Control the Dragon of Time

Chapter 233


Chapter 233 The Magic Fleet from the foreign world (please ask for a monthly pass)

The sun hangs high in the sky, swaying endless light and heat.

Under this clear and translucent sky, the sea surface of cyan and the sunlight of pale-gold interweave and merge, and the waves and waves rise and fall one after another, showing a sparkling and magnificent beautiful scene.

The silver giant dragon soars across the sky, its wings ripping apart the clouds with its flapping.

The giant dragon silhouette reflected on the sea is fleeting.

The Galleon looks down and sees the silhouette of its shadow cast on the vast expanse of the sea.

After a few glances, Galleon withdrew his gaze and looked carefully towards the front.

In Galleon’s field of vision, a very large island appeared.

Its area is almost equivalent to the sum of several Timor capitals.

In all directions of this giant island, there are countless magic arrays, covering the Sea Territory space where it is located. Dangerous arrays with killing effects are no longer rare.

If ordinary creatures come here by accident, the probability of this gigantic island is hardly discovered.

In addition, in Galleon’s perception, the dragon-like auras belonging to metal dragons are mixed together, filling the giant island in the field of vision.

Golden Dragon , Silver Dragon , Brass Dragon , Bronze Dragon , Copper Dragon . All kinds of metallic dragon breaths can be found on this giant island.

This giant island has its own name in the legends of many creatures.

Dragon Island.

Or, Metal Dragon Island.

Galleon’s purpose in coming to Metal Dragon Island is simple, for the Legendary spell books that Dragon Island may have in its collection.

He believed that Dragon Island’s metal dragon king would not refuse this small request.

Galleon has seen the Dragon King of Metal Dragon Island.

The ancient Golden Dragon Rockveld is the current metal dragon king of Noah continent, a Golden Dragon king.

In terms of strength, Rockverd and Nehemiah are almost on par. As for age, they are both High Ancient Dragons. Nehemiah is older than Rockverd, but in metal Among Dragon Clan, Golden Dragon’s status is unique, it is the born king in metal Dragon Clan, and its status is higher than that of Silver Dragon.

With little difference in strength and qualifications, Golden Dragon will unanimously serve as the Dragon King of Dragon Island and lead the Metal Dragon Clan.

Galleon knows this, which is why he is envious of Kim Galleon’s opening.

The Golden Dragon variant is probably the one with the smoothest start among all the Galleons in the timeline.

But Galleon didn’t feel sorry for himself.

The essence of Time Dragon is the most important, the others are not worth mentioning.

Concentrated, Galleon fixed his eyes on the metal Dragon Island.


Galleon’s eyes narrowed slightly, the dragon wings stretched out, and Dragon’s Might rolled out of him.

He does not belong to the metal Dragon Island, so before entering the metal Dragon Island, in order to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings, it is best to knock on the door with Dragon’s Might and say hello to the metal Dragon Clan inside.

Galleon’s Dragon’s Might touches the metal Dragon Island in a blink of an eye.

The mixed dragon-like atmosphere in the metal Dragon Island was almost still for a moment, and then became excited and excited in a short period of time. Dragon’s Might belonging to different metal dragons overlapped together, like It is a layer of waves and waves, which suppress the surrounding air and almost congeal it.

Immediately, the giant dragons, whose whole body seemed to be made of metal material, and whose scales and armor shone with metallic luster in the sun, flew up.

The sound of dragon wings waving hiding the sky and covering the earth easily overwhelmed the surging sound of the waves on the sea.

“Haha, didn’t expect the honorable Time Dragon will suddenly come here.”

“Metal Dragon Island welcomes you all the time.”

Soon, a group of metal dragons approached, and the ancient Golden Dragon, headed by them, laughed dragon roar a few times and said to Galleon.

The metal dragons who left Dragon Island together here all participated in the battle with Desolate God Avatar.

They recognized Galleon and also remembered his breath firmly.

So after feeling the Dragon’s Might belonging to Galleon, they immediately left the island to greet them.

The legendary dragons have come to the metal Dragon Island, and like the ancient Golden Dragon Rockveld, these metal dragons warmly greet the Galleon.

“So enthusiastic.”

Galleon blinked.

On the surface, he was calm, but surrounded by the enthusiasm of a group of metal dragons, he couldn’t help but feel a little joy in his heart.

