Control the Dragon of Time

Chapter 168


Chapter 168 City of Giants in the Snow

The wind whimpered and roared, and the blizzard that rolled the animation sky almost swept the far north below. The world is submerged in a sea of white.

Under the veil of snow covering the heavens, shielding the sun, there is an immobile tribe that occupies a huge area and stands silently in the wind and snow.

The Extreme Cold tribe.

As a super-large tribe of frost giants, the Extreme Cold tribe is not so much a tribe as a fortress, a city, a giant city ruled by the frost giants, the city of Extreme Cold .

It is many times larger than the tribe of frost giants that Galleon destroyed in the first place, and it is still expanding in many places.

The gaps are like villages and towns.

The city of Extreme Cold is surrounded by a tall and magnificent city wall.

All of them are made of huge ash-gray stones. The four city walls are nearly 30 meters high at the lowest point. On the top of the walls are huge crossbows, and Frost giants are on patrol.

The buildings inside are all incomparable gigantic, one after another, with a magnificent atmosphere.

On a very wide street, a frost giant in simple leather armor is walking.

But there are more large humanoids who are servants of the frost giants. They move the boulders, sweat in the cold weather, and continue to build in the tinkling sound. Expands the city of Extreme Cold.

The status of the frost giants here is like a nobleman. Wherever he goes, he will be greeted with awe, and the coolies are all those servants doing the work.

Among the gigantic buildings one after another, you can see a palace-fortress-like giant building in the very center.

It is very conspicuous, full-body ash-gray, with a rough and rough primordial and a sense of power, and it is also the most magnificent existence among the giant buildings.

This is where the Frost Giant tribe leaders live.

In the great hall of the fortress, on the huge seat made of cold iron, a tall giant with a height of 18 meters and a face like a knife and axe is sitting there quietly, exuding a coldness all over his body. , dark, desperate breath.

The rough skin is so dark that you can’t see a little blue, and when the arm moves a little, clusters of strong muscles like steel bars bulge.

This is also a dark frost giant, and his strength has been out of the category of black Shadow Guard.

As a Legendary creature, in the racial records of the Frost Giants, it has a new title, the Dark Lord, which is the powerful existence of the Black Shadow Guard.

The polar ice plain was originally a mess of scattered sand.

As soon as the Dark Lord appears, he is the king of the frost giants.

The dark commander named Balton tilted his head slightly at this time, supported with his palms, his eyes were closed, and he was closing his eyes.

It is motionless, with a naked upper body, only the waist is surrounded by a layer of cold white, scaly skirt-like armor, with a faint dragon flavor.

This body is like a black Iron Pagoda, just standing still, it can also emit a breathtaking oppression force all the time.

Suddenly, Barton’s frowned, slowly opened his eyes.

Its eyes are very special, the whites of the eyes are dark, and the pupils are icy blue, giving people a weird feeling, as if they don’t have the slightest emotion, cold light.

After opening his eyes, the Dark Commander looked into the distance, his eyes narrowed, feeling a little ill at ease.

As a Legendary creature, it has a certain intuitive perception of crisis, and this feeling of feel ill at ease will not arise inexplicably.

“What trouble could I have?”

Balton’s expression remained unchanged, and he thought.

It didn’t take long for it to become the Dark Lord, just a few months.

After becoming the dark commander, Balton had a huge ambition to bring the entire Arctic Icefield into the giant’s rule, and then use the Arctic Icefield as the foundation to rebuild the giant empire step by step and restore the glory of the giants.

The first step of this plan is to unite all the frost giants.

Its execution is strong.

Almost on the second day of obtaining the Legendary power, it began to integrate the Frost Giant tribe distributed in the extreme arctic ice sheet as the dark commander. In the process, it encountered some resistance, but with the The identity of the dark commander and the strength of the Legendary are relatively easy to solve.

The original Extreme Cold tribe has also been slowly built into the city of Extreme Cold, and the tribe of frost giants has moved to the vicinity of the city of Extreme Cold.

As the City of Extreme Cold expands, it is gradually incorporated.

Everything is thriving in the city of Extreme Cold, and development is booming and thriving.

According to Balton’s idea, when the city of Extreme Cold expands to accommodate all the frost giants and servants, when the foundation is very solid, it will start to start the war of conquest.

First rule all creatures in the extreme Arctic, and then build an empire step by step, so that all creature races in Noah’s continent can once again experience the glory of giants.

Especially, those damn Dragon Clan!

Balton stroked his cheek.

On the right side of its face, there are several scars that look like claw marks, covering half of its face, and it is vaguely visible that the terrifying appearance of the rolled flesh at that time has been completely healed.

This scar was left by Barton when he was an adult, when he encountered a White Dragon when he went out alone and fought with him.

That was the most thrilling battle in its first half of its life, and half of its feet stepped into the abyss of death. It was also in that battle that it was on the verge of death awakened the Power of Darkness and became a Black Shadow Guard, kill the White Dragon.

Then, Balton continued to grow with the idea of killing all Dragon Clans in his heart.

The Power of Darkness and Power of Frost it mastered became more and more proficient, and finally entered the Legendary and became the dark commander.


