Control the Dragon of Time

Chapter 189


Chapter 189 Stone and Fire (Ask for a monthly ticket!)

For what just happened in the wasteland of bones, being in the lava demiplane Galleon currently knows nothing about it.

He was looking at the sky curiously.

In Galleon’s field of vision, there are rolling stones falling from the sky.

The extremely rich Earth Element environment caused a light rain of stones to form here.

Countless stones, large and small, fell from the lead-like cloud layer, and after being accelerated by gravity, they hit the ground heavily, forming a large number of dong dong dongs. Dips and cracks.

Some stones hit the scales of the True Dragons soaring in the sky.

The stone collided with the iron-hard dragon scales, and at the moment of the impact, there was no accidental explosion into finer pieces of stone, which were difficult to fit on the True Dragon’s scales. Leaving a trace on it.

The Fire Element army that has just crossed the scorching flame mountain range and has already submerged into the territory of the earth giants is also suffering from the baptism of this stone rain.

Stones of different sizes and shapes fell and hit the Fire Element beings one by one.

Then passed through their bodies, and fell to the ground in a hot red.

The flames that make up their bodies flicker and fluctuate a few times, but no other obvious effects are seen.

Some of the stones that passed through the Yangang City Lord were melted in its body before it hit the ground.

Because of the existence of this stone rain, the sound of ping ping pong pong can be heard endlessly.

Ordinary flesh-and-blood beings would definitely be smashed and screamed if they couldn’t find any shelter here.

“This kind of environment is indeed not suitable for the survival of the flesh-and-blood clan.”

Galleon retracted his gaze.

When the stone fell on the silver giant dragon, it was bounced off by an invisible force field attached to the dragon scale before it touched the silver dragon scale that was gradually sinking.

This is a simple three-ring protection system spell, a deflection field.

With Galleon’s spirit strength and magic level, the effect of the three-ring spell he casts is much stronger than the three-ring spell cast by ordinary sorcerers.

Stones hit him directly, neither Red Dragon nor Hanlin Snake Dragon are afraid, and naturally it will not have any effect on Galleon.

But he didn’t want to be covered in stone powder.

In addition to the stone rain in the sky, the air here is filled with thick stone dust, hazy, like an ash-gray thick fog, shrouding the entire territory of the earth giants inside.

Through the dense fog of stone powder, you can see the shadowy towering stone forest and boulder walls around.

Compared with the raging flames of the fire djinn’s territory, the earth djinn’s territory is characterized by rugged rocks that cannot be seen at a glance.

Over time, waves of fire poured into the gray-brown land.

“The earth giant will let the Fire Element army advance without any resistance?”

Galleon wondered in his heart.

Earth Element life here It shouldn’t be too afraid of Fire Element.

The strength of the two sides is similar, and they are in a stalemate where no one can do anything about the other.

And the current situation is that the Fire Elements have abandoned the most favorable environment for themselves and stepped into the territory of the earth giants, which is on the life side of the Earth Element.

Galleon can clearly see that the flames of many Fire Element beings have become weaker after crossing the scorching mountain range. Even the City Lord of Yangang is no exception. Strength, to a large extent, is related to the concentration of the corresponding element energy.

In the territory of the earth giants, the Fire Element energy still exists, and it still accounts for a lot more than the main material world, and the air temperature is not low.

The so-called rarity is in comparison.

Compared with Earth Element energy, the Fire Element energy that exists here is only about 1/4/2022.

There were no accidents along the way.

No traps, no raids, a silhouette of Earth Element life is hard to see.

The raging flames pushed forward for dozens of kilometers.

At this point, the incomparably tall, orderly and intricate stone walls have come into Galleon’s field of vision. This does not mean that the Stone City Labyrinth is in sight. saw there.

In fact, there is still some distance.

But as long as you can see it, it’s really not far away.

Legendary exists on both sides, such a distance can’t block Legendary’s field of vision.