Long, more or less good face.

Galleon is no exception.

“Hello, Rockveld senior.”

Galleon nods. The Golden Dragon politely returns

Galleon will not put on airs for this kind of dragon patriarch who has lived for thousands of years. It is not easy for an ordinary True Dragon to become a High Ancient Dragon. He is still more respected, and this time he came to metal Dragon Island is begging each other.

At this time, Rockveld noticed Galleon’s explosive size and strength.

The length of 46 meters from start to finish exceeds all the True Dragons present.

This ancient Golden Dragon had a look of astonishment on his face, and his eyes swept over Galleon’s body carefully.

A few seconds later, Rockveld slowly came back to his senses, and then took a deep breath, and his expression gradually returned to normal.

In his thousand or so years of life, Rockverd had never seen a True Dragon that could change so much in just three years, even if it was deeply He, whom the Metal Dragon God loves, can only marvel at this growth rate, but he is out of reach.

“It’s only been three years.”

“As expected of Time Dragon, the darling of time.”

“Compared with you, our Golden Dragon lead A proud physique doesn’t seem like much anymore.”

Rockveld lightly sighed.

Under normal circumstances, only the Golden Dragon fights against other dragon species. Rockveld didn’t expect himself to be a High Ancient Dragon, and will one day have a heartfelt admiration for other dragon species.

This made him a little sighed.

“It’s only with the gift of Light God and a little luck that I have grown so much.”

Galleon modestly replied.

After all, it is the ancient Golden Dragon, the temperament is mature, and Rockveld quickly regained his enthusiasm. He said: “Go, I will personally take you to the Metal Dragon Island to see, here is Noah’s continent. The root of the Metal Dragon Clan is where the young and old dragons mainly live.”

The metal dragons in the Metal Dragon Island are mainly the dragons below the youth and above the old.

The metal dragons below the youth are educated here, and they will choose to leave when they want to establish their own territory. The old dragons are tired of traveling in the world, so they finally choose to return to the world. Metal Dragon Island, stay with the metal dragons.

The metal dragons who are wandering outside are basically at the age of curiosity, and most of them are young to prime.

Galleon nodded and said with a smile: “That would be troublesome.”

He didn’t directly say why he wanted to come to Metal Dragon Island, and Rockveld didn’t ask, but Pulling Galleon directly to the metal Dragon Island, as for the other metal dragons who came to see Galleon together, they have been dispelled by Rockveld.

Afterwards, under the leadership of Rockveld, Galleon made his way through a series of magic arrays arranged around the metal Dragon Island.

When passing through an array, it seems that the clouds and mists are dispersed, and the scenery in my eyes changes greatly.

A large or small metal dragon lay lazily beside the dragon nest basking in the sun, or enthusiastically chased each other, fighting in the air, revealing a vibrant scene.

In addition, the original giant island was a lush and green lush and wild color, but now in front of Galleon, it is a magnificent palace-style dragon nest, these dragon nests. The whole body is made of precious metal.

Gold, silver, emerald, crystal.

Dragon’s nest made of various luxurious materials gleams in sunlight.

Even the air here smells of treasure.

Forget about the dragons below the youth, the old dragons are very rich, accumulating an almost astronomical wealth in the eyes of an ordinary person, and using such wealth to build a corresponding luxurious dragon nest, it is very important to the metal. It is not difficult for the dragons.

And the culture of involution everywhere.

Some metal dragons work hard to accumulate wealth in the outside world, even in order to return to Metal Dragon Island in old age to build a gorgeous dragon nest that does not make themselves poor.

“Galleon, take the liberty to ask, how old are you this year?”

The ancient Golden Dragon brought Galleon over a golden dragon’s nest just now. Galleon asked.

Galleon thought for a while, then said calmly: “Eight years old.”

“Eight or eight years old?”

Rockveld swayed.

“Yes, eight years old.”

“I thought you were at least a young dragon, didn’t expect, you were just a young dragon”

Rockveld is already somewhat numb.

He turned his eyes and looked towards a forest on Dragon Island. Above the forest, there was a Little Golden Dragon and a Small Silver Dragon chasing and playing, and the joyful Dragon’s roar could be heard endlessly. About five meters long.

However, the two little metal dragons are several years older than Galleon.

“Joyce, Edith!”

“What are you two doing? You only know how to play on Dragon Island every day? Why don’t you go back and learn spell from your elders? !”

