Control the Dragon of Time

Chapter 181


Chapter 181 Planar Situation (Ask for a monthly ticket!)

“Allegiance to you, my lord.”

A flame gnoll about 2.4 meters tall was one-knee kneels, panting heavily, and there were rays of light in his cruel little eyes, looking up at the huge silver giant dragon on the top of the volcano. .

Galleon nodded slightly, the dragon claw clinging to the hot rock of the volcano.

Platinum Dragon’s pupils look down.

Hundreds of flaming gnolls gathered and fell to their knees like their leader.

There are also gnolls in the Noah continent.

These flaming gnolls are a variant, similar in appearance and behavior to the gnolls of Noah’s continent.

These guys have red bristles like steel needles growing from their necks to their tails, their narrow eyes revealing vicious and cruel emotions, their bodies are obviously hunched, and it seems difficult to straighten their waists, in the protruding mouth With criss-crossed teeth, drooling involuntarily, and sharp claw cold light on palms.

Gnolls are very common creatures of the dragon family.

Like kobolds, they will follow in the footsteps of True Dragon, and then offer to choose to become the dragon’s vassal.

Gnolls are not dragonborn, they don’t have some weak Dragon Vein like kobolds, but their battle strength is much stronger than kobolds, and many gnoll clans can also speak some simple Dragon Language .

Not very fluent.

But at the very least, the Dragon Language spoken by the gnoll doesn’t have the barking sound of the kobold, and it sounds more pleasing to the ear.

While the revered True Dragons came upon hearing the news, they were not the first race to come to allegiance.

The flaming gnoll is already the fourth monster clan to swear allegiance to the Galleon in the fire dwarven tribe after news of the Legendary True Dragon’s appearance was spread.

The ease with which Legendary True Dragon gathers his kin is easier than Galleon thinks.

Many biological groups immediately chose to take the oath to acknowledge allegiance after they arrived at the fire dwarf tribe to confirm the information and witnessed Galleon’s true form.

This is due to the inherent strong deterrent power of dragons, and the fact that the flesh-and-blood life of the lava demiplane really wants a strong backer.

“The great True Dragon accepts your allegiance.”

“Now, I give you my first task.”

“Stand up, and then Backtrack, back to your tribe, and announce my arrival to the other races along the way.”

The voice of the silver giant dragon said solemnly.

hearing this, the flaming gnoll leader bared his fangs, and red’s hair was blown by the wind, as if a flame was burning.

“Guaranteed to complete the mission, the flaming gnolls will not let you down.”

Then, groups of flaming gnolls left the foot of the volcano, turning back along the way, passing some tribal clans When, like the fire dwarves, the news of Galleon’s arrival was spread.

It’s not just these flaming gnolls.

And the monster clan who had previously chosen allegiance to Galleon were ordered to do so.

In this way, after only a few days of fermentation, a Legendary giant dragon of the main material world crossed the plane, and the news of coming to this lava world spread like wildfire and spread to almost all of flesh-and-blood creatures.

Under the fiery red sky curtain, time passed calmly and normally.

More and more intelligent creatures came to the volcano near the fire dwarf tribe. After witnessing the appearance of the Legendary giant dragon, the speed of light chose allegiance to acknowledge allegiance, which made the fire dwarves fast and efficient. It’s incredible.

In the past, it was not that there were no powerful creatures or groups who wanted to unify the flesh-and-blood beings who were scattered in the sand, so as to gain higher power and voice, and then find a way out in the oppression of the elemental giants.

But without exception.

Both failed.

Because they don’t have the strength of Legendary level, they don’t have the prestige spread across many planes like giant dragon.

True Dragon naturally has a kind of majesty and imposing manner that belongs to the ruler, it is easy to convince other creatures.

A newly grown dragon can get active allegiance from many creatures, not to mention that the Galleon is still a True Dragon at the Legendary level, and there are even two adult dragon heads as followers.

It’s less than half a month.

More than half of the flesh-and-blood life clans living in this scorched land have chosen to swear allegiance to the Galleon and become the dependent clan of the Legendary giant dragon.

The fire dwarves, who are proficient in forging and smelting, used the power of the entire clan to build a temporary dragon nest for Galleon in just ten days.

This dragon’s nest is perched on a steep volcanic wall and is quite majestic.

The lava stream that meanders from the volcanic crater surrounds the dragon’s nest, billowing with fire and smoke.

Around the dragon’s nest belonging to Galleon, there are two smaller and more crude Red Dragon dragon’s nests, distributed on both sides, guarding Galleon’s main dragon’s nest like a side hall.

These two dragon nests belong to Rowell and Gresha.

Although the two of them are companions, for dragons, even if they are companions, they will not live in the same space. Both parties need an independent dragon nest to live in and place their own treasures at the same time. , the other side of the province coveted.

A dragon’s nest can’t hold two adult dragons, not even one male and one female.

