Cooking in the Monster Shelter

Chapter 64

Chapter 62 Real Movie (6)

For a long, long period of time, the narration has fallen into an endless stage of life thinking.

It listened to Dracula’s long talk with no expression, and finally saw him make a conclusion in a posture that seemed to wipe his tears but concealed his yawn: “I am already an incomplete man. The steady happiness you want, I can’t afford it, my kidney, it can’t afford it even more!”

After finishing speaking, he learned how to beat his chest and his feet: “I regret it, why, why!”

Narrator: All right.

In this movie, it has seen people crying and begging for mercy, seen sneaking out of the country, and seen fighting with Xie Jiayi, but Dracula was the first to use this excuse to avoid kidney removal.

Shen He ○ Kidney deficiency, have you ever seen any movie heroes with kidney deficiency? He can suffer from leukemia, heart disease and even mental illness, but he must not have kidney deficiency.

Winning the body and losing the life is probably the same thing.

Sure enough, Xie Jiayi showed a look of disgust and disgust as he expected after hearing the words, but then said something that Dracula could not even dream of: “The kidney has a problem, just remove it, surgery You choose the time yourself.”


Dracula: Slowly put a question mark.

Dracula: “You, are you kidding me?”

The answer to him was the laughter of narrator’s gloat.

[Narrator: A touch of cruelty suddenly passed through Xie Jiayi’s eyes, and her slashed face became more and more cold and hard. The words in her mouth are just like her, evil, unfeeling and sensible. 】

“Don’t you understand? All I love is your face.” The indifferent woman answered without hesitation, “My man, there can be no disease in the body. No kidney is better than kidney deficiency, I said. Take it off and take it off, don’t delay.”

This woman…

She was so damned evil and mad! How could such a person exist, how could there be! He thought that his operation was already out of position and unbeatable, but the other party killed him with a flat A. Is this the charm of the overbearing president who abuses his body and mind! He ran away from her, he couldn’t fly with his wings.

Dracula never thought that he had dug a hole for himself, and his current thoughts were regrets, very regrets.

“You woman!”

It was rare for him to be stiff, his chest was not straight for three seconds, and when he saw Xie Jiayi’s frosty eyes, he drew back quickly, and continued to say in a delirious manner: “You are a majestic and beautiful woman, how can you say in your beautiful mouth? With such thoughtful words! You can think of a solution in a second for kidney deficiency, a problem that is difficult to cure by a genius!”


The Buddha of **** Christ comes from all walks of life, and the words he said above are all fictitious, and any similarities are purely coincidental.

Since Xie Jiayi insisted on doing her own way, she insisted on being a conscientious kidney picker.

Dracula gritted his teeth and he fought her.

When the sound of the woman’s footsteps completely disappeared from the house, the sound of the door closing came into his ears. He tremblingly picked up the phone, and what he saw was a red poster and two lines of bold characters on the poster.

“Cracking criminals, banning pornographic gambling, chasing fugitives, laying the foundation, the police and the people join hands with Bao Ning. Welcome to call 110, the people’s life hotline!”

“Our gang has been investigating Xie Jiayi for a long time.”

The young policeman sitting in front of Dracula was filled with righteous indignation: “She arranged everything in a perfect way. It is difficult for us to find definitive evidence for conviction. It is great that you can offer to cooperate with the police!”

Dracula smiled slightly.

The narrator once revealed that, in order to make Xie Jiayi more high-end, she was set to be a cruel character who can eat black and white. Because of this, there are always some unclear large-scale transactions hidden in the unknown. In the gray area.

In the works of many overbearing presidents, the protagonist’s body, psychology and personality have been greatly destroyed, and even more so that his relatives have been killed and his family property has been taken over.

So they chose to make a mistake, beat their bones into a pool of incompetent mud, and after tossing and playing with the deep sadomasochistic and reconciled stalks, they harvested the so-called “prodigal son’s return-style sincere love.”

Dracula: Hey, go to them.

Although their lives are miserable, they are too weak to resist, but! Yes!

How could they forget the shield that has been standing behind the people, the people’s great people’s police!

I beg you to stop pretending to be strong and great anymore. If you are moved by yourself, you should call the police as soon as possible.

“But, I have a question.”

The chief sitting next to the little policeman spoke calmly, and his eagle-like eyes were full of questions: “You and Xie Jiayi love each other. If you continue to be together, she can provide you with inexhaustible material wealth. Why? Do you choose to betray her?”

