Control the Dragon of Time

Chapter 271


Chapter 271 Robbery! (Ask for a monthly ticket)

Imaskar Empire Imperial Family Assembly Hall.

Three Demi-God contraptions codenamed Angels are located in it at the moment, as well as the contemporary Emperor of the Imaskar Empire and the actual Leader of each realm.

Hundreds of delicate mechanical spheres flew around the parliamentary hall, interweaving a faint shimmering mesh in the space, wrapping all the personnel in the parliamentary hall at this time. .

The effect of this device is similar to the Pyramid of Wonders.

They can create a territorial barrier that isolates the Divine Force from detection, preventing the decisions of the upper echelons of the empire from being heard by the gods and saints.

It’s just that there is an invisible long river of time flowing quietly, passing through the protective barrier without any influence.

So these people don’t know, their conversation here is being taken in the entire scene by a time dragon.

At this time, it has been two weeks since the saints left the field. A total of fifteen cities in the Imaskar Empire have been reduced to ruins under the mighty power of the saints. Not enough to resist the pace of the saints, the Imaskar Empire has only three magical angels at the Demi-God level, and they are only at the pseudo-Demi-God level. No matter the quantity or quality, they are incomparable with the powerful saints.

In addition, many traces of damage can be seen on the dark angel of destruction.

This strongest magic weapon angel, went to test the gods and saints before, but even if he was equipped with three Imaskar secret weapons, he was completely defeated by the opponent’s power. If it wasn’t for the seventh secret The defenses of the weapon are so strong that the Angel of Destruction may not be able to return to the Imperial capital.

What’s worse, the saints who defeated the angel of destruction were not the two strongest saints.

Relying on the authority of the gods and the extraordinary Divine Force, the Holy One easily defeated the Angel of Destruction.

The Sage and Sage Avatar are completely two-level creatures.

The saint who can defeat the angel of the magic weapon, at this time, there are more than 20 people raging in the Imaskar Empire, and the Legion of the magic weapon that went to block it was destroyed, and the cities were destroyed. Collapsed. Countless Imaskar people fell into panic, and many people began to flee. Imaskar people’s confidence and pride in the empire were shattered by the saints in just a dozen days.

The Supreme power possessed by the gods is displayed before the eyes of many biological races in the Faerûn continent.

For what happened to the Imaskar Empire, many other countries and forces in the Faerûn continent have known, but no one dared to intervene in the Eastern Continent.

In the case of a Great Empire declining, there are many times when demons and devils from hell or abyss take the opportunity to harvest souls. However, there is no demon or devil in the current Imaskar Empire. Even these chaotic evil guys know to be world-wise and play safe, and dare not swim in this muddy water.

The collapse of the Imaskar Empire on the surface was caused by the saints who came to this main material world, but behind it there are many Faerûn native gods with the acquiescence and support.

“Everyone knows the situation facing the Empire now.”

In the Imperial Family conference hall, the contemporary emperor said with no expression on his face.

“It’s a great honor to cooperate with the ancestors to develop the empire to such a grand occasion.”

After looking at a few magical angels, the contemporary emperor said in a regretful tone: ” However, the gods and saints have descended, and our marvelous artifact, Legion, is no match for the saints.”

“The empire has no time to develop.”

After the first plague, After noticing the hostility from the gods, the Imaskar Empire clearly understood that the gods would not allow the natural development of the road of magic.

Because of the end of the contraption, in the eyes of the Imaskar Empire, it is to replace the gods with machines.

This is a challenge to the authority of the gods and is absolutely intolerable.

In fact, no matter whether the Imaskar Empire worships the gods or humiliates them, as long as they continue to develop amazing weapons and develop to the point where the gods cannot sit idly by, their destruction is unavoidable.

“However, it won’t end like this.”

The guardian angel said with a nonchalant expression.

After a few seconds of silence, Angel of Killing and Angel of Destruction said in the same way: “We have made a decision.”

While speaking, a grain of metal particles came out like a mist. The three magical angels escaped from their bodies.

The threads of divinity they have collected are all concentrated in these extremely fine metal particles.

The silver giant dragon, surreptitiously observing through the time stamp, frowned.

“What are these guys in the Imaskar Empire doing?”

To humiliate the gods to get a massive explosion of Power of Faith, Galleon thought they did it on purpose.

It now appears that their purpose is for this very moment.

In the depths of the dark Sea Territory, the state has returned to Peak’s silver giant dragon with his eyes closed, carefully observing the next movements of the Imaskar Empire.

The Imperial Family Chamber of Noda was very quiet and no one spoke.

With the passage of time, the bodies of several magical angels seem to have shrunk in a circle, and a small amount of divinity in them has all been stripped out at this moment.

More than that.

Although the magical angel is made of mechanical metal, because of the Soul Willpower of the previous emperor of the empire, the existence of wisdom can be felt in the magical angel. The Mechanical Angel, at this time, seems to have lost his soul and turned into an ordinary cold weapon.


