Cooking in the Monster Shelter

Chapter 120

Chapter 117 Old things (two)

Concubine Lin held her breath for an instant and looked at the young man standing in front of her.

His voice blended with the turbid and dim environment around him, and the sullen anger contained in it was as cold as frost, which made people feel chills. Even with Lin Hao’s far beyond ordinary human hearing and perception, he couldn’t tell where he came from. Chi Yu seemed to appear next to her out of thin air, and then cut the deadly snake with one blow.

“You…” Amidst the hissing calls of many green snakes, the woman looked up hideously. The emerald green snake eyes were like a pool of muddy sewage occupied by green snakes. Now the water waves are rolling, and a brain is coming up, “You Bastard!”

The group of snakes on the head is to the snake girl as the limbs are to the human being. After being chopped off a green snake, the heart-piercing pain made her scream uncontrollably. However, even though she was filled with resentment in her heart, the snake girl knew that she was not strong enough. If she ran into hard with them after the sneak attack failed, the outcome would be the end. There is only a dead end.

The woman gritted her teeth and fled in a hurry. Chi Yu ignored her, but turned her head slightly, and quickly glanced at Lin Yan: “Are you okay?”

Concubine Lin nodded lightly, and answered “Yes”.

After speaking, she frowned and took a step back: “Why are you here?”

This is an illusion created by a fraudster. It should be an independent space. No one else can enter except the creator himself and the trapped Concubine Lin.

He suddenly appeared at this moment, and it was hard not to doubt that it was a deliberate illusion.

Chi Yu understood what she meant, and raised the corners of her mouth with her arms around her.

The gloomy anger in his eyes gradually dissipated, and he returned to his usual appearance of indifferent to anything. He squinted his eyes mockingly: “This is going to ask you. The captain of the dignified task force will be attacked by that snake unexpectedly. It’s really unexpected.”

Concubine Lin didn’t want to explain that she was distracted by the familiar voice, and stared at him with constant scrutiny. The latter laughed helplessly: “I gave you a piece of red jade before, do you remember?”

Lin Concubine was slightly startled.

It was a memory from a long time ago. She and Chi Yu only met once or twice, and the other party gave her a piece of scarlet blood jade with the excuse of “Thanks for the dessert,” and they also told her to take it with them. She hasn’t paid much attention to it, putting it on the innermost layer of her bag.

“That piece of jade is similar to a talisman. As long as you are fatally threatened, it will exert its strength on its own.” Chi Yu smiled innocently and frivolously, narrowing her eyes like willow leaves into a beautiful arc, “Then send me to you. By your side. Don’t be passionate about thinking about it, I gave it to you just because I stayed in the shelter for too long and wanted to find a chance to slip out and get some air outside.”

That being said.

But the task that could make Lin Ma face a fatal threat was generally a desperate situation in a lifetime. Even if he wanted to breathe, he shouldn’t be willing to go there to suffer. What’s more, they are just strangers who have met a few times. Is the blessing of a dessert or two enough for him to give away such a precious treasure?

That’s strange.

According to feedback from other people in the living quarters, Chi Yu belongs to the category of people who are the least easy to get along with. He is beautiful, and I don’t know how many people have spoken to him. However, no matter who the other person is, he will be ruthlessly rejected. In addition, this person does not like to go out and hate social, and has a strange, gloomy, mysterious identity and identity. The deeds of brutal walking and wounding were widely spread, and no one wanted to approach it.

Thinking about it this way, Chi Yu had received countless good intentions and favors, but all of them were turned away. On the contrary, Lin Hao’s inadvertent piece of dessert became an exception.

She always felt that something was wrong. Just when she wanted to ask aloud, the other party took the lead: “So, what is going on in this place?”

He just threw the topic to Lin Yu’s side, and as the instigator who pulled Chi Yu into this crisis, she had an obligation to let him know the truth.

“The fraudster took me as a target and created an illusion.”

