Control the Dragon of Time

Chapter 246


Chapter 246 For the Eternal Dragon! (Ask for a monthly pass)

Galleon Dragon Wing was shocked.

With his movements, the surging Dragon’s Might is like a storm, pressing the flames forward, as if the waves formed by the flames, like a huge might Fire Attribute spell, swept across the city of flaming steel.


The flames didn’t have much impact on the Fire Elements in the City of Fire Steel, but when Dragon’s Might with flames passed by, the Fire Elements in the city trembled. , like sparks swaying in a gust of wind.

“The Great Eternal Dragon, welcomes you to the City of Firesteel.”

“The Fire Djinn and the people of Fire Element salute you.”

The fire djinn in the city fell to their knees and bowed their heads in honor of Galleon.

As for the language in which they speak.

is Dragon Language.

The situation of other elemental planes Galleon is not quite clear, most of the elemental djinn in the lava half planes do not know Dragon Language, they speak their corresponding elemental language, but in Galleon ruled here After that, Dragon Language became the language that all intelligent life in the lava demiplane must master.

More than just Fire Element life.

The Earth Element life in the Stone City Labyrinth, as well as the clan of flesh and blood creatures here, must learn the Dragon Language.

“Lead 80% of the Fire Element’s life with combat capability, and stand by in the Jiaoyan mountain range in two weeks.”

“You will fight for me!”

Galleon didn’t talk nonsense, and gave the order in a deep voice.

The location of the scorch mountain range is roughly in the middle of the lava demiplane.

He wants to gather his relatives in the scorching flame mountain range, and then take it to Noah’s continent, which belongs to the main material world, to prepare for going to the Kara planet to clear the distortion monster.

“As you wish, great Eternal Dragon.”

“Fire Element life will serve as your sharpest blade, reducing all your enemies to ashes!”

The fiery djinn, who are naturally aggressive and aggressive, responded to Galleon’s orders excitedly.

Because of the constraints of the Galleon, these guys can’t fight with the Earth Element to vent their emotions. A war that can unleash the flames.

Immediately, Galleon directly activated the Spatial Teleportation technique and came to the Alpha tribe surrounded by volcanoes.



A flaming flower blooms in Galleon’s field of vision.

Anya’s silhouette then appeared in Galleon’s field of vision.

Her aura grew stronger.

Although Anya hasn’t broken through Legendary yet, she’s just one step away from the Legendary level.

Maybe all that’s missing is a fight.

Very stable on the lava demiplane, she doesn’t have many opportunities to use huge might magic.

“Prepare the sorcerers above the median in the Alpha tribe.”

“Your flames will be needed next.”

Galleon straight to the point, said.

Anya smiled, bowed slightly, and said, “The Alpha Tribe is always ready to fight for you.”

Galleon’s eyes swept across the surrounding volcanoes.

A magical ship belonging to his spoíls of war is located between these volcanoes.

In the absence of the Dragon God Transmission Gate, if you want to travel between different Plane Worlds on a large scale, the magic ship is a good transmission tool.

“Have you learned how to navigate a magic ship?”

Galleon asked in a deep voice.

After obtaining the magic ship, Galleon gave the sorcerer of the Alpha tribe a task.

Learn how to pilot a magic ship from the prisoners of Imaskar’s Second Empire Fleet.

Some of these captives are pilots without combat capability, not all of them are fierce and unafraid of death, and even if they are not afraid of death, there are spells that can make them speak, and it is not difficult to obtain the control method of the magic ship.

“It’s not difficult for your kin to steer the magic ship.”

Anja replied.

The sorcerer’s ability to learn is generally very strong. With the corresponding knowledge, the sorcerer of the Alpha tribe have learned how to control the magic ship.

“It’s just that we don’t have enough manpower.”

Anya continued: “Each magic ship needs at least fifty crew members to focus on the control.”

The sorcerers of the Alpha tribe are of high quality, but the problem now is that the population is too small.

Although they are implementing a population expansion plan, they will not see results in a short period of time.

