Cooking in the Monster Shelter

Chapter 78

Chapter 76 Night of Urban Legends (4)

The president is very angry.

He personally tore off the card that the members had placed high hopes for. That incident originally made him feel particularly upset, but he never expected it to be even more unbelievable.

He should have killed the insidious and treacherous woman in front of him, but instead of making a move, he still followed her obediently.

He feels like a living licking dog.

The night was cloudy and windy and ghostly, even though it was summer, there was a coldness deep in the bones everywhere.

Concubine Lin only wore a thin short-sleeved T-shirt. The extremely fragile part of her neck was exposed to the air unsuspectingly. In addition, she walked in front and knew nothing about what happened behind her. The attack is absolutely impossible to avoid.

The president thought, as long as he took this opportunity to kill her with a single blow, he could return to freedom.

The killing intent gradually gathered in the young man’s eyes, and his fingertips had touched the **** in his pocket. He slowly walked forward with a sullen face, and he was within reach of Concubine Lin.

The president stepped aside and stepped silently to Lin Yu’s side.

Just to help her block all the night breeze that hug la la.


“thank you.”

Lin Ma saw that his face was full of reluctance, and she smiled with her mouth closed: “It’s very cold tonight. Be careful not to catch a cold.”

The president sneered, his eyes dimmed under the broken hair: “It doesn’t matter if you have a cold, the important thing is, I want you—”

The sky is a lesson. He originally wanted to say “I want you to die”, but when the words came to his lips, he changed into: “I want you to be well. As long as you are okay, it doesn’t matter if I suffer a little bit.”


He was going to be sickened by himself.

Concubine Lin couldn’t help but let out a very slight low laugh from her throat. Seeing that the eyes of the young man next to her were bursting into flames, she tried to change the subject casually: “My name is Lin Yu, you should know? What’s your name?”

“Even if I die, I won’t—”

Before he had time to say the six words “let you know your name” aggressively, the president choked abruptly, and when his voice reached the tip of his tongue, he turned a corner: “If I die, I won’t forget your name.”

It’s not. Stop now.

There was a big alarm bell in his head, but his mouth did not obey the command at all: “My name is Lin He. Lin Xiangru’s ‘Lin He’ and He Choi’s ‘He’, you won’t forget it, right?”

To you a big head.

Whenever he wanted to say something cruel and lethal, so that this **** could recognize how many pounds he was, but in the end, not only was he insincere, but the sentences he uttered were abruptly changed into words of shame. .

He was so dirty and crooked, he was really shameless to see people.

“Good name.” Concubine Lin smiled, “Can you tell me what the **** is going on in this world?”

She really used him as a tool to gather information.

There was an inexplicable loss in the bottom of his heart. Lin He clenched his fists secretly, swallowed all the words of the stunned person back into his throat, and said in a self-deprecating manner: “Guest Tale Association was originally an urban legend popular among students, as more and more people Contact and understand this story, the convergence of brain waves makes us a reality.”

Sure enough, it was a product of brain waves.

Lin Yan turned her head to look at him: “Since the Ghost Story Association has formed an entity and does not need to rely on human beliefs to exist, why do you hold a night of urban legends every month?”

The youth’s dark pupils seemed to flicker.

On this issue, he finally stuck to his heart: “No comment.”

Concubine Lin raised her eyebrows: “Even if it’s me, can’t you tell?”

Lin He categorically said: “No.”


According to the setting written by Lin Lin, the chairman should be obedient to her. He could say anything against his heart for her, and he could suppress all the surging killing intent for her, but he chose to hesitate when it came to this question.

What was the reason that kept him tight-lipped so far.

Concubine Lin didn’t have a hobby of stalking and exploring other people’s secrets, so she covered this topic in one stroke, and only whispered back: “I see.”

Lin He was slightly stunned.

In his opinion, this woman is scheming and cruel, she must be the type who will never give up until she achieves her goal. He had already made perfect mental preparations and exhausted all his energy to force himself not to confide the truth. He didn’t expect that the other party didn’t even plan to ask questions.

It made him very affectionate.

—Or maybe, Lin Concubine is not as annoying as he thought.

A lot of complicated thoughts surged up, and the young man was tortured so that he frowned, and finally pulled his attention back to reality. When he raised his head, he just saw Lin Jiao stop by his side.

Following her gaze, Lin He Yaoyao saw a young man standing in a corner.

[Fourth Urban Legend: The lost boy.

When walking on the streets late at night, you may be able to see him in a corner.

The teenager looks about fifteen or sixteen years old, wearing a clean student uniform, and he has a very beautiful appearance. Once you collide with his line of sight, you will be completely entangled.

According to the young man himself, he had just moved to Qichuan with his family. Because he was completely unfamiliar with the city route, he accidentally lost the road after school. After roughly speaking about his situation, the teenager will beg you to help him find his way home.

If you choose to refuse, the angry teenager will directly kill you with a knife; if you agree, he will take you aimlessly in the city to find a house.

Please don’t think that accepting the request will be all right, on the contrary, that is the beginning of another more terrifying nightmare.

The teenager will never go home, or that his home does not exist at all.