Lin Yan explained and looked around. She had to say that the scenes in the illusion had a high degree of restoration, which almost made her think that she really traveled to the days a few years ago. “He will choose the fragile place in the human heart and restore it, trying to The illusion drives people crazy-thank you for saving me just now, I almost followed his way.”

Since the target is her, everything here is the most feared thing in her memory.

The green snake-headed woman Lin Yu remembered that when she was still young, she was chased by the green snakes on the other side’s head. The piercing and terrifying rustle followed her, and she brandished her dagger desperately, splashing blood.

“As for this…this is where I grew up and lived.”

She hasn’t told others about the past for a long time, and now recalling those terrible memories, she is not as embarrassed and sad as she had expected: “This place is called ‘Fix’, and it’s a club on the bright side, in fact—”

“If you don’t want to say anything,” Chi Yu probably saw the complex emotions in her eyes, and interrupted Lin Hao in a deep voice, “If you don’t want to say it, you don’t have to say it.”

He seemed to think of something again, and looked away awkwardly: “I’m not caring about you, I just don’t bother to listen to nonsense.”

The promenade suddenly became quiet.

In the dim light, Lin Lin heard the juvenile voice rushing again: “It’s not that you’re talking nonsense… I mean, you don’t have to give in to me.”

It was just a sentence that could be summed up by “you don’t have to force yourself to tell the secret”, but he tossed it awkwardly for so long. The heavy haze in her heart dissipated for most of the reason, and Lin Hao sneered: “It’s okay, that’s not something hard to tell.”

After she said she sorted out her thoughts, and started talking slowly from the first memory.

“My parents died young and have been wandering on the streets since they were very young. Later they were abducted by traffickers by accident and sent here.”

Her tone was calm and calm, she couldn’t hear any nostalgia or resentment, as if she was explaining a trivial matter that was irrelevant to her: “At that time, human curiosity about anomalous creatures was at its peak, and many people couldn’t wait to think about it. To get a glimpse of the truth of another supernatural world, many service industries related to alien creatures came into being-capturing anomalous creatures and exhibiting them publicly, domesticating them into loyal pets, or slaughtering them wildly like livestock. They all proceeded quietly underground and became toys for the wealthy and sadists. The general public knew nothing about it. Gradually, the torture of alien creatures could no longer satisfy the psychological needs of those people. Compared with unilateral abuse, they What I want to see more is… the dealings and struggles between humans and anomalous creatures.”

Chi Yu’s eyes sank slightly, and he responded gently to her voice: “So, the’Between’ club is actually… an arena?”

The two eyes suddenly collided in mid-air, and compared to his dim eyes, Lin Hao, who was the person involved, looked much more relaxed.

She raised a very faint smile from the corner of her mouth, and slowly nodded to meet the teenager’s gaze: “Yes. Do you know the ancient Roman arena? The nobles sang and danced all day and night, and some were able to make themselves happy; Slaves have no human rights. They can’t even control life and death. They can only be at the mercy of the nobles. Under this deformed social system, a duel arena has appeared.”

When he said this, although Lin Lin still had a faint smile, there was no slight smile in his eyes. Compared with the emotion of “pleasure”, her eyes are more stunned and self-deprecating: “In order to pass the time, the nobles first let the slaves kill each other, and the drama equivalent to racial cannibalism was tired of seeing the slaves and hungry. The beasts have been placed in the same field for several days, watching the slaves crying and crying under the hunt of the beasts, desperately resisting but unable to escape the pathetic appearance-the master of the “crack” was inspired by this and applied the rules of the duel to the modern day, letting mankind Fighting with anomalous creatures. There are many people like me. Some are trafficked, debt-paid, and imprisoned in a mess… The public order in the slums is messy, no one will pay attention to the underground of a small club. What kind of monsters are there, and no one cares about the life and death of wanderers and debtors. From the moment we are sent to the club, we are destined to become food for slaughter.”

The young man beside him pursed his lips and didn’t know what he was thinking. For a long time, he lowered his voice and said, “It’s not easy for you to survive.”

