speak Giant language, Galleon doesn’t understand Giant language, so they don’t understand it.

Ogre had an ugly smile on his face after he finished speaking.

“Laugh, laugh at your mom!”

The last time Galleon was so angry was the last time.

He didn’t have a good look on his face, and in an instant, his wings approached, and his mouth opened with a frosty breath that covered his face.

Many people think that Dragon Breath is a normal ability of dragons, a means of consumption, similar to giant tail sweep, dragon wing flap, and some True Dragon spells.

But this is a misunderstanding.

Dragon’s breath is not an ordinary skill, but a dragon’s signature that is extremely effective and extremely difficult to resist, and is equivalent to a big move that any creature must take seriously.

Even an adult dragon can’t keep breathing Dragon Breath continuously for long.

Galleon starts out as a king.

Under the horrified gaze of the other party, the frosty breath radiating out in a cone instantly covered ogre’s body, freezing it in thick ice crystals.

(End of this chapter)

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