Control the Dragon of Time

Chapter 202


Chapter 202: White Dragon Mother and Crystal Dragon (Monthly Pass)

Arctic Icefield, Ice Cliff Territory.

White Dragon Holmes and White Dragon Grace are peacefully staying in the dragon’s nest, resting with slightly closed eyes, breathing regularly and orderly, as if they are in a state of falling asleep, not making an all -out effort guarding the dragon’s lair.

However, for dragons, as long as they are not in the crucial growth sleep, they are actually still in a strange half-sleep and half-awake state during ordinary naps.

Always be wary of your surroundings.

Once there is any disturbance, they will wake up instantly and respond quickly.

Just like now.

The two White Dragons in different dragon nests close to each other suddenly opened their eyes, revealing sharp and cold gazes.

At the same time, they felt a great concentration of magic power, just above the Ice Cliff Territory.

“Dare to invade the Eternal Dragon’s territory!”

Accompanied by a low roar, the two White Dragons waved their wings, whipped up a gust of wind, and left the dragon’s nest in an instant. Then it appeared under a sky filled with blizzards and howling winds.

A huge Transmission Gate looms in the air.

Through the mad blizzard, one could vaguely see a flaming crimson, and there was a scorching hot breath that made the White Dragons uncomfortable.

At the same time, two human silhouettes wrapped in elemental aura crossed the Transmission Gate and appeared in the sky in the extreme arctic icefield.

The White Dragons opened their mouths and brewed their breaths at each other.

But they didn’t spit out the Dragon Breath. After seeing the other party’s appearance, they startled slightly, and then the vigilance on their faces faded at the same time, and the breath energy in their mouths was swallowed back.

Things that can be teleported using planes are at least high-level ones.

They were a little nervous at first, because the prime-age White Dragon was actually a high-ranking rank. When encountering some powerful high-ranking sorcerers, there is a high probability that they would not be able to beat the opponent.

So after seeing it turned out to be Christians and Fred, they sighed in relief.

They recognize the two human sorcerers following the Galleon.

Immediately, under the gaze of the two White Dragons, several silhouettes passed through the Transmission Gate one after another and arrived at the Arctic Icefield.

When the silver giant dragon that exudes Legendary Dragon’s Might appears, the Transmission Gate closes at the same time.

Galleon frowned slightly as he felt the depletion of the magic in his body.

The spell of plane teleportation is really not something that can be used at will.

In just a few breaths, he consumed 60% of his magic power. If it wasn’t for his spiritual strength reaching the Legendary level, he would have consumed a lot of energy to the point of exhaustion.

“If you use the gem teleportation technique and use magic gems as a substitute, the consumption of magic power will be much less.”

Galleon thought to himself.

After learning plane teleportation, it is much easier to learn the variant of gem teleportation, which Galleon learned very easily.

He now has a large stockpile of gems, enough for him to teleport the gems until the end of time.

But with Galleon’s character, let him waste magic gems to replace the loss of magic power. It is not very necessary in special cases, he will not use it.

And under normal circumstances, using plane teleportation alone will not consume so much, because Galleon also crossed the Transmission Gate with several high-ranking and even Legendary creatures, which will let him run out. most of the magic.

“Your innate talent for spell is amazing, and the brilliance of spell is on your side.”

Christians looked at Galleon with admiration.

It took less than a month from Galleon to learn plane teleportation from him until he mastered and successfully performed it, and then learned gem teleportation within two days. Strong and outrageous.

When Critchens thought about the time he spent learning plane teleportation, he deeply felt the unevenness of this world.

This is a seven-ring spell, and because it involves the space force across the crystal wall, it is also quite complex among all seven-ring spells.

The ease with which Galleon learned plane teleportation caused Critchens to sink into self-doubt for a while, because at this rate, he would soon have no spells to hand to Galleon.

Fred had the same problem.

All the evocative spells he has mastered have been learned by Galleon, and he is now in a state of nothing to do.

They knew that the reason Galleon saved them was for their spell knowledge, so they only asked for ten years of loyalty, but now it seems that it will not take ten years at all, which is not enough. By a year, Fred was pretty much useless.

If Galleon devotes himself entirely to studying spell, it won’t take long for Christians to be emptied of spell knowledge as well.

But they are high ranking sorcerers, they have experienced a lot, and they quickly recovered from their battered mood.

At the same time, Yuna, who had been invisible when there were other creatures, was quickly covered by heavy snow, outlining the outline of the giant True Dragon.

Her invisibility isn’t perfect.

If it is a Force Dragon above the Ancient Dragon, the body can be converted between an incorporeal body and a flesh-and-blood entity, and even the gods may not be able to discover the existence of this level of Force Dragon without making a sound. .

However, Yuna’s existence was already known to others under Galleon’s explanation.

Galleon has not told others the identity of Yuna’s Force Dragon, but although she doesn’t know her true race, other people also understand that this is a powerful Legendary True Dragon based on her size. It was discovered and brought back from nowhere by the great Eternal Dragon.

Because of Galleon’s special instructions, when Yuna appeared, Critchens and the others avoided their eyes, suppressed their curiosity, and did not observe her.