“You have contracted your power to the Stone City Labyrinth, do you want to rely on the vastness and complexity of the labyrinth to deal with it?”

Yangang City Lord narrowed his eyes.

The Stone City Labyrinth is no better than the City of Fire and Steel. It is not a city, but a complex field composed of countless tall stone walls. It occupies a huge area and is very vast. Remember the route in and out of the various places in the Stone City Labyrinth.

In times of war.

The surrounding stone city labyrinth is the best line of defense.

There are not all Fire Elements who can fly, but the number is pitifully small compared to all Fire Elements. Ninety-nine percent of Fire Element soldiers can only enter the Stone City Labyrinth from the ground. .

At the same time, the sky suddenly became much darker.

An invisible force condensed in the sky, attracting the surrounding Earth Element energy.

Galleon’s eyes moved slightly, and he raised his head.

The stone rain continued, one after another, the pebbles rustled and fell from the sky. Originally, there was no harm to the Fire Element army.

However, at this time, those stones that were originally the largest but fist sized seemed to be manipulated during the descending process, and began to actively absorb the surrounding stones and adhered to the Earth Element energy. down into one.

In the blink of an eye, giant stones ranging from one meter to more than ten meters in diameter appeared above the Fire Element army.

In the whistling wind, many boulders came down like meteors with oppression force from top to bottom.

“The Earth Giant Spirit is not to be trifled with.”

Although such an attack is sudden, whether it is Galleon or Yangang City Lord, There were not many ups and downs in expression.

The Earth Djinn definitely can’t stand still.

The attack is just a matter of time and time, and I have already been mentally prepared for this scene.

At the same time, the ferocious boulder fell to the ground in an imposing manner, and the strong kinetic energy carried by the stone body released and bloomed at the moment of contact with the ground, turning into a shock that shook the earth and destroyed the surface destructive. amount of power.

Boom boom boom.

Like a pebble thrown into the ocean of red.

The rippling water splashes are all fire.

The countless Fire Element lives were either hit directly by the boulder, or shattered by the powerful impact of the boulder falling to the ground.

Fire Wolf, Fire Lion, Fire Dog exploded.

The life of the Fire Element that was hit directly, the body collapsed into flames, ups and downs in the air, and what was affected by the aftermath was like being blown by the strong wind, the flames on the body rattled, Twisted non-stop.

A boulder about ten meters in diameter rolled violently and fell towards Galleon.

But before Galleon shot, there was a dark green silhouette in the sky in a flash.

The cold forest snake dragon swung its dragon tail, and its unreasonable fleshly body strength directly shattered it.

This kind of wide-ranging blow generally has little effect on the individual powerful creatures. The Red Dragon and the Cold Forest Snake Dragon hovered in the air, smashing boulders and dispelling them. The rubble was removed, and the area above the Galleon was cleared by them.

The Yangang City Lord next to him raised his head.

Because it is relatively close to the Galleon, it also doesn’t need to care about those boulders.

After a brief glance, the Yangang City Lord withdrew his gaze and said in a low voice, “Is that the only subordinates you brought?”

Two Reds Dragon, a cold forest snake dragon, two high-ranked sorcerers, plus the Galleon itself, is all the non-elemental life here.

Galleon nodded lightly, calmly said: “They are all my loyal followers, they have sworn allegiance to me, although there are not many, but they are not weak, they can stand alone, You can trust them.”

In fact, there was also Balton.

Balton is a half undying creature. After restraining aura, it is no different from a dead creature, so it is difficult to detect. Moreover, the body is hidden in a quite hidden place, and the City Lord of Yansteel cannot detect it.

“Of course, as I trust you, my friend.”

The City Lord of Yangang is fond of the word friend.

As to whether this is the true idea in its heart, it is not certain.

“Some little tricks of the earth giants can’t stop our Fire Element’s progress.”

“The momentum is huge, but some are just momentum.”

Yangang City Lord looked around and said calmly.

This physical attack, with countless boulders falling from the sky, is a catastrophic blow to the overwhelming majority of creatures.