Galleon thought for a few seconds, and then said decisively: “Those still alive prisoners, whether it’s coercion or lure, I don’t care what you do, let them drive the magic ships on their behalf, I want these magic ships. Move.”

Under the condition that the space is not blocked, the magic ship travels extremely fast in the main material world.

The Kara planet is huge and just right for the magic ship to function.

And the cannons above are not decorations.

A magical cannon built by the Second Empire of Imaskar, with amazing formidable power.

When fighting the giant dragons, the magic cannons didn’t have a chance to play, this is because the magic cannons don’t have much effect against the Legendary giant dragon, and their energy is almost used in On top of the shield defense.

For creatures below Legendary, even ordinary Legendary with insufficient defensive power, the magical cannons on the magic ship have a high threat.

And if there is no magic ship, it is a big problem to bring his relatives to the main material world.

It’s impossible to exhaust the Galleon to death just by using the teleportation spell.

Planar teleportation is prepared for powerful individual creatures. Large-scale troop transportation across the crystal wall still requires magic ships, so the powerful Magic Empire will basically build a fleet of magic ships.

p> “Anya understands what you mean, please don’t worry.”


After explaining some other things about the Alpha tribe, Galleon left the Alpha tribe.

Soon, in the lava demiplane native land, all creatures with a certain battle strength have received news of preparations for battle, and are preparing to assemble to the scorched mountain range.

However, in order to guard against the unexpected, although the lava demiplane has the gem sealing technique, it cannot be completely empty.

The original Sun God infected aberration monster has the characteristics of high recovery ability. In dealing with creatures with this ability, Earth Element life is naturally at a disadvantage, so Galleon let the earth giants of the stone city labyrinth in the lava half. The plane is left to guard.

In fact, there is another reason.

Earth Element life is dying one by one, and it is difficult for the magic ship to carry them.

The Fire Element life has almost no weight, and it can also shrink in size. A large number of Fire Element life can even be squeezed into a magic boat. Of course, this must be out of the scope of safe driving. When facing the crystal wall, if something happens to the magic ship, it will be a terrible ending for the entire army to be wiped out.

After temporarily dealing with the situation on the Lava Demiplane, Galleon returned to the arctic icefields of the Noah continent.

Wolfheart clan, Bonebreaker Tribe, barbarian tribe, troll clan, giant eagle in the extreme north The relatively powerful creature clans in the extreme arctic icefield are all Galleon’s family now, as for not his family, in Most of the Arctic ice sheets serve as food and the like.

It didn’t take long for the relatives in the Arctic to learn of the upcoming battle.

One of the most exciting is the Wolfheart clan.

Since the Galleon never agreed to let the winter wolves invade the rest of Noah’s continent after taking down the Arctic, these idle and ambitious guys have been eager for new battles.

“The Wolfheart Clan will tear up all your enemies for you!”

Wolf’s face filled with excitement after receiving Galleon’s order.

It couldn’t help but howl.

The wolves scattered around the winter wolf’s residence heard the voice of the winter wolf commander, and also made a loud wolf howl.

For a time, the howls of wolves echoed in the sky above the polar ice sheet.

Galleon didn’t stop the Winter Wolf from doing it.

They are raising morale in their own way in preparation for the next battle.

In the whistling cold wind and falling snow in the extreme arctic ice sheet, time passed minute by minute.

“Galeon planet. With my power, I should be able to conquer a territory far larger than the other True Dragons.”

Galleon never overestimates himself, but neither does he Underestimate your own strength and power.




Lava demiplane, scorch mountain range.

In the sky above the rolling volcanoes, a total of eight magic ships stand quietly suspended.

A ship of several hundred meters long, with a large number of magical runes and magic circuits depicted on the surface of the magic ship is very eye-catching, and it carries the most elite creature clan in the lava demiplane. .

Looks decent.

But compared to the strength of the 21st Magic Fleet, it is very shabby.

