Control the Dragon of Time

Chapter 244


Chapter 244 The fate of offending the Dragon God

It belongs to Galleon’s timeline, now Noah’s continent.

Galleon looked left and right.

After passing through the gate of time and space, he is still in this barren land.

The sparse black fir trees grow crookedly on the dark brown land, revealing a desolate atmosphere.

After returning to his own timeline, Galleon first put away the gate of time and space, which had lost a lot of time power again, and then concentrated one’s mind, staring at the sky and the earth, still flowing quietly. of time.

“The connection to the river of time is restored.”

Galleon took a few deep breaths.

One after another The river of time poured into Galleon’s body with his breath, quickly transforming into the power of time he possessed.

The Galleon’s ability to draw the power of time has also been restored.

“Going to other timelines will delay my normal growth rate.”

“But. What if I get good things in other timelines?”

Galleon spreads the dragon claw.

Between his dragon claws, there is a handful of dark brown soft soil.

The dark brown dirt looked the same as the dirt around him, there was no difference.

It belongs to the barren land beneath Galleon’s feet.

However, it is a barren land of another time.

“I can also bring items from other timelines to my own timeline.”

Galleon grinned laughed.

What does this mean?

This means untold wealth!

If Galleon likes, he can travel to the Lava demiplane in other timelines as many times as he wants, and kill the City Lord of Fire Steel and Lord of Stone City a hundred times! In this way, he can have countless Legendary Fire Element Cores and Legendary Earth Element Stones.

He also has the opportunity to get many identical Rare Items like the Imaskar Ring.

Galleon will not grab the opportunity of Galleon in other timelines, but the reason is the same, he can get what he wants by going to other timelines, and it is not necessarily material, but also valuable. Knowledge.

In the long period of time, some nature has been lost, or some ancient knowledge has been lost because of fear.

For example, if he goes to the flourishing period of the Alphardia Empire, he will have the opportunity to learn the spell of wind and fire that the gods will be afraid of, and the wind of destruction that will smash a planet into pieces. How many rings?

Today’s Alpha tribe inheritance has been lost too badly.

Galleon couldn’t learn anything useful from them.

Thinking of this, Galleon couldn’t help but thank the Imaskar Second Empire again.

With the Imaskar circle and the inheritance of the magical device, he was able to build the gate of time and space so quickly.

“Maybe there’s a difference between bringing out a powerful Legendary item than bringing some useless dirt.”

Galleon released the dragon claw, and the dirt dropped from him. slid out between his fingers.

From the consumption of the Time and Space Gate, Galleon has a subtle perception that because he brings more soil, the consumption of time power is also a little more. If it is replaced by a powerful Legendary item, this consumption Maybe a lot stronger.

Galleon didn’t give it much thought.

This requires him to open the door of time and space next time and find some valuable Legendary props for verification.

Next, Galleon consumes mana to construct Spatial Teleportation.

Stepping into the Spatial Teleportation door that unfolded before his body, Galleon was back in his dragon’s lair in a blink of an eye.

Yuna noticed the movement of the Spatial Teleportation door opening, and with the crash-bang sound, like a gopher, her head popped out of a pile of gold coins, a pair of light purple ones. Eyes looked towards Galleon.

“How long have I been away?”

Galleon, who came out of the Spatial Teleportation door, thought for a moment and asked.

Galleon’s perception of the passage of time has always been very sensitive. Even when he is asleep, Galleon can clearly know how long he has spent in sleep, but because he has gone to another time line, He wasn’t sure how much time had passed in his timeline.


Yuna stretched out the dragon claw, holding her chin and thinking.

Because it is an immortal species, under normal circumstances, dragons don’t care much about the passage of time.

After thinking for more than ten seconds, the Force Dragon girl’s eyes lit up and said, “I took a nap for a while. It’s about three days before you leave the Dragon’s Nest.”

The voice was paused , Yuna said strangely: “By the way, why did you come back so soon after going out this time.”

“Didn’t you open the gate of time and space?”

Galleon told before Yuna wanted to try the Gate of Time and Space herself, but because she was not sure about the consumption of the Gate of Time and Space, she said that she might be away for a long time, so Yuna was surprised that Galleon had returned after just three days.

Three days?

“I spent thirty-two days in the timeline of the young Galleon.”

Galleon’s eyes brightened.

“The Time Flow Speed of other timelines is different from mine.”

“In other words, my growth rate in other timelines is much slower, but overall It’s pretty much the same as being on his own timeline.”

the thoughts got to this point, and Galleon remembered some of the legends about Time Dragon.

