Cooking in the Monster Shelter

Chapter 26

Chapter 24 Soufflé

After getting Li Mobai’s consent, the angel finally agreed to the proposal.

In other words, it is impossible for him to refuse Concubine Lin at all.

This is the first time he has gone out for a walk since he can remember. Li Mobai dutifully fulfilled his identity as an old father. He babbled about traffic safety and manners for nearly half an hour, and finally whispered to Lin Lin: “I think After thinking about it, I still don’t rest assured. There are so many people who are afraid and hate abnormal creatures, and his wings are so obvious. Once exposed to the public, he will definitely be met with crazy crowds. Who can bear it.”

This is true.

Ms. Lin thought, his appearance was outstanding, and angels were originally a very well-known and rare race. If he walked on the road swayingly, he would not only be “accorded to by the crowd”.

Although the existence of abnormal creatures has been generally accepted by people today, there are still many citizens who hate and fear them. In order to better integrate into society in daily life, the shelter has developed a special medicine that can modify its genes in a short period of time to make the alien creatures look no different from humans.

The medicament is mass-produced, and each container can be applied for. Under Li Mobai’s suggestion, Lin Lin took the angel to the scientific research department and received a copy.

The potion took effect very quickly, and the youth who had lost their plump wings looked particularly thin, and their thin body was even more slender due to their tall stature. Without the support of wings, he is obviously not used to it, his body is straight under the nervous mood, and it is difficult to grasp the center of gravity for a while.

When the potion takes effect, it will cause the side effect of dizziness and weakness. When the angel tries to walk, he becomes unstable and leans forward. Fortunately, Lin Yan’s eyes were quick and quick, and she grabbed the opponent’s arm in time to prevent him from staggering and falling to the ground.

The arm held in the palm of the hand is so thin that you can clearly feel the bones of the gang, and the fingertips can still touch the remaining scars.

Concubine Lin sighed with a smile: “It’s okay, take your time. I’ll support you first.”

The flush covering the ears was completely blocked by the golden hair. The angel nodded quietly, lowered his gaze and glanced at her quietly, and heard the little girl next to her muttering to herself: “It’s so skinny… Feed me fatter.”

She was carefully helping him out, but she didn’t expect to hear a familiar voice in front of the door of the asylum, full of surprise: “Lin, Lin Concubine?”

Following the voice, he saw Dracula and Lingxi dumbfounded. The two of them are surprisingly consistent, with their eyes wide open and mouth open at the same time, their eyes shuttled back and forth between them, just like two dumb robots.

Oh humiliation.

Dracula broke the silence first, and covered his mouth with his palm: “You, you two, this is…”

Ling Xi coldly smiled, and sighed: “It’s growing out, Lang Youqing concubine is interested, and I just started it.”

“Stop it! Stop it!” Concubine Lin was dumbfounded by the reaction of the two of them, and made a pause gesture, “Calm down and listen to my explanation.”

Dracula yelled out of shame: “Hey, it’s a scumbag quotation!”

At this time, your thinking is very active. Hey! Isn’t it bad to give honest people a chance to explain!

“Don’t think too much, we are really just ordinary friends…”

Seeing Dracula’s smile becoming more and more intriguing, Concubine Lin stopped halfway through the conversation.

Okay, the more the smearing gets darker, this is also one of the scumbag quotations.

Concubine Lin: If you want to think so, I can’t help it.

“The researcher in charge of me handed me over to her to take care of me.” The angel’s tone was restrained, but he was calm and steady, “Because I took the medicine, I couldn’t walk normally, so I needed someone to help me.”

Concubine Lin gave him a quick glance.

Wow, never expected that he was unexpectedly very reliable.

“Yeah, the wings of Brother Angel are gone.” Dracula finally noticed this change that couldn’t be more conspicuous, and a smiling face full of expectation burst out in the next second, “Lingxi and I happen to be going out to play, or else Everyone together?”

Under the proposal of Count Dracula, the four formed a small team.

When he walked out of the door of the shelter, the angel squinted his eyes slightly by the scorching sun. After Lin Hao moved the pure black sun umbrella on top of his head, he was able to carefully open his eyes.

It’s really been a long time since he saw the sun.

-To be precise, there is almost no such thing in the only memory of the youth. The last time I saw the outside world, only the hazy moonlight that fell on the shoulders of Lin Yan when he was backed out of the secret room.

There are a few white clouds floating on the blue sky, which is as quiet as the ocean, and the round sphere that continuously emits fire and heat is called the sun.