Rockveld shouted at the two little metal dragons with a pale face.

However, when the two small metal dragons on the other side heard Rockveld’s words, not only were they not afraid, but their eyes lit up and moved towards the place where Rockveld and Galleon were.

Two small metal dragons approached, curiously looking towards Galleon.

They’re also the first time they’ve seen a Galleon larger than the Ancient Golden Dragon and the Ancient Silver Dragon.

The male Small Silver Dragon, with admiration on his face, asked Galleon curiously, “Which Silver Dragon clan elder are you? You are bigger than Nehemiah’s grandfather, you must be very sure. Difficult to deal with, isn’t it even more powerful than Rockveld’s grandfather?”

This is the first time I saw an unfamiliar giant dragon. excited.

It was regarded as Silver Dragon again. Galleon was helpless.

His silver scales can easily be regarded as a Silver Dragon.

Of course, more informed creatures can see that Galleon is not a Silver Dragon, but most will still misidentify his dragon species.

“Go go go, while playing, this is our Dragon Island guest, I don’t have time to play with you dragon cubs.”

Rockveld complexion sank.

After all, he is the lord of Dragon Island. Normally, he may be friendly and gentle, but he is complexion sank, a kind of majesty that naturally exudes.

The two small metal dragons looked at each other, shrank their heads, turned and ran.

“Rockveld grandfather, let’s go back after playing for a while.”

The two little metal dragons were disobedient and ran away and continued to play.

Seeing this, Rockveld said to Galleon a little embarrassedly: “I’m used to pampering these dragon cubs, so these guys are a bit irrespective of the law and of natural morality, and sooner or later I have to clean up. Kill them.”

tone barely fell , and Rockveld remembered that at Galleon’s age, he was also a ‘dragon cub’.

But such an eight-year-old dragon cub is bigger than the High Ancient Dragon.

Rockveld could only sigh in his heart once again the power of Time Dragon.

When he was eight years old, he was still training himself with the wild beast on the island under the care of his elders, and the other party had even participated in the battle with the enemy of the level of Desolate God Avatar, completely different. one level.

“Where’s Nehemiah senior?”

“He’s just one step away from Immemorial Dragon, I don’t know if he’s broken through now.”

Galleon remembers Nehemiah when he sees the Small Silver Dragon, and asks.

hearing this, Rockveld laughed, said: “The Old Guy of Nehemiah is lucky, breakthrough Immemorial Dragon is already a sure thing, it’s just a matter of time.”

“He is sleeping in a safe place, accumulating potential power, and it is estimated that he will wake up in a year or two.”

paused, Rockveld said with emotion: “Becoming an Immemorial Dragon will take a long time. You don’t have to worry about lifespan anymore.”

He looked towards Galleon and said: “Time is ruthless, and it can truly resist time, and there are only a few immortal beings that are not affected by it.”

Next, Rockveld takes Galleon around the metal Dragon Island.

Galleon gradually became more familiar with this stronghold of the metal Dragon Clan.

“If you want, you can stay on the metal Dragon Island for a long time, you are always welcome here.”

Galleon said with a smile: “I made a note, I want to come here later When you live, senior don’t forget what you said today.”

“Haha, of course, you can come whenever you want.”

The ancient Golden Dragon laughed With a sound, the dragon whiskers on his chin rippled slightly.

After finishing the metal Dragon Island, Galleon made it clear to Rockveld that he was here.

“If the metal Dragon Island has the Legendary spell book in its collection, I’d be willing to exchange it for the equivalent.”

Galleon said.

“There are some, but not many.”

“As for the exchange of goods. The Time Dragon elders you called have resurrected me Metal Dragon Clan Many warriors, I am grateful , why are you still asking for money?”

“These Legendary spell books are the gifts from our Metal Dragon Island to you.”

Even the Metal Dragon God expressed that the Metal Dragon Clan will serve as a strong backing for Galleon , Rockveld will not refuse Galleon’s request.

The Legendary dragon species is different from the ordinary True Dragon, and its status is not even worse than that of the Dragon God.

Now is a good time to make friends with Time Dragon, the leader of the Legendary dragon species. Rockveld will not waste such a good opportunity. If the metal Dragon Island is in trouble in the future, as long as the other party is willing to help, then The power of reversing time can easily save the metal Dragon Island from danger.