On weekdays, Chi Yu always looks indifferent to anyone, never showing a good face, but now his eyes are slightly lowered, as if it took a long time to carefully say this sentence, more or less letting Concubine Lin didn’t adapt.

She glanced at him lightly, but did not respond.

To say “easy” is of course false.

Even if I look back now, I would be surprised that I could barely save my life in his nine deaths at the time——

The days at that time were like purgatory. Everyone could only curl up in a small dark and damp room, like imprisoned prisoners. The people who live in the same house with her are of different ages, but they are all sad and dying in pain. Sadness and despair fill a small space, filling the entire space as if they were acquired, and let everyone’s hearts. They were all too heavy to breathe.

Once it’s the turn of the competition, you have to face the hungry monsters alone. In order to ensure viewing and entertainment, the abnormal creatures selected to come here are brutal, bloodthirsty and life-threatening types. Whenever she looks at them close at hand, she will feel fear and panic from the bottom of her heart— -That is the most instinctive response of human beings when facing death.

In the beginning, Madam Lin would just run away and cry blindly. After every narrow victory, he was scarred and covered with blood. Later, he encountered more and more abnormal creatures, and his skills in dealing with them became more and more proficient.

There are many green snakes on Snake Lady’s head and her mouth is highly venomous. Once bitten, she will be poisoned and killed in severe pain. If you want to deal with her, you can only cut off the green snake by seven inches; the tree man can manipulate the body. The vine, in order to smoothly evade and cut the tree vine, she must make her speed faster, faster, and faster; the werewolf on the night of the full moon has no humanity, and has become a wild beast that drinks blood. When fighting against it, she must Rely on dodge and physical skills to dodge the claw slash, and then find the dead corner to win with one blow.

Lu Yinge and Qin Huaishu both asked her a question at the same time: You are obviously an ordinary human, why are you so familiar with dealing with alien creatures?

She never said the answer-because she was taking her life as a bet.

Unlike the two of them who have received orthodox training, in such a cruel and hopeless hell, if you can’t find a way to win, Lin Hao’s only way out is to become a monster’s belly food. She must continue to go up slowly and explore the methods and tricks of fighting on her own. Although most of the time she relies on instinct and brute force, but only in this way can she save her life.

During that time, she did not have warm and delicious food, beautiful and warm clothes, and parents who devoted a lot of love to herself, and there was no hope and future.

But it was also at that time that Concubine Lin met that person.

Sometimes Lin Yu would think that just that person has already carried all the “hope and future” in her small world.

“Those are things that have long since passed, I don’t mind anymore.”

She finished speaking in a relaxed tone, while Chi Yu beside her quietly lowered her eyes. He seemed to have a lot of thoughts, but he deliberately acted as if he didn’t care, and turned to the subject abruptly: “Then do you know, how can we get out of the illusion?”

Lin Yu didn’t think for too long, and immediately responded categorically: “Go to the basement at the bottom.”

Feeling the bewildered sight of the other party, she lowered her voice and explained patiently: “Since the fraudster wants me to collapse in the illusion, he will definitely set up many monsters and levels based on my past experience. If this is an adventure game of clearing and fighting monsters, The end point must be the place where the risk factor is the greatest–that is, the place where the shadow in my heart is the biggest and the place I dare not face.”

This is clearly forcing her to face the past unreasonably, as if she was unsparingly revealing the scars of the past.

Chi Yu was taken aback: “If you go to that kind of place, are you okay?”

Unexpectedly, Concubine Lin did not appear to be as ready for everything as before. Instead, she lowered her hair and let out a self-deprecating chuckle: “I don’t know. But I have to go, maybe there is… I can see you. To him.”

The two walked in tandem on the deep corridor, and this muttering whisper was gradually swallowed by the darkness. She was still thinking about the past, but she suddenly noticed that Chi Yu’s footsteps stopped, and then asked her in a casual tone, “‘He’?”