Barton’s eyes were cold, but after thinking about it, he still called the head and rejected the idea.

In the extreme Arctic, there should be no dragons that would make it feel dangerous.

“Could it be that the wolves caused it?”

“With Wuzan following, they couldn’t make waves.”

Balton thought of a small tribe of frost giants that had been destroyed by winter wolves some time ago.

After learning the news, it can actually take action in person and use the thunderous method to destroy all the winter wolves, but as the giant City Lord, the dark commander, it is impossible to do everything by itself.

Before the battle begins, the giants under his command need a chance to exercise.

The large winter wolf pack is a suitable target.

In fact, Balton also had the idea of conquering the pack of winter wolves.

Winter wolves and frost giants will often reach a cooperative relationship, but there is currently no winter wolves in the city of Extreme Cold. A group of winter wolves can destroy the frost giant tribe. The clan is also outstanding, therefore, Balton moved a little.

Winter Wolf wanted to lure the small frost giants and defeat them one by one. It was so ignorant that it sent a black Shadow Guard to disguise and follow.

“No, at this time, Uzan should have dealt with the Winter Wolf.”

“But it hasn’t come back, nor has it delivered any news.”

Balton’s eyes suddenly sharpened.

Suddenly, a crystal containing the evil Spiritual Qi appeared in its hand.

The black finger exerted a little force, injecting a trace of magic power into it, and the crystal swayed suddenly, and a cloud of black mist erupted, tumbling in front of Barton.


Balton called out in a deep voice.

The black mist trembled violently a few times.

After a few seconds, there seemed to be something at the other end that heard Barton’s call, the black mist seemed to be fiddled with by an invisible hand, ripples quickly appeared, and it changed in an instant. It has a mirror-like outline.

The ripples eventually converged, revealing the sight of thick clouds thousands of meters high.

In addition, a pair of platinum golden dragon pupils, with a hint of inquiry and curiosity, reflected in Barton’s eyes, causing his face to sink, and a strong murderous intention burst out in his eyes.

The dragon horn that winds backwards and the deep visors layer upon layer all show the identity of the other party.


Balton squeezed the syllables of the giant language between his teeth, his voice was heavy and powerful, and his eyes were fixed on the silver in the black fog mirror giant dragon.




The time came a few minutes ago.

On the endless arctic ice sheet, as the Galleon and the others gradually deepened, the cold wind became more and more severe, and the snow fell from the sky was also getting bigger and bigger, covered by a piece of palm-size snowflakes. the world.

However, the violent blizzard has nothing to do with the creatures soaring and galloping in it.

silver giant dragon , Crystal Dragon , Red Dragon , high sorcerer . The blizzard is like a drizzle to them, and it can’t even stain the body.

True Dragon flies high in the air with its wide wings and winds.

On the ground, the fur of the densely packed wolves fluttered, their limbs intertwined, and the whole body was rippling with the brilliance of spells, moving at full speed in the wind and snow, following closely from behind in the shadow of dragon wings.

The high sorcerer gave the wolves a lot of speed boosting spells, plus the True Dragons slowed down some of their flight so they could keep up.

True Dragon and the Wolves have a very clear goal, the city of Extreme Cold.

High in the sky, Galleon looked flat, looking down at the polar arctic icefield wrapped in silver and white and cold wind whistling, while constructing a three-dimensional icefield map in his mind.

The map of the icefield in his mind has become more and more complete as the area he has explored has increased.

Noah’s continent is not big, just a small world in the main material plane.

After going south and learning more about the continent from some books, Galleon found that Noah’s continent was roughly the size of Earth’s one third, maybe even less than one third.

In a world of this size, it is really difficult to create too many Legendary creatures that are too strong.

Just like the entire human country, the Legendary existence on the surface today can be counted by one hand.

As with other races, Legendary creatures are limited in number.

In the past, in Galleon’s eyes, the vast Arctic ice field was almost infinite, but now it seems to be only a limited map. If he is interested in exploring the entire Arctic ice field, at his current speed, he will not be able to spend it. Too much time and energy.

“It’s almost there.”

Galleon’s eyes moved slightly, looking towards the front.

The super-distance vision penetrated the wind and snow, and saw the outline of a faint giant city standing in the wind and snow.

Such a towering city wall is basically only built by large creatures.

“There are scattered tribes around this city of frost giants.”

Galleon turned his eyes, and as far as he could see, he saw a lot of shadows of the frost giant tribes.

At the same time, Nicole Nina’s voice sounded from behind.

“hmph, these filthy and ugly giants must be uneasy and well-intentioned when they unite.”

“Let them teach them a good lesson this time, and let them know how powerful True Dragon is.”

Crystal Dragon waved its wings, and the brilliant luster of the scales was quite obvious in the wind and snow. Nicole Nina just followed behind Galleon, because she was not flying fast, only a neck behind Galleon. As a person, take the trouble to ask all sorts of questions to Galleon.

Galleon didn’t talk, just slightly nodded.

Nicole Nina has a lot to say, she found out when Galleon first saw this Crystal Dragon, even if Galleon doesn’t reply, she can keep talking about each minding their own business, If you talk to her, the situation will be even worse.