In the legend, you never know if a baby Time Dragon will become an Immemorial Time Dragon in the next second. This legend is exaggerated, but it is more in line with the current situation of Galleon.

If there is a timeline whose flow rate is extremely slow compared to Time Dragon’s own timeline.

Then, when Time Dragon spends a long time in the slow-moving timeline, it can indeed return to its own timeline in the form of Immemorial Dragon.

In this way, treasure hunting and knowledge acquisition in other timelines will be more stress-free.

“But because I only returned to ten years ago, the number of times is too small to be sure if this is the case.”

Galleon’s return has consumed the energy of the time gate again. .

However, since it is only a round trip to the timeline ten years ago, this consumption is not too much. It will not be long before Galleon can fill the energy of the gate of time and space. At this time, he has already had an experience , the next time he uses the gate of time and space, he can verify more of his ideas in a targeted manner.

“It was opened, I went there once ten years ago and saw me just after breaking my shell.”

Galleon answered Yuna’s question.

Yuna blinked, said curiously: “Have you met each other?”

Galleon nodded and said, “Yes, we met face-to-face.”


Galleon became a riddle dragon once and didn’t tell the young Galleon his identity directly, but if the young Galleon was not stupid, it was only a matter of time before he guessed that he was actually from the future.

“It’s really interesting to think about two scenes where I met myself at different times.”

Yona’s eyes were bright and her face was full of yearning.

Galleon smiled slightly and said, “You are also responsible for the success of the gate of time and space. Next time you want to, you can come with me.”

One more dragon is bound to be consumed. More time power, but Galleon doesn’t think this is a problem, it is nothing more than staying in other timelines for a while to slowly replenish the energy of the time gate.

“Okay, okay, I want to see my younger self too.”

Yuna was excited.

Galleon wondered: “What do you want to do when you see your childhood.”

Yuna laughed, then shook her claw and said proudly: “Of course, let Xiaoyou go Na knows that her future self will be very difficult to deal with.”

After thinking for a while, Yuna added: “Also tell Xiao Yuna to let her in the lava half plane. Don’t run around on the edge of the crystal wall, or you won’t be able to meet you.”

After hearing Yuna’s words, Galleon slightly startled, heartbeat subconsciously accelerated a little.

Has he been flirted with?

Looking at Yuna’s appearance now, she said it very casually, and she didn’t react, her expression didn’t change, maybe she just said something unintentionally. Galleon was a little disappointed.

But Yuna’s idea is good, but if she does, it will turn out to be a problem.

I told Yuna in the past that she might be rebellious, instead of staying on the crystal wall of the plane, or even directly leaving the lava half-plane, for the established future, dragons with strong free will. Creatures are definitely not willing to follow the rules.

In this way, Galleon in that timeline will have a great probability not to encounter the Force Dragon girl.

Without encountering Yuna, without the catalysis of power, the gate of time and space will be extremely difficult to form.

Galleon tells Yuna what he thinks.

“It turns out that there would be such a probability.”

“Then I won’t remind Yuna, let’s go with the flow”

Yuna said suddenly .

Immediately, the Force Dragon girl changed her lazy appearance, and excitedly discussed topics related to time travel with Galleon.

In the bejeweled dragon’s nest, the atmosphere gradually becomes peaceful.

Until a week later, the arrival of an acquaintance broke the calm of the Arctic ice sheet.




grandiose’s Dragon’s Might burst out together with a clear space fluctuation, passing the immortal fortress s position.

Galleon looked up, looking in the direction of the Dragon’s Might burst.

Soon, he moved and left the main nest of the fortress.

Under the starry night of the polar arctic ice sheet, two silhouettes of silver giant dragons appeared at the same time, one of them was a standard Silver Dragon, and the other was a super-giant Immemorial Silver Dragon. It is a Galleon with silver scales, but its appearance is quite different from that of the Silver Dragon.

The two different silver giant dragons are super-giant, but Galleon is bigger.

“Galleon, although I already knew your current size from Rockveld’s mouth, but what I saw with my own eyes still surprised me.” The giant Silver Dragon is impressively Nehemiah who successfully broke through the Immemorial Dragon level.

This ancient Silver Dragon, who had already lied down in Dragon Tomb, got enough benefits from the battle with Desolate God Avatar, so that he had the conditions to break through Immemorial Dragon. After a period of slumber, he woke up as Immemorial Dragon, being reborn.

In today’s metal Dragon Island, the strongest dragon is Nehemiah.

He looked at Galleon, who was a circle bigger than himself, with a look of amazement in his eyes.

