Cooking in the Monster Shelter

Chapter 125

Chapter 122 Old things (7)

Light and shadow floated, blood stains splattered everywhere. The black spheres were fragmented and scattered like cracked blisters, fused with the scarlet blood, and felt like **** in the silent basement.

Chi Yu obviously didn’t understand the reason why his body healed on its own. His eyes widened slightly and his head was lowered. Through the bloodshot and the shadow of tears, he could barely see what he was like now.

Like going back in time, the corroded fingers gradually returned to their original state, leaving only a few not so serious wounds; the fatal wounds on the body were fully recovered, although they could not be completely cured, they were better than the previous half-dead state. Many.

However, at the same time, the young man snorted and slammed up and bit his lower lip, because it was too hard, traces of blood spilled from the corners of his lips—

The body that had been healed for the most part seemed to have been implanted with bombs/bombs, and suddenly exploded at this moment. Every blood vessel is filled with hot boiling water, conveying unbearable pain to the whole body. At the same time, the skin breaks through cracks without warning, as if some kind of power is gushing out, and he All of his internal organs are torn apart.

The human body cannot withstand the power of the devil, and there is bound to be a very serious rejection reaction. At that time, Chi Yu would never have thought that he had finally crossed a bottomless cliff, and when he was extremely grateful, he fell into another abyss in the next second.

Concubine Lin finally couldn’t restrain the surging emotions in her heart, and she shook her face.

For such a long time in the future, Chi Yu will repeat the dying and resurrection over and over again like this, spending every day hopelessly in endless pain.

The narrow space was filled with Chi Yu’s fine grind, and the wounds appeared again and again, and disappeared and healed again and again, like an endless cycle of reincarnation. Suddenly, there was a violent sound of opening the door in her ears, and Lin Jiao sobbed and turned her head back, barely seeing the appearance of the incoming person in the shadow of the backlight.

It was Jiang Zhaonian, and the others in the task force.

“Chi Yu!”

Jiang Zhaonian was slightly taken aback by the messy scene in front of him. When he saw the **** but vigorous young man, he could not help showing a complex expression of joy and worry, and was the first to squat down beside him.

Chi Yu looked up in a daze, and tried to draw a pale smile at him: “Brother Nian…you won’t be here in three days?”

“Stupid! You said something like that, even if you try hard, I will take you back!”

Jiang Zhaonian couldn’t bear to look directly at his damaged body. He wanted to hug Chi Yu into his arms. He had to give up when he caught a glimpse of his wounded body: “How could it become like this? What about the devil in the basement? And your body.” …What is going on?”

“Room thirteen.”

The teenager who curled up into a ball answered the question, and exhausted all his strength to raise his eyelashes. His eyes were filled with dark blood and the surging murderous intent of the dark tide. When he looked at Jiang Zhaonian, he finally faintly revealed a gentle look: “Mother Lin is in room 13. Please take her away.”

“Good, good!” The task force captain, known for his vigor and resoluteness, showed an unbearable look in the mission for the first time, almost comforting him in a flustered manner, “I will take you to the hospital immediately, and when you wake up, you will be able to See her.”

However, Chi Yu raised his arms trembling all over, and gently tugged at the man’s sleeve in pain that ordinary people could not imagine, and the corners of his eyes glowed with dim water: “Tell her…I’m dead, please.”

“Why? You obviously live well, don’t you?”

“I understand, my body… has something wrong.”

He gritted his teeth and desperately increased his fingertips, his arms trembling with his voice: “I don’t know what will happen in the future, so… I don’t want her to get involved. I can’t become her burden, Nian brother.”

As if a stone crashed into my heart, Lin Hao forgot to breathe for a while.

The young man’s eyes have been slightly distracted, and there are still more irrefutable determinations and cautious pleadings: “Please, don’t tell her the truth…When the dust settles, I will tell Lin Hui everything.”

It turned out to be so.

She had been wondering a long time ago why Jiang Zhaonian would take care of herself, and among so many rescued people of all kinds, he was the only one who did his best to her.

—Because she was Chi Yu’s last wish when he was about to die.