After a while, Galleon felt a sudden change when the outline of the Frost Giant City became more visible in the wind and snow.

The root is in the dimensional space he uses to store things.

Without slowing down the flight speed, Galleon silently recited incantation, then stuck out the dragon claw, moved towards the side and grabbed it.

The dragon claw seemed to have submerged into the lake, splashing ripples in the air, and after it was retracted, there was an extra crystal mixed with black mist in the dragon claw.

“Something on the dark frost giant.”

Galleon held the crystal.

This crystal was pulled from the ashes of the corpse of the dark frost giant burned to ashes when the winter wolves were clearing the battlefield within the valley. and not damaged.

The crystal was shaking constantly at this time, as if it was vibrating and calling.

A glimmer of light flashed in Critchens’ eyes, and he glanced at the crystal on the verge of collapse, and said quickly: “Although the production process is somewhat special, it is only a communication crystal, and there is no danger. Inject magic and you can use it.”

Galleon nodded lightly.

He didn’t feel any danger on this crystal, and Luna had given him a similar one, not identical, but similar.

Immediately, the magic power was mobilized and entered the communication crystal.

The elemental aura emerged at the same time, layers of black mist intertwined and rolled, emerging from the crystal, and finally turned into a mirror-like outline, showing the picture and sound at the other end.

After the message crystal was activated, a black face like the bottom of a pot appeared in Galleon’s field of vision.

Across this black face, you can see the rough and tall walls behind, and the murals in rough and savage style, which record the scenes of giants hunting and fighting.


The black face twisted slightly, and then uttered a giant language of hatred and annoyance.

Another black Shadow Guard, looks much stronger than the previous one, it may be the real leader of these frost giants, Galleon, narrowed his eyes slightly.

“What did you do to my subordinates?”

The dark frost giant’s face was gloomy, as if he had climbed up a dark cloud.

To Galleon’s surprise, this guy said this sentence in Dragon Language.

Galleon laughed, glanced at the city of giants that was less than five kilometers away, and then calmly said: “The previous owner of this crystal? It is now grey. “

The Dark Frost Giant was stunned for a moment, and there was a strong murderous intention in the eyes of the next moment.

In Frost Giant Clan, any Black Shadow Guard, a Dark Frost Giant, They are all very rare combat powers, and are excellent beings blessed by the god of frost giants. There are only three frost giants in the extreme Arctic, including the strongest himself.

All Black Shadow Guard soldiers have a certain chance to be promoted to Legendary.

Balton is now the leader with the highest status and has absolute right to speak, but it will not kill others in order to stabilize its position. The two black Shadow Guards grow up, and they have absolute confidence in themselves.

If the other black Shadow Guards become Legendary, the power of the giant will grow again, and the probability of reproducing the glory of the giant will also be greater.

But now there is only one other than it.

Immediately afterwards, the Dark Frost Giant said slowly in a low voice of murderous intention. : “Don’t be complacent, even if you rummage through the Arctic ice, I will find you, pull out your scales inch by inch, and make your life worse than death. “

“Remember my name, Balton, it will be your nightmare.” ”

Galleon blinked, continued to fly closer, and then looked at the city of giants with clear outlines.

At the current distance, the unpleasant smell of the frost giant has already spread. In the same way, the giant dragon silhouette and breath in the air entered the perception of the frost giant, and the frost giant soldiers patrolling on the tall city wall felt something wrong and smelled danger And the smell of disgust.

Meanwhile, Christians and Fred have hovered over their bodies.

“Let’s clear some obstacles for you first, my lord. “

Galleon nods, calmly said: “Let me see your abilities.” “

After receiving the response, the two high-ranking sorcerers looked down at the Giant City.

They were wrapped in elemental aura, their magic power was running at a high speed, and their thoughts were incantation.

The high-level spell that is being constructed and cast gathers a large amount of elemental energy, and the magic reaction is extremely fierce. The rays of light in the sky quickly become dazzling, and the brilliance of the spell overwhelms the wind and snow in the sky.

“Hey, what’s that? There are dragons and humans in the sky. “

The frost giant raised his head and looked at the sky, his face changed greatly.

“There are four dragons in total!” They are all super large, and there are those wolves! “

“Damn it, those winter wolves turned out to be the vassals of the giant dragon!” “

“Oops, big swings of magic, these guys are going to attack the city of Extreme Cold.” “

“Stop them, send someone to report to the leader!” “

The giant’s voice was loud, like a muffled thunder.

Balton heard the vaguely familiar giant’s language from the communication crystal and the palace at the same time, and couldn’t help but be stunned. It was stunned.

After came back to his senses, it realized that the other party had come to the door.

The threat just now seemed like a joke.

silver The insipid expression of the giant dragon is like a silent mockery.

A ferocious look appeared on the evil and cold face, the armrest of the cold iron throne was instantly deformed by the subconscious force of the palm, and the communication crystal burst at the same time.

“How dare you! “

The huge black body suddenly stood up, strode away, and left the tall and magnificent palace with a rumbling sound.

(End of this chapter)

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