But Fire Element life, happens to be that small part.

They are immune to a high degree of physical damage.

No, when a rain of boulders fell and the second wave had not yet started, on the devastated and broken ground, the flames that were blown apart seemed to be attracted by an invisible force. Pull together.

Soon, 90% of the Fire Element’s life, which was shattered under the boulder, rebuilt its body.

Except that the flames on his body became lighter, and the flames rolling on the body surface were a little weaker, there was no other effect.

In addition, these reappearing Fire Elements are still rapidly absorbing the Fire Element energy in the air and replenishing their weakened bodies.

The rain of boulders rippled across the sea of flames.

But when the ripples subsided, the flames were still raging.

The Fire Elements who really died in this raid had very few lives, and they were all low-level unlucky ones. They were hit continuously, and the element shapes were destroyed many times in a short period of time, which led to real destruction.

Unlike Flesh Life, which has many weaknesses, Elemental Life is difficult to kill outright.

There are no obvious weaknesses in them, such as the heart or the head.

“Although the battle with the earth giants is still in a stalemate as a whole, we have the upper hand until now.”

Yangang City Lord said lightly.

“But if you want to destroy them completely, without your help, it is difficult to do.”

“My friend, your presence is a gift from God to the fire giants. .”

After glancing at the silver giant dragon with a normal expression, Yangang City Lord added another sentence with a gentle and friendly attitude.

Galleon nods and returns a few words casually.

Against the falling boulders, although the Fire Element army was blocked to a certain extent, it still moved towards the Stone City Labyrinth in a stable and orderly manner, and the weakening was quite limited.

Not long after, a high wall appeared in front of him.

The magnificent wall at least thirty meters high reminds Galleon of the Extreme Cold city of the frost giants, and their city wall height is also so magnificent.

But the high wall here, not the limited Four Directions City wall.

They are very numerous, standing silently on the gray-brown land, and overlapping layers, winding, leaving only a very narrow passage between each other, forming a structure that is difficult to see at a high altitude. A deep labyrinth.

Here, the Fire Element army paused for a moment.

An incomparable flame ignited on Yangang City Lord’s body, and the already tall body gradually began to swell.

Gradually, a 100-meter-high raging fire appeared here, reflecting the surrounding crimson.

The heat rises and the air twists.

Like the Flame Steel City Lord incarnated by a flame storm, he looked straight ahead, lowered his head and lowered his eyes, and the thunderous fire language rang out from his mouth.

“My people, my brave warriors, the city of the Earth Element is ahead, with your fire, with your rage, destroy them! Overwhelm them!”

“All the glory goes to Fire Element!”

After a moment of silence, in the next moment, the sound of hu hu si si resounding like the wind blowing flames, merged into a turbulent sound.

“Fire Element, you must win!”

The sea of flames suddenly surged a little.

Listening to the special tone of the Fire language, Galleon could roughly understand what they meant by responding, which was in response to the words of the Yansteel City Lord, such as the city of Yansteel must win.

During this time, Galleon consulted the Yangang City Lord for some Fire language.

With his excellent language innate talent, he can understand part of it.

However, it is difficult to say it. The special intonation pronunciation is formed by the regular distortion and fluctuation of the flame, and it is not easy to imitate the pronunciation structure of flesh and blood.


Yangang City Lord gave an order.

The fire giants distributed in various nodes of the Fire Element army responded at the same time, and further ordered the rest of the Fire Element life to issue an order for the general attack.

Suddenly, the fire sea, which had just stopped, started to move again, and it also carried a more turbulent and surging imposing manner than before.

Crimson flames poured into the Stone City Labyrinth.

Faced with this kind of maze, Fire Element’s cracking method is very simple and violent.

With Fire Element Elder as the center, continuously high-temperature flames emanate from them, directly melting high walls and turning them into lava-like textures, the original empty stone city labyrinth with Fire Element The influx of the army ignited clusters of fire in the blink of an eye.