The seriously injured teenager was overwhelmed and finally fell to the floor without consciousness. The memory that followed was disorganized, many fuzzy figures flashed past one after another, and Lin Hao heard only a few scattered lines of dialogue.

“This is a very miraculous phenomenon, which has never appeared in the existing records-the demon was severely injured a long time ago, so he was unable to resist his attack with all his strength. After being bitten to death, the remaining power Through flesh and blood, a little bit infiltrated Chi Yu’s body, causing him to become some kind of, um, half-human, half-devil creature.”

The speaker was a researcher wearing a white coat: “How can I say, his body cannot withstand these forces, so it is easy to collapse, but the magical power and the human body seem to have a wonderful combination of reactions, which can repair all the fatal wounds suffered by itself. ”

“What is this!”

Jiang Zhaonian showed an extremely excited look, his eyes were bloodshot: “If you say this, isn’t he… Isn’t he going to repeat his death and resurrection all the time?”

“This is also something that can’t be helped.”

The other party sighed and seemed a little regretful: “And, you saw it. He seriously injured several staff members when he was imprisoned in. If the task force hadn’t stopped them in time, it would probably kill people. The power of the devil would not only bring them to life. It gave him immortality, and at the same time injected the violence that belongs to the monster into the nerves of this child-I am afraid that in the future, even the personality will become completely different from before.”

The man lowered his head dejectedly and looked at the gloomy young man in the corner: “Really…Is there no way?”

“We can only let him stay in the 6th floor underground and conduct isolation research. But it is best not to have too much expectations. In the face of those unknown forces, the knowledge we currently have is often ignorant.”

After the researcher finished speaking, he left without looking back. Only Jiang Zhaonian and Chi Yu were speechless, feeling the scum all over their faces at a loss.

It was Chi Yu himself who broke the silence. Unlike Jiang Zhaonian, who was worried and frowning, he curled up his mouth and smiled slightly: “It’s okay, Brother Nian. I should have been eaten by the devil in the basement. Living to this day is an incredible miracle.”

“Then…” Jiang Zhaonian hesitated for a while, and said slowly, “Lin Hao, what should I do?”

Chi Yu was stunned for a moment, then lowered her eyes with a chuckle: “Just like now, just don’t tell her anything.”

Perceiving the annoyance of the other party’s hesitation and cessation, he subconsciously clenched his tight clothes, and finally did not have the strength to pretend to smile: “All this is my own choice and has nothing to do with her. If Lin Jia knew, it would be very Blame yourself.”

“Shouldn’t she blame herself? You are in a situation where you are almost mortal for her, and you have become like this, if you don’t let her know… it’s really unfair!”

“Because of this, I don’t want to tell her.”

Chi Yu looked directly at his pupils, with a soft but steady voice: “With Lin Hao’s temperament, after knowing the truth, he will desperately want to make up for it, and even leave everything behind to search for a way to recover me. That’s it. If so, the normal life she finally got… will all be ruined.”

Jiang Zhaonian clenched his fists and said nothing.

“When I was in the Catch Club before, Ms. Lin once told me that she wanted to become an unfettered bird.”

Speaking of this past event, the boy’s pupils filled with a faint smile: “Now she finally broke free from the cage and gained freedom. And me? I’m just a useless person trapped in a cell, except for endless troubles. , I can’t give her anything. Instead of living as a burden to her, it’s better to make her think that’Qin Zhao’ died in an accident and completely cut off from the past—Nian brother, I don’t want to become a restraint of her. The second cage.”

What, say this to yourself.

How could he be her prison.

Tears, which had been suppressed for a long time, finally came out, and Lin Hao bit her lower lip, trying to prevent the whimper from overflowing.

Chi Yu guessed everything, but only thought a little wrong.

In Lin Yan’s heart, he has never become a shackle or burden—he is the only and most important light in her life.

She liked him so much that she would quietly add the shadow of him in her heart every time she wanted to escape the club’s future. Whether sitting in a bright and spacious classroom or walking on the street to buy a cotton candy or ice cream, in the girl’s impoverished imagination, the characters on the stage are always two people.

