Control the Dragon of Time

Chapter 214


Chapter 214 Galleon’s Special Hobbies (Ask for a monthly pass!)

Dark clouds hang over the vast sea.

In the sound of rolling thunder, the rainstorm poured down, and the pea-sized water droplets formed a line, and the rain line swayed and swayed under the pull of the strong wind.

dong dong dong .

Innumerable raindrops fell from the sky and landed on the sea like a goddess scattered flowers, causing countless ripples, under the influence of heavy rain and strong winds As a result, the originally calm sea surface caused a lot of waves and waves.

In such a stormy weather, a super-giant Silver Dragon galloped in the rain.

The rain screen is separated by the huge body, forming a transparent passage in the front and back, which is very conspicuous in the air.

High in the sky, the super-giant Silver Dragon paused slightly, looking down.

Nehemiah turned his eyes, he looked all around, quietly looking at vast and endless, the ocean submerged by the torrential rain, silent, his mood was as low as the dark clouds in the sky.

“Dragon Tomb.”

Nehemiah’s eyes were fixed somewhere in the sea.

It was an island.

In the open sea, the isolated island is like a boat swaying in wind and rain, unremarkable.

But few people know that beneath that island lies the tomb of the metal Dragon Clan.

The Metal Dragon Island stands above the sea. Before dying, the True Dragons of the Metal Dragon Clan will bring their wealth into the Dragon Tomb, choose a place, and share with all the treasures they cherish. Treasures together, fall into eternal sleep.

Dragon Tomb is not close to Dragon Island.

Nehemiah raised his head, looked at the dark clouds, saw silver snakes dancing wildly among them, and heard the sound of rolling thunder.

The super-giant Silver Dragon hovered in the air for a moment, then circled, approached the isolated island under the rain curtain, plunged into the sea, and was hidden in the waves of dozens of meters high by its body. disappeared .

The torrential rain has not stopped, but the thunder still remains.

Shortly after Nehemiah entered the sea, somewhere in the rain curtain there was a slight fluctuation in the air.

“The primordial sun god favored me.”

Elena’s eyes rejoiced, looking in the direction Nehemiah was leaving.

She followed Nehemiah, relying on her powerful Illusion Technique to hide and fuse together perfectly with the surrounding environment, she was never noticed by Nehemiah, and came all the way here.

Elena initially set her sights on Nehemiah, mainly because she needed powerful Legendary creatures as a sacrifice.

Nehemiah, as the Elder Silver Dragon, undoubtedly fits her criteria.

But Nehemiah is too powerful. Although Elena has also been promoted to Legendary and has the care of the original sun god, she still has no confidence to take Nehemiah alone.

Her idea was to follow Nehemiah first.

Determine where his dragon’s lair is.

Then, when Nehemiah sleeps and rests, Elena will arrange an array around it, and try to see if she can wait for the opportunity to sneak attack the other party.

But what Elena didn’t expect was that Nehemiah was already on the verge of lifespan limit and came to Dragon Tomb.

Before that, Elena had followed Nehemiah to his dragon’s nest, but Nehemiah didn’t stop at the dragon’s nest. After he took his treasure, he left directly , with no regrets.

The moment she saw this isolated island, Elena seemed to see the phantoms of countless dragons floating up and down below.

And then think of Nehemiah’s bizarre behavior.

She knew exactly where this place was.

“Dragon Tomb, there is an unknown amount of metal Dragon Clan’s body buried in it.”

Buried in Dragon Tomb, most likely lifespan has come to an end, in the self-aware time is When it is limited, it will carry its own treasure to Dragon Tomb. This kind of dragon is at least an old dragon.

This means that there will be a lot of Legendary True Dragon corpses in there.

Elena did not follow into the Dragon Tomb.

She could see that the Sea Territory here was equipped with countless spells. If she stepped in rashly, it would easily arouse the vigilance of the other party and put herself in a dangerous situation.

For the protection of the Dragon Tomb, the metal Dragon Clan is very careful.

Not only the surrounding Sea Territory, but also the existence of guardian giant dragon in Dragon Tomb.

In the long history, there are not a few creatures that intentionally or accidentally found the Dragon Tomb, but because they coveted the treasure and dared to attack the Dragon Tomb, they have all become the dead bones in this Sea Territory, and never again. Couldn’t get out of it.

This is arguably one of the most dangerous forbidden places in Noah’s continent.

Elena knows she needs to be patient, and she also needs to make a series of preparations before she can actually start stealing the real dragon corpse.

“If the Dragon Tomb is invaded and the real dragon corpse of the metal Dragon Clan is stolen here, once it is discovered, the Metal Dragon God will not sit idly by.”

Elena Squinted.

It’s not a good idea to provoke both the Metal Dragon God and the Light God at the same time.

“We still have to wait for the black light seal array to be completely arranged before we can start here.”

God is not omnipotent.

The vision and perception of God cannot be cast on all the prime material worlds either.

The black light of the original sun god can be attached to the crystal wall of the plane to isolate the eyes and perceptions of the gods, so that they cannot hear the prayers of their followers and cannot respond, At the same time, it can anchor the space, so that the corresponding main material world creatures cannot use plane teleportation to escape.