I don’t know why, when talking about Lin Ma’s past life, the atmosphere around Chi Yu will always be much lower for no reason. Even if he doesn’t care about it, he can feel his constantly surging thoughts.

Lin Yu carefully considered this small change, and remembered a lot of the feelings she had made when she was with him. She spoke slowly and fascinatingly, and every word was extremely clear, breaking the silence in the cage in an instant: “He—he is the person I like.”

When she said this, the two were passing a corner. Chi Yu was in a daze, slammed into the corner of the wall with a bang, making a huge tragic sound.

But he didn’t seem to care about the pain. Instead, his eyes widened and turned his head. After a quick glance at Lin Yan, he hurriedly lowered his head and walked forward like a stiff robot.

Although the time for the eyes to face each other was very short, Lin Ma saw clearly and clearly–

Chi Yu’s eyes were faintly covered with red blood streaks, and the crimson color spread from the eyes to the end of the eyes, fainting a circle of light pink on the white skin. Except for this light pink, the boy’s cheeks, sideburns and ears were all dyed with eye-catching crimson, like a fire suddenly lit up, like the sunset on the horizon falling on his face.

This grumpy kid who was withdrawn and gloomy, and dismissed anyone, was blushing and shy quietly.

Just because of Lin Ma’s words.

A word that has nothing to do with him.

Some scattered memory fragments gathered and separated in his mind. Lin Yan looked at his tall and thin black back, and vaguely sprouted an unprecedented and unconstrained guess: If Chi Yu is not the demon who reached a contract with her, and Is it the one she has been looking for?

In this case, it seems that many weird phenomena can be explained.

Although looks and temperament are completely different, Chi Yu’s body and tone are very similar to that person, almost to the point of being exactly the same;

He doesn’t care about everyone. Only when facing her will he show a peaceful appearance. He even gave up the precious blood jade soon after he met her. Lin Yu once thought about this issue very seriously, but did not come to a reasonable result. For Chi Yu, there are only two things that distinguish her from others. One is the identity of the task force leader, and the other is that she occasionally does something. Small snacks are given to him, but only with these two points, can he really give him such special care? The answer is of course no;

According to Dracula’s words, the time when Chi Yu entered the asylum was just a short time after the collapse of the “Crack” club, or in other words, the time was surprisingly consistent;

And after that time of drunkenness, he was obviously such an unkind person, but when he was unconscious, he behaved meekly and well-behaved, and acted softly and coquettishly to her as he had known for a long time, even…

He even said some old-fashioned love words vaguely, naive as if he were playing a house.

At that time, she only felt that Chi Yu was drunk and confused, but she ignored the most crucial point-

The kid disguised himself like a hedgehog, but she never seemed to show a soft side to anyone. Whether he is awake, or when his mind is unclear due to pain or alcohol, Chi Yu has always been indifferent and arrogant, like an untouchable kaolin flower.

Only she is the exception.

But… Lin Lin took a deep breath and barely calmed down the beating heart.

Is this idea really feasible?

One thing she didn’t tell Chi Yu was that there was a demon in the crack club.

The power of human beings is too small, not to mention that they are a group of guys who have never received combat training and are so poor that they are almost malnourished. They have almost no chance of winning against anomalous creatures. If you always let the alien creatures win, the audience will lose the meaning of competition. Perhaps in order to increase the fun of the competition, the head of the club and the devil have reached an agreement——

The demon endows the athletes with a level of body and reaction abilities that are far beyond that of ordinary people, so that they have the strength to compete with abnormal creatures. In return, the life of a competitor is sacrificed every month, and the sacrifice is allowed by the devil. Swallowed up.

Each month’s sacrifices were randomly selected, and on a certain day, it was finally her turn.

In fact, Lin Lin had been mentally prepared for death, but she did not expect to be knocked out when she was about to leave. When she woke up, the whole world changed its appearance-first, the task force from the anomalous biological shelter entered the club. , The “crack” was forced to close, and the detainees saw the light of day again; secondly, Jiang Zhaonian, who was the captain of the task force at the time, told her that the person entered the basement instead of her.