“What is money, what is love, I only remember four words, fight! Black! Exclude! Evil!”

He said to stop for a moment, and his tone of voice was scorching and he said with a deep voice, “I have never forgotten the motherland’s policy of ruling the country according to law, nor the people’s police behind me. Xie Jiayi has illegally collected money and killed many people. I’m already right. She is frustrated. If I can contribute to the fight against evil, it will be the most proud thing in my life. Please believe me.”

“Mr. Dracula, you will be troubled!”

The little policeman trembled and got goose bumps behind his back.

Even in such a drunken environment, he always keeps in mind the construction of the socialist legal system in his heart. What a great spirit this is! From now on, this handsome, handsome and successful man is his role model, and he must devote himself to the process of ruling the country by law like this. No money or love can stop him!

“No hard work! I have made up my mind a long time ago to fight for communism for a lifetime, ready to sacrifice everything for the party and the people at any time, because I…”

The young man spoke righteously, and every word hit the ear of the little policeman loudly and forcefully: “I’m a party member!”

Probably to highlight that the protagonist is very good, according to the setting of the plot, he is indeed a Chinese nationality, and he is really a party member.

The little policeman was in tears.

A mist of water came up from the bottom of his eyes, and he held Dracula’s hands with excitement, his lips and arms trembled, and many words blocked his throat, but in the end he could only squeeze out two words palely: “Comrade!”

Dracula held hands with him and looked at tears: “My comrade!”

Concubine Lin grabbed the handrail and turned over, leaping into a balcony on the same floor of the house in one go.

Because of this violent movement, the arms that the little shark hugged her neck subconsciously tightened, and through a thin layer of clothing, she could feel the other’s heart beating.

The mackerel family have lived in the deep sea since they were young, and have hardly ever experienced a suspended climbing experience. He was probably really very nervous, even breathing with obvious tremors, when he lightly hit Lin Hao on the back of the neck, it looked like a warm cat’s claw was tickling.

It was almost midnight, but the apartment was still brightly lit. She deliberately chose a household with no lights to come in. Regardless of whether there are people or not, as long as she keeps quiet, there shouldn’t be much problem.

In theory, this can be regarded as a completely illegal invasion. Everything is the fault of this crumb movie. Lin thought that as long as she returns to the real world, she is still a good citizen who abides by the law.

The house seemed to have been abandoned, and when she jumped down, the soles of her feet sparked flying dust. The balconies of other residents were hung with more or less clothes, but it was empty here, only the dust visible to the naked eye was spinning quietly under the lights, and endless silence spread quietly.

“Don’t make a sound first.”

This apartment is strange and perilous. Although it is extremely dangerous to let the little shark get involved in escape with her, people at this point of time have very low acceptance of alien creatures. If he puts the fishtail of the human body alone in the apartment In addition, the risk of uncertainty will be greater.

Concubine Lin whispered to the boy, carrying him to the living room.

Looking around from the aisle for a week, you can get a general view of the house. The layout is exactly the same as that seen in the other houses before, the wooden doors of each room are greatly opened, revealing the empty back room.

The living room was still empty, and even the furniture was pitiful. Looking around, there was only a dark gray simple sofa and a huge wooden cabinet placed in the corner. Under the light from the broken window, she could barely see clearly. What’s in the cupboard—

Many medicines of different varieties, as well as knives of different shapes.

Was the owner here a doctor? If he moves out of here, why not take these things away?

What is even more strange is that although the balcony is gray, the sofa and cabinet doors are not covered with too much dust, as if someone had used it not long ago, they were incredibly clean and tidy.

Lin Hao couldn’t think of why, so she took out her mobile phone from her pocket and took a look at the time. At 11:40 midnight, and twenty minutes before Yuren could turn his tail into his legs.

Although the boy’s weight is very light, carrying him behind his back will still affect his actions to a large extent. If he goes out rashly during this period, once they encounter danger, it may be difficult for both of them to escape.

She thought about it again and again, and finally carefully placed the little shark in the center of the sofa and touched his soft and fluffy head: “We will rest here for a while, and my sister will simply rub some medicine for you.”

The boy seemed to be very embarrassed, lowered his head and responded shallowly “Um”.

Opening the door of the wooden cabinet, there was a strong smell of medicine. Concubine Lin didn’t hate this kind of breath, her eyes indifferently swept across the bottom blade.

