Cooking in the Monster Shelter

Chapter 46

Chapter 44 Knight’s Proof (4)

Concubine Lin had already prepared to be covered with dust, but she didn’t expect to push open the concealed door, only to see a scene as clean as new.

“This used to be a very famous medieval tourist site. Unfortunately, like the small town, it was also abandoned because of the accident.” Chi Yu walked in front of her, with a smile that whirled through the entire empty hall, “It’s so clean now, it should be It’s the undead knight’s credit. That guy really went to the hall and the kitchen.”

Lin Lin tried to make up for the scene of the beautiful and elegant-looking young man doing housework in his apron, feeling a little overwhelming.

Because of the age, the furniture that was originally placed in the castle was removed. The overcast clouds outside the window and only a small amount of light spilled in, making the whole building more and more eerie and weird.

There are circular stairs leading to the upper floor on both sides of the hall, and many mottled and faded portraits of people hang on the wall beside the stairs. Lin Yan looked at them one by one curiously, and found that everyone was wearing a large and delicate ruby ​​ring, which was particularly eye-catching in the overall bleak color of the picture.

Each person’s first and last names are marked under the portrait, and the same sentence is engraved under the name: “Blood and Fire.”

“The names of these people are all the same surname, Howard.’Blood and Fire’ may be something like a family motto.” In the dark and quiet scene, she subconsciously lowered her voice, “Anyone who can appear in the main hall In the portrait, their status must not be low. The ruby ​​ring…is it a symbol of the lord?”

“It should be correct.” Chi Yu stood quietly beside her, coldly sneered, “Although the knight should indeed be loyal to the lord, the one we are going to deal with has clearly formed an obsession with the so-called loyalty. It’s ironic, just A ruby ​​ring can make people desperate.”

Lin Yu smiled: “Maybe they really have a deep bond between them. After experiencing many things together, they are willing to give infinitely for someone…Such a situation is also possible.”

She paused and looked at him with a smirk: “This is the emotional world of an adult, and a little brother like you won’t understand it.”

Unexpectedly, Chi Yu didn’t come back, but was silent for a moment noncommittal, and for a long time showed a habitual smile: “Maybe.”

He looked weird, but Lin Hao was not very deliberate, so he had to try to turn the topic elsewhere: “I heard that the undead knights are extremely powerful. Although they have entities, they cannot be killed by physical attacks. How can we win that? Two?”


Chi Yu finally laughed, and her slender eyes curved slightly like crescents: “Otherwise, what do you think is the purpose of the shelter sending me here?”

Seeing the little girl next to him, he was slightly taken aback, and he patiently explained: “My body contains a part of the power that belongs to the undead. It is not a problem to meet him.”

Concubine Lin was stunned for a moment: “You…”

She originally wanted to use the word “death”, but after thinking about it, she felt impolite, so she instantly changed her words: “You have passed away?”

“It’s a pity, I’m still alive.”

Chi Yu frowned and smiled, and did not deepen the topic: “The undead can interact with each other. Except for us, there are only two individuals in this old castle. One of them is very powerful, and the other is only stronger than the residents of the town. Stronger, it should be the knight and the lord.”

“So, the lords, like the townsfolk, are supernatural creatures that appeared under the influence of knights.” Lin Hao touched her nose. “The Middle Ages are hundreds of years away from now, right? Even if so long has passed. Insist on calling the lord back to his side… it’s not easy to think about it.”

“This is the emotional world of an adult, and a little girl like you won’t understand it.”

The young man imitated her tone in a wicked manner, his expression stagnated as soon as he finished speaking, and he stopped at the same time as Lin Hao.

The tall and tall blond youth stood at the entrance of the top floor. He was originally a delicate and gentle appearance, but he was daunting because of his solemn murderous look.

The long pale blonde hair was mellowly scattered behind him, and the thin white robe faintly showed the man’s strong and firm muscles. Holding a sharp sword in his hand, the light from the window penetrated into the room, reflecting a moment of light blue cold light.

Undead knight.

“I’ll deal with him.” Chi Yu took a step forward and protected Concubine Lin behind him, “You take the opportunity to go to the top floor to solve the lord.”

After he said that, he turned his body slightly, and a sly smile flashed under his eyes: “No problem, right?”