Wherever the Fire Element army passed, it became a fire sea.

“These stone walls that make up the labyrinth are just ordinary stones, unable to withstand the fire of the Fire Element’s life.”

Galleon’s eyes flashed.

The body of the silver giant dragon is intertwined with firelight, reflecting flames, shaking the dragon’s wings in the next instant, and flying to the sky in a flash, overlooking the battlefield below.

The Yangang City Lord has shrunk back to a height of twenty meters.

It glanced at the silver giant dragon high in the sky.

Immediately after, the flames rose from the lower body of the Yansteel City Lord, and quickly turned into a tornado-like flame, wrapping all of its body in it.

The tornado flames soared into the sky, roared, and followed the silver giant dragon to the sky.


The flames dissipated, and the Yansteel City Lord who also appeared high in the sky looked at each other with the silver giant dragon, with blazing flames on their bodies.

“Let the warriors and your subordinates of the City of Fire Steel play freely.”

“We will save our strength first, and then we will deal with it when the Lord of the Stone City Labyrinth can’t hold back any longer. .”

Yangang City Lord looked at Galleon and said.

It’s clear that it doesn’t trust Galleon as much as it says it does.

In response, Galleon just smiled indifferently, and said calmly, “We wait and see.”

He didn’t pay attention to the Yangang City Lord not far away, his eyes looked down and swept away. past the battlefield.

Looking down from the sky, the vision becomes wide and clear, and those high wall mazes cannot block such a vision.

Galleon clearly saw that the stone city labyrinth was opened, and the Fire Element army poured in like a flowing water, and quickly expanded the gap, turning the areas into Raging Flames Fire Sea.

In the sky there are still boulders falling from time to time, but the effect is not great.

In addition, although the field of vision became clearer, I still couldn’t see the shadow of an Earth Element life.

This huge stone city labyrinth seems to be just an empty city, empty, and there is no Earth Element life.

But that’s just an appearance.

Galleon’s eyes gleam with light.

In the underground of the Stone City Labyrinth, countless Earth Element auras gathered together and were surging violently.

“hmph, these soil mice that like to burrow, were burned to ashes by a fire, and fuse with the earth is their destination.”

Yangang City Lord’s face Showing disgust, he was very disdainful of the Earth Element army underground, and looked down on the other’s racial habits.

Different element habits and characters are completely different.

It is difficult for them to get along with each other, and there is an irreconcilable survival contradiction, and they naturally regard each other as life and death enemies.

The words of Yangang City Lord just fell, and almost at the same moment, the earth suddenly began to tremble violently, as if there was a terrifying ominous beast rolling down below, the earth undulating like the sea, The earth and rocks rolled, the ground cracked, and the rumbling sound was endless.


A rough giant hand made of rock protruded from the ground, grabbed a Fire Wolf with its backhand, and slammed it.

Chi. A plume of black smoke burst out from between my fingers.

The Fire Wolf was completely crushed, and the elemental form couldn’t be reunited.

At this point, the Earth Element beings have officially started to fight back.

Stone tigers, stone lions, and stone statues, Earth Elements composed of different materials such as mud, rock, marble, granite, etc., rose from the ground, and under the leadership of the earth giants, they suddenly scattered the Fire A wave of Element armies.

It is different from Fire Element life, which is formed by flames.

Earth Element beings are extremely heavy entities, taller and burlier than Fire Element beings.

Their every move can drive the surrounding earth and rocks, crushing them with heavy attacks, shattering the lives of many Fire Elements.

However, under the scorching flames, the Earth Element’s body could not be resisted all the time. It gradually melted from the outside to the inside, and the body was covered with burnt lava traces, all over the high temperature.

Earth and fire are intertwined in this brief moment.

At every moment, flames are scattered, rocks are melted, and the battlefield situation is gradually heating up.

Second Rank Self-discipline 1

Give me a monthly pass… It’s hard to be a day, and self-discipline is hard too.

(End of this chapter)

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