The blades of different sizes exude a faint and cool color under the light of the mobile phone. Each knife is sharpened extremely sharply. The streamlined body is thin and smooth. Although it has not been stained with the slightest blood, it shows a bit of chills for no reason. It is just a simple look. The last glance is enough to make many people’s scalp numb.

Looking up, you can see a wide range of medicines. Most of them are external medicines used to treat wounds. The rest of the bottles and cans are not marked with specific names. They only have different marks on the bottle caps to distinguish them. When she saw the top layer, Lin Hao actually saw the anesthesia needle.

…I don’t know why, I always feel that the former owner of this house is not so normal.

There was an unknown shadow over her heart for no reason, and her instinct told her not to stay here for a long time. So Lin Yan quickly took the wound medicine, and decided to leave here at 12: 00 midnight with the Shark.

In the bathroom of No. 208, Concubine Lin used the moonlight and light to barely see his appearance. At this moment, the mobile phone flashlight was turned on, and the strong white light suddenly tore the darkness to pieces, and everything suddenly became clear.

Under the strong light, the boy’s thin layer of skin was almost white and glowing, and light blue blood vessels were winding up his arms, like vines growing all over. He was very thin, his spine and elbows were high and raised, and his lower abdomen was slightly sunken. As a result, his waistline was set off astonishingly thin, as if he could be cut off with a slight twist.

Seeing her frowning slowly, the shark buried her head lower without saying a word, and pressed her curled fingertips into the sofa.

He has always feared the sight of human beings.

There are not many humans who have really come into contact with him. In the memory of his lifetime, it seems that the look in his eyes is not good-will—

The fisherman who fished him into the boat was full of horror, screaming with fear and disgust on his face: “Monster, monster! This is a revelation from heaven for us, and the people on this boat can’t escape bad luck!”

When he was brought into the black market for sale, the customers made no secret of the panic in their eyes, and pointed to him with a mockery or curiosity: “Is this a mermaid? How come he is a boy.”

Later, I lived in that small house, and the woman who claimed to be “mother” showed a fierce look, leaving indelible scars on him again and again, her pupils were full of greed and desire: “Cry, let me cry !”

All the memories are terrible.

The boy thought, his sister’s eyes were clean and pure, and there was no trace of bad emotions when she looked over. I don’t know why, the more gentle she behaves, the less he doesn’t want the other person to see his body.

—Perhaps when she finishes looking at the ugly scars, she will start loathing him uncontrollably.

The chaotic thoughts turned into flying flocks, floating in the mind chaotically. He was thinking about it, suddenly he felt a rush of heat close to his cheeks, followed by a cold touch.

Lin Yan held the back of the boy’s head with one hand, and gently wiped the wound on his face with a cotton swab dipped in iodophor with the other. When he saw the latter’s eyes widened in panic, he sneered: “It might be a little painful, bear with me. ”

Xiaoyuren was bewildered by her smile, because he kept the back of his head raised and his head raised, he could look closely at Lin Hao just by raising his eyes.

Her appearance in the movie is the same as in reality, and the peach eyes that are raised up seem to be smiling all the time.

He hadn’t seen such a look in a long, long time.

Within a second, the boy lowered his eyes in embarrassment.

“Why are you so shy?”

Concubine Lin smiled again: “My name is Concubine Lin, you can call me my sister.”

Concubine Lin.

He recited the name silently in his heart, and the corners of his mouth curled up quietly.

Some pictures that were almost forgotten and seemed to belong to another distant world came to mind at this moment. Among the many broken pieces, the boy recognized that it was his memory when he lived in the sea.

A long time ago, probably when he was imprisoned in a black market iron cage, he had made up his mind to abandon all the memories of his time as a shark without mercy, and regarded himself as inferior goods. All memories are fragmented, but at this moment two familiar and unfamiliar syllables are pouring into the throat, about to break through the tip of the tongue.

I don’t know how long it took, he finally spoke softly, his voice so hoarse that he felt unfamiliar: “…Ancho.”

After a pause, he continued with an indistinguishable voice: “My name is Ancho.”


Lin Yan was a little stagnant, and did not ask him why he had not given his name before, but after repeating it again, he bends his eyes in surprise: “I will call you’Jojo’ from now on, how cute it is.”

The boy’s large emerald-like eyes opened round again, revealing dazed and flattered gazes.

