Control the Dragon of Time

Chapter 281

Chapter 281


Kara planet, a dragon’s nest full of gold and silver treasures.

More than a month has passed since the attack on the royal court of the Second Empire of Imaskar and brought back the rest of the imperial artifacts. At this time, the coronation of the Lord of the Dragon Court agreed with the ancient Golden Dragon The ceremony is already fast.

After returning.

Galleon has contacted Rockveld.

According to this Golden Dragon, the coronation ceremony is being prepared in an orderly manner. At this time, all the Legendary giant dragons located in the Kara planet, whether they have decided to join the Dragon Court, or are holding a wait-and-see Attitudes, they have already received the news that the Lord of Dragon Court is about to be crowned, just waiting for the time to go to the half plane where Long Court is located to see if the legendary Dragon of Time really exists.

With so little time left, Galleon hasn’t left Kara planet or other timelines recently.

He waited quietly in the dragon’s lair for the arrival of the coronation ceremony.

At this time, between the claws of the silver giant dragon were two short bronze staffs.

One is the second artifact obtained from the Second Empire of Imaskar, and the other is the same artifact obtained from other timelines.

The two Imaskar scepters look almost identical.

And apart from their appearance, they exude the same power, as if carved out of a mold.

“It turns out that things from other timelines can be brought out.”

Yuna approached, stared at the two secret weapons without blinking, and said.

She had heard about Galleon’s experience in the ancient Imaskar Empire and was surprised.

After thinking for a few seconds, Yuna asked Galleon a question, “So, can you bring me here from the other timelines?”

“I’m face to face, it’s interesting to think about it.”

Galleon shook the head and said, “Maybe in the future, but now I can’t do it with my ability.”

After chatting with Yuna for a while, Galleon carefully looked towards the two Imaskars again.

In his spirit strength perception, there seems to be some connection between these two Imaskars from different timelines, and they exude an obvious attraction to each other, There is a tendency to approach each other. If Galleon is not holding it, the two bronze scepters have already flown together.

Between Galleon’s claws, the two staves trembled slightly.

The front of the staves are slightly inclined, trying to touch each other.

“Items on different timelines appear in the same time and space, why does this happen.”

Galleon’s eyes fell on the two secret weapons, quietly observing .

The illusory river of time flows silently and emerges in Galleon’s field of vision.

He saw that the secret artifact obtained from the ancient Imaskar Empire was surrounded by a faint river of time, and circles of tiny ripples continued to spread out, touching the secret artifact of the main timeline. Together, they were submerged into the main timeline secret tool, and then, like a response to the ancient Imaskar Empire secret tool, the main timeline secret tool also emitted strange fluctuations.

They behave strangely, as if it were caused by the long river of time.

Galleon tries to move the two secret weapons farther apart.

However, the distance of the spatial dimension does not seem to have the slightest influence on the connection between them, and the trend of approaching each other has not changed in any way. Time is about.

Thinking about it, Galleon lets out a breath and decides to let them take their course.

Since they are attracted to each other, let go and see what happens when two secret weapons of different timelines touch.

the thoughts got to this point.

Galleon has placed a lot of protective spells around the two secret weapons to prevent unexpected situations from happening.

“Let me see what you want to do.”

The dragon claw moved, releasing the restraint on the Imaskar.


Under Galleon’s gaze, the two unbound Imaskars exude the power of time that the naked eye cannot see, suspended in the air under the action of the river of time, and whizzing. They got closer to each other.

Time seems to slow down.

The two secret weapons crossed a straight line in the air and slowly collided.

Galleon’s eyes are dignified, and the dragon claw is filled with the power of time, ready to take down two secret weapons at any time.

However, no dangerous condition was issued afterward.

The two bronze stubs touched each other and merged with each other inch by inch. The secret weapon that was originally made of metal seemed to have turned into a stream of water at this time. turned into a secret weapon.

“This is really a fusion.”

Galleon reached out the dragon claw, picked up the newly born Imaskar, and looked at it carefully.

In appearance, the appearance of the two secret weapons after fusion has not changed.

Galleon unleashes a touch of magic, using a simple evocative spell.

Stab it!

Clusters of chain lightning beams stretched out in the air like cobwebs, covering almost the entire vast dragon nest, filling the surrounding space with an aura of high temperature and anxiety.

