Cooking in the Monster Shelter

Chapter 112

Chapter 110 Forsaken Nursery Rhymes (18)

He was never a beast.

Ming Chuan stared at her blankly, without speaking for a long time.

The hustle and bustle of the surrounding air gradually turned into silence, and a ray of sunlight fell through the small window, just landing on the pale face of the young man.

After day after day of fighting and tempering, his appearance has long been very different from a few years ago. His timid and delicate eyebrows are gradually frozen, and the soft arc of his face has also become sharp and angular, always revealing that he is thousands of miles away. The cold breath.

But now, looking at Concubine Lin close at hand, he actually felt that he had become the introverted and shy boy back then. A pair of pitch-black pupils wandered around indiscriminately, and when they touched Lin Hao’s line of sight, they hurriedly moved away as if they had touched a flame.

Seeing that the situation is generally stable, Lu Yinge’s two ears that stood upright finally relax a little, and hang down in relief. The worry in his heart is no less than that of Lin Lin, but when he speaks, he habitually uses a hard tone: “Is it all right?”

After finishing talking, he started frantically self-examination again: Mingchuan was in tears, how could he just say three words dryly? Is this tone too alienated and indifferent? Do you want to say something else to comfort him?

After thinking about it, Mr. Werewolf slammed his own punch in his heart, and his ears drooped lower.

“…I’m fine.”

Ming Chuan blinked his eyes moistened with tears, and there was a suppressed cry in the clear boy voice. After speaking, he took a deep breath, tried to draw a pale smile, and looked at Lu Yinge’s eyes with bright little stars: “Thank you.”

Concubine Lin held back a smile and glanced down. Lu Yinge’s tail had already begun to sway quietly because of excitement and joy.

The tail thing really can’t hide emotions.

“The disappearance of Lu Yinge and I was not voluntary.” She explained patiently, “We two are not fictitious characters in dreams, but human beings who are as real as you and entered here with the help of memory fragments.”

Mingchuan seemed unable to understand: “Fragments of memory?”

“Once someone has a very strong obsession, the memory will stay in the air in the form of brain waves and resonate with other people in frequency-now here is your memory.”

“That…” He was taken aback for a moment, and clenched his fists subconsciously. After hesitating for a while, Mingchuan asked her quietly, “How was the Linguang Orphanage back then?”

Lu Yinge’s eyes widened with excitement: “Have you all remembered?”

“Everyone in the Linguang Orphanage disappeared overnight.” Ms. Lin gently stroked the young man’s hair and continued after seeing the latter showing a dazed expression, “There is no sign, no clue. You are our only clue if the people in the whole building live or die. Although asking straightforwardly like this, it is likely to evoke many bad memories, but… Mingchuan, remember what happened at that time Something?”


The chaotic memory was entangled in his mind. He frowned tightly and lowered his head to cover his head: “I plan to escape and call the police. I was found by the teachers and sent to the confinement room, and then…”

His voice trembled, and his bloodless thin lips were also trembling, and when he looked up at Lin Yu, his misty black eyes were full of tearing pain and grievance: “I’m sorry, I Can’t remember anything.”

“It doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter! If we can’t remember, we can just think of a way.” Lu Yinge followed his words and spoke out of a broken old father. “The top priority is to deal with this nightmare.”

Concubine Lin nodded, but did not respond immediately.

Ming Chuan couldn’t remember the change in the orphanage, she had anticipated it a long time ago. This endless dream is more like a refuge he created to escape reality. Although affected by the weird black nursery rhymes, it is full of killings and intrigues, but it is enough to make this suffering boy temporarily forget the reality. The torture and bullying in life are purely for himself-forgetting the reality is his own choice, unless Mingchuan himself is willing to think of it, no one can do anything about it.

This is a desperate situation, but also his utopia.

“But then again,” Lu Yinge was still saying to himself, “Since you are not a shadow, and the Lantern said that he has seen a boy who looks exactly like you… Then where is that guy now?”

Ming Chuan narrowed his eyebrows and responded obediently: “He appeared from my shadow not long ago and fought with me. It is strange that although the shadow is in a clear dominant position, he stopped attacking at the last moment and turned away. As for Now, I don’t know where he is.”

“Stop the attack at the last minute?”

Lin Yan propped his chin with her hand: “He obviously has a chance to kill you, but he chose to give up. According to the original story, the shadow should not have compassion. The reason why he didn’t do it to you was because… For you, is there some use for him?”

Her voice could hardly fall, and another slightly hoarse laughter rang out without warning.

The voice was exactly the same as Ming Chuan, but it had to be even more gloomy and low. The jealous and frantic laugh intermittently, every sound is ethereal and uncertain, and when the faint whirls in the ear, it makes the back numb.

The alarm bell in her heart was ringing, Lin Yu was about to step forward and grab Ming Chuan’s arm, but was interrupted by a sudden change——

The reflection of Mingchuan was constantly surging like boiling hot water, and layers of black air hovered up, unexpectedly condensed into a standing fuzzy human form. The man just raised his head abruptly without saying a word, and the thick and deep black shadow behind him turned into a torrent of sky, swallowing Mingchuan.

It took less than a second from the moment the shadow condensed to the time when Mingchuan was wrapped in the black shadow. Concubine Lin hurriedly turned her head and saw the familiar figure of a young man in a corner not far away.