There is more than one main material world eroded by the primordial sun god.

Extend the tentacles of the minions in the main material world, and then arrange the black light seal with the hands of the minions to isolate the perception of the gods, and then come incarnation, sweeping the entire plane with thunder, waiting for the gods to find out that something is wrong , has been powerless.

The main material world is endless, and for the world that has been polluted, the gods generally will not waste their power for it.

And the primordial sun god is no ordinary Desolate God.

In other words, none of the original Desolate God who can live from the birth of the universe to the present is easy to provoke, whether it is the original sun god, the dark night snake, or any other hidden in other places. Desolate God in the corner of the world.

Making down the Dragon Tomb’s location, Elena didn’t stop there.

The black eyes that she had branded on the ground before were the black light seal.

This plane sealing technique is not so easy to unfold.

For every hundred miles of land, the next seal node needs to be branded. When the range affected by the seal node covers the entire Noah continent, that is, when the black light seal is activated, isolating the perception of the gods. When the primordial sun-god descended and enveloped the earth with his rays of light.

Noah’s continent is not that big.

But this is a main material world after all, and it is not too small. Even if there are no obstacles, it will take some time to arrange the seal nodes.

“Holy Church has never let down its guard and I can’t grow other believers.”

Elena decided to go it alone.

She was worried about letting other people arrange the seal nodes. Instead of beating the grass to scare the snake and attracting the attention of Holy Church, it would be better to break it into pieces and act alone, which would cost more energy to walk the entire Noah continent alone, at her speed it won’t actually take very long.

Black light is a kind of Divine Force belonging to the original sun god, and only other kinds of Divine Force or extraordinary Divine Force can affect it.

As long as she is successfully arranged, it is extremely difficult to be detected and eliminated.

Alina has a lot of patience for this.

“The light of the primordial sun will eventually descend upon the earth and cover all things.”




In the blink of an eye, more than a year has passed.

The polar ice sheet has experienced a polar day, and now it has become a polar night.

Galleon awoke from a short sleep and shook his head slightly after observing himself for a moment.

He found that his growth rate was somewhat unsatisfactory.

After the savage growth of the wyrmling stage, without treasures such as Dragon Soul Stone and Life Stone, Galleon’s growth rate has slowed down significantly. For more than a year, his body has only grown. about two meters.

The giant dragon, which was about 31 meters long, became 33 meters long after a year, and its body expanded slightly.

This growth rate on other dragon bodies will make them ecstatic.

But for Galleon, it’s not nearly as good.

“I really want another Life Stone.”

Galleon is a little bit nostalgic about the Life Stone effect.

Eating the gem of life is just like eating Jinkela, and the body can’t stop growing wildly.

Unfortunately, this kind of baby is not something you can get easily.

Turning his eyes, Galleon saw a raised small bag in the dragon’s lair, which was almost filled with gems, gold coins, magic items and other treasures.

A pair of dragon horn tips stick out.

That’s Yuna’s dragon horn.

She buried herself in the mountain of treasure and slept, not wanting to wake up.

During the time Galleon met Yuna, she slept almost 99% of the time. She was a sleepy dragon. For more than a year, Yuna She also grew a body, but her growth rate was slower than Galleon’s.

She is now thirty-six meters long from the beginning to the end, about one meter long, which is still much larger than the Galleon.

Slightly slower than Galleon, but the same growth rate that would be the envy of normal True Dragon.

“I’m just six years old now, and I’ve truly left the wyrmling stage and become a young dragon.”

Galleon stretched his body and held the dragon claw.

The billowing dragon blood flows in the body, spreading to the limbs and bones, bringing a continuous sense of power.

Unfortunately, the natural growth of where water flows, a canal is formed, failed to bring new time-based spell abilities to Galleon. Because of his research focus, he focused on teleportation across time and space. There is no new way to use the power of time.

In addition, Galleon also learned the eight-ring spell that Critchens mastered.

At this point, the spell knowledge of the two high-ranking sorcerers has been hollowed out by Galleon and can no longer help him.

After several attempts for more than a year, Galleon has also made some progress in teleportation across time and space.

He combined the spell rune of plane teleportation, and after many explorations, he gradually came up with a rune that could stabilize the time vortex. It can be stably expanded to ten meters.

It can even be said that the teleportation across time and space has been basically completed, and the only limitation now is that Galleon’s time power is not enough.

Even with the help of powerful energy, it is still not enough to open the time vortex for him to pass.

Galleon thought about using the Transformation Technique, making himself smaller, and then vortexing through time like this.

But as soon as he used the Transformation Technique, the time vortex also shrunk, and Galleon didn’t take advantage of it.

“According to my current growth rate, it will take at least a few years before I can gain enough power of time.”

“Maybe, even to the juvenile dragon stage.”


Six years old, in the young dragon stage.

Unlike the wyrmling stage, which is only five years old, the wyrmling stage has nine years.

Anyone over fifteen years old is considered a juvenile dragon. Yuna is now 18 years old and is still in the stage of a juvenile dragon.