Without him, the so-called “freedom” and “future” would be meaningless.

After that, Chi Yu’s life was confined to a small room on the sixth floor underground. Concubine Lin watched him countless times, slowly recovering from his scars, and staring at the snow-white wall day after day in a daze. The only thing worth looking forward to was Jiang Zhaonian’s visits from time to time.

The man tells him about the latest news, his novel and interesting work experience, and he will also be pleased to tell Chi Yu, every bit about Lin Hao’s life—for example, Lin Qingyan hired a special tutor for her, and the tutoring failed. For example, under the influence of the devil, she was extremely clever and was admitted to a prestigious girls’ school; for example, she was very popular in the school, her personality became better and better for some reason, and her friends also increased. The more it is, it will be exactly the same as Chi Yu back then.

At this time, the young man would subconsciously open his eyes and sit tightly and hold his breath. His eyes are full of yearning but also extremely timid, obviously just some unimportant daily, but a word is reluctant to fall.

Concubine Lin stood beside him in a complicated mood, and suddenly the light and shadow flowed in front of him, and in a blink of an eye it was another scene.

It was the evening, and the crimson sunset on the horizon was like a sea like a tide.

Jiang Zhaonian parked the black sports car on the side of the road, while Chi Yu sat in the position of the co-pilot, staring at a distant place. Lin Yan looked into the distance and saw a magnificent and elegantly carved school gate with the well-groomed characters: Qichuan Girls’ High School on the plaque.

It turned out to be the high school she attended.

Chi Yu, has he… ever been here?

“Really, after finally applying for the opportunity to go out, I guessed you were coming here.”

Jiang Zhaonian leaned on the car seat and looked at the crowded street not far away, without stopping for a moment: “Because of the power given by the devil, Lin Hao’s head is incredibly smart. In a short period of time, I have mastered the knowledge I have accumulated in school for several years. This school is a boarding school. Students go home after school on Friday and come back to school on Sunday afternoon. According to the time, she should be at the school gate soon Up.”

The young man sitting in the co-pilot replied softly. When he turned his head and looked out the window, his eyes were squinted by the glare of the sunset, and he subconsciously bowed his head and shrank—

He hasn’t seen the sun in person for too long, and has formed a conditioned escape and retreat to it.

Because of long-term changes in his body, Chi Yu is now much thinner than before, and the prominent cheekbones can be seen clearly. His once gentle and clear eyes were covered with a **** cloud, and when he looked at others, he always had an unkind coldness, making people feel cold when he glanced at them.

His face was pale and lacklustre, like a decaying wild flower, barely survived by a little water source.

With an endless stream of people coming and going, Chi Yu let go of her sight without saying a word. His deep and pitch-black eyes reminded him of dead water without a ripple.

Suddenly a breeze blew over, blowing the long-silent current on the water surface, and circles of water ripples quietly rippled away. And the dark clouds on the horizon were also blown away by the breeze, revealing strands of warm sunlight, floating lightly on the water like feathers—

The boy’s eyes suddenly brightened, staring at a place far away eagerly and timidly. Looking along his line of sight, you can see Lin Ma standing in the middle of a group of girls.

Just as Jiang Zhaonian had told him, Lin Hao’s personality was very different from before. Not only did she reduce her strong murderous aura, she also often wore a docile smile on her face.

At this moment, she curled her mouth in a good mood, and her bright peachy eyes also contained a faint smile. Such a beautiful and good-tempered girl would naturally not be too low in popularity. You only need to glance at her to know her. Is the central role in this group of people.

Chi Yu actually went to see her.

Concubine Lin, who came from many years later, stood beside him, his heart beating.

When he experienced death over and over again on the sixth floor of the basement and had to sneak out even to leave the asylum, what was she thinking about when she was talking and laughing with her friends at that time? The best solution to the last problem of math homework, how should we improve the dessert made last night, or which country to travel to during the holiday?

Whatever it is, it is far from his life.