The birds pass by, leaving only a fleeting black shadow and a crisp cry; the flowers, plants, and trees have entered the summer, decorating the whole world into lush green, with a dark fragrance filling the air; the heat waves are surging, and the heat is billowing. Xun made it hard for him to breathe, and occasionally a soft Xia Feng passed by without looking back, but it was still dull and hot.

This is the world he dreams of.

Once in a secret room, the owner always brought in a burst of bright light when he opened the door and entered. At that time, he was very eager to be closer to the light. Now he is bathed in the sun, but he has a feeling of closeness to hometown and feels unspeakable panic and flattery.

“It’s okay.”

Because they were under the same umbrella, Concubine Lin and the angel were very close, and the soft voice rang clearly in his ears: “We are all by your side.”

At the moment when she spoke, the blue sky and the shadow of the sun disappeared from his eyes, and the delicate silhouette of the little girl beside her filled her sight domineeringly.

There is her, and only her.

The blond young man pursed his lips and smiled, and the soft water under his eyes almost overflowed: “Okay.”

The weather is hot in summer, so it is not suitable to linger outside for too long. As a senior death house, Dracula, who was originally high-spirited, was out of breath and unable to move by the steamy weather after less than five minutes of walking.

After everyone’s discussion, they unanimously decided to go to a nearby dessert shop to rest.

The main signature of this store is all kinds of soufflés. Waiting for the four white porcelain plates to be served on the wooden table, Dracula and Lingxi immediately picked up the spoons and feasted on them. Lin Hao followed closely, picking up one and putting it in the mouth.

Soufflé is a kind of dessert from France. The main ingredients are egg yolk and beaten egg whites. It is famous for its light texture.

She ordered the taste of brown sugar pearls. The whole dessert was white and round, like a chubby little fat man. When the body of the cake was gently poked by a spoon, it would sway softly.

Because it has just been made, Shu Fulei is full of gentle heat, and the entrance is fluffy and soft, like a hot cloud, with a light sip, it bursts with a rich, sweet and creamy aroma. In addition to the cream, the pearl milk tea sauce also adds a lot of color. The slightly bitter tea fragrance just slows down the sweet and greasy taste, blending with the egg and milk fragrance between the taste buds.

The pearl has a unique toughness, and it fits perfectly with the light and foamy cake body. There is an illusion that the foam breaks on the tip of the tongue when chewing.

Concubine Lin had been a chef for so long, and now she finally became a returning diner, she couldn’t help but narrowed her eyes with satisfaction.

“How is it? It’s delicious.”

She turned to look at the angel beside her when she said, but she didn’t expect that the other person was also looking at her, and her eyes collided for a while.

The angel is thin-skinned, and now peeking at others being caught on the spot, panicked at a loss. His eyes drifted around for a while before he approached her without saying a word, and reached out his hand to caress the corner of Lin Yan’s lips.

The movement of the fingers passing by is soft and brisk, like a dream that is so quiet and fascinating. Before she can react, she has hurriedly moved away, leaving only a little residual heat from the other party.

Then the angel raised the corners of her mouth shyly and showed her a bit of cream on her fingertips: “I saw it sticking to your mouth.”

He didn’t know that this action was a symbol of intimacy and ambiguousness, so he laughed purely and calmly, which made people really unable to bear the blame.

Lin Ma was in a daze, then chuckled lightly: “Thank you.”

Well, after returning, I have to ask Li Mobai to give him a good understanding of the different concepts of men and women. It is always not a good thing for a child to be too innocent.

After eating desserts, the four of them wandered in the commercial street.

Concubine Lin was in high spirits along the way, and as she walked, she introduced the angels to the shops and vehicles along the way. The latter was holding a sun umbrella for her, her azure blue pupils shining.

Their appearance is exquisite and outstanding, and they form a pleasing visual enjoyment when walking side by side, attracting many pedestrians to look over.

Dracula didn’t bring an umbrella, and was almost as dry vampires by the sun, and said weakly, “Do you think we are like two dogs.”

“Shut up.” Lingxi glared at him. “Your own chef is so close to someone you have just met, don’t you have even a little sense of crisis?”

This sentence couldn’t be more precise and hit Dracula’s sore spot, causing the vampire Count, who was originally lingering like a dead fish, to straighten up in an instant, and asked as if facing the enemy: “Then what do you think we should do?”

“The current life is too easy and it’s not conducive to good feelings. If you want girls to have a good feeling about you, heroes are the fastest way to save the beauty.” Lingxi said, touching his chin, the corners of his mouth curled up, using his fingers To a place not far away, “There is the best place to show our charm.”