After hearing what Lockeveld said, Galleon did not refuse and accepted the other party’s kindness.

After getting the Legendary spell book, Galleon thought about it, and then asked how to seal the demi-plane.

The ancient Golden Dragon, which has lived for thousands of years, has more knowledge and knowledge than Galleon. He gave Galleon some good suggestions, but Galleon has not yet been able to use it.

Afterwards, Galleon spent a day or so at Metal Dragon Island.

When the first ray of morning light shines into Dragon Island on the second day, say goodbye to the ancient Golden Dragon and leave the metal Dragon Island.

Galleon did not return to the Arctic Ice Sheet immediately.

He went directly to the capital of Dimo. After several years of development, the capital of Dimo is no longer in a state of death, but it is not in a good state, because the rest of the human dukedom is still After working together to suppress the development of Timo, I don’t want to see it return to its former glory.

Galleon goes to the capital of Timo, and has nothing to do with the kingdom of Timo.

Because the headquarters of Holy Church was established in the capital of Timor.

He went to the Great Shrine of the Holy Church, met with Pope of Light, and also expressed his intention to exchange Legendary spell books.

Pope of Light made the same choice as the ancient Golden Dragon, not accepting the treasure that Galleon exchanged for it, but giving it directly.

After getting what he wanted, Galleon returned to the Arctic Icefield with a full harvest.




“According to the user’s will, the demons from hell are forcibly banished and sealed.”

Galleon, who had shrunk in size, was unfolding a book of Legendary spell spells and reading silently.

Nine Rings Legendary Conjuration · Seal Devil.

This Legendary spell spell from Pope of Light is relatively simple in use, but it is very targeted. If you encounter a devil who is doing things in the main material world, this Legendary spell can make the opponent hate it to the core .

It’s been a month since Galleon left the Dragon’s Nest, after going to the metal Dragon Island and Holy Church.

This month, he has been concentrating on studying the Legendary spell.

However, Legendary spell is not comparable to other spells in terms of effect or strength, and Galleon has obtained many Legendary spell books at one time, so take a look at this one, and look at another one, just As a result, he has not even learned the fur of a Legendary spell for a month.

This is the downside of learning many factions spell at the same time.

Ninety-nine percent of creatures don’t have enough time and energy to get involved in multi-school spells at the same time. Just a single-school spell is enough for many sorcerers to spend their whole lives to explore and research.

And Galleon wasn’t in a hurry.

He is the remaining one percent.

He has plenty of time to study.

Compared to the more anxious mentality when he first encountered spell, Galleon’s mentality is now quite stable.

He is no longer eager to learn some spell in a short period of time.

Anyway, as long as it can be learned gradually with the passage of time, he does not have to be too persistent, and he will master it successfully sooner or later, it is only a matter of time, and for Galleon, time is not question.


After closing the Legendary spell book that seals the devil, Galleon let out a long breath.

Platinum Dragon Hitomi is still in high spirits.

This month, because he did not really outline the spell model and did not conduct in-depth research, his spirit is not exhausted, and he still maintains a strong Essence, Qi, and Spirit.

“Galleon, don’t you think it’s boring?”

Yuna dragged her chin with dragon claw, and her dragon tail swayed gently, looking like she was bored.

Light purple dragon eyes staring at Galleon.

In a flicker of light, Galleon’s size changed from the size of a wyrmling to a super-giant dragon in the blink of an eye.

“It’s a long time, always looking for something to do.”

Galleon laughed, responding.

Yuna blinked and said, “Sleeping, counting gold coins, counting gems, and being in a daze can all be used to pass the time, that’s how I am.”

“I never take the initiative to learn. Anyway, some things that I don’t know before can be learned after a few sleeps. Why should I learn those boring things.”

Galleon looked Yuna up and down.

You’re so young, how can you sleep so well, Galleon didn’t say that.

He has a different personality from Yuna. He can’t do such a waste of time as sleeping in a daze. Sleeping in a daze with nothing to do in the dragon’s nest is a more boring thing for Galleon.

The dragon wings stretched out and incited it a few times, and a gust of wind suddenly bred in the nest.

Galleon gently stretched his muscles and bones, looking left and right, feeling that although the dragon’s nest built inside the fort was not small, it couldn’t allow him to act wilfully.