Jiang Zhaonian sighed silently and couldn’t bear to look at the boy’s eyes, so he turned his gaze on Lin Hao: “I said, you really only plan to look at her from a distance? Since it’s already here, why don’t you take this opportunity? If everything is said to be open, Concubine Lin is a sensible and intelligent boy, she will definitely understand.”

This passage was diluted in thin air, and there was no immediate response. After a while, Chi Yu broke the embarrassing silence and told him in a very low, very low voice: “No. Isn’t she doing well now? If I suddenly appear, it will make her feel annoyed. Right.”

He paused when he said that, and barely showed a comforting smile: “And you see, my life is not too bad. I can eat and move and I’m still alive — I’m not pitiful, and you don’t need to sympathize, Brother Nian. .”

“…Bastard boy.”

The man gave a “tsk”, although he used a tone similar to blame, his eyes were filled with unspeakable sadness. Since childhood, Chi Yu has always been sensible, making people feel distressed, obviously he is the most uncomfortable, but at this moment, he still has to support others with a smile on his face.

It’s such a bastard.

Jiang Zhaonian rubbed his temples in a complicated mood, watching the girls getting closer.

Lin Yan always went to school from the road on the left side of the school gate, so he wisely parked the car far to the right. The distance between the school gate and the bus is not too close, and the little girl does not have the habit of observing the bus specially. According to common sense, it is absolutely impossible to find them on the other side—

Well, according to common sense.

But why did she suddenly raise her head and fix her gaze motionlessly on the license plate of this car!

Jiang Zhaonian was stiff and his expression frozen.

She is not interested in cars, but she has good eyesight and intuition.


After glimpsing the familiar vehicle, Lin Yan and her friends greeted briefly, and ran to the car window quickly, smiling slightly while watching the car window being rolled down, revealing Jiang Zhaonian’s smiling face.

“Why are you here? Who is this, don’t you introduce me?”

When her eyes touched Chi Yu, who was shrouded in shadows, she smiled even more, “It’s a new face I’ve never seen before.”

The surrounding air became a tight bowstring.

“Ah.” Jiang Zhaonian twisted his neck stiffly and glanced at him faintly, “This, this is, this is the guy who was going to the shelter. I happened to pass by here on the way to **** him, and I wanted to come and see you. .”

She nodded clearly when she heard the words, her gaze fell unabashedly on the side of the teenager’s deliberately avoiding face: “Hello.”

This sentence was for Chi Yu, but the other party did not respond, and did not even give her extra gaze. He just lowered her head in silence, and let the broken hair on her forehead cover her eyes, so she couldn’t see clearly under the shadows. Look.

Seeing that the atmosphere was about to solidify, Jiang Zhaonian took the stubbornly without showing a trace, and tried to make a calm tone: “Is he? Unimportant little monster, don’t take it to heart.”

Concubine Lin frowned and taught him solemnly: “How can I use ‘not important’ to describe others, it’s too much, uncle.”

“But to you, I am indeed an unimportant person.”

The teenager sitting in the co-pilot finally spoke, with a husky and low voice like a cold. He had a cold tone, and there was no half smile in his eyes. When he opened his lips gently, he seemed to be stating an extremely cruel fact: “We have never met before, and there will be no possibility of intersection in the future. Irrelevant stranger. You don’t have to get involved with me, and I’m not interested in getting to know you.”

The implication was that she didn’t want to talk to her at all.

Concubine Lin had never received such a straightforward rejection. She only felt that she had suffered tens of thousands of tons of mental loss and was choked by him for a while.

Jiang Zhaonian didn’t expect that Chi Yu would say such a line, glanced at him awkwardly and awkwardly, and then forced a smile to look at Concubine Lin: “He… his personality is not very good, you can bear it.”

This is where the “personality is not very good”, it is very, very, very bad. As soon as the contact is made, the eviction order is directly issued, making people completely not want to have an in-depth conversation with him.

The memories in the depths of my heart broke out of the shell. Although the memories were not clear enough, the Lin Concubine at the time should think so.

—That’s a pure weirdo.

“Grandma, it’s almost time for the late roll call! You will be late if you don’t leave!”