Dracula followed his fingers and saw a black and red building and a sign hanging at the door—

Haunted house.

The idea of ​​the two of them is very simple.

Lin Ma saw that she was an ordinary girl who had never experienced strong winds and waves. She would inevitably feel scared when she met gods and ghosts, and helping her at this time would definitely make her unforgettable.

“The angel looked dumb, he certainly didn’t know how to make girls happy. When Lin Lin was so frightened, the two of us stepped forward and stood in front of her, and said the famous sentence that has lasted forever,” De Gula said with a smirk, imitating the awe-inspiring tone of the hero in the TV series, “Don’t be afraid, I will protect you!”

Lingxi also smiled foolishly and nodded frantically.

Unexpectedly, Lin Yu, who seemed to be very courageous, agreed to go to the haunted house without saying a word. The angel had no idea how terrifying the monsters, demons and monsters were, and chose to accept it without hesitation.

The plan went very smoothly. After buying the tickets and entering the scene, Dracula whispered to Lingxi next to him as he walked, “I’m sure, this time I will definitely make Lin Yan be impressed…”

This paragraph choked completely after he arrived at the scene.

Look at a ghost with admiration! Why does this haunted house look so scary? It’s pitch black inside, I really can’t see anything! Who would go in and play like this!

The crippling background music can be called magical sound, and the unknown path of the black hole turns into an abyss to swallow light. Dracula stood in front of the haunted house without tears, just wanting to be a quiet blooming white lotus.

He is so delicate, so pitiful, so heartbreaking.

As for his accomplice Lingxi…

The kid was so scared that his eyes almost fell out. Hey! The trembling frequency of the lips is almost faster than the vibration of an electric toothbrush! Are you really okay, friend! Cheer up!

Although unwilling, the two of them still had to follow Lin Concubine and walk forward. In any case, you have to climb the path you choose when you kneel down.

According to the staff, the theme of this haunted house called “Meditation·Marriage” is adapted from real events.

Dark marriage is a folk custom. According to rural legends, if both men and women die after getting engaged, or their children die before getting engaged, if they don’t marry them, ghosts will make the house uneasy. Therefore, it is necessary to hold a Yin marriage ceremony for them, which is mainly divided into two types: the dead and the dead, and the dead and the living.

They play the role of a group of college students who go deep into the mountains and expedition. After strayed into an uninhabited old house, they encountered a series of incredible horror events.

The interior of the haunted house is extremely true to restore the scene of the deserted house, all around it is pitch black, and only the small electric candle in everyone’s hand emits a dim yellow light.

The gate was overgrown with weeds and cobwebs, and the dilapidated plaque was written with the word “Song House”. The cold wind from nowhere blew the white cloth in front of the gate tragically, and the biting chill spread all over the limbs along the whole body.

Dracula grabbed Lin Concubine’s clothes, curled up into a ball and hid behind her, and said tremblingly, his voice trembling: “This, this… Is this shrimp stuff?”

Ling Xi Sese hid behind Dracula tremblingly, and squeezed his clothes tightly in the same position: “Forehead, forehead…not much.”

The three people are in a string, only the angel is quietly following her, and I don’t know if it is in the cosplay Thomas train or the human body.

Concubine Lin sighed, “Don’t be afraid, I will protect you.”

Stepped through the door and entered the front yard.

She glanced at the entire space with a carefree expression. There was a sedan chair in the middle of the road. Someone might be hiding inside waiting for an opportunity; the wooden door leading to the main hall was hidden, and there might be staff hiding behind.

Dracula cried: “Can we go back? My vampire ancestor, the Virgin Mary, **** Christ, really can’t stay here.”

Lingxi tried his best to put his falling eyes back: “No one has died in life since ancient times, and keep your loyalty and history… Hey, don’t touch me!”

Dracula dared not turn his head, his scalp was numb, and he stubbornly replied: “You, you are at the end, who touched you?”

There was a strange silence.

Just as a cool breeze hit, it made the neck cold, and at the same time the woman’s hoarse moan sounded close at hand, Lingxi’s body was stiff, and when he subconsciously turned his head, he happened to meet a pair of blood-red eyes.

The child passed away in situ and walked cursively, not very peacefully.

Dracula saw that he was so frightened that his face changed a lot, and he shouted with all his strength: “Run! Run!”

Lingxi’s hands and feet twitched and rolled his eyes wildly: “Help me, ah, Xiwei!”

