Control The World

Chapter 399 - war! Congenital Earth Body

Although the magical attack powers portrayed by these runes are not strong, they have won in a large number, and Daoyi is extremely inconvenient to use sword array to fight against these magical skills.

He immediately gave up the sword array, drank loudly, and was full of strong light, and a golden mantra came to him.


The spirit of Tao Yi is actually a mantra.

As soon as the word of the word came out, the immense momentum swept the audience instantly, and some people with poor strength felt that they were being oppressed by their bodies and could hardly breathe.

“What a terrible truth,” someone said in a deep voice.

Xie Gongzi’s face moved, Dao Yi’s strength was so strong, he secretly rejoiced that he didn’t challenge the stage, otherwise he must have shot.

“Smelly boy, it’s really good for you!” He suddenly looked cold towards Xiang Ning Wufeng.

As soon as Dao heard the discussions around him, a bright smile appeared on his face, and he said, “Smelly boy, you can only attack the uncle by tickling me. It’s a long way to defeat me. It’s too bad to die. ! “

The word of the spirit of the word is magnificent, and changes before him.

“Don’t you know you’re talking too much nonsense?” Ning Wufeng’s face moved, and the spirit pen in his hand disappeared, Fu Licheng.

“Little Five Elements Sword Formation!”

Fu Li was excited, and five cold rays burst out, and Shi Xiaoxian Academy’s famous Little Five Elements Sword Formation unfolded at this time. Jian Guang burst out, enveloping Dao Yi.

Dao’s face changed drastically, and his shape hurriedly quit. However, the power of the Little Five Elements Sword Formation has been revealed first.

“Daoyin!” Tao muttered a hum, and the word spirit suddenly turned into a Canglan Great Seal to kill the small five elements sword array.

Uh …

The sword is dancing and the snowflakes are flying. The Canglan Seal was blown away instantly.

Dao Zi’s spirit was dim, Dao Yi fell in the snow, looking pale, “I confess!”

Xijian Academy won the first victory. The sadness on the face of the Chief Elder Sun began to unfold, and the inadvertent move at the time did not expect that at this time it became a key figure in saving the college.

“it is good!”

“Played beautifully.”

Everyone around the Sword Wash Academy couldn’t help cheering, and the battle of Ning Wufeng finally won the momentum of the Academy.

The faces of the people in Liwangdian were a bit ugly.

Mr. Fan laughed calmly: “Finally a disciple has finally stepped out of Xijian Academy, otherwise Qin Can, who is under the control of Wang Dian’s palace, will not even have a chance to shoot, which is a pity for Xijian Academy.”

In words, the praise of Qin Can overflows with words, which is very important.

Ning Wufeng frowned slightly and looked at Qin Can.

Qin Can’s mouth raised a contemptuous smile, the wind was rolling, and the snowflakes were flying. He glanced at Ning Wufeng indifferently. As the pride of Liwang Palace, Ning Wufeng’s rune attack had the power of ghosts and gods, but he didn’t take it seriously.

“It is the self-cultivation that is the main thing. These crooked and evil ways are not a long-term solution.” He smiled coldly, and his words were a lesson.

Although Lingli division is rare, but after all, it is necessary to use foreign objects, so Qin Can is disdainful.

Ning Wufeng frowned slightly, chuckling, and said, “Fu Li is just the shortest way for me to practice. I just tried it out today. I didn’t expect the people in Li Wangdian to be so vulnerable.”

“You …” Dao and other people glared at each other, and Ning Wufeng said that they were only worthy of trying.

The corner of Ning Wufeng’s mouth rose slightly, and the snowflakes fell gently on his placket and melted.

“Raughty.” Qin Can snorted coldly. He suddenly lit up the ten veins and nine spirits, and a strong yellow light surged under his feet.

“Congenital earth spirit body.” Elder Sun shrank his pupils and exclaimed.

“What? He is actually a congenital soul!” Disciples Xie Gongzi and other disciples all widened their eyes. Qin Can’s talent was so amazing. No wonder Mr. Fan dared to say such things.

“Congenital earth spirit body? No wonder.” Ning Wufeng said lightly, it did not seem to pay too much attention to Qin Can’s amazing physique.

Even though the innate earth spirit body is rare, but Ning Wufeng has seen even the more rare fire spirit body, what is so strange?

When Qin Can’s pupils shrank, Ning Wufeng didn’t even put his proud congenital earthly spirit in his eyes. He immediately became angry, his eyes suddenly became sharp, and he screamed, “I want to see How strong are you! “

When he stepped on it, the thick earth power roared out. A crack visible to the naked eye spread to Ning Wufeng’s feet. The crack is deep and the bottom is not visible, and the surrounding rocks roll down.

The disciples who looked around looked back in shock.

Qin Can shot really strong!

There was a smile on everyone’s face in Liwangdian. “Unknown guys, this is just the warm-up of Master Qin.”

Between the words, a thick broad sword emerged from the surging spiritual power in front of Qin Can. The sword was engraved with countless runes, emitting a dazzling light. Earth’s spiritual power surged violently, as if boiling.


A dull beast roar suddenly sounded, shocking everyone. In the turbulence of the earth’s spiritual power, a sword was in a state of power, beheading Xiangning and no wind.

With the sword out, the beast roared endlessly.