The age difference between Galleon and Yuna is twelve years. This age difference is actually very small for dragons. Now they are still in different age groups, but in another ten or twenty years, When Yuna is in the age of a teenage dragon and has not yet entered the next stage, Galleon is also a teenage dragon.

Galleon doesn’t know much about the changes in Noah’s continent during the year.

But because Critchens and Fred occasionally go to human society, Galleon roughly knows through them that since the Holy Church swept the bones wasteland and cleaned up the minions of the original sun god there. , Holy Church did not have much action.

It’s just that both Paladin and priests often leave the temple to search for and eradicate evil with a greater force than ever before.

The evil creatures on Noah’s continent hated Holy Church for this.

And the original sun god, it seems that there is no movement.

A year is not long enough for the human nation to recover.

No new wars and conflicts, no Evil God trouble, Noah continent is calm and tranquil on the whole, calm.

But Galleon doesn’t believe that a Desolate God who has no backing hands will give up this world after a setback blow.

The Holy Church is also unbelieving, so the temple is empty and the clergy is almost entirely outside.

The original sun god was dormant, as if it was the calm before the rainstorm. This situation made Holy Church even more worried. They never let down their vigilance. good result.

Iron was not killed in Holy Church’s conflict with undead creatures.

Through the time stamp, Galleon found that this guy was running around the world after leaving the Bone Wasteland. He seemed to want to find another habitat similar to the Bone Wasteland. During this period, he came to the Arctic Icefield once, but did not come. See Galleon.

Galleon also didn’t surrender himself to find it alone.

For Galleon, he doesn’t have much friendship with the Ishizuka Serpent, and it’s just a matter of keeping a time stamp. Naturally, he won’t put too much attention on it, and because of the Night Serpent , Galleon doesn’t want to have too much contact with the snake dragon species, it is enough to have a cold forest snake dragon in his subordinates.

Not bothering Yuna.

Galleon left the dragon’s lair.


silver giant dragon soars under the night of the polar ice sheet, the stars and the rays of light of the moon are shaded by the dragon’s wings, casting a huge shadow on the bright world below, Startled a large number of ice creatures.

Galleon stopped while passing a Snow Mountain peak.

His dragon wings converged and landed on Snow Mountain, the dragon claw clasping the rugged cold rock.

There has been no blizzard here recently, but Snow Mountain is still covered with a layer of snow. Under the bright moonlight, it looks like a shimmering silver dot, which is very beautiful.

The polar arctic ice sheet under the night is more beautiful than the polar day.

The colorful aurora that occasionally appears at night is even more intoxicating, but in the extreme daytime, the aurora is not so beautiful.

The Galleon didn’t stop here when he was tired of flying.

With his current stamina, just his daily activities won’t make him feel a little tired.

The dragon claw sticks out, the first half disappears from the air, and touches the dimensional space.

Immediately, Galleon grabbed a silver-white necklace and took it out of the dimensional space.

This necklace is a magic item.

It’s still from Lilith’s little girl.

A small amount of magic power is injected into the necklace to form a spell shield that isolates harsh environments from fire and cold winds.

For the lower-ranked sorcerer, it is a very practical magic item, and for the mid-rank or above, it is a tasteless item.

There are many such magic items in Galleon.

With his current strength, these bauble naturally can’t play any role. Generally, they serve as the embellishment of other treasures, enriching the landscape composition above the treasures.

Galleon picked up a hobby hobby of his own because of his growing wealth.

He made a time stamp on the necklace, Galleon put it between the two rocks, then waved his dragon wings and left from here.

Not only Snow Mountain here, some ice valleys, big rivers, snowy hills, and even the Dragon’s Back mountain range outside the polar ice sheet, some unknown jungles in the deep mountains, Galleons will go when they are interested. A magic item.

In addition to bauble like necklace, Galleon even took out Rorschach’s magic sword.

He inserted it into a clump of boulders in a rugged place in the Dragon’s Back mountain range, leaving only the hilt of the sword.

Of course, this is not discarding.

No True Dragon will throw away its stash, not even an insignificant Silver Coin.

On the magic items placed by Galleon, there are imprints he planted, and these imprints are specially made into different shapes to distinguish them from the time imprints planted on the organism.

Galleon’s collection is more than enough.

So on a whim one day, he decided to scatter some of the collections that were not needed in different places, and after a long time, he would follow the induction of the time stamp to retrieve them.

This idea and impulse, Galleon had a long time ago.

But at that time, he was really reluctant to take out his only remaining treasure.

Now it is.

Galleon opened a Spatial Teleportation and went to wasteland.

Bone wasteland is still the same as always, the dark clouds of necromancy cover all the rays of light, and the air is gloomy and dark.

Driven by the death Spiritual Qi, some of the skeletons here moved again, but because the Holy Church cleaned up from time to time, not even a high-level undead was born, they were all relatively low-level undead, because The degree of danger has been greatly reduced, and it has become the object of exploration by many adventurers.

Galleon hides and has some magic items in the barren land of the Bone Wasteland.

The magic item brought out this time depends on the mood in different regions and environments, Galleon opened the Spatial Teleportation door and returned to the fortress of the Arctic Icefield with satisfaction.

Self-discipline 2

(End of this chapter)

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