As the second secret weapon, Imaskar’s scepter itself is branded with many spells, mostly a Bodylock Technique, stun spell and other spells that impose a negative state on the enemy. However, as an empire A secret weapon, the biggest function of Imaskar’s scepter is to increase the casting speed and spell formidable power.

As long as you don’t care about the loss of mana, Imaskar’s scepter can even increase spell formidable power tenfold.

A simple spell can achieve terrifying killing effects with the addition of Imaskar’s scepter.

The Extinction Orb, which forced Galleon to exhaustion at the beginning, was augmented by Imaskar’s scepter to have a terrifying power that could not be imprisoned by the time-stop area. Of course, its ability It’s not infinite, it’s a big problem for the huge consumption of magic power and the load of spirit strength.

Ordinary sorcerer uses an increase of several times the formidable power to spell, and the body is estimated to be drained.

Galleon had already experimented with the effects of the Secret Artifacts when he obtained them in the Faerûn continent, and knew them all.

With the magic power just injected into Imaskar’s scepter in Galleon, under normal circumstances, the spell formidable power can be increased by twice, so that the chain lightning beam of the third ring has comparable power. Four ring spell effect.

However, from the effect just now.

The range and formidable power of the Chain Lightning Beam have been more than doubled, roughly tripled.

A three-ring spell, under the amplification of the fused Imaskar scepter, has obtained an effect comparable to the five-ring spell, such an improvement is not a little bit.

“Under the same magic power, the boosting effect of Imaskar’s Scepter is increased, but it is not directly doubled. The situation is similar to that of two plus two equals three.”

Galleon Holding the brand new Imaskar scepter, his eyes narrowed slightly.

“If you combine some other timeline’s secret tools and improve it again and again, wouldn’t it be able to play an effect comparable to Divine Item?”

The silver giant dragon’s His face gradually became excited.

It’s not just the Imaskar secret weapon, if you get more powerful equipment in the future, you can also try to fuse the same equipment from other timelines.

It’s just that Galleon needs the assistance of the Gate of Time and Space to travel through time and space. It takes a lot of time to go back and forth. tougher.

“What would happen if a certain item of all timelines were merged into one?”

Galleon thought, thinking.

Shook the head gently, Galleon calmed down and stopped thinking about this unknown question.

The timeline is infinite. A creature can create a different timeline with one choice. It is impossible to take out all an item in the infinite timeline. Because Galleon is creating new timelines while crossing other timelines.

So that’s an unsolved problem.

Although Galleon has doubts, he doesn’t waste time on unanswered questions.

After taking out the rest of the Imaskar Secret Artifacts, Galleon looked down at the two secret artifacts, both exuding invisible power of attraction, and fell into contemplation.

“Would you like to fuse all these secret artifacts?”

The quality of the fused secret artifact, from the point of view of Imaskar’s scepter, has not doubled directly. But the improvement is also not small. After the fusion of the rest of the secret weapons, it is probably the same result as Imaskar’s scepter.

After thinking about it, Galleon put away several other secrets.

“Let’s not fuse for now.”

Galleon picked up the only one left of Imaskar’s scepter and left the dragon’s lair, to a place where no creatures existed. on the barren land.

Next, the rumbling spell explosions came one after another.

The huge momentum keeps appearing one after another.

With the casting test one by one, Galleon became more and more aware of the effect of the new Imaskar Scepter, with which the spell he unleashed, even ten Ring-level spells can be greatly increased, and the consumption of mana is much less than before.

The momentum here caught the attention of the closer True Dragon.

The place Galleon chose was between his own territory and a Legendary Green Dragon territory.

Because of the violent energy reaction, Legendary Green Dragon, who didn’t know what happened, came to investigate and saw Galleon’s silhouette.

At the same time that it saw Galleon, Galleon naturally also discovered the existence of the other party.

This Green Dragon is an acquaintance, the very old Green Dragon who was hired by him to add green forests to the territory.

After a while, Galleon found that the guy’s age is exactly 800 years old. At this age, it is already an Ancient Dragon, and in the Kara planet, the number of True Dragons above Ancient Dragon is not equal to Not much.

“Dear Lord of Dragon Court, Green Dragon Yax salutes you.”

In front of Galleon, this Green Dragon bowed his head respectfully and said.

Hearing Yax’s words, Galleon’s eyes moved slightly and asked, “Have you joined the Dragon Court?”