“I’ve been in the Dragon’s Nest for a month, I’m going out for a walk.”

“Are you together? Yuna.”

Yuna is after waking up never went out.

However, Yuna remained unmoved in the face of Galleon’s invitation.

She shook her head like a rattle and said, “no no no, go out by yourself, I want to continue to sleep.”

If there is no accident, you don’t need to eat or drink Yuna, can sleep in one place until adulthood.

Galleon nods.

He knew that Yuna’s character was like this, so he didn’t force it and left the dragon’s nest alone.

In the blink of an eye, the silver giant dragon appeared in the clouds of the extreme arctic ice sheet.

At this time, the polar ice sheet is still in polar night, but this round of polar night time is almost over, and it will not be long before polar day will come. At this time, the night is brighter and more heavy than before. The starlight and moonlight form the Milky Way, which together dot the sky above, magnificent.

The Galleon looks down.

Sweeping the eyes inch by inch, the broad field of vision will be taken in the entire scene by the area shrouded in the Mysterious Lock Realm.

Winter Wolf, ogre, Extreme North Ice Spirit, Ferocious Frost Tiger and these relatives are moving freely in the Mystery Lock Realm, and I just feel that the air in the territory seems to be a lot more active and fresh.

The Mysterious Lock Realm can not only suppress the creatures, but also improve the comfort of the creatures in it.

In the realm of Mystery Locks, Galleon’s retinues can exert more strength than the outside world.

If an enemy invades the inside of the Mysterious Lock Domain, it will be suppressed and it will be difficult to display the actual level of strength.

“Ai, it’s a pity that no other Moonlight Knights have come to the Arctic.”

Galleon looked into the distance.

There is no silhouette of a galloping horse in the moonlight.

He looked the head slightly disappointed.

When he went to the metal Dragon Island and Holy Church, he also asked the ancient Golden Dragon and Pope of Light about the traces of the high elves respectively. High elves exist.

From Pope of Light’s mouth, Galleon also means to know that Pope of Light has also met Moonlight Knight.

But what he encountered was not the same one that Galleon encountered.

Moonlight Knight is a position in the elf kingdom. They accompany the moonlight across the planes in the cold night, spreading the teachings and beliefs of the elven gods, and at the same time killing the enemies who are evil with the elven kingdom.

Because of the blessing of accidental resurrection, Moonlight Knight is generally very arrogant.

As long as they can’t crack the Accidental Resurrection, even if they are stronger than Moonlight Knight, they will still feel a headache for their repeated return in a swirl of dust and Bu Yibu, who can crack the Accidental Resurrection Spell. Many, the big cracking technique happens to be one.

“I don’t know if the elven gods didn’t know that I killed Moonlight Knight, or they did, but they didn’t act.”

Galleon narrowed his eyes.

After thinking for a few seconds, he stopped thinking about it.

It is nothing more than front soldiers with generals and stem water with earth.

Surrounded by clouds and mist, Galleon galloped back and forth in the high altitude of the extreme arctic ice sheet, enjoying the refreshing feeling of the frigid wind passing over the surface of the scales.

A moment later, at the peak of a towering iceberg, the silver giant dragon retracted its wings and fell.

The dragon claw is buckled on the rugged rock, and the power of time bursts

Soon, the surface of the river of time shimmers, showing Galleon a picture of the future.

Because predicting the future can avoid many unexpected situations, it is a very important ability, Galleon will now use predict the future from time to time to see if there are any future events worthy of his attention and need to be warned in advance.

However, after predicting the future of Moonlight Knight killing Urbis, he did not find any special future events that required his attention in the next few times he predicted the future.

This time starts predicting the future as usual, Galleon thought it was the same result.

However, as soon as the scene on the surface of the river of light caught Galleon’s eyes, his eyes narrowed and his expression became serious.

What had been on his guard two months earlier had finally happened.

“Once a place like the Lava Demiplane is discovered, no creatures or forces will give up easily.”

In the scene of predicting the future.

One after another dim-blue’s phase gate opened, suspended under the sky of the lava demiplane scarlet.

Then, a total of twelve magical warships with a strange mechanical beauty slowly sailed out from it. On each of the magical warships, there were hundreds of humanoid silhouettes, and the elemental aura wrapped them, indicating that Everyone who came aboard the magical battleship was no ordinary creature.

“Phase gate, magic ship.”