“Since it is a shadow,” he tilted his head and smiled, his face gradually showing the outline of Ming Chuan from the darkness, his eyes filled with incredible madness, “Of course, he must be hidden in the shadow. Only Ming Chuan can do this. Naive, actually believe that I really left.”

Lu Yinge lowered his face: “What do you want to do?”

“Don’t be so fierce.” Shadow curled his eyes and chuckles, “I am also Mingchuan. I have the same memory as him, but my personality is a little different.”

The turbulent black shadow swooped forward again to stop Concubine Lin’s attempt to rescue Mingchuan. She dexterously avoided sideways, staring at the young man in the corner.

“I’m really, really lonely. I’m a commodity and a slave in the orphanage, and in my dreams are animals to be slaughtered. I don’t have family and friends. I can only spend day after day on my own. If I didn’t meet you, I would never I don’t know, I can still be treated as a normal person.”

The light in the bottom of his eyes flickered, and for the last second he was still sad and sad. Between his eyes closed and opened, endless hatred suddenly surged: “But why do you leave without saying a word? I do it every day. In wishing and praying, I look forward to your appearance every day… but you only use me as a tool to explore the truth about the orphanage!”

The shadow has the same memory as the owner, and from a certain point of view, it is indeed another Mingchuan.

——In other words, he is the dark side that is suppressed by Mingchuan.

“That’s not the case, Ming Chuan.” Lin Yu raised her voice, “We just can’t help—”

“To shut up!”

The shadow interrupted her sharply, and the corners of her mouth raised a meaningful arc: “I have waited so long and deliberately hid in the shadow of that guy, just because if one day you suddenly appear, the first thing to do is definitely to come and find He. Mingchuan would willingly let you go, I am different.”

This is the biggest difference between him and Mingchuan.

No matter how cold and indifferent the latter was in front of others, he was still gentle and sober in his bones. That’s why he would rather endure endless loneliness and torment than forcibly keeping Lin Hao and Lu Yinge by his side.

The shadow is completely different.

Even if they cut off their hands and feet and imprisoned them in a dark cage, he would never let them leave again.

“Stay by my side, okay?” The boy’s eyes were dark and unclear, and the mist in his pupils was dyed deep and dark, as if poisonous, “There are only three of us, no one should leave.”

Lu Yinge took a step forward and protected Concubine Lin behind him. He changed the image of the old father who was helpless and comforted before, and his whole body was enveloped with a murderous arrogance: “I will only say it once-release Mingchuan, and then go away.”

The shadow’s expression remained unchanged, looking at him steadily.

After a long while, the boy spoke in a low voice after a cold sneer. There was no panic or panic in his tone: “Have you heard of the story of “The Nightingale and the Rose”?”

Accompanied by his awe-inspiring voice, the black shadow turned into a few pitch-black tentacles, rushing towards the two of them.

Next to him was a horrible and terrifying scene, and the boy himself casually narrated: “The young poor student wants to invite the girl he likes to dance, but is told that if she wants her to agree, she must send it. Red rose as a gift. It was cold winter, and there was only a dying white rose tree in the yard. This wish was destined to be unfulfilled. The student was desperate, standing alone under the rose branch and crying. A nightingale heard his sad heart. Feeling compassionate, I decided to cultivate a red rose with my own blood.”

Lin Yan waved a dagger and cut off a black tentacles that crossed her side, and the shadow whispered in her ears: “On a cold moonlit night, Nightingale pressed her body tightly against the thorn of a red rose tree, letting It penetrates deeply into the heart. The bright red blood slowly flows into the dry meridians of the red rose tree, and the **** rose soul finally blooms in the cold winter. But the result?”

He increased his tone, and the atmosphere around his body suddenly shuddered, and his tone was filled with irritation: “The student woke up early in the morning to find that rose, and was overjoyed to pick it off and give it to the girl, but the other party rejected him as poor and useless. He refused the invitation without hesitation. The rose was thrown at the intersection, and a carriage ran over and shattered into several broken petals. From beginning to end, the protagonist didn’t know that Nightingale had inserted a flower thorn into his heart for his love. ——You will never understand how much I tried so hard to see you again.”

He is comparing himself to that nightingale.

All the enthusiasm and life was devoted, but the person who wanted to protect didn’t know it, and threw the blood-gathered rose under the rut.

“I don’t know how many nights I used to be so painful that I wanted to die. Every time at that time, I would tell myself over and over again that if I die, I won’t be able to meet you again. I wandered through the mountains and rivers in my dream. Going to legendary places one after another, just to find a way to meet you-but you don’t know anything!”

He said with a cry, and bit his lower lip trembling all over, before he resolutely spoke for a while: “When I separated from that fellow’s body, I understood. If I want to keep Nightingale, I cut off her wings. ; If you want to get the eternal rose, you can pluck off her petals one by one and keep it sealed; if you want to be with that girl forever-even if you kill her, let her stay by your side.”

At the moment the boy’s voice fell, in the vast undercurrent of murderous aura, under Lin Hao’s neck.

A tentacled abruptly approached quietly, only a few feet away from her.

The cold light flashed in the dark eyes of the shadow, bringing a touch of scarlet ecstasy. His voice was accompanied by a light smile, and when it sounded hoarsely and softly, it was like a gentle whisper against his ear: “Always stay with me.”

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