This is actually protecting Christians and the others.

Because the gaze of ordinary creatures will make Yuna feel uncomfortable and have the urge to destroy the opponent immediately.

Under normal circumstances, if an ordinary creature strays into her territory, she will observe the other party secretly and will not kill at will, but if the other party finds out and notices the poor guy, she will Pray that I survive the Force Dragon’s breath.

Galleon saw Yuna’s breath.

It is a terrifying weapon that can tear, smash and destroy all substances within its range. In terms of pure destructive power, formidable power surpasses all True Dragons, which is quite terrifying.

At this time, Yuna realized that her invisibility state was invalid due to the snow, and her body, which was a circle bigger than Galleon, moved, turned in the air, and flew to Galleon with a swish. behind, trying to hide himself.


Galleon smirked.

I don’t know if all Force Dragons were like this when they were young, or if Yuna was special in this regard.

Galleon doesn’t quite understand this special psychology and doesn’t like being watched by ordinary creatures.

Without disturbing Yuna, who was hiding behind him, he looked all around, his eyes rolling.

Whether it was the dancing snow in his eyes or the whistling sound of a hurricane in his ears, it made him feel quite at ease and peaceful. This kind of living environment that is harsh in the eyes of ordinary people, in Galleon’s view, Coming here is like a familiar harbor.

At this time, Yuna disguised herself again after a brief panic.

She formed a spherical force field all over her body to isolate the wind and snow, and then she was invisible in the force field without wind and snow.

At first glance, you can see a blank ball in the snowstorm, which is quite eye-catching, but the outline of Yuna’s body has disappeared from it, and even Galleon can’t see it. Her appearance, let alone the other creatures in Legendary.

“Can you still see me?”

Yona leaned closer to Galleon, whispered.

Galleon laughed and said, “I can’t see, your Invisibility Technique is very difficult to deal with.”

After speaking, he seemed to hear Yuna’s voice sighed in relief.

Actually, although Galleon has seen Yuna’s appearance, he doesn’t know the specific color of Yuna’s scales until now, because wherever she goes, the dragon scales on her body will show the same color as the surrounding environment. The same color, changing all the time.

Because the color of dragon scales is also very important in the aesthetics of dragons, Yuna also has a special beauty of Myriad Transformations.

“Welcome back, noble Eternal Dragon.”

“While you’re gone, everything is safe here.”

Two White Dragons The guard lowered his head and said.

Galleon looked at them and nodded lightly: “Very good, let’s go back.”

At the same time, a tiger roaring through clouds and cracking rocks came from below, piercing the clamor. wind sound.

Galleon looked down and saw the fierce Frost Tiger with excitement on his face.

Behind it, there were two bear cubs who had gained a lot of weight. At this time, they were holding the hind legs of the fierce frost tiger and were led by it to run. Their soft white fur was blowing in the wind. dance.

“en? These two violent bear cubs are not afraid of the dire frost tiger.”

I don’t know what happened, making the relationship between the violent bear cub and the dire frost tiger. It has eased, and now it looks quite close.

“Sir, I’m going to the crystal mine to find the wolf cubs to play with.”

Hanlin Snake Dragon said gruffly.


After receiving Galleon’s response, the Cold Forest Snake Dragon snaked its body and flew towards Snow Mountain.

Immediately, Galleon converged the dragon claw, and the body began to land under the action of gravity. When approaching the ground, he waved his wings gently and landed firmly on the ground. The small half of the dragon claw was buried in the thick layer. In the thick snow, the silver dragon scales and the snow-white earth almost fuse together.

A few paw prints appeared beside her, and Yuna, who was invisible, also fell.

And Critchens and Fred went to the house they had prepared in the Glacier Tribe.

At this time, the Ice Tribe, a group of Extreme North Ice Spirits, led by Roy Glacier, paid tribute to Galleon and welcomed the return of the Eternal Dragon.

Galleon glanced briefly.

Although it has experienced a war loss, the total number of the Extreme North Ice Spirit that has been divided and multiplied is still a little more than when he was initially accepted as his family, and the tribe is gradually growing.

At the same time, a white shadow rushed over with a whistling wind and landed precisely and silently in front of Galleon, raising his furry head.

The ferocious Frost Tiger stretched out his head and looked at Galleon’s dragon claw to get closer, and when Galleon gently stroked it, he narrowed his eyes with satisfaction and made a slight purr, this big cat. This is what happens when you feel comfortable.

“Is this your territory too?”

Yuna said beside her.

The sudden sound aroused the vigilance of the fierce Frost Tiger, its ears moved and looked suspiciously towards Yuna’s direction.

Able to hear sounds, but see nothing, not even smell, this strange situation confounds the Dire Frost Tiger.

As a ferocious species, its instinctive perception has always been very sharp, but it is not easy to use in front of Yuna.

“Yes, I was born here and spent my weakest period in this snowfield.”

Galleon responded with a reassurance to the Dire Frost Tiger.