“A magic dock that can travel across planes, at least an empire-level force”

Nuo The subcontinent has never had an empire born.

The most powerful one was the Temo kingdom a thousand years ago, and the most flourishing period of the Temo kingdom did not have the ability to build a magic dock.

The Alphardia Empire has it, as does the Netheril Empire that Galleon saw in [The Merry Paladin].

The powerful Magic Empire can transport troops through magic ships, establish connections with other Plane Worlds, or exchange cultures, jointly develop resources, or invade.

The picture that predicts the future is very random.

The scene Galleon sees flashes away and then becomes other inconsequential future scenes.

But it was only a fleeting moment, and the future it revealed was already firmly remembered by Galleon.

As for when it happened, it was half a year later.

Galleon’s face was slightly wrinkled, and he fixed the picture of predicting the future on the scene of the magic ship, watching it carefully.

The shape of these magic ships looks quite mature. The whole body is made of metal materials. It is equipped with a magic cannon that is not simple at first sight. to the Energy Shield that isolates the air of the Lava Defiance.

“Looks like a very advanced magic ship”

A magic ship, worth no less than a Legendary-level magic item.

As soon as the other party is dispatched, there are twelve ships, and there are not many Legendary-level characters on them. Galleon does not believe it.

“From some prime material world, or a Magic Empire from another plane?”

“It will never be as powerful as the Alphardia Empire.”

“Even if there is, I will not sit idly by if you dare to covet my demi-plane.”

A sharp light flashed in Platinum Dragon’s pupils.

Even if it is Magic Empire, Legendary creatures are very important characters in it, and the number will not be too many, Galleon is not afraid of them.

“Seeing the future allows me to know when and where they will invade.”

“This way, I have absolute control.”

A grin spreads across Galleon’s face.

The twelve magical ships that arrived at the lava half-plane through the phase gate, if it is said to be a tourist, then Galleon is absolutely unbelievable.

Although he didn’t see their next move, Galleon already regarded each other as the enemy.

The lava demiplane is his greatest source of wealth, and he is not allowed to be meddled by others, not even covet prying eyes.

The opponent’s phase gate opened very quickly, and it could even be said that they invaded the lava half-plane by surprise. However, they probably did not expect that there would be a Time Dragon who had seen their actions through predicting the future, knowing that They themselves have not yet determined a good time and place for the transmission.

“Let me think about it, let’s take the maximum, one Legendary on a magic ship.”

“The other party has twelve Legendaries and thousands more. An extraordinary soldier of uncertain strength.”

Galleon’s assumptions are based on bad circumstances.

Under normal circumstances, no magic ship will have a Legendary on it.

Legendary creatures are not Chinese cabbage, they are highly respected and powerful existences on every plane.

“Twelve Legendary, well that’s what it is.”

Galleon blinked.

There is also a gap between Legendary. The creatures who are new to Legendary, facing the current Galleon, can only be killed in seconds, just like Moonlight Knight, although it has the powerful power of Legendary, but in time Under the mighty force, there was almost no room for resistance.

Galleon doesn’t want to use Time Dragon countercurrently.

He prefers to rely on his own strength, if you want something done well, do it yourself.

Although Strictly speaking, Time Dragon countercurrent is also self-seeking, but Galleon still feels different.

So, although he felt that the twelve Legendaries were not a big threat, he still decided to be more cautious.

“My high level battle strength here is. Barton , I, Yuna. “

“Both Yuna and I can have more than one enemy. Balton who is equipped with Winter’s Wrath is relatively reluctant, but we should be able to fight two or three.” “

Winter’s Wrath is the equipment bestowed by the gods, and its preciousness is only inferior to the white Golden Dragon scales on Galleon.

“As for other combat powers in the middle and high level , The elemental life and flesh and blood life of the lava half-plane are far more than the other. “

Galleon rubbed his chin.

“However, what I’m seeing is probably just the first wave, and more magic ships to come.” ”

The silver giant dragon squinted his eyes.

After thinking about it, Galleon in order to guard against the unexpected, can kill it steadily, or capture the opponent alive, he is slow in his heart Slowly came up with a good idea.

“Life seems boring for the elderly Legendary giant dragons of Metal Dragon Island. ”

In line with the original intention of caring for the quality of life of elderly dragons, Galleon decided to have some fun for them.

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(End of this chapter)

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