“Worry about yourself first.” Concubine Lin took out a dagger from her waist, “Don’t really become an undead.”

“You shouldn’t be here, please leave.”

The knight spoke softly, just like his appearance, his voice was clear and delicate, and he couldn’t stand the fight against killing and blood at all. But his tone was extremely cold, with a vicious atmosphere of determination.

Concubine Lin saw such a polite killing intent the first time.

“Do you think your master and servant have a great relationship? It’s just an unreasonable murderer. The hundreds of lives in Loren Town are not a trifling matter.”

Chi Yu smiled unabated, and a dark cloud gradually formed under her eyes: “Don’t be moved by yourself, idiot.”

The battle is on the verge.

The knight was suddenly furious because of this sentence, and the black energy gushed out from behind him, turning into an ethereal human form that was constantly erratic; Chi Yu slashed his palm unhurriedly, and the scarlet blood slid down vertically like running water, and finally gathered more and more. Actually condensed into a bright red blade.

Lin Yu thought very untimely, when the battle is over, she must make him a big meal to replenish blood.

Chi Yu moved forward very fast, raising the knife in his hand to cut off the humanoid mist easily. At the moment he swung the knife, Lin Hui saw a strange and irregular black shadow behind the young man.

Although there was only a very brief moment, she did see clearly.

-The shadow attached to his back is more grim and gloomy than the undead knight, as if the purest black ink is like a shadow.

There was too much confusion in her heart, but Lin Lin couldn’t care too much.

The lord was still waiting for her on the top floor.

Yu Guang, the undead knight, caught a glimpse of her going upstairs, and then moved his gaze back to the battlefield again.

For him, the seemingly delicate little girl is a guy who can be easily pinched to death like an ant. With the strength of the lord, it is no problem to solve her.

Everything will be fine, he thought.

When he gets rid of the black-haired boy in front of him, the glory of the Howard family will continue to be passed on, with the dignity of blood and fire.

The cold wind swept across the city wall, forcing Lin Hao to narrow her eyes.

The burly and tall middle-aged man stood silently in the middle of the aisle, with his hands down, pressing the upright sword tightly on the ground.

The dazzling ruby ​​ring was meticulously worn on his right middle finger, adding a somewhat calm and solemn kingly temperament.

She looked at each other’s turbid green eyes for a second, and laughed politely: “Hi, hello.”

Obviously, the lord did not have the leisure to say hello. The turbulent bloodshots surged crazily at the moment of seeing outsiders, but for a long time they occupied the entire pair of pupils.

The golden hair rose in the wind, and the powerful male voice resounded in the ears with the strong wind: “Kill!”

Sure enough, he didn’t leave his will.

Seeing that the big sword was lifted effortlessly by the man, Lin Hao quickly leaned back to avoid the first attack. Ling Yu’s sword wind passed by the tip of his nose, and the next slash was followed.

If he were an ordinary person, he would have been exhausted and unable to move, but his offensive hardly stopped, and he even became more and more skilled and fierce. When the blade passed the air, it made a violent roar like a beast.

The fierce offensive was like a torrential rain and wind. Lin Hao had only a dagger in her hand, and she fell on the weapon, but her expression was not flustered, she patiently dodged again and again, looking for the gap between attacks.

She has been able to deal with this huge disparity in size since she was a child.

Seeing the man slashing from under her head, Lin Yan avoided the powerful blow, grabbed the gap when the tip of the knife collided with the ground, and went straight behind the lord.

Her voice was close at hand, her smile was sweet and harmless, and her killing intent was like a lurking poisonous snake: “You lose, Lord Lord.”

Before turning around, the tip of the knife swept across the lord’s neck. She stabbed very deeply, and the rapidly spreading pain forced the man to roar, and the big sword in her hand fell in response.

However, completely different from what he expected, the mortally wounded lord did not dissipate instantly like other evil spirits, and a black mist hovered out of his head and melted into the diffuse mist.

Lin Ma realized that something was wrong and took a step back vigilantly.

“Don’t be afraid, little girl.” The familiar male voice suddenly sounded. Unlike before, the lord’s voice was clearer and softer at this time, and even brought a comforting smile, “I won’t hurt you.”

He turned to face Lin Hao’s eyes, his burly figure slowly dissipated from his feet, presumably it would all disappear before long.

She took a deep breath: “This is… what’s going on?”