After a few careful glances, the fierce Frost Tiger couldn’t find Yuna’s true body. Although it didn’t feel right, because Galleon was here, he simply ignored it and narrowed again. Eye.

While talking to Yuna, Galleon turned his eyes and looked towards the position of his original dragon nest.

Thousand zhang high majestic ice cliffs.

Galleon slightly startled as he glanced through the wind and snow and looked past.

Because the natural ice cliff he was familiar with in the past has changed a lot.

A large area at the top has been built into a fortress standing in the wind and snow.

It has an oval dome, surrounded by several circles of heavy and undulating city walls, the fortress is full of ferocious thorns all around, there are Dragon Vein ogre walking on the edge city wall, those from Extreme Cold The dragon-hunting crossbow from the city is also on it, and the dragon-hunting crossbow arrows are flashing with cold light.

“Fortress built by Nicole Nina”

“It looks good.”

Galleon nodded slightly.

He didn’t stay on the Lava Demiplane for a long time, about two months before and after.

In the past two months, Nicole Nina, who is proficient in construction, with the assistance of his family, has initially built the fortress. It does not seem to be the final product, but it can live in it. went in.

“Is that fort yours too?”

Yuna followed Galleon’s gaze, looked over, and asked curiously.

Galleon nods, then says, “Sure, would you like to come and see?”

In fact, if the Wolfheart clan still maintains a strong desire to conquer, the entire Arctic Icefield may now be his.

After all, the Arctic Icefield is not very big, and the most threatening frost giant city has been eradicated before Galleon left.

After eating a lot of Frost Giant’s flesh and blood, the winter wolves of the Wolfheart clan have grown taller like the second growth, plus the Dragon Vein given by Galleon, they are bigger than the same kind of winter wolves. Nearly three times, the biological level is no lower than that of the ordinary young White Dragon, and there are more.

A winter wolf clan like this, even without the help of the cold forest snake dragon, there are not many existences that can resist their pace in the extreme Arctic.

even more how, True Dragon, who is active in the polar ice sheet, either has a good relationship with Galleon, or becomes his dragon’s nest guard.

In two months, with the speed and efficiency of the Winter Wolf, Galleon felt that the name of the Eternal Dragon should have been known to every tribe of intelligent creatures on the polar ice sheet.

“When I was on the Air Elemental Plane, mother had a floating fortress that could be built with force, but only the two of us lived there, surrounded by a wall of energy, and other creatures couldn’t get close.”

Yuna recalled.

Immediately afterwards, Galleon put the dragon claw down from the head of the fierce frost tiger, and with a flap of the dragon’s wings, it flew low at a low altitude, and then flew to the ice cliff fortress. The invisible Force Dragon followed closely from behind .

A moment later, the silver giant dragon landed on the top of the wall, and the surrounding Dragon Vein ogre fell to their knees at the same time.

Uga Bonebreaker is among them.

The fort normally needs to be guarded, part of the ogre of the Bonebreaker Tribe came here at the request of Nicole Nina as a soldier of the fort, the tall and sturdy Dragon Vein ogre looks like a small size The Frost Giant.

“Master, you are back.”

“Great Eternal Dragon, your most loyal kin salutes you.”

Uga Bonebreaker voice excited , loudly shouted in Giant language.

Galleon looked down towards the Dragon Vein ogre, who was nearly four meters tall, and said solemnly: “It seems that the task of guarding the fortress is given to you by Nicole Nina.”

“Yes, Lord Nicole Nina has ordered us to serve as guards.”

“Rest assured, your fortress will be impregnable under the guard of the Bonebreaker Tribe, and until ogre is dead, there will be no Any enemy can set foot here!”

Uga Bonebreaker solemnly replied.

Galleon nods, saying: “The Bonebreaker Tribe has never let me down, and I’m sure it will.”

Ogre’s brain isn’t very good, but overall it’s good It’s easy to use, it’s a good family.

And the current number of Bonebreaker Tribes is not the original number. The ogre tribe conquered by the Wolfheart clan merged into the Bonebreaker Tribe. Now most of the ogre names in the Arctic are replaced with the suffix of broken bones. .

“Thank you for your trust!”

Uga Bonebreaker said, looking up at the majestic silver giant dragon.

At the same time, Galleon looked left and right, and then asked with a hint of doubt: “Where is Nicole Nina? Did she just leave after building this place?”

After hearing Galleon’s question, Uga Bonebreaker scratched his head and said with some distress: “Master, Lady Nicole Nina has been in trouble recently.”


Galleon narrows his eyes slightly.


What kind of trouble can she encounter in the extreme Arctic now.

Uga’s bones did not stop, and continued: “That’s it, when you were not here, Lord Salia came over, and after seeing Lord Nicole Nina, he hit him without a word. Get up.”

“The two Lord True Dragons have had a lot of fights.”

“Just a day ago, Lord Salia came again, with Nicole Nina The adults are fighting and flying, and now I don’t know where they hit.”

“According to the previous situation, it is estimated that after half a day, Nicole Nina will return.”

Three turns of self-discipline 6, it’s almost a week! ! !

Is there any monthly ticket to encourage me! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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