A metal cube of perfect proportions suspends.

This cube is about the size of an adult’s head, and its surface is engraved with extremely small runes. above.

There are also smaller cubes like waves, rolling on the surface of the metal cube, one after another, like the breath of metal.

The divine rays of light and the metal cube fuse together form this strange creation.

And after a few seconds, the divine rays of light are all restrained.

The contemporary emperor stood up, moved towards the lost soul, and bowed deeply to the angels.

After standing up, the emperor said solemnly: “My ancestors, on behalf of all the people of the empire, I pay you the highest respect.”

There was no response.

Immediately, the contemporary emperor looked at the metal cube standing silently.

There was a ray of hope in his eyes.

“The real fire of the empire, the Heart of Wonders.”

“Gods? The war between machines and gods has just begun.”

“One day , Legion composed of magical life, will smash the kingdom of God and kill the gods.”

The heart of the magical, placed all the hopes of the Imaskar Empire.

This metal cube combines the Soul Willpower of the three emperors with infinite wisdom. It only has a ignorant thinking now, but it also has the potential of extraordinary and refined. In the set trajectory, over time, it will grow and develop a mechanical civilization that is born with life.

The magical life that is born is different from the magical life that is built the day after tomorrow.

Just like the three highest magical angels, their souls and magical bodies can never be perfectly matched. How much, their limit is Demi-God, even if they have divinity, they will not be the opponents of gods.

However, there is no upper limit to the true magical life.

As for whether it can really succeed in the end, the Imaskar Empire is uncertain.

However, there is hope after all.

This is a gamble with no results.

A good thing, the silver giant dragon who was watching secretly, swallowed saliva and said.

Galleon’s instinctive sensitivity to treasure made Galleon feel that the metal cube was a more precious treasure than the Imaskar artifact, and he couldn’t wait to get it and make it his own collection.

Unfortunately, in Galleon’s angry eyes, the contemporary emperor did something that made Galleon’s flesh hurt.

The calm-faced emperor took off his crown and put on the Imaskar crown.

Immediately, under the power of the crown, the space began to tremble.

crack crack is centered on a metal cube, and the space is broken every inch.

This is not a stable space gate, but a broken space area. If an object in this shatter space can resist the damage when the space is broken, and if it does not leave in time, the next step will be Will be engulfed by space turbulence and be drawn into a completely unpredictable unknown world.

A few seconds later, the metal cube fell into space turbulence.

Next, Imaskar’s crown stopped releasing its power, the space healed automatically, and clusters of cracks were repaired and regenerated, and the Heart of the Artifact had disappeared.

At this time, the Emperor Imaskar himself did not know where the Heart of Artifacts had fallen.

Galleon, who secretly covets the metal cube, doesn’t even know it.

“Abominable Imaskar Empire, my darling!”

The silver giant dragon was rather irritable, flapping its tail.

For a time, the Sea Territory, which is 10,000 meters deep, rolled up dangerous undercurrents under the influence of a certain dragon.

“Your Majesty, is this really possible?”

“If the imperial fire cannot be ignited in the unknown world, all our efforts will be in vain.”

asked an Imperial Family member in the council chamber.

Emperor Imaskar looked at the place where the Heart of Artifacts disappeared, calmly said: “Life will find its way to flourish.”

“Whether the end result is success or failure , it’s not something we need to care about.”

Next, the emperor began to issue orders.

“The artificer’s inheritance cannot be cut off.”

“Now prepare for plane teleportation immediately, and use a magic ship to take a group of people out of the Faerun continent and go to other main material worlds .”


“The imperial artifacts cannot resist the saints, and are taken away as inheritance.”

“In order to prevent the saints from killing To the last one, all connections between the two main material worlds must be cut off.”

The silver giant dragon, who was still angry with the imperial secret weapon, made a move.

Without getting the metal cube, these original goals cannot be taken away.

Galleon listened carefully to the Emperor’s orders, not missing anything.

A specific order was given to escape the Faerûn continent.

When the dust settled, the Emperor took off the Imaskar Crown, and the rest of the Imperial Artifacts were taken from the Artifact Angel and handed over to artificers with the Imperial Family bloodline to take away .

“Your Majesty, what about you?”

“Aren’t you leaving the Faerun continent?”

The emperor’s face was expressionless, and he said calmly : “The emperor and the empire will coexist and die.”

The purpose of the saints is to demonstrate the power of the gods and destroy the Imaskar Empire. This purpose has almost been achieved, and they can tolerate a small number of Ima The Skars fled, but if the Emperor of the Empire left, the Saints would surely pursue them.

Next, the Imaskar Empire came into operation.

The Magic Dock is ready to set sail, and outstanding members of the empire’s various fields have been selected and qualified to board.

The three magical angels who have lost their souls have each left the Imperial Palace.

One of them went to the location of the magic dock and escorted the magic ship to sail away.

