Cooking in the Monster Shelter

Chapter 4

Chapter 3 Caramel pudding

Compared with the living quarters, the six underground floors appear to be much more constrained.

After getting off the elevator, there is an endless and deep corridor, and the cold white light stretches to the end of the corner. This level is positive and intricate, like a maze, every corner is like the black mouth of a giant beast, full of unknown mystery.

The copper wall and iron wall divide the space into several tightly connected rooms, each with a numbered house plate hanging on the iron door.

Holographic projection equipment is always placed on the left side of the iron gate, and a dark black square font will be projected on the wall after it is clicked to introduce the details of the contents to visitors.

In this way, it really looks like a prison.

Concubine Lin was free, wandering aimlessly in the aisle, occasionally clicking on one or two holographic projections.

The sharks are curious and sinister, especially good at deceiving people’s hearts with singing, and lure ships sailing on the sea to the death zone; ghouls have no self-consciousness, and will only instinctively bite living creatures, just like the zombies in the doomsday movies; snakes The female has a pair of eyes that can petrify a person. When the security team caught her, nearly a hundred male stone statues were found in the lair.

Most of the containment items are classified as B-level, the more dangerous A-level is rare, and the S-level is even rarer-at least she has not found one.

Most of the objects in the containment were new and weird, and she smiled after seeing it, and couldn’t leave too much impression in her heart. Lin Yan was slightly taken aback when she accidentally clicked a button and glanced over the wall.

Not only did this projection not record the containment process, habits, hobbies, and precautions of the contents, it also did not indicate its own attributes and classification. There are only a few words on the empty wall—



She chewed this uncommon vocabulary in her heart, frowning subconsciously.

Could human samples have been collected in the shelter? But with the danger level of a human juvenile, how could it be possible to be assigned to the sixth underground floor? The strangest thing is that the brief introduction in the projection is empty, as if hiding a hidden secret.

Uncontrollable curiosity spread from the bottom of her heart. Lin Yu stopped in front of the door for a while, took out the employee card from her pocket, and laid it flat on the electronic identification place on the iron door.

There was a crisp “tick” in the card slot, the power supply immediately began to operate, and the iris recognition system was activated in response.

After confirming her identity, the iron door opened automatically.

A strong smell of blood hit her face, and the rust-like smell of corruption swallowed up the air, causing her to frown slightly.

The room was a little dark, the central light was turned on to the lowest level, and the dim yellow light was silently swallowed, and then diluted in the surrounding empty environment, making it even more dull and depressing.

The floor and walls were covered with blood stains, and the dazzling dark red liquid was splashed all over the room, converging into a meandering river.

And at the source of this scarlet river, a figure is sitting on the corner wall, with his head hung down and his face can’t be seen clearly.

It must be the owner of the room.

The air conditioner is constantly supplying air-conditioning, and the temperature here is really too low. It is clear that it is the height of summer, and the biting chill that spreads and grows is still like an ice cellar.

Concubine Lin breathed a sigh of heat in her palms, and slowly walked towards him.

The man wore a large T-shirt soaked in blood, and the hem of his clothes faintly retained the original snow white color. The butterfly-like collarbone was stained with large blood stains, and the arms exposed outside the cuffs were thin and visible bones. The dark red blood stains set off the cold and white skin, and the gray blood vessels flowed down.

The flowing blood fell from the tail of his hair and gathered on the floor into a thick pool of water, with waves of ripples.

This was a hell-like scene, but Lin Lin was inexplicably aware of the cruel beauty.

The closer you get, the more intense the **** smell, like an invisible big hand covering your mouth and nose. She was accustomed to this breath, so she didn’t feel disgusted.

With a little expectation, Lin Lin squatted down, putting her hands on her knees.

Her voice was clear and gentle, and she smiled lightly, out of tune with the dull environment around her: “Hello, are you awake?”

Caught off guard, almost instantaneously.

When her voice fell, a sudden gust of wind passed by her ears—

The young boy’s pale arms rose quickly, and his fingertips were about to touch her slender neck. He still had his head down, a sickly look, but his actions were full of murderous aura.

It was also between the sparks and flints, Lin Yan smiled slightly and held the opponent’s wrist accurately.

She didn’t have much strength, and she could even be called gentle, and with a push, she pushed his arm against the wall.