However, relying on the powerful shield and artillery cannons of the magic ship, as long as it can be controlled, it can exert a strong destructive power without the need for combatants. A magic ship can barely be regarded as a Legendary.

The surviving captives succumbed to the sorcerer of the Alpha tribe.

It’s a pity that the Legendary-level artificer captives all have the dignity of the Legendary powerhouse, one by one rather die than submit. Because the Legendary powerhouse is not easy to control, the opponent may find an opportunity to escape. Several Legendary artificer captives have died under Galleon’s sharp claw.

All magic ships have teleportation.

After everything was in place, the eight magical ships started teleporting with the location of the immortal fortress as an anchor.

Buzz!Buzz!Buzz! .

There were violent ripples in the space.

The huge Transmission Gates opened one after another, and the magic ship carrying the Lava Half-plane force opened its shields, officially set sail, and entered the Transmission Gate.

It won’t be long.

At the other end of the Arctic ice sheet.

Under the snow-filled night, a magic ship emerged from nothing, showing a huge shape from the void, appearing in the snow and wind, and the huge hull was on the ground. A patch of shadowy outlines are left behind.

The snowflakes the size of goose feathers fell, touching the shield of the magic ship, and instantly evaporated and disappeared without leaving a trace.

At the same time.

The creatures belonging to the extreme arctic field look up to the sky.

Curious or scrutiny or wary eyes fell on several huge magic ships.

Galleon’s clans in the extreme arctic icefield have also assembled at this time. They are located around the immortal fortress. At a glance, countless icefield creatures are divided into biological races and are distributed entirely differently. on the snow-white ground.

Different scents fill the area near the ice cliffs,

densely packed wolves.

The winter wolves raised their heads, looking towards the Fire Element life that was burning with flames inside the magic ship.

As an icefield hunter of Ice Attribute, although he knows that everyone has the same lord, he can’t help but feel disgusted and hostile.

However, in the lead fire giants, the winter wolves sensed a dangerous aura.

The individual strength of the ordinary fire giant is similar to that of a powerful magical creature like the winter wolf, but the upper limit of the fire giant is much higher than that of the winter wolf. Now the elite fire giants on the magic ship have High-level combat power.

Dragon Vein is even worse.

At this time, the Fire Elements who took the magic ship to the Arctic Icefield are the same as the winter wolves. As the life formed by the condensation of Fire Elements, they naturally hate the coldness of the Arctic Icefield. surroundings.

Here, the Fire Element life doesn’t work as well as it should.

If it is not for the existence of the shield of the magic ship, their aura will gradually fade away with the passage of time. Ordinary elemental life cannot stay in the environment of the main material plane for a long time, otherwise there will be mortal danger .

On a 300-meter-long magic ship.

Some alpha tribesorcerers looked around all around, and their curious eyes kept falling on the scene around the polar ice sheet.

For these Alphas who were born and raised in the lava half-plane, the snow-white environment of the extreme arctic field is completely another world, and of course, this is indeed another world.

“This is, the world of Prime Matter. We’re back!”

Anya closed her eyes slightly, and took a deep breath of the cold air of the extreme arctic ice field with an intoxicated look on her face.

Accompanying her breathing, the elemental energy of different attributes rippling slightly, flowing in the air, exuding a variety of elemental auras that can never be seen in the lava demiplane, colorful.

The Alphas have been away from the prime matter world for too long.

In the knowledge left by their ancestors through the ages, the Alpha people know what the primary material world is supposed to look like.

The main material world with balanced elemental energy will have a variety of biological races, a variety of colors, and not as monotonous as the lava demiplane in every aspect.

Almost every alpha person has thought about leaving the lava half-plane and returning to the main material plane. At this time, all the Alpha people on the magic ship were excited and excited at the same time.

They belong to the main material world.

The lava demiplane is not the home of the Alphas.

The place of origin is very important to normal intelligent creatures and cannot be given up. In order to return to Faerun and return to its own Origin Continent, the Second Empire of Imaskar does not know what to do every year. How much resources are invested in this, and they have no turning back.

“Thank you, great Eternal Dragon.”