Nehemiah remembers the first time he saw Galleon in Holy Church, the picture in his memory is not far from now, only merely a trifling for a few years. Even with the Heaven and Earth turning upside down changes in his size, he doesn’t seem to have improved much as an Immemorial Dragon compared to him.

“Nehemiah senior, congratulations on your successful breakthrough and becoming Immemorial Silver Dragon.”

Galleon smiled slightly.

He and the Legendary giant dragons of Metal Dragon Island have fought side by side twice and are still on good terms.

“Haha, thanks to your elder Time Dragon.”

Voice paused, Nehemiah continued: “What happened on the lava demiplane, metal The other Legendary giant dragons in Dragon Island were mentioned to me.”

He looked at the head, looking rather disappointed.

“Unfortunately, I was still asleep and had no chance to get involved.”

“That Rockveld guy shows me off his magic ship every day.”

In the most conspicuous part of the metal Dragon Island, there are magic ships that Galleon distributed to the metal dragons. part of the metal dragon as a reward.

“There will be opportunities in the future.”

Galleon laughed and said.

With the Imaskar ring here, the Imaskar Second Empire will not rest on its laurels.

Although the lava demiplane was blocked, Galleon knew that the other party had other means.

Not long after Galleon cast the gem seal, thinking that the threat from the Second Imaskar Empire was coming to an end, he learned that the Second Imaskar Empire could pass other empires. The secret weapon, locate the position of the Imaskar ring.

Although this process will take a lot of time and effort, it can be done.

As for why Galleon knew about this situation.

The intelligence of Imaskar’s ring recognizes Galleon, the new owner of Time Dragon, and sold Imaskar without the slightest hesitation The Second Empire, in the view of the Imaskar Circle, Galleon is more capable of protecting the inheritance of the magical weapon than the Second Empire of Imaskar.

“If this happens again, remember to call me.”

Nehemiah nodded.

Immediately, the Immemorial Silver Dragon straightened his face and his tone became serious.

“I’m here to find you in the Arctic, because I have good news to tell you.”

Galleon’s eyes moved, and he said, “Oh? what good news. ”

He knew that Nehemiah was definitely not here because of the breakthrough Immemorial Dragon to catch up with the old days, but probably something.

A look of pleasure appeared on Nehemiah’s face, Said: “The Metal Dragon God sent news a few days ago about the original Sun God. “

“After the siege of the dragon gods and other good gods of Paradise Mountain, the original sun god was smashed in the dark realm of Bottomless Abyss. “

“In the beginning, the god of the sun was lucky not to die because he escaped in time, but he was also a great injury. Now he is cautiously avoiding the eyes of the gods. Haha, like a mouse in a sewer, he doesn’t know where to hide.” Where are you, don’t dare to show your face. “

Galleon nodded slightly as he listened.

“It has been almost five years since the Desolate God Avatar invaded the Noah continent. “

He thought to himself.

In the past five years, many gods from the good camp were persuaded by the Metal Dragon God and Light God to join the siege of the original Sun God, Although the primordial sun god had a long-running kingdom of gods, it could not stop all the gods from attacking at the same time.

After resisting for five years, the primordial sun god god kingdom was shattered.

He himself almost died in the siege of the gods.

But it was the ancient Desolate God who was born with the universe. He escaped from the encirclement and suppression. At this time, there was no news, and he hid in a deserted corner of the Plane World, recuperating.

Nehemiah showed a pity, and said: “Passed from the Dragon God. According to the news, it was only a matter of time before the original sun god could be killed. “

He looked at Galleon, said with a smile: “In addition to this good news, there is one more thing you might be interested in.” “

Galleon’s eyes moved slightly, waiting for the following.

“The gods decided to cut off all the tentacles of the primordial sun god in the main material world, and the main material world eroded by him one after another. found. “

“Almost all of these prime matter worlds are distorted monsters affected by the amount of Divine Force of the primordial sun. “

“If the gods want to restore the environment of these main material worlds, they must first remove all the distortion monsters in them. “

“Because it is the main material world, it is not easy for the gods to do it themselves.” “

“At times like this, we are needed. “

Nehemiah chuckled: “The great dragon god, we have chosen a suitable main material world for the Dragon Clan of our Noah continent. As long as we can clean up the distortion monster inside, we will You can become the new master of this main material world. “

“I Rewritten Family History”

(there is a million-character masterpiece “The Heavens Beginning from Bailuyuan”)

One hundred and two A ten-year-old old man, transmigrated into a white fox in the second year of Xuantong, pointing to the young self. End of this chapter)

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