He can’t find the way back home, he has nowhere to go, he can only follow you inseparably.

If you try to get rid of him, you will be killed; if you are impatient or take care of him improperly, you will be killed; if you have close contact with other people, you and that person will be killed.

—After all, I have promised to take good care of him, how can I distribute the energy to other people?

This is a curse that is almost insoluble, and none of the people who have been trapped by the youth can survive. The only way to prevent the tragedy from happening is to avoid his eyes at the first encounter.

To escape from the ending, we can only avoid the beginning. 】

Ah oh.

Concubine Lin rubbed her nose quite annoyed. She also didn’t expect that when she walked on the street with ease, her sight would directly hit that young boy’s eyes.

Not much different from the description of urban legends, the appearance of the boy is as beautiful as an exquisite doll. The slightly curly short hair reminded her of a fluffy little lamb, her fair skin was flawless, and a thin orange mist was covered by a street lantern.

The most striking thing is his big amber eyes. The peach-and-apricot-like round eyes looked at her without blinking, tears filled the entire eye socket, like the sparkling clear lake in the sun, occasionally there was a ripple that caused tears to roll down from the corner of the eye.

Like a poor puppy.


As he said, he opened his legs and approached Concubine Lin. The boy’s voice was soft and soft, and his crying voice was slightly crushed into the voice. It sounded like an instant softening, “I’m lost, can you help me find my way home?”

Although he had known that he was a murderous strange talk for a long time, Lin Ma couldn’t help thinking: Super! can! Love!

No one can refuse a beautiful little boy with tears and soft pleadings. What’s more, even if he refuses cruelly, he will only have a lifeless ending. So she nodded without hesitation: “Don’t be afraid, I will help you.”

The moment this sentence was uttered, the air beside him suddenly became cold.

The chill spread in the night breeze in an instant, Lin Concubine realized something and looked up at Lin He who was silent beside him.

The other party didn’t look at her, but put all his heavy eyes on the boy. The black hood cast a shadow in the youth’s pupils. The murderous intent that was originally pressed back to the bottom of his heart was invisible and invisible but intense and deep. At this time, a brain overflowed uncontrollably, like a wild wolf waiting for an opportunity to hunt for food, which is frightening.

Concubine Lin’s heart moved, and she looked at the young boy on the other side.

When facing Lin He, his expression was completely different from when he spoke to Concubine Lin. Bright tears were still in the eye sockets, and the drooping long eyelashes blocked the light, making the eyes dark and dull, even with a gloomy and determined meaning.

“Sister,” aware of her gaze, the boy took a breath and returned to the harmless appearance of humans and animals, “Who is this uncle who is dressed like a perverted stalker?”

Lin He waited coldly, and his voice came from behind the mask: “I really want to bring this sissy little white face? A price drop.”


Because he hasn’t fully developed yet, the teenager is shorter than Lin He, and when he raises his head angrily and stares at him, he doesn’t look so aggressive.

According to past habits, he would chop that person into pieces at the first time when he met someone who was not pleasing to the eye. But the man in a black sweater in front of him is obviously not a small character that anyone can handle, and even the strength of the opponent is far above him.

The idea of ​​forcibly launching an attack was extinguished. In the embryonic stage, the boy bit his lip and confronted him for a long while, and finally leaned pitifully next to Lin Yu, his tone full of grievances: “Sister, uncle bullied me.”

A “sister” and a “uncle”, the positioning of the two in his heart is self-evident.

Seeing him getting closer to Concubine Lin, Lin He rarely calmed down and pulled the boy away.

“Stop, stop.” Seeing that the plot was going in a weird direction, Lin Hao made a pause gesture and looked at the teenager lightly, “Do you remember the general direction of the house?”

The latter was shy and blinked innocently. After a while, the finger swayed uncertainly and pointed to a certain direction: “It should be this way.”

This is of course false.

While listening to the story in Villa No. 444, Lin Lin had imagined no less than five ways to solve this bear boy, but there are currently no props that can be used, and all the ideas have become fantasy.

In order not to irritate the other party, she can only make a very cooperative and friendly appearance: “Okay, let’s go find it together. By the way, what is your name?”

The boy wiped away the remaining tears on his face and smiled at her with his eyes bent: “My name is Su Ze, sister.”

Qichuan City said it was big or not, but it couldn’t be said to be so remote and narrow. The three of them walked in the direction pointed by Su Ze, and after a long time they did not see the end of the city.

Lin Hao had good physical strength, but Su Ze himself was too tired to walk. He sat on the stone bench built by the road to rest.

Lin He leaned against the tree trunk and said coldly, “Broken your leg? Don’t go, climb.”

The boy was flushed with choking, and was trying to refute, but unfortunately he didn’t say what he said, so he was hurriedly interrupted by a hoarse cry for help—

Looking along the sound source, you can see a young man staggering and running. Wearing a yellowed school uniform suit, his forehead and cheeks were pierced and there were **** mouths in the bones. When he caught a glimpse of the three of them, he opened his voice and shouted: “Help, help!”