He obviously didn’t expect the strange woman in front of him to react in such a short period of time. When he raised his head hastily, he collided with her close sight.

It wasn’t until then that Concubine Lin was able to see his appearance clearly.

The eyelashes are slender and dark like crow feathers, and the ends are upturned, covered with a curtain of dried blood. The light rubbed blood and shadow into the slender eyes like willow leaves, the pupils were dark, and the eyes were fierce and fierce.

He is really thin, with a clean and smooth facial contour that is unique to young people. He is obviously beautiful and attractive, but because of the cold look like a dagger, people dare not approach him.

Concubine Lin chuckled, “With so much blood, there is not much energy left, right?”

His movements just now are smooth and smooth, and his skills should be good. She didn’t expect the other party’s strength to be so small, and she couldn’t fight back with a light grip.

It looked like she was bullying.

“Don’t worry, I’m just here to say hello.”

She continued, still keeping the posture of confining the teenager to the corner. The bones on the thin wrist were painful, and the uncoagulated blood was cold and was wrapped in the palm of her hand.

He raised his eyes quietly, and was slightly stunned when his gaze touched Lin Hao’s cheek, as if there was a sudden shower in a calm pool, and dim ripples formed under his eyes.

The boy looked at her without saying a word for a long time, and it took a long time before he conjured a self-deprecating smile on his lips. He seemed to have exhausted all his energy before asking in a low, husky voice: “Are you the management…or the task force captain?”

“The second one.” Concubine Lin answered without hesitation, “How do you know?”

“Other employees have no permission to enter this room.” Although he raised the corners of his lips, there was no smile in his eyes, and his eyes were gloomy as late at night. “I didn’t expect that the task force would let such a little girl be the captain. It’s really nonsense. .”

Lin Ma retaliatedly increased the strength of her hand, pressing her fingertips on his protruding hand bones, and responded in a leisurely tone: “I didn’t expect that the asylum would actually use such a hand without the strength of a chicken. It’s really a mess to list boys as key targets.”

The young man was startled when he heard the words, and then laughed softly.

His voice is low and rough, like a frosted texture. When he laughs, it is accompanied by faint gasps and intermittent light coughs, which is not good.

But the willow leaf’s eyes curled, and the bloodless thin lips were slightly pursed, which was really pretty.

He said, “You are more interesting than Jiang Zhaonian. Since you are here to take his position, he should be dead.”

Jiang Zhaonian was the last captain of the task force.

When Lin Lin heard the name at first, her brain paused like a rusty gear for two seconds, and then briefly said, “Well, it’s dead.”

She skimmed over the topic lightly, smiled and asked a little: “Want to eat caramel pudding?”

The strange question, completely out of date, seems to be for the purpose of turning the topic abruptly.

Because she was firmly imprisoned in the small space in the corner, the teenager was surrounded by a rush of heat. The wrist is enveloped with a soft touch that has never been felt before, and the unique fresh lemon scent on the female body pushes away the bitter taste of blood, lingering around the tip of the nose.

He subconsciously felt that this action was too close, but his strength was taken away by the pain, and he couldn’t resist at all.

After Lin Hao finished speaking, he let go of his hand and took a step back as usual, and took out a sealed transparent round cup from the canvas bag: “My name is Lin Hao, this is a meeting gift.”

She opened the sealing layer as she said, revealing the caramel pudding inside.

Through the transparent cup body, the food shape is unobstructed.

The top layer is matched with a layer of light cream like a cloud, with amber-like crystal clear dark brown caramel in the middle, and then down is the plump pudding itself, which slightly shakes her body with the movement of her arms.

A small plastic spoon is inserted directly into the bottom layer, and the crispy roasted caramel is lightly shattered when the spoon is touched, and the three layers of ingredients are placed in the center of the spoon, shaking.

Concubine Lin didn’t speak, and handed the spoon to the boy’s mouth.

This is an extremely absurd sight.

The background is a contrasting white wall and red blood. The dim light is like muddy river water, accompanied by the stench of corruption permeating the entire room.

The boy was unable to sit on the corner of the wall, the blood slid down his face, and the converging stream ran down at least on the tip of the female toes. The latter didn’t care about everything, squatting down and feeding him a spoonful of pudding.

He didn’t open his mouth to take it, but smiled with an inexplicable smile: “Aren’t you afraid of me?”