The female voice sounded at the school gate was crisp and loud, and the obvious intimacy could be heard in the tail of the rising, which completely broke the awkward atmosphere of the scene in an instant.

“I know-!”

Concubine Lin leaned sideways in response, and quickly gathered her eyes in the car again: “Sorry, sorry, I have to go back to the classroom as soon as possible. I can’t talk anymore today. Well, goodbye.”

Jiang Zhaonian tried his best to smile and waved to her, while Chi Yu on the other side was indifferent, lowering his head and eyes as he did at the beginning, as if he didn’t want to talk to people at all.

He was indifferent, and Lin Concubine could not deliberately please, so she turned and left immediately, leaving the bad-tempered stranger behind, and walked into the school gate with her long-awaited friends.

She didn’t hesitate to walk, so she would not notice that the strange boy in the car, whose head was always bowed, suddenly clenched the corners of his clothes at that moment.

Because of the shattered hair, Chi Yu’s eyes could not be peeped. When looking at him from the window of the car, he could only catch a glimpse of a tightly pressed pale thin lips and gently trembling shoulders.

“Don’t say too much, right?” Jiang Zhaonian scratched his head helplessly, with a look of regret, “In this way, the girl’s goodwill towards you will drop directly below the freezing point, I am afraid that it will be normal in the future. Friends can’t do it.”

As his voice fell, there was a brief silence in the car. The summer breeze blew past her ears, Chi Yu raised her mouth like self-deprecating, her voice hoarse indistinguishable: “That’s fine.”

He raised his head as he said, moved his gaze quietly to the girl’s distant back, and muttered in a deep voice as if he was talking to himself: “If I leave room, I am afraid that I will approach her uncontrollably— It’s enough to be an’unimportant stranger’.”


Jiang Zhaonian sighed and did not speak any more, looking at him helplessly.

Only when Concubine Lin left, did Chi Yu dare to focus all his attention on her without any scruples.

The boy’s eyes at this time faded away from the dead silence and gloom, like a beam of light suddenly shining into the abandoned basement for a long time, reflecting the water vapor and dust in a hazy dreamlike state. Although illusory, it is extremely gentle.

-She really, really has never seen such a gentle look in her eyes, as if she can melt all the filth away, so pure that she can’t bear to touch it.

Chi Yu was watching the little girl who was gradually leaving, while Lin Hao, who had strayed into this memory, was watching his dark pupils all the time.

She suddenly couldn’t help thinking, what kind of mood Chi Yu was in, watching her go away quietly from such a far away place.

Obviously, she gave up everything for her, a healthy body and consciousness as a human being, the right to appear under the sun in a fair manner, dreams, freedom, and an infinitely beautiful future.

Obviously, I have experienced so many unforgettable times with her. Whether it is sad, painful, happy or regretful, they are all bit by bit that they have in common, and they are deeply embedded in the bone marrow.


Obviously, she liked her so deeply, like a hidden but turbulent ocean current under the deep ocean.

Chi Yu has many reasons for telling the truth, but because of a reason that has nothing to do with him, he chooses to remain silent—

His thoughts were unbelievably simple, even if he let himself bear all the pain and loneliness, he did not want to be the shackles that bound Lin Hao.

The little girl he likes should soar into the sky without any scruples. Nothing can imprison her, including Chi Yu herself, who thinks she has become a burden.

Everything is explained very clearly.

Therefore, Chi Yu would deliberately alienate her but unconsciously approach her, so she would only show such a gentle but sad expression after being drunk, so he always sat indifferently in the living area hall, waiting for someone who didn’t know what to do with an incompatible attitude. Who will come in time.

Then he glanced at her from a distance, pretending to be careless.

“I really don’t plan to talk to her? Even as a stranger.” Jiang Zhaonian looked at him with some worry, and after considering it for a while, he continued to whisper, “After all this time, you probably won’t See you again.”

Chi Yu did not answer.

Seeing that the figures of the girls in the distance gradually diminished, and eventually became fuzzy black dots, disappearing into a corner hidden by some greenery, he finally said in a deep voice, “Let’s go.”

