Control the Dragon of Time

Chapter 96


Chapter 96 Bloodline of the Demon Lord

“The Wolfheart clan has lived up to your trust and captured all the natural sacrifices of the Ox Head Man tribe , including the ordinary Ox Head Man who was captured alive, is already here.”

The winter wolves led the wolves, relying on their strong tracking ability, and finally caught the escaped shaman.

The six bodies are depicted with cumbersome rune like the veins of the earth, their eyes are not as fierce as ordinary Ox Head Man, but the Ox Head Man with quiet wisdom is pushed out by the winter wolves.

There is a very heavy sense of power on them, as if they are fused with the ground under their feet, and every move draws the power of the spirit of the earth.

Obviously, they are the natural sacrifices, or shamans, of this Ox Head Man tribe.

“You foolish Ox Head Man, in front of you at this time is the greatest Eternal Dragon in the Arctic.”

“Rejecting the Eternal Dragon’s will, It will only bring the result of total destruction for your tribe!”

There is a winter wolf coldly snorted, who communicates with the tauren shaman in giant language.

Ox Head Man also speaks Giant, Orc and Common, and naturally understands Winter Wolf.

“The Ironback clan has believed in the spirit of the earth for generations, and will never succumb to the giant dragon.”

“Death is just a return to the embrace of the earth, and the spirit of the earth will make our souls receive Rest in peace.”

A tauren shaman remained unmoved with a calm expression.

The character of Ox Head Man is mostly violent and reckless, but as a shaman, under the influence of floating spirit worship, the character of Ox Head Shaman is more calm and heavy than many humans.

The Galleon dragon claw raised it lightly, signaling the winter wolves to stop talking. .

He lowered his head and looked down at the bull-headed shaman who spoke first, without immediately threatening or enticing him, he just asked with interest: “Followers of the spirit of nature, can you let the spirit of the earth appear? “

“My heart is very longing for the spirit of nature, but I have never seen it with my own eyes.”

“If it can satisfy my thoughts, all the people of your tribe will be sent to you.” It’s not impossible to let go.”

The bull-headed shaman raised his head, looked at the silver giant dragon that covered the moonlight, barely maintained his composure, and said: “The spirit of the earth exists in the vast land of boundless, What’s happening here is insignificant to it, it doesn’t care if you yearn or not.”

Galleon stomped, and the ground shook violently, and cracks spread out.

“What about you? Does the spirit of the earth care about its followers?”

“If I kill you, will the spirit of the earth take revenge on me?”


This is Galleon knowingly asking.

The spirit of nature is the incarnation of spirituality without emotion and does not care about beliefs.

The ox-head shaman raised a trace of strength, and the ground suddenly had faint ripples, and the winter wolf next to him was about to bite the ox-head shaman, but was stopped by Galleon.

The ground cracked by Galleon’s trampling seemed to come alive in the ripples, healed and recovered in the blink of an eye, and became flat again.

“The spirit of the earth is fraternity, it nurtures all things, supports the world, and is trampled and destroyed by countless creatures without a word.”

“We believe in it, but never desire to be able to Get its response.”

“You want to see the spirit of the earth? The mighty earth beneath your feet is its incarnation, its flesh and blood, everywhere.”

“Look down, it already knows all your sins.”

paused, the tauren shaman looked at Galleon, his voice was calm and calm, and said: “Throw into the arms of the earth spirit, it will forgive you Ignorance, forgive the sins you have committed, so that you can return to the earth after death, and obtain the rest and tranquility of your soul.”


Good guy, as a Prisoners do not forget to spread their faith.

He finds it a little troublesome to communicate with this fanatic.

Galleon himself is an unbeliever, the so-called gods, but a group of the most powerful creatures.

The spirit of nature is not as good as the gods. Once discovered by the gods, the probability of being made into a Divine Item or a servant of the gods should not be too high,

He doesn’t believe in gods, the spirit of nature He was even more impossible to believe.

Galleon turned his head, looked towards the ordinary Ox Head Man who were not shamans, and looked at them for a while.

A few minutes later, he found that except for some small Ox Head Man, almost all the other Ox Head Man had a resolute expression, and a cow’s face revealed a stubbornness that was not afraid of death.

Under the leadership of the tauren shaman, they also have a deep-rooted belief in the spirit of nature, but it is nothing more than a lack of ability.

“I only ask once.”

“Even if all of them die, the entire tribe, and the bloodline of your clan are cut off, would you still not want to be my retinue?”

“Answer when you think about it.”

Galleon said to the Tauren Shaman.

However, these ox head shamans did not hesitate and immediately replied: “It’s impossible.”

As far as the horns are concerned, it has to be Ox Head Man, their stubbornness is like winter As the wolf said, rather die than submit.

Since he doesn’t want to be a relative with a higher status, he can only be regarded as a mining slave. Galleon sighed regretfully.

After thinking for a while, he said to the bull shaman: “I respect your beliefs, so I won’t force you to change your mind.”

“But killing is not my original wish, Therefore, as long as you are willing to be slaves for a hundred years, the bloodline of your clan can still walk on the earth after a hundred years and continue to believe in your earth spirit.”

Ox Head Man belief in his youth I don’t want to be as stubborn and stubborn as their parents, and they have the opportunity to be remodeled. The lifespan of Ox Head Man is not long. As long as they don’t give them a chance to affect their offspring, when the little Ox Head Man grows up in the True Dragon territory, there is a high probability that it will not. Believe in the spirit of nature.

As for if they still don’t agree… Galleon can only give them to the Winter Wolf as a reward. The Wolfheart Clan has no casualties, but their wolf pack losses are not small.

“Great Eternal Dragon, you are radiant with kindness and mercy.”

“Your light of kindness will acknowledge allegiance and eclipse the sun and moon. “


After hearing Galleon’s words, a kobold frantically patted Galleon flattery but in the wrong place.

And the confusing Dragon Language was so loud and harsh that Galleon had a headache and ordered them to shut up.

It’s no wonder that the kobolds are fervently pursuing True Dragon, which is easy to use and loyal, but True Dragon doesn’t like them as family members, and the kobolds are weird with the barking Dragon Language Immemorial.

Also, Galleon doesn’t consider himself a benevolent dragon.

After all, the Ox Head Man tribe had a good life. He ordered the winter wolves to attack them for someone to mine. To Ox Head Man, he was no different from a demon.

On the other side, the bull shamans discussed with each other and hesitated for a while.

The believers of the spirit of nature are fanatics, otherwise they would not believe that all things have spirits, and think that things such as stone and metal also have souls.

For fanatics, faith is more important than life.

But being able to maintain faith for the continuation of the racial bloodline, it is worth considering selling oneself for a hundred years.

After negotiating for a period of time, the tauren shamans unified their opinions, and finally swore to the earth spirit that they would be enslaved by Galleon for a hundred years in exchange for bloodline’s survival.

The Ox Head Man of this tribe, called the Ironback Clan.

They consider themselves to be descendants of the Ox Head Man king Buffyment left on the Material Plane, and they are the nobler clan of the Ox Head Man.

But Galleon disagreed, and he had already become his mining slave, no matter how noble the bloodline was.

As for the king of Ox Head Man, Buffyment….it is recorded in Dragon Inheritance.

It is the demon lord of the sixth hundredth floor of Bottomless Abyss, a powerful Archfiend who has existed for an unknown number of years.

(End of this chapter)

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