“Xia Zuo’s family has served Fort Howard for life, and that child is my closest knight and partner. Because of obsession and unwillingness to accept the fact that the years have changed, he tried to bring me back to life.” The man slowly said, “But he Doing too much evil, violence accumulates in my heart day by day, and my strength is no longer pure. Therefore, even if my remnant soul is revived, my consciousness is mostly covered by evil thoughts and become a murderous spirit.”

Lin Yan frowned slightly: “Then now…”

“The power he attached to me was cut off by you, and now standing here is my own will. Thank you for giving me liberation.” He smiled, his voice rough but unexpectedly gentle, “I I want to ask you something, little girl.”

Concubine Lin retracted the dagger and looked at him quietly.

“This ruined land has restrained him for too long, too long. It’s time to let go.”

The hideous bloodshot gradually faded from the lord’s eyes, replaced by a faint smile exuding the brilliance of emeralds. His gaze was kind and solemn, he looked at Lin Hao and raised his hands to his chest, and slowly took off the ruby ​​ring from the little girl’s slightly surprised eyes.

“Come on, little girl. Although the old glory is gone, it can’t bring you any fame or wealth,” he smiled and handed the ring, his voice lower and lower as his body gradually disappeared, “I put this one The ring that symbolizes the identity of the Patriarch is given to you. As long as you accept it, you will be the new owner of Fort Howard. I implore you to lead the child to regain the bright and open heart-this is the last wish of the Howard family and my own little selfishness .”

He woke up because of the knight’s obsession, but he never thought it would be thousands of years later when he opened his eyes.

All the people who had celebrated with him toasting were turned into dust, not knowing where to sleep; the glory of the family was forgotten behind the curtain of time, and the lofty ambitions of the past are like a spring and autumn dream. The enthusiasm and the singing and dancing are all over the past. Only that loyalty has lasted for thousands of years and will continue to follow for the rest of his life.

But the lord couldn’t tell the child that his obsession was almost paranoid. The end of this follow must be an abyss that cannot be recovered.

“Tell Xia Zuo, little girl.” The lion-like man slowly closed his eyes and said to her before dissipating completely, “Compared to’loyalty’, kindness is the best virtue. If you use loyalty in the name of loyalty. Indiscriminately killing innocent people, this so-called loyalty has also become an unforgivable atrocities. We should apologize for the civilians who died in vain, he and I are both.”

The fine wind blew across the city wall, lifted up a wisp of green smoke, and the lord sighed in his last sentence: “Also…Anyway, I am glad to have fought alongside him.”

The man’s figure dissipated in the wind and mist at this moment, only the ruby ​​ring in Lin Hao’s hand was as bright as before.

It seems to have a dream of overlapping time and space.

Lin Yan subconsciously looked down from the city wall to the distance. When she looked around, she saw the scattered red-roofed houses at the foot of the mountain, the long winding road and the towering mountains.

It must be a completely different scene from the memory, what kind of mood does he stand here.

She secretly clenched the ring in her hand, turned and went downstairs.

Compared with Lin Yan, Chi Yu’s situation is much worse.

The Undead Knight is not such a strong opponent to him, but unexpectedly, the dormant illness in his body suddenly broke out during the battle, and the sudden pain that invaded his whole body made him forced to slow down.

The blond youth obviously noticed this change, and the long sword in his hand slashed sharply: “You have a problem with your body. Even if I win, I won’t feel honored.”

“Do not make jokes.”

Without hesitation, he bit through the tip of his tongue and swiped the back of his hand with a dagger. The **** smell and tearing pain in the mouth effectively kept him awake. The young man blended into the black mist like a ghost, and his fierce offensive was even more fierce than before: “Even if I waste half of it, I can still kill you. .”

The violent and swift sword technique of the violent thunder made the knight have no time to respond, and the proud sword technique appeared to be extremely at a loss under the irregular offensive, just between this stunner—

The blood-soaked long knife approached his chest silently, and stopped shortly thereafter.

The knight’s long sword suddenly fell.

Just like two years ago, he was completely defeated, and the aura that belonged to the lord did not know when it would completely disappear, and the little girl actually won the victory.

“Go back obediently, I won’t kill you.” Chi Yu smiled deep and wiped the blood spilled from his mouth, “Otherwise she will be very embarrassed.”