Green Dragon nods, looking at the fifty-meter-long Pang However, the giant dragon said in awe: “Yes, the giant dragon who fought side by side with you and knew of your existence basically agreed to the invitation from the Time Dragon Court. After the coronation ceremony, I have prepared congratulations for you.”

paused, Green Dragon continued: “I believe that after your coronation, knowing your true existence, more dragons will choose to join the Dragon Court.”

Both are giant dragons at the Legendary level, and the gap between the two is not too big.

The Green Dragon has a body length of 32 meters, and there is a gap between the size of a super-large dragon and the Galleon.

It is obviously a powerful Legendary creature, but Green Dragon feels that the silver giant dragon in its eyes is more deep and unmeasurable, like a bottomless ocean, it is completely unable to determine the strength level of the other party, which represents its own Not a creature of the same rank as Galleon.

As expected of the legendary Dragon of Time, Green Dragon thought.

If it hadn’t participated in the battle with Desolate God Avatar and had seen the power of time with his own eyes, he wouldn’t have believed that Time Dragon really existed.

Is there a congratulatory gift?

Galleon looked at the Green Dragon with emerald scales and felt that it looked a little more pleasing to the eye.

Although Yilong’s stingy personality may not bring anything good, it is better than nothing.

“Recently, the conflict between different dragon species has intensified, and even death conflicts have appeared. After your coronation, there is the operation and maintenance of the Dragon Court. I hope the situation of Kara planet will improve.”


Hearing the ancient Green Dragon’s words, Galleon’s eyes were slightly wrinkled, and he said, “A dragon died?”

He knew that without a common enemy, the Dragon Clan here would not be stable. too long.

But how long until the eradication of aberrant creatures?

In just two years, some dragons died in the conflict, which is a bit beyond Galleon’s expectations. He thinks it will take at least another ten years to develop to this situation. After all, unless there is a deep hatred, Dragon Clan Rarely kills enemies defeated by oneself.

“Yes, some dragons have died recently.”

“How many?”

Galleon normally studies abilities in his dragon’s lair. I don’t know much about the changes in the outside world, so I asked Yax.

Green Dragon thought for a while and said, “As far as I know, a total of twelve dragons died, ranging from young to old, and they were basically killed by attacks from different dragon species. , metal dragons, five-color dragons, and gem dragons have all died, but those rare dragon species have never heard of dragons dying.”

“Twelve dragons. Are there Legendary dragons?”

Galleon brows slightly wrinkle, said.

“That’s not true.”

“The dead old dragon is a normal dragon species, there is no such thing as Red Dragon Silver Dragon.”

“You know, when you reach the Legendary level, most dragons can restrain their impulsive desires, and there are fewer conflicts between Legendary giant dragons.”

Galleon nodded slightly and said nothing.

Dragon Clan is just like that, and it’s hard to completely avoid it.

The purpose of establishing the Dragon Court is not to suppress or change the nature of Dragon Clan, whether in other main material worlds or in the giant dragon kingdom of Kala planet, the conflicts and battles between dragons are all the same. It is indispensable, a certain degree of fighting friction is also conducive to True Dragon sharpening its minions.

In Galleon and Lockeveld’s discussion, Dragon Court’s original intention was to ease the internal conflicts within Dragon Clan, so as not to have large-scale and uncontrollable infighting.

Therefore, it is necessary to reduce the number of deaths.

For ordinary conflicts, Longting does not need to be too restrictive.

It’s okay to hit the head with blood, and hit the scales and limbs flying all over the sky, but if you kill the opponent without the right motive, Longting will not sit idly by.

After a brief chat, Green Dragon left.

Galleon continued to test the abilities of Imaskar’s scepter until he got to the dragon’s lair.

After pondering for a while, Galleon managed to fuse the Imaskar Secret Artifacts together.

Except for the Imaskar Dharma Ring, the quality of Imperial Secret Artifacts from one to six have been improved. While the effect is enhanced, the consumption load on oneself is reduced. If there is another Imaskar With the fusion of the Kaffa rings, Galleon felt that he might be able to activate seven secret weapons at the same time.

There has always been a legend circulating in the Imaskar Empire, both the Ancient Empire and the Second Empire.

When the seven secret weapons are used by one person at the same time, they will gain power comparable to that of a god.

However, no one has ever succeeded.

Not even Demi-God’s marvelous angels can do it.

Time is passing by, very quickly, almost a month has passed.

In the quiet dragon’s lair, a golden dragon scale trembled, sending a message to Galleon.

The time for the coronation of the Lord of the Dragon Court is approaching.

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