Anya raised her head and looked at the silver giant dragon standing silently on the top of the fortress.

Galleon turned his neck, and Platinum Dragon’s pupils reflected his own kinship clan.

The Fire Attribute creatures from the Lava demiplane and the Ice Attribute creatures from the extreme arctic plains don’t get along in the attribute, but it doesn’t matter, Galleon doesn’t need his own relative clan to love each other’s family In the form of getting along with each other, appropriate contradictions and competition are more conducive to the development of the dependents.

Galleon looked down at the kin below.

His eyes flickered.

Fire Element life, alpha sorcerer, fire dwarf warrior, lava python are distributed on the magic ship. The number is not large, there are only thousands, but they all have relatively powerful existence. The battle power is the main, but there is no lack of high battle power.

A magic ship is suspended in the air.

Under the magic ship, wrapped in silver and white, there are numerous native creatures of Noah’s continent.

I can barely see the edge.

Winter wolves, ogre, northern barbarians, Ox Head Man, kobolds. These relatives of Galleon are uneven in strength, and there are more than 100,000 in number. total.

Galleon has no plans to bring all of his family business to the Kara planet.

The reason why I took this part of the family to the Kara planet is because after solving the distortion monster, the new territory is inseparable from the construction and management of intelligent creatures.

The fact that this part of the relatives are brought to the Kara planet will lead to the emptiness of the power of the polar ice sheet.

However, Galleon’s Dragon’s Lair and Territory are protected by Mythic Spheres, so this isn’t a big problem.

And in the Kara planet, there are almost no normal living creatures.

Nehemiah specifically instructed Galleon to bring some more dependents in the past, and to use the extraordinary Divine Force under the suppression of the main material world is not a small consumption for the gods, the large-scale Transmission of the metal dragon god Gate will only open once.

If there are too few family members to be concerned about the territory, it will be difficult to bring enough family members to the Kara planet in the future.

Galleon has a magic ship, and with the coordinates of the Plane World, it can travel back and forth with its relatives on a large scale.

However, magic ships are not driven for nothing, and traveling across planes requires a lot of energy.

Where does the energy come from?

The magical magic ship built by the Second Empire of Imaskar has an energy conversion furnace inside, which is the core of the magic ship.

Almost anything can be thrown into it and converted into energy, but there is a problem of conversion efficiency. The energy provided by ordinary substances is not enough, and the efficiency is not good. There are only magic gems, and mithril, flame steel, Magical resources such as elemental stones are the main materials that provide energy for the magic ship.

Galleon is relatively poor now, and can’t bear to start the magic ship again and again.

After the initial riot, as time passed, the retinues from different worlds slowly calmed down.

at the same time.

Dragon’s Might explodes.

Dragon’s Might, like a hurricane, spread in all directions, sweeping over the bodies of every kin at high speed.

In the solidity of Dragon’s Might, they raised their heads and looked in awe at the silver giant dragon standing in the snow.

“My loyal followers, it’s time to show your strength to the outside world.”

“You will fight for me, open up new territories for me, and sweep for me Clear the obstacles and let the name of the Eternal Dragon be heard in another world!”

Galleon looked all around, said solemnly.

Immediately, under Galleon’s command, some of the relatives of the extreme arctic field boarded the magic ship.

The sorcerers of the Alpha clan left the magic ship. Under the command of Critchens, these sorcerers began to describe the complicated Transmission Formation on the land of the extreme arctic ice.

The magic ship can’t hold all of its kin.

The Arctic Icefield is still a short distance away from the Sea Territory in the south. At the speed of the Galleon family members, if they are allowed to travel on their own, it is difficult to reach the destination in time.

In the material world, Spatial Teleportation without crossing the crystal wall is much simpler.

Hundreds of sorcerers work together, including a large number of mid-rank and five high-rank sorcerers. They spend a certain amount of time and energy to build a large-scale Transmission Formation, which can make the remaining Galleon family members. Take this to the South Sea Territory.

(End of this chapter)

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