As soon as his voice fell, the knight heard another crisp female voice: “Chi Yu, how are you?”

The knight raised his head in amazement, and saw Lin Hao’s dark eyes on the stairs. The latter noticed his gaze, squinted and smiled.

“I won.” The black-haired young man stepped back and leaned against the wall, preventing her from discovering her own strangeness, but still responded with a smile, “Take him back.”

She nodded lightly and focused her eyes on the knight again: “The lord regained his consciousness before disappearing. Let me bring you some words.”

The knight was shocked, his eyes widened in disbelief.

Concubine Lin slowly repeated those words, and finally spread out the palm of her tightly clenched right hand.

A ruby ​​ring lies quietly in her hand.

Gorgeous, decadent treasures that reflect dazzling brilliance are a symbol of the status of a lord.

The young man shuddered, dragging his scarred body towards her, his eye sockets gradually being swallowed by flooding flushes.

“The lord gave it to me.” Lin Ma’s voice was very gentle, “he also said, very happy to have fought with you.”

It was indeed the ring of the Patriarch, he couldn’t be more familiar with it.

The undead knight closed his eyes lightly. He always thought he was loyal enough, but he didn’t expect to be smart enough to confine the lord to his uncontrollable body.

Perhaps what the girl in front of him said was not true. Everything was a story made up after she killed the lord, but in any case, as long as the ring was in her hand, he had to choose to surrender.

According to the spirit of the knight contract, no matter who it is, as long as he holds this ring, he will become his brand-new leader. He is the sharpest sword and the strongest shield in the family, and he is the owner of Howard’s house.

The handsome young man with long pale blonde hair knelt on one knee, his big white and slender hand supported the back of Lin Hao’s hand, and his lips trembled with the ruby ​​ring gently falling on her hand.

The undead knight’s voice was extremely low, as if sighing in a low voice: “My lord.”

The girl standing on the steps did not make any extra moves, but dropped her eyes to look at him, and responded in a deep voice, “I didn’t mean that.”

Regarding how to deal with the undead knight, Lin Hao and the lord have different ideas.

The latter hopes to find another leader who can restrain the undead knight and force him to surrender with the power of thousands of years, but she doesn’t like this arrangement.

Once power is used, it is nothing more than to get him from one cage into another kind of imprisonment, and live for others from beginning to end. If you want the knight to let go of his obsession, only let him understand that he is a complete individual with independent thinking.

What’s more, she didn’t want to be inexplicably transformed into a fierce evil spirit after she died.

The knight raised his head in response, his bleak blue eyes did not see the brilliance, they faced her in confusion, and the girl’s quiet whisper came from his ears.

“This ring will belong to you from now on.”

“Inherit the will of blood and fire, and revive the family’s glory that has been extinguished for hundreds of years-this is your Fort Howard.” Lin Lin’s voice is clear and gentle, but with unbreakable determination and solemnity, every sentence It is like a huge rock falling in the heart of the young man, arousing a magnificent wave, “From now on, you are no longer a vassal of someone, nor the property of any lord. Throw away all the titles and titles attached to others, and you still remember your original Your name?”

his name.

The youth’s pupils suddenly shrank.

He is the most loyal knight of the Howard family and the ghost of the undead stationed in the abandoned castle, but who is he? Obviously apart from these identities, he still has his purest authentic identity.

his name is-

Lin Yan smiled faintly, and smoothly slipped the ring in her palm into the knight’s knuckles.

The gloomy black clouds covering the entire town suddenly dissipated at this moment, the ruby ​​reflected dazzling light under the **** sunset, and the girl’s smiling voice was like a stone on the clear spring tapping her eardrums.

“Xia Zuo.”

The author has something to say:

This chapter is difficult to write about thief, I hate fighting _(:з」∠)_

I am expected to modify it later (cover my face), thank you for the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution

Thanks to the little angels who cast [land mines]: 2 Xiao Mo; 1 in a small forest;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

40 bottles of Zen; 20 bottles of zzRhh and Awan’s love is Xuanxuan; 15 bottles of grapefruit; 10 bottles of Yanyan and Jade; 5 bottles of you and Meng Xiaomeng; 3 bottles of Fanbao; Mirror in a daze, Nicole 1 bottle of Lingfengjun and Buddha;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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