Convincing her (Jen and Lucas)

Chapter 306: How to execute.

"Are you avoiding my eyes?" Lucas asked Jen, who was bent over her plate. He was right, but she would not admit it. She felt embarrassed by how she had confessed her feeling with no restraint earlier. She still couldn't believe that she had cried while doing so. What was wrong with her?

"Jen?" Lucas called and watched with a smile as Jen took a peek at him before refocusing her gaze on the plate before her.

"Aren't you at least going to eat?" Lucas asked as he watched her use her fork to abuse her food.

"I'm eating," Jen said, and as if to prove her point, she took a bite of her food. Lucas chuckled as he too resumed eating.

"I see," Lucas said and chuckled again when she raised her eyes to glare at him.

"Are you going to bed after this or will spend some time studying,?" Lucas asked as he was thinking about getting back to work himself.  He had already said everything he had been thinking of all day so he thought he might as well get some work done otherwise he would have to overwork himself the next day seeing how much he was not able to do in just that one day.

"I have to study, I've slacked off too much today," Jen answered. She was thankful that he had changed the subject because she could not eat if he continued to look at her with such a mischievous expression on his face.

And just like that, the awkward atmosphere between them disappeared. After their meal, Lucas called reception to come to take the dishes and went up to his study while Jen went to take a shower. She braided her hair and put on one of Lucas' t-shirts before going downstairs. She was planning on studying in the living room.

She plugged in her laptop and took out her books and arranged them on the floor as she used one of the large floor pillows and started working on her books. It was past midnight when Jen started feeling sleepy and decided on taking a short nap before continuing to study.

An hour later, Lucas had gone to check on Jen only to find her fast asleep on the large pillow on the floor that might as well have been a mattress just from its size. He noticed that she was still holding her pen and there was a line of unintelligible loosely written on her notebook.

He couldn't help but lightly chuckle from how cute she was. He knelt on one knee and pushed back some stray hair that had stuck to her face.

Jen slightly frowned before murmuring something and turning her head the other way. Lucas smiled at her behaviour before picking her up from where she was sleeping so he could take her to bed.

Even after being rolled over and turned, she still hadn't woken up, and once Lucas carried her, she snuggled up to his warm body. Lucas could only look at her with a helpless expression on his face. Lucas took her to their room and placed her in the bed before covering her up with the blanket. When he wanted to leave, Jen grabbed on to his robe to stop him from leaving.

"I'm cold," Jen said and continued to tug on his robe. Lucas did not resist and slipped into the bed next to her.

"You've made me your bed warmer," Lucas said as he slipped an arm under her head and used his free arm to pull her closer to him. Jen draped one of her arms over his stomach and murmured something that he couldn't catch before she drifted off to sleep once more.

Lucas stroked the side of her body absentmindedly as he waited for her to get comfortable properly so he could go to his study and wrap up his work.

Unfortunately, luck wasn't on his side as he too ended up drifting off to sleep after laying so close to Jen for ten minutes. When he opened his eyes, it was already morning, something that made him groan in exasperation, an action that ended up waking Jen up.

"What's wrong?" Jen asked as she looked up at Lucas from her position. She was lying on his chest so she had to look up to see his face. It also meant that when he groaned earlier, she had heard it.

"Never mind, just continue sleeping, I'm going to the study for a moment," Lucas said and Jen nodded in understanding as she released her hold on him. Lucas kissed the side of her face as he left the bed. He still had about two hours before he had to go to work, so he wanted to wrap up what he meant to do from the previous night.

As Lucas was working, his thoughts started drifting off once more like the previous day. He had been wondering when would be the best time to propose. He thought it would be okay once Jen finished her exams as it would be six months since they started dating by then, and when he went with her to visit her family, he would be able to confidently convey his intentions.

As well thought out as it was, Lucas still felt anxious about the whole situation. He knew that Jen was the type of person to be careful. Sometimes she was too careful and if he overwhelmed her, she would end up feeling very pressured about the whole situation and avoid it in the future.

He had to be tactful in his execution, so he was stumped on how he should go about it. Fifteen minutes passed with him lost in thought before he came back to his senses. He lectured himself as he redirected his focus on his work.

As much as he wished that he had met Jen sooner, he felt that it was fortunate that they met now because if they met while he was still studying, he would have probably been a huge slacker. He could already imagine the disapproval he would have received from James and his father, and how Jason would have teased him to death.

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