In the largest dragon’s nest, Galleon soaked in the lava pool drawn from the volcano, the dragon’s wings spread out, and he evenly felt the flow and caress of the lava.

He is no longer involved in the matter of restraining his relatives.

Because it was too simple, the convergence of family members became a procedural assembly line. The other party saw Galleon, was amazed, and then swore allegiance. There were no ups and downs in the middle. But after a lot of times, he got a little bored.

This matter was handed over to two Red Dragons.

Rowell and Gresha both enjoyed the flattery and praise from weak creatures, and happily accepted the task of restraining their relatives.

These creatures who live in the world of fire and scorched earth are essentially suitable for being the servants of the Red Dragon, and the power of the flaming Red Dragon also has a strong attraction to the creatures of the Fire Attribute, just look at it. At the first sight of Red Dragon, many clans chose to acknowledge allegiance after feeling the scorching hot breath on the other side.

In addition, although the object of direct allegiance is Red Dragon, they all know that the giant silver True Dragon is the real master here.

The mighty Red Dragon is just one of his followers.

The violence that Galleon envisioned has no chance at all today.

The biological clans here are really too interesting, at least not one of them has chosen to resist and reject the rule of True Dragon.

If it’s been this easy, Galleon is happy to see it.

But he understands that in the end he will have to speak with martial power.

The true masters of the lava demiplane are the fire and earth djinn, not the clans of creatures who choose to serve him.

The powerful elemental giants are naturally impossible. As soon as they hear the news of the Legendary giant dragon, they will eagerly come to allegiance. Stabilizers disappear from the world they hold.

Also, Galleon has some notable news from the Firedwarves.

The territories of the fire giant and the earth giant are entirely different, dividing this half-plane of nearly 100 million square kilometers into two parts.

The areas in the east and south are very dense with Fire Elements, and dazzling flames will ignite from time to time in the air. Lava is everywhere, and the flames are raging. It belongs to the territory of the Fire Giants, and a large number of Fire Elements live in it. , and a towering giant city under the rule of the fire giant, built with a material called Yangangshi.

It’s called the City of Fire Steel.

In the western and northern areas, the density of Fire Elements is much weaker. The rugged rocky hills and mountains rise and fall one after another, and the air is filled with rustling stone powder, and Earth Element life is dotted in it.

Here, there are countless towering stone walls forming a vast and deep stone city labyrinth, into which living creatures cannot fly, and only a few lucky ones can get out of it.

The Earth Djinn lives in the Stone City Labyrinth.

The area where Galleon is currently located is located in the middle of the territory of the fire giant and the earth giant.

Fire Element energy and Earth Element energy are relatively balanced here, and non-element life can barely survive here.

Between the powerful elemental djinn, whenever friction and war break out, the flesh and blood creatures of the lava demiplane are always the first to bear the brunt, struggling on in the aftermath of the elemental djinn’s war. whilst at death’s door.

It has survived until now, purely because the elemental giants did not put flesh and blood in their eyes.

Occasionally scorching some flesh and crushing some skeletons is a pleasant relaxation for them.

“In the beginning, it shouldn’t be so clear about the distribution of elemental energy here.”

Galleon thought to himself.

When Fire Element life gathers, it will attract the convergence of Fire Element energy. For better survival, either active or passive, gradually create an environment where Fire Element energy is extremely dense, and Earth Element life is the same.

When the elemental energy is dense, it will attract or directly give birth to more elemental life.

In this way, it becomes a kind of cycle.

Over time, the lava demiplane evolved into what it is today.

“The djinn on both sides would like to destroy each other, and make this place a pure elemental plane with only one element.”

“If successful, this place will be equivalent to . a small Fire Element plane or a small Earth Element plane.”

Dragon Wing rolled up a handful of lava and poured it directly down his head.


The fiery lava slowly slid down the silver dragon scales, emitting hot white smoke one after another.

“For elemental life, the purity of elemental energy is related to the survival of their own race.”

“The war between the fire giant and the earth giant is inevitable. .”

If you want to master the lava demi-plane, you can start from the contradiction between Fire Element and Earth Element, through the irresolvable contradiction between the two sides, provoke a large-scale battle, watch from the sidelines, and finally wait for both sides When you have a great injury, sit back and become the fisherman who sweeps the benefits.

However, the above is a lack of strength and needs to be done steadily.

If Galleon had come to the Lava Demiplane before this slumber, he would probably have done so.

But now

no longer needed.

Because there aren’t many Legendary creatures on the lava demiplane.

On the surface, there are only Yangang City Lord and Stone City Lord.

The rank among the elemental giants is arranged according to their own strength, through the pyramid-like form from top to bottom, the strong Sovereign the weak.

The Yangang City Lord and the Stone City Lord are the two most powerful elemental giants, both of which are Legendary-level existences.

As for whether these elemental beings still have secret Legendary powers, or whether there are other non-elemental beings with Legendary hidden in this half-plane, the fire dwarves don’t know, and the rest of the clans don’t know either.

(End of this chapter)

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