The other two spread their energy wings, and under the dark clouds, they each flew towards the position of saints who were gradually approaching the capital of the empire. Continuously, slaying the god-sage as a moth flies into the flame.

It is always easier to destroy than to create.

This artifact empire has been developing for thousands of years.

Just over two weeks after the end of the Saint, he was forced into a desperate situation.

In the end, never begging for mercy, and fighting to the death with the gods and saints is just a decent way of destruction.


Falling Stars Sea.


The rough sea suddenly burst.

The Legendary giant dragon wearing silver dragon scales jumped out of the sea, the broad and powerful dragon wings carried strong power to tear apart the wind and rain, and turned into a form under the sky where the wind and thunder danced together. A first-class of light, head straight to where the magic docks of the Imaskar Empire are located.

Waited so long.

The chance to profiting from somebody’s misfortune is finally here.

Imaskar, your true master is here!

Galleon suppressed his excitement and galloped like electricity in the rainstorm.

After some time.

On the Imaskar Empire’s Shining Peak, where the Magic Dock is located.

One after another of the magic ships are docked between the platforms and tracks built around the Shining Peak. Lun continent, went to a new main material world, when the Imaskar Empire decided to study the extraordinary Divine Force, they found a suitable main material world for habitable development, leaving a retreat for the empire inheritance.

The guardian angel in silver white stands silently on the top of the mountain.

It is responsible for the safe departure of the magic ship.

In addition to the guardian angels, there are quite a few Legendary artificers and several Legions around.

Under the tense situation, the evacuation mission was carried out in an orderly manner.

It didn’t take long for the staff to arrive.

Imaskar Empire didn’t plan to let too many people leave, otherwise, the saints would not let it go, so around the magic dock of Nuoda, there are only five magic ships in total that can finally leave the lucky one.


The engine of the magic ship started.

The rumbling sound of the engine overwhelms the thunder and wind and rain.

In the past, the Imaskars would always look proud and proud when they heard the roaring sound of the engine starting, but this time, their faces are full of heavy and low. The pride that used to be proud no longer exists.


In the dark thunderclouds that filled the entire sky, a silvery white color could be vaguely seen.

Sensing the danger of the Legendary giant dragon, the guardian angel immediately raised his head.

Several bright and dazzling Fireballs pierced through the rain and fell with destructive force towards several enchanted ships full of people.


The guardian angel moved.

Before the Great Sun Fireball could hit its target, the Guardian Angel blasted the Fireball one after another in the sky.

The monstrous flames illuminated the drowsy sky, as if several small suns had risen.

“Don’t move anything, loot!”

“Hand over the seven secret artifacts of the Imaskar Empire, and I’ll let you go.”

” Otherwise, just stay here!”

The roar of the giant dragon resounded like thunder in the wind and rain.

In the torrential rain of crash-bang, people’s attention is attracted by the super-giant silver giant dragon.

This guy who destroyed the Pyramid of Magical Weapons before and was equivalent to the culprit who attracted the gods, many Imaskar people present knew that the Legendary giant dragon who could manipulate time, Before the empire could capture him, the saints came.

So, when seeing Galleon.

The Imaskar people here have a visible hatred on their faces.

Even if they knew in their hearts that the gods would sooner or later find trouble with the Imaskar Empire, Galleon just accelerated the process.

The guardian angel at this time has no soul.

But it still has enough basic intelligence, and is controlled by a member of the Imperial Family on the magic ship, who is also a Legendary artificer.

Facing the silver giant dragon profiting from somebody’s misfortune, the artificer’s face sank.

“Evil dragon, destroying the pyramid of our empire, leading to the coming of gods, indirectly causing the current situation of the empire.”

“The empire has not yet troubled you, you dare to be yourself Bring it to the door.”

The guardian angel who dispelled the flame stared at Galleon, although the emperor’s Soul Willpower lost a trace of divine blessing, this guy’s power still has the level of Demi-God , but it is a little weaker than before, and it is still a difficult enemy to solve for Galleon.

But Galleon came prepared.

The magic docks of the Imaskar Empire like to use huge mountains as carriers.

Mountain collapse can be very useful in this situation.

At this time, the magic ship has not taken off, and is still on the track of the magic dock. As long as Galleon destroys the peak of glory, it will not be so easy for the magic ship here to leave.

The guardian angel refrained from shooting at the rat for fear of breaking the vases, and his strength was weakened again, and he couldn’t fully protect it in front of Galleon.

Galleon isn’t going to have a useless war of words with them.

He hehe smiled, and before the guardian angel made a move, he directly threatened: “You should know very well how the magic pyramid collapsed.”

The people on the magic ship complexion slightly changed , the guardian angel moves.

Galleon looked at the magic dock and said, “I’m no match for your guardian angel, but it’s impossible to take me down.”

paused, bathed in wind and Rain’s silver giant dragon bared its snow-white fangs.

“However, I want to destroy the Magic Dock before you open the plane’s Transmission Gate, with no difficulty.”

(end of this chapter)

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