“The posture is pretty good.” Ning Wufeng chuckled, grabbed it in the air, and the extinguishing gun suddenly appeared in his hands.

Under his feet, dazzling golden light, golden spirit, snowflakes fluttered. A wave of gold spiritual power surged out and rushed to Qin Can’s turbulent earth spiritual power.


Ning Wufeng stepped out in one step, and the snowflakes at his feet flew up, turning into a crystal clear ice sword, with a dazzling light of gold on the blade.


The body turned into a residual image, which was shot and blasted out, shooting at Qin Can.

There was a bang, and the aura of light burst out, the gunmang and the sword light swayed, blowing the snowflakes around. The cracks under their feet spread out with open teeth.

“Huh, you are worthy to fight with me.” Qin Can glanced at Ning Wufeng dismissively, the roar of the beast on the broad sword kept roaring, Jianguang roared out, the wind was rolling and the clouds were blown out again.

“Tuyuan really means the second realm!”

Qin Can stepped forward fiercely, and the soil power on the broad sword swam like a dragon. The runes of the sword body move as if living. His expression of sneer grew deeper. Ning Wufeng felt a sudden increase in gravity under his feet, and his mind was swayed.

A qualitative sword-light radiated out, persevering Changhong, crushing him.

“little tricks.”

Ning Wufeng’s mouth slightly rose, and the masterpiece of the golden mang that destroyed the world was also displayed. The second realm of Jin Yuan’s true intentions was also exhibited. The whole body burst out with a strong momentum and shot out.

There was a loud noise, and the two took a step back five or six steps.

“Good strength.” The disciples of Xijian Academy exclaimed, and everyone in Liwangdian’s face became ugly, apparently Ning Wufeng was a stubble.

Xie Gongzi’s face changed and changed. He did not expect that the half disciple he looked down on was so strong, and his face felt hot.

He clenched his fists and hid in the crowd.

There was a smile on Hu Li Qiao’s face.

Qin Can’s face changed drastically, and he yelled, “Good boy, I look down on you. I didn’t expect you to realize the true meaning of the second-tier source. But I tell you, these are not enough.”

He sighed angrily, and the ground trembled sharply. The disciples all flew up into the air all around.

“What happened?” Someone asked in amazement.

Jiu Leng hummed in the red robe in the palace of Li Wang, “A group of guys who have never seen the world, this is the spirit of Brother Qin!”


I saw that the spiritual power of Qin Can was getting stronger and stronger, and he was slowly lifted up.

Ning Wufeng saw that a pair of pupils suddenly lit up in the surging earth spiritual force, and the deep pupils projected a vast force, which would instantly **** all his mind in.

He was shocked and moved involuntarily towards Voldemort.

“What’s going on?” Someone asked around in surprise, Ning Wufeng actually wanted the sheep to enter the tiger’s mouth, and sent it to Voldemort.

“Don’t go.” Someone in the Xijian Academy said anxiously about Ning Wufeng. They clenched their fists and rushed to remind Ning Wufeng.

But Ning Wufeng seemed to be dragged by a mysterious and mysterious power, and stepped towards Voldemort step by step.

“Mr. Fan, good means. I did not expect that Li Wangdian, for this person, had entrusted Voldemort’s soul to this person for refining.” Elder Sun snorted coldly.

Voldemort was ranked forty-sixth on the list of gods, extremely powerful! The treasure of a town hall called Li Wangdian can’t be overstated.

“Voldemorts can use the potential of the earth to transform their attacks into the earth. At the same time, they can mobilize the power of the earth for their own use. The earth is inexhaustible and Voldemort is immortal!” Said Elder Sun coldly.

When the disciples heard the sound, they took a breath of breath. With such amazing magical powers, Qin Can was already invincible.

Mr. Fan smiled slightly and said, “Treasures, of course, are used by those who deserve him. This is considered to be the best use of it. However, even though Voldemort is divine, as long as the person who shoots can be higher than Qin Can, There is still hope for victory. “


Two Realms!

The implication is that even if someone can defeat Qin Can and Voldemort, it is at least the strength of the spirit state!

In the same level, Qin Can is invincible?

There was a strange color flashing in the glazed eyes of Huli. Even though Voldemort was amazing, would Ning Wufeng be defeated so easily?

“Little brother, if you can’t, just give up.” She said with a smile on the corner of her mouth.

The onlookers were boiling. I did not expect that such a proud woman would care so much about Ning Wufeng. If they were replaced by them, they would fight to the end even if they were broken.

But Ning Wufeng now seemed to be fascinated by Voldemort. Seeing that he was about to be delivered to Qin Can’s hand and died.

The smile on Qin Can’s face was getting more and more prosperous. He laughed and said, “Garbage is rubbish. There is a general in the dwarf. If you are elected, then you will die.”

Qin Can, Voldemort’s cholera mentality, knows better than others. Even a monk in the later stage of the spirit state, it is difficult to break free!

But Ning Wufeng is such an alien!

Ning Wufeng, who was originally dull, suddenly grinned and said, “Sister, never say that a man can’t do it.”


He wasn’t actually struck by Voldemort’s cholera. Qin Can’s face changed drastically. At this time, he was very close to Ning Wufeng, which was the best attack distance.

The coldness behind Qin Can was abrupt!

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