This is a problem that often appears in novels and film and television works.

The big monsters always ask the protagonist in this way, and their favorability greatly increases after getting answers such as “You are not a bad person and will never hurt me”.

But Lin Lin is not interested in checking the favorability score, presumably this kid will not eat that set, and simply replied in accordance with the original intention: “If you are not good, I will beat you down.”

After saying a word, she almost rudely stuffed the pudding into the other’s slightly opened mouth.

The scent of milk that quickly occupied the entire mouth made the young man stunned slightly, he chuckled for some reason, and turned his attention away from the residual pain in his body.

The cream has a wonderful taste, like a soft foam, it melts as soon as it touches the mouth and overflows with a mellow fragrance.

The pudding is baked with whipped cream, milk, eggs and white sugar, and it is cold in the mouth. When it first collided with the tip of the tongue, the soft and smooth touch was as light as flowing water, and it was shattered between the lips and teeth with a single squeeze, which is similar to the melting of ice cream.

The bitter aroma of milk, creamy cream and caramel fills the mouth. The aroma of burnt and egg blends with a hint of vanilla. It is sweet and greasy, eliminating the fishy smell of eggs.

There is no need to chew more, the pudding will naturally slip into the throat, leaving a lingering fragrance dancing on the base of the tongue, and the sweet pleasure flows into the bottom of the heart along the nerves of the mouth.

Unconsciously, the young man also felt a little bit of inexplicable happiness.

“It’s delicious, isn’t it?”

Lin Gu guessed that he didn’t have the strength to move, and fed him the pudding with a spoonful of spoonfuls. Boredly, she asked, “What’s your name?”

“…Chi Yu.”

It seemed that he hadn’t pronounced these two words for a long time, with hesitation in his tone.

“Why are you locked up here?”

The boy named “Chi Yu” did not respond.

For a long time, he bends his eyes, his eyes are filled with muddy light, and in a dumb but smiling voice, he gently tells her: “I’m sleepy. I’ll tell you when I come next time.”

At the end, I added another sentence: “I love sweets.”

This is to make it clear that she will bring dessert next time.

Lin Yan seldom stumbles when confronting others, but this time he was led away, completely falling into the passive side.

Although she is not reconciled, she can hardly contain her curiosity, so she can only helplessly agree: “Okay.”

“Until then, don’t die.” Chi Yu raised his hand to wipe the blood stains on his cheeks, in a leisurely tone, “The task force’s work is not easy, little girl.”

Lin Yan glanced at the blood all over the floor: “We can compare, who will live longer.”

It was almost evening when Lin Lin returned home. When the phone rang, she was putting the rock sugar Sydney white fungus soup from the refrigerator on the table.

She leaned on the sofa and glanced at the caller’s contact.

Chen Bei Ci.

The members of the task force are elites proficient in various fields. She is considered to be a physical worker who feeds on her skills, and Chen Beici, now 24, is talented in network technology and is responsible for information collection and communication.

Ms. Lin leisurely pressed the answer button, and heard the youth’s voice that rang clearly in her ears: “Captain, new mission. The details have been sent to your mailbox.”

I don’t know whether it is because of the day and night being turned upside down or lethargy. Chen Beici is in a state of sleep or listlessness all day long, speaking lazily, softer than the white fungus in the bowl.

She smiled: “No problem. What’s the general situation?”

“The time limit is from 6 to 8 tomorrow night, and the location is in the “Flower Room” club on the outskirts of the city. It is worth mentioning that I heard that the target of this mission is a genuine angel.”


Lin Yu said that he swallowed a spoonful of white fungus soup. The gelatinous ingredients were slightly soft after being fully soaked. The sweet pear fragrance just neutralized the sweetness of rock sugar. When the sticky and waxy white fungus was wrapped in the soup, the throat fell down. As if being washed.

It is the taste of summer.

“That’s right.” Chen Beici on the other end of the phone yawned, and the ending sound was blurred. “The angel imprisoned in the underground club…isn’t it very interesting?”

The author has something to say:

This little boy is the product after watching “Kill Eve” (:з」∠)_

Here comes my little angel!

Thank you young ladies for loving 15551

Thanks to the little angels who cast [land mines]: 2 in Xilingqing; Xiao Su, 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

5 bottles of Mrs. Malfoy; 2 bottles of Xiao Su;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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