Control the Dragon of Time

Chapter 21

Chapter 21 Ambush

Galleon was flying at high altitude with an ogre in his hands. Even with his physical strength, he could not help but feel a little tired after a long time.

As for the cold wind at high altitude, it doesn’t have much effect on Uga Bonebreaker. The ogre living in the extreme arctic plains only wears simple rough animal skins and has already evolved a high resistance to cold.

But it still trembled and didn’t dare to look down.

Appears to be afraid of heights.

As long as the non-flying creatures are caught and carried to the altitude of thousands of meters, the wind is howling in their ears, and their lives are all in the other’s thought, there will be no fear at all.

As long as Galleon slips one hand and drops the ogre, it’s bound to be smashed into a rotten, indistinguishable gravy.

Bringing some flightless and difficult prey to high altitude and then throwing them to death is one of the usual methods of dragons. Also heavier creatures.

If you don’t want to conquer the ogre tribe, Galleon doesn’t need to fight recklessly, just relying on the ability to fly, throwing something in the sky from time to time, you can make it suffer.

After some time, Galleon brought the Uga Bonebreaker to the ice of the frozen lake.

Ogre’s legs were weak, and he walked a few steps tremblingly, only to feel that his brain was still in a blank state, dizzy, as if he hadn’t come down from the sky.

It took a few minutes before it slowly returned to normal.

Galleon had a satisfied look on his face when he saw that the ice was thick enough to support ogre’s weight. This made this place more suitable as an ambush location, at least he could successfully trick him into coming over.

After watching Uga Bonebreaker regain his consciousness, Galleon pointed to the ice layer under his feet and said, “Bring the two-headed ogre here, and your mission is complete.”

As for how to deal with double-headed ogre, Galleon did not say.

Uga stared at the vast expanse of ice, nodded, said: “I know here, at my speed, it will take four hours to and from the Bonebreaker Tribe.”

paused, it looked at Galleon and said, “Lord True Dragon, are you going to deal with the Sera leader now? Then I’ll go?”

The voice was full of impatient, Uga Bonebreaker It’s crazy to want to replace the two-headed ogre as the leader.

Galleon’s eyes were calm, and he couldn’t see any changes in his mood. He just tapped the dragon’s head and said, “Stop talking nonsense, and leave as soon as possible.”

After finishing speaking, Galleon thought about it. The two weapons that the two-headed ogre was carrying when he came out of the house, and added: “When you bring it, try to make it without weapons.”

He has always been very powerful in execution. Qiang, since he has decided to kill the double-headed ogre who is a threat to him, after finalizing the plan, he intends to implement it immediately. After all, the longer the time passes, the easier it is to add unexpected variables.

Uga Bonebreaker nodded excitedly and said: “Yes, the great True Dragon!”

“Uga will not let you down!”

Galleon waved the dragon claw, indicating that Uga Bonebreaker can start moving, but Uga Bonebreaker no longer hesitated, turned and left quickly, and the silhouette gradually disappeared into the darkness.


The sturdy dragon stomped heavily on the ice, and cracks stretched out like cobwebs, and then the ice shattered along the cracks, revealing the quiet lake below.

Galleon took a deep breath, then moved his body, pulled off the ice floes, and submerged under the lake.

The ice-cold lake water, which can freeze a person to death in a few seconds, has no negative effect on Galleon, but makes him feel comfortable and cool, and his mind is shocked.


The frost Dragon Breath erupts, re-sealing the ice, and Galleon’s silhouette disappears into the lake water beneath the ice.

The loneliness returned to the top of the ice.

The color of White Dragon’s scales is similar to that of ice and snow. When moving under the ice, it will not cause a slight fluctuation of light and shadow. White Dragon is the most terrifying and powerful hunter.

Not many targeted prey survive the ambush of the White Dragon, even more how is the Galleon with the power of Time Dragon.

The double-headed ogre is no exception.

Somewhere under the ice, Galleon waited patiently.

If a creature steps on the ice, even if he can’t see the opponent, he can instantly determine the opponent’s position, number, and approximate weight through a slight vibration.

Under the protection of the White Dragon Mother, more than a year of hunting time was not in vain. As a qualified White Dragon hunter, Galleon has already learned these abilities.

Uga Bonebreaker left the Ice Lake range and moved towards the depression basin where the Bonebreaker Tribe was located in memory.

On the way, it killed a sturdy white-haired tiger and used it as a prey to complete its adult ceremony. It’s not the little bit that is worse than the prey, but Uga Bonebreaker doesn’t care so much anymore.

It excitedly carried its prey and strode back to the Bonebreaker Tribe.

The sharp-eyed ogre saw Uga and greeted him immediately. A large number of ogre got up from the ground or walked out of the house, watching Uga Bonebreaker and its prey.

The 4-meter-long white-fronted tiger with strong muscles and sharp claws has attracted a lot of praise from ogre.

“Uga, you are already a qualified adult ogre.”

“Sun God will be proud of you and always look after you.”


After a burst of praise, the ogre rudely dragged the Uga Bonebreaker’s prey away, skinned it, cut it into pieces, and threw it into a large iron pot, to which the Uga Bonebreaker didn’t respond. .

The prey obtained by the ogre’s adult ritual hunting is to be shared with the adult ogre in the tribe, which means that he has become a member of the adult ogre, and is no longer a weak ogre who needs shelter.

And just as the white tiger was being dragged away, Uga Bonebreaker moved towards the two-headed ogre chief’s luxurious stone house covered in hides.

It was in a hurry, and it looked like it was in a hurry. It didn’t even knock on the door, and broke into the stone house in front of it.

“Leader! I found the trace of the human mage!”

As soon as I entered the door, Uga Bonebreaker said firstly when the double-headed ogre was dissatisfied and wanted to teach Uga a lesson The words that made the double-headed ogre look happy.

The double-headed ogre took a step forward, and the two heads and four eyes stared at the Uga Bonebreaker at the same time. The body a little higher than it brought it a very strong oppression force.

“Uga Bonebreaker, are you sure?”

The big head of the double-headed ogre is especially excited, while the small head is indifferent, just as if thinking of something delicious , is drooling.

Uga Bonebreaker nodded frantically and said, “I’m sure.”

The double-headed ogre calmed down for a while, and then the big head asked, “How is the strength of that human mage?”

Uga Bonebreaker thought for a while, then said hurriedly: “Better than Uga, but certainly not the leader of your opponent.”

“I found the human mage in the east, when he was I was fighting with a galloping leopard and didn’t find me.”

“Also, although the human mage defeated the galloping leopard, he was injured and would definitely not be able to run very far.”

After hearing Uga Bonebreaker’s words, the double-headed ogre glared and cursed: “Then what are you doing, you idiot, why don’t you show me the way!”

(End of this chapter)

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