Or, to die for her.

After Jiang Zhaonian claimed to subdue the devil, he saw a dying young man. The child was about to die, but he was still struggling to speak with all his strength, begging him to save a girl named “Ama”, but the young man himself was swallowed by the devil for most of it, and there was no possibility of surviving.

If all this is a lie, what happened in the basement that year? If Chi Yu is that person, why do they have a completely different appearance, and why does he… never recognize her?

I can’t figure it out at all.

The white shadow walking in front didn’t say a word, and the young man’s slender and tall body was covered with a fuzzy yellow gauze by the light, and everything seemed not so clear and recognizable. Although Chi Yu walked without looking back, the pace was always light and slow, and occasionally stopped intermittently, as if to make her keep up.

He didn’t mean to be confessed, so Lin Yan did not ask, but speeded up his pace and walked quietly to Chi Yu’s side.

As if he was taken aback, the boy hurriedly glanced at her, still with a light crimson color at the ends of his eyes and ears. She tried to find some traces of the old days on this unfamiliar face, and finally sighed silently, and hooked her index finger at him: “Come here.”

Concubine Lin spoke mysteriously, but Chi Yu did not show any hesitation, almost subconsciously stopped following her words, and then moved closer to Concubine Lin.

Immediately afterwards, a slender and white right hand appeared in the range of sight, and the little girl’s face was shining slightly by the light. Her eyes are like unblinking stars, so hot as if they are hot; the fingers that run across the young man’s face are cold, like a drop of refreshing spring water in a hot summer, falling and falling again.

—— Lin Yan raised her eyes to look at his dark eyes, and brushed the fingertips across Chi Yu’s cheeks, gently wiping off a few drops of blood that had been accidentally stained before.

Surrounded by dormant murderous intent and endless darkness, they were so close at hand that the originally quiet air suddenly began to agitate.

Chi Yu stayed for a full five seconds, then hurriedly looked away. He tried to pretend that nothing happened, and speeded up to walk in front of Concubine Lin. Concubine Lin couldn’t see his expression, so she obediently followed behind him, uncontrollably remembering the past.

The boy’s name was “Qin Zhao”, he had a slender and white appearance, and his personality was also gentle and gentle, completely out of touch with the words fighting, blade and death. It is said that he was sent to the arena because his family owed too much debt and was sold as a commodity by his father, a gambler, to the club.

Unlike Lin Hao, who had lived in a crack club since he was a child and completely derailed from the outside world, Qin Zhao was already a sensible young person when he arrived. Because of years of education, he was too polite to deal with others.

Perhaps it was precisely because of this that when he saw Concubine Lin, who was not very old at the time, he would stroke her face with horrific blood with surprise: “Will such a small girl be sent in too? Does it hurt?”

The boy’s fingers were as cold as white jade, and when they brushed their cheeks, it was like a pebble falling into the stagnant water, rippling waves in her heart. It was a feeling Lin Hao had never experienced before, gentle, kind and cautious, soft as if she was dreaming.

It’s exactly the same as the current scene.

Walking silently on the maze-like corridor, she suddenly heard Chi Yu’s tense voice: “Don’t be afraid.”

He increased his hard tone, and did not look back at her: “I am here.”

Lin Yan raised her lips and smiled, and answered “Okay.”

Now that the fraudster has investigated her experience in detail, he may have learned some truth from that year. Where Qin Zhao was and what happened in the basement, when they got there, these problems might be solved.

Lin Ma didn’t know what words should be used to describe her current mood: anticipation, tension, confusion, entanglement, and a little bit of fear and retreat hidden in her heart.

If everything is as she thought, Chi Yu is really the same person as Qin Zhao, what happened back then is probably far beyond her imagination.

A bigger doubt appeared in his mind, making Lin Hao feel at a loss for what to do.

Does she really have the courage to accept all the truth?

The author has something to say:

happy New Year to all!

Be sure to pay attention to safety recently.

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