Unlike the ferocious and cunning mermaid, it is more like a cute and silly squirrel, who always has round eyes open, and when he sees the wind and grass, he runs around in surprise.

Lin Yan lowered her head and pursed her lips, focusing once again on the scarred body of Xiaoyuren.

He must have never received systemic treatment before, or that after every violent beating, he might not get even the simplest medicine for injury, and could only survive day after day until The wound scabs on its own.

Because there was no timely treatment, many wounds were left with scars that were difficult to eliminate, and light red flesh and blood or slight ulcers appeared in the places that had not been scabbed, which made her shocking.

Lin Yan moved her elbow down, and the cotton swab moved to the blood stain on An Qiao’s right arm. This long-shaped trace was exactly the same as the wound on his lower abdomen and back. It was very likely to be caused by a whip or a thick rope. She couldn’t help but curse secretly. The woman was really unscrupulous in order to force him to cry.

When drugs come into contact with such severe trauma, they often cause unbearable severe pain.

Concubine Lin paused for a moment, suddenly released the left hand that was pressing on the back of his head, and called the boy’s name softly and softly: “Jojo.”

An Qiao raised her head in response, passing her sideways body and falling directly on the white wall.

The light of the mobile phone reflected the shadows of them very close to each other. Among them, Lin Yu raised her left hand, and her knuckles were bent and changed, turning her palm reflection into the appearance of a fox.

The fox’s ears moved, and his body swayed.

“The fox is saying hello to you.” Lin said, “He likes you very much, so he is going to introduce his good friends to you.”

She said that with a movement of her fingers and the palm of her hand, the former pointed-mouthed fox suddenly turned into a long-eared rabbit, and its two ears were closed one by one, as if to show him well.

He had never seen such a trick before, and he was attracted by all his attention for a while, staring at the shadow intently.

It was also at this moment that the cotton swab in Lin Hao’s right hand fell down, impartially covering the welt on Anqiao’s arm.

The burning pain quickly spread from one point to the whole body. Although the senses after being distracted were not sharp, the boy subconsciously took a cold breath and gritted his teeth to force himself not to scream.

“Good boy.”

Lin Yan glanced at him appreciatively, and when she lowered her head and continued to apply the ointment, she suddenly thought that this might be the last time he was treated — the movie will end tonight, and she will return to her normal life at that time. This shy and introverted boy Will be trapped in this day, this scene forever.

Thinking about it this way, it is inevitable to feel a little bit embarrassed.

Presumably aware of her sudden depression, An Qiao yelled timidly: “Sister.”


Concubine Lin quickly raised her head in response to this voice. Before the other party could answer, she caught a glimpse of a small white and slender hand extending straight to her left cheek.

Anqiao’s fingertips trembled slightly, and when they stroked her side of her face, they were cold, like a piece of white jade exuding coldness. But it is soft, with comfortable elasticity, and brings a refreshing breeze when it is lightly and softly brushed.

The boy raised his head, moving gently, slowly, and cautiously. After he blushed and withdrew his fingers, Lin Lin found that there was scarlet blood stained there.

“You, the wound on your face is bleeding.” He was overwhelmed by what he saw, and squeezed these words out of his throat, “Sister, you can put medicine on yourself first.”

When saying this, Ancho’s body posture has not changed from beginning to end, the whole person is like a stiff statue, only the green eyes are constantly turning, whenever he accidentally touches her sight, he will blush and blink. blink.

It seems, maybe, it seems, a little too cute.

Lin Yu thought seriously, it was midnight, and the moon was pouring down from the balcony. The boy in front of her was well-behaved and cute. His round eyes were gentle like a calm lake. It was not legs that curled up on the sofa. , But a blue tail with beautiful scales.

It’s a plot that only appears in fairy tales.

Narrator: [Say important things three times, no, no, no. 】

As if to verify his words, the narration’s unemotional, cold tone could hardly fall, and Lin Hao heard an unprepared bang from a corner not far away.

The voice was faint but rapid, tapping on her eardrums uninterruptedly, again and again, as if someone was tapping the wall.

Concubine Lin and An Qiao breathed lightly at the same time, and looked at each other quietly.

In the empty and silent abandoned room, this knocking sound looked very strange. Lin Ma walked to the sound source and found that the sound actually came from behind the wooden cabinet.

But there is clearly a hard white wall.