Inexplicably, I said a tonal particle that I couldn’t understand at all. Hey! Are you more scary than the staff! We are exploring a haunted house, not a great god!

Lingxi was so scared that he lost his three souls and seven souls, and was about to cry to his mother, suddenly remembering his intention to come to the haunted house.

—He is to show his masculinity! Can you retreat at the entry level? Can’t!

Thinking of this, Lingxi gritted his teeth secretly, smashed the female ghost’s chest with a small powder fist while crying, and said with a choked voice: “I’ll hold her, you guys go! Live with my wish!”

Dracula broke his voice, raised his pitch, and shouted in a broken gong-like voice: “Ling-West -”

This was a parting scene of affectionate friendship, but a sudden burst of laughter came from the two people’s crying—

The staff member who played the female ghost was so happy from ear to ear that they stepped back and let go of Lingxi, and said in a surprised tone: “I’m sorry, I’m sorry! I’ve seen such a scene for the first time, and I can’t help it hahaha.” ”



Yes, this is fake.

They feel so sincerely what it is for.

“Lingxi is great this time!” Seeing the child’s face turned pale for a while, Lin Yan tried to comfort him, “You are already a brave man.”

I don’t know why, it seems to be even more sad to be said by her.

So angry.

Lingxi expressionlessly wiped away the nose and tears all over his face. At the time of this gap, a background sound suddenly sounded, making him tremble with fright.

“You entered the front yard and met a weird woman in white. When she disappeared out of thin air with a grinning smile, a sedan chair appeared on the path. This is an invitation from the undead. Someone must stand up and become his bride.”

The weird male voice is cold and frosty, with a strange temperament that contrasts with the suppressed and terrifying atmosphere around: “Rules of the game: One person enters the sedan chair to start the single-player mission, and the others continue to explore and try to restore the past of Song House.”

“No, don’t. Act alone in such a place…” Dracula shrank into a ball, his palms overflowing with cold sweat, “Or let’s stop playing.”

“I’ll go.” Lin Yan glanced at the sedan chair. The gorgeous red color was particularly abrupt in the deep darkness, which aroused her interest to a large extent, “I’m not afraid of strange things. It’s okay to act alone.”

As soon as this sentence came out, Dracula and Lingxi almost regretted it.

Their original intention was to scare Concubine Lin and express their masculinity by the way. They didn’t expect this girl to be a fearless master, visiting a haunted house and following the amusement park. This was a good time, Lin Lin was not scared, he almost lost half of his life.

The two of them didn’t make a statement, the angel who had been silent took Lin Hao’s sleeve gently: “I’ll go.”

“You have to believe me.”

In the dim candlelight, Lin Hui smiled and raised her head. There was no fear in her dark eyes: “I’m really not afraid, but I am very interested in single-player missions.”

He couldn’t hold her back, so he had to withdraw his hand obediently and watched the girl’s back disappear in front of the sedan chair.

I don’t know if it was a psychological effect. The closer Lin Yan got to the sedan chair, the heavier the weight of her heart became. When she sat in the sedan chair, she felt a suffocating discomfort.

The small space was filled with dust and corruption, and a red hijab was placed on the seat. She has always followed the rules when playing games. After putting on the hijab, the sedan chair was lifted steadily and moved forward.

In order to maintain the freshness and excitement of the game, Lin did not open the curtains to find out, but sat quietly and waited. After about a minute or less, the sedan chair finally fell to the ground.

Someone led her into a house, because she was blindfolded, Lin Ma could only see his pair of black cloth shoes, which fit the theme of the Republic of China.

“Young lady,” the man said in a low voice, with some humility, “Young Master is waiting for you.”

This “young master” should be a role at the boss level in the haunted house.

Lin Yan stepped into the door as said, the air-conditioning in this room was stronger than that in other places, like a cold snake hovering in every inch of her skin, causing her to shiver involuntarily.

“Squeak” the door was closed, she tried to say hello to the staff in the room: “Hello, what should I do next?”

No one responded.

There was nothing but a foggy red in front of her eyes, and silence spread in the darkness. Seeing no one responded, Lin Hui took off her hijab.

She was in a quaint bedroom with a man lying flat on the carved wooden bed against the wall.

The electric candle was held up to her, and Lin Ma walked slowly to the side of the bed, seeing his appearance clearly in the gray light.

He was a young man in his twenties, with sharp and deep facial lines, long and dark eyelashes covering closed eyes, a shadow on the flanks of the high bridge of the nose, and straight lips without any curvature. The whole person looked cold. Indifferent, with a vaguely hostile spirit.