“…Then I’ll drive away.”

Jiang Zhaonian studied his expression carefully, and finally added: “It’s really gone.”

Chi Yu smiled and raised the corners of her lips very slightly: “Yeah.”

As the sports car started, there was a swift breeze. Lin Yan slightly squinted her eyes filled with tears, and then came back to her senses, and she had returned to the containment room on the sixth floor of the basement.

She smelled a strong smell of blood, and she seemed to have something in her heart, focusing her eyes on the corner of the wall.

Chi Yu curled up on the floor in the corner, her body shrank into a ball trembling. The eyes, corners of the mouth, and ears all gushed out of blood uncontrollably, and the skin seemed to have been scalded by boiling water, showing terrible red marks. He bit his lip in pain, but he resisted without making a sound.

Suddenly he raised his head suddenly, his dark pupils did not show any emotions, and looked at Concubine Lin at the door.

Chi Yu… can you see her?

“I feel terrible.”

There was a cry in the boy’s voice, it sounded like acting like a baby, but also complaining: “Every day, every day it hurts… But why, can you have such a happy life?”

Even if he knew that this was probably a trap set by a fraudster, Concubine Lin couldn’t help but trembled, and his lips faded in an instant.

“It’s all because of you, my life is all ruined… Obviously you are the one who deserves to be sacrificed.” He choked with tears as he said, “It hurts, so lonely, so desperate… why only I became This way?”

“…I’m sorry, I don’t know anything.”

The person in front of her had the same looks as Chi Yu, so she could not lose her temper at the former at all, so she could only step forward cautiously and half-kneel in front of him. Although there were countless things in my heart that I wanted to say to him, when facing Chi Yu in the end, Lin Ma could only say “I’m sorry” to him in the most conventional and palest way.

“Since I can never leave here, then you will stay in the room with me all the time, okay?”

The young man stared at her dimly with teary eyes, stretched out his right hand and embraced Lin Hao in his arms: “Stay here to redeem all your debts, and never leave-just for me, you will definitely be willing, yes. Right?”

As the voice fell, a tingling pain suddenly poured into his chest. Lin Yan looked down calmly, just in time to see the knife that was pierced into her body by the other party.

“I have done so much for you, and you should also make some rewards. And, instead of living with a sense of guilt, dying now is actually a good relief—right?”

The same voice as Chi Yu resounded through his ears, as intimate as bewitching. He stared at the little girl in front of him expectantly. He didn’t expect that Ms. Lin said with a blank face, and then laughed clearly: “So this is the plan of the fraudster. First, I use the illusion to strengthen my sense of guilt. Recreating a dummy that looks exactly like Chi Yu, and tricking me into seeking death with fancy words… It’s really nasty.”

“Chi Yu” widened his eyes and exclaimed: “How, how is it possible! Why haven’t you been—”

“Why haven’t you been hypnotized?”

Concubine Lin broke away from his hands, her eyes gradually indifferent and indifferent: “I was still wondering why when I saw you, I would approach you involuntarily and believe in every word of you. It must be a fraudster for Let me die willingly, adding some hypnotic elements? Maybe human will is stronger than hypnosis.”

In the unbelievable eyes of the other party, if she drew the dagger nonchalantly, she leaned it against the pale neck of the young man: “As long as I remember that the fool of Chi Yu is still in your hands, I have to tell myself that I must not be present. Just die-not to mention that he has done so much for me, if he gives up his life easily, then he is really sorry, right?”

She has a weak tone, but her eyes are icy. The image of the good old man who smiles is very different. Today’s Lin Hao is like a beast that has gone through fights. Every word is filled with arrogance and murderous intent: “Tell me, where is Chi Yu.”

The author has something to say:

It’s so refreshing to write abuse eh hey (no

There is probably a little sugar in the next chapter. Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during 2020-02-0821:08:12~2020-02-1023:32:34

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: Joe, 1 Kikochan;

Thanks to the little angels who cast landmines: An Weishan, Joe, Soky 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: Joe 41 bottles; I don’t have 6 bottles, I’m not 5 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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