It’s a secret room.

She turned her head to make a silent gesture to Ancho, and tried to push the wooden cabinet away from the side. Unexpectedly, although the cabinet looks hard and tall, it doesn’t take much effort to remove it.

As the rumbling sound of the friction between the wood and the ground became louder and louder, an unbearable **** smell gradually occupied the nasal cavity. Lin Had held his breath and finally saw the appearance of the secret room.

It was a dark and narrow space, even if the wooden cabinet was pushed open, little light leaked in until she turned on the mobile phone flashlight.

The bright white light instantly filled the entire secret room, and the original white and smooth walls were covered with dried blood, which looked like blossoming flowers from a distance. The clean as new floor was carefully wiped, and a woman with her whole body tightly bound and tape on her mouth lay on the ground feebly, hitting the ground with her head over and over again, and her movements stopped and trembled when she saw the bright light. Raise your head.

Concubine Lin stepped forward and tore off the tape. The woman met her eyes, tears gushing out uncontrollably. Her voice was so dumb that she could not tell, she could only cry and tell her: “Help me!”

“How is this going?”

Lin Yan approached her in a deep voice, and reluctantly lifted the woman from the ground, letting her sit in a slightly clean corner.

Her face and clothes are very dirty, and she must have been kept here for a long time. Because the body was **** with five flowers and the rope was still tied to the pipe in the corner of the secret room, her range of motion was limited to half of the secret room, and she couldn’t even reach the wooden cabinet.

So when I heard the sound of strangers talking, I could only tap the floor with my head over and over again, trying to make some noise.

“There is a murderer living here… that guy is a cannibal!” The woman coughed violently, and said in an airy voice, “Go to the police, go!”

After she finished speaking, she seemed to think of something again, and asked in a trembling voice, “What time is it?”

Concubine Lin glanced at the screen of the phone, and replied word by word: “11:57.”

“Eleven: fifty-seven…” The bloodshot eyes of the woman’s eyes became more and more intense, almost staining the entire pupils scarlet, and the whole person was cast a little mad and desperate because of this. “He opens the door on time at midnight every day. , That guy is coming, run!”

That’s it.

The owner who bought this house did not use it as a residence, but carried out an unknown massacre plan in the secret room. That’s why dust accumulates on the balcony, and the wooden cabinet is full of knives and potions.

I have to say that this apartment is really full of surprises. The triggering rate of perverts and murderers is as high as 100%, which is comparable to that of a death elementary school student. There will be accidents wherever they go.

There were only less than two minutes left until twelve o’clock. If the other party was as punctual as she said, he must have already reached a place not far from the gate, and it was definitely too late to escape.

If you really encounter a situation where you have to do it, it seems that the best way is to kill the opponent directly when they enter the house.

The narrator noticed her thoughts, and after hesitating for a moment, she sped up her speech: [No, according to the plot, you will be intermittently conscious and delirious every midnight. Around twelve is the weakest time. If something goes wrong at the time, everything will be over! 】

Lin Hao was slightly stunned: “You didn’t make up this setting temporarily, right?”

[Stupid, I’m spoiling! This is the content that will be revealed only if you experience it yourself! 】

The narrator gritted his teeth and, in order to strengthen the authority of these words, he simply changed to a formulaic tone and said it emotionally in a broadcast accent.

[Narrator: You want to act first to be strong, but when you think of your trance and memory disorder every midnight, you can’t help but hesitate. 】

Please, be nice to the audience and friends. If the protagonist dies in the middle of the performance, it will be an epic-level unfinished movie.

It’s hard to come across such a refreshing plot, and it’s refreshing to watch right now, and it’s absolutely not allowed to let the protagonist cool down halfway.

It is impossible for the movie to cause the protagonist to suffer from such an unexplainable disease for no reason. Her trance must be closely related to the main storyline. It is also worth noting that midnight seems to be a sort of demarcation point. The protagonist’s illness, the opening of the house owner and the change of form of the shark are all at this point in time, and perhaps there is something tricky.

But now is not the time to think about the main story. If they can’t head-on, their only way to survive is to hide.

The whole house was empty and there was no place to hide, except for a place he would never go.


Lin Yan glanced at the phone lastly, the time on the screen suddenly changed, and all the numbers were shuffled to form a brand new point in time.


The author has something to say:

I actually burst my liver (make a fist and wipe my tears)

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