Probably because of makeup, his cheeks and lips were so pale that he looked like a brand new body.

The moment I saw him, the chill that loomed in my heart increased a bit. Lin Yu felt that something was wrong inexplicably, and then whispered, “How are you?”

Compared with her, the other three’s conditions are much worse.

Dracula and Lingxi completely turned into the little chicks in the eagle catching the chicks and hiding behind their mothers. They followed behind the angels without raising their heads. They sang together in the sad tone of running to Siberia: “Good luck.” Come and wish you good luck, good luck brings joy and love…”

Finally Lingxi couldn’t sing anymore: “Let’s shut up. I dropped 3,600 keys. It’s like a funeral song, more terrifying than hell.”

At this moment, they had already walked into the main hall. Dracula was coughing with the smell of dust all over the room, clutching his nose and walking at the end: “Weird, do you think it is much colder in this room than in the yard? .”

“You are a psychological effect,” Lingxi smiled flatteringly, and grabbed the angel’s right arm. “Look at my angel brother, how undaunted and masculine.”

Obviously not long ago, you still regarded them as imaginary enemies! Change your heart too quickly!

“I didn’t follow Brother Angel because I was timid.” Lingxi continued, “After the previous blows, now any monsters and monsters can’t scare me…”

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly felt a chilly touch on his ankle.

Looking down, I saw a thin trunk-like hand sticking out from under the tablecloth-covered table, firmly grasping his ankle, and then a woman crooked her neck and crawled out with a stiff smile on her mouth.

Lingxi gave a dry laugh, a very bitter smile.

Then his whole body trembles violently, which is comparable to being electrocuted on the spot and dancing on the spot. With the shaking of the body, the place where the head meets the neck is shaky.

He didn’t want to pursue those grievances and hatreds anymore. At the moment his head fell to the ground, Lingxi just wanted to know the answer to a question sincerely—

Why is he always hurt?

Pat, his head fell off screaming at high decibels.

Gurulu, roll to the other corner.

Dracula: Gan.

This fool turned his head in front of the staff! It’s definitely an unexplainable supernatural phenomenon. Hey! This is a horror story, a horror story! Who would have thought that the companions together would be more scary than the haunted house!

Dracula was so messed up in the air-conditioning that his face was distorted. He thought of the lines full of explanations. He didn’t expect that the woman, instead of showing the panic as it should, smiled gloomily.

Then she raised her hands on both ears, and with a little effort, she let the whole head out of her neck.

That’s great, this sister is not a human, so I don’t have to bother to explain.

-That’s weird! What a weird species she is! What the **** is going on in this haunted house? Is it possible that there are real ghosts!

Q: What is the scariest thing you have experienced in a haunted house?

Answer: Friends who walk together are not humans.

Q: Could it be more scary?

Answer: The most terrifying thing is that the staff are not human!

The woman laughed strangely and fiercely. Dracula was so frightened that his legs became weak, and he almost fainted on the spot. Fortunately, the angel blocked him in time. The gentle and steady voice calmed the messy thoughts full of heart: “Don’t be afraid, I will protect you.”

This is obviously the line he intends to say to Lin Concubine.

Forget it.

Dracula hugged the angel’s arm: “Brother Angel, save me!”

There, Concubine Lin.

The cold-looking and fierce man didn’t make any response. She vaguely had a bad suspicion in her heart, and she stretched out her hand to probe the man’s breath.

When the index finger was about to be close to his nose, a big skinny hand gripped Lin Yu’s wrist fiercely, and the cold wind snaked up from the place where the two of them touched and quickly spread to her body.

The man’s fox eyes opened suddenly at some point, staring at her unblinkingly, his lifeless pupils without brilliance, like an abyss with no end.

Those are not the eyes of living people.

Although his face was expressionless, his whole body exuded a fierce and evil aura that turned away thousands of miles away, which made people chill.

Then the man spoke in a low voice, his voice unexpectedly low and pleasant, resounding like a rock in the clear water in the empty room: “Madam.”

The author has something to say:

Ah ah ah sorry, yesterday I went out to play on my birthday and there was no update. I will add the number of words today!

This copy should be an indescribable happy Shurachangba (cover your face) Thank you for the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution

Thanks for the little angels who cast [land mines]: Xiaomo, Svamp, 329772571;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

lll10 bottles; Xiaomo, 5 bottles; little devil DW3 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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