Lin Yan could tell at a glance that it was the student who had been sitting quietly beside her when everyone was telling urban legends in the villa. The name seemed to be You Haoyu.

“I, I’m not a monster, save me!” He also obviously saw Concubine Lin, and increased the volume with a tone of voice that was about to cry, “I was next to you before. You must still remember me, right?”

You Haoyu’s footsteps were vacant, and he almost fell to the ground in a panic. Fortunately, Lin Hao stepped forward in time to support him.

The imaginary monster with murderous aura did not appear, only a chaotic darkness behind him, and there was nothing in the distance. Concubine Lin tapped her shoulder to comfort him, lowering her voice, “Don’t worry, take your time. What urban legend have you encountered?”


He said, his eyes were red, and he gritted his teeth and spit out two words: “Penxian.”

[Urban Legend No. 5: Pen Fairy.

Although Bi Xian is called “Xian”, he is actually just a lonely ghost wandering in the world. Please write to the immortal, to make it clear, it is to call souls.

To summon the pen fairy, two people need to interlace their fingers and hold a pen perpendicular to the table in the middle. After gently clamping the pen, he said silently in his heart at the same time: “Pen fairy pen fairy, I am your past life, you are my current life, if you want to continue with me, please draw a circle on the paper.”

When the pen tip began to move slightly, that is, when the pen fairy was successfully summoned.

Bi Xian knows everything and knows everything, and asks the immortal to ask it almost any question, such as “who is the future partner”, “how is my test score this time” or even “what is my status in my previous life”.

It should be noted that there are two taboos in Bi Xian.

One is that you cannot ask about the cause of death of Bixian during his lifetime, nor how to remove spirits from it;

The second is that you must never let go of the hand holding the pen before sending the pen fairy away. Once the two people let go of their hands halfway, the pen fairy would be wrapped around them for the rest of their lives.

Do you want to know what happens to the taboo?

Some people are dead, some are crazy, this kind of story is accompanied by blood and evil spirits, without exception, it ends in tragedy. I think you don’t want to try. 】

As long as those two taboos are not violated, they should not be attacked by the pen fairy. However, the association clearly stipulates that “all the strange talk will regard the corresponding contestant as the number one target of attack”, and this death-free gold medal cannot be applied to You Haoyu.

Unlike monsters with entities, Pen Immortal has no entity, coming and going without a trace, and it is completely impossible to be subdued by physical methods.

With human strength, it is impossible to compete with undead ghosts. You Haoyu naturally understands this truth. He was already about to give up the hope of stealing a life, but he didn’t expect to suddenly meet Lin Yan and his party.

Among all the contestants, Lin Yu impressed him the most. Not only because the story she wrote stands out among all the strange stories, but also because when everyone was panicked and confused, only the little girl who seemed weak and literate smiled at the corners of her mouth with great interest, holding on. The cheeks looked at everyone’s crazy appearance.

Of course, what shocked him most was the scene he saw at this moment—

The president of the Ghost Story Association, who is like the flower of Gaoling, actually followed her obediently, standing silently on the path that the night wind passed by to shield Lin Jia from the wind, looking like a loyal bodyguard.

Since human beings can’t do anything about gods and monsters, he can only pin his hopes on Lin He who is the president, struggling to speak: “Please, president! I…I absolutely can’t die here, my family is seriously ill. , Without me, she would definitely die—”

The young man hiding in the black hoodie had cold eyes like ice, and took a step back when You Haoyu approached.

This was an obvious refusal, and the boy immediately blushed. He was desperate and was about to continue begging. He didn’t expect that the Lin Concubine on the side suddenly made a soft voice, with a playful tone: “Don’t worry, I have a way.”

In You Haoyu’s perplexed sight, she smiled meaningfully: “Penxian’s setting is not to kill the prey and swear to never give up. There is only one reason for it to stop pursuing it-someone else will call it.”

You Haoyu stood stiff on all fours in the convenience store, turning his head to look at Concubine Lin helplessly.

The whole city was empty, the usual residents disappeared, but the contents of the house remained intact. Lin Ma easily found gel pen and white paper in the convenience store. She seemed to be in a good mood and kept the pen holder on her fingertips and kept spinning.

Seeing her posture, she wants to invite a pen immortal.

You Haoyu has long noticed that she is different, and now she is firm in this idea—

In addition to the president, the beautiful boy named “Su Ze” who is also behind Lin Yu is obviously not a contestant. Su Ze has a gentle temperament, always acting like a baby at Ms Lin with a soft voice, looking out of tune with this weird world. He curiously asked the person’s identity and got a stunned answer.

Su Ze is actually one of the urban legends, the petite and broken child who is crazy to the bones.

Everyone avoided strange talk like a snake and scorpion, but she left them by her side indifferently, not like escaping from a desperate situation, but playing a role collection game of Otome.

It also comes with a little love-forming element.

“Sister Lin Yan,” You Haoyu’s voice kept trembling as the coldness around him was getting stronger and stronger, “It’s definitely useless to please immortal. No matter what you say to it, Pen Immortal will not let me go.

He paused, then gritted his teeth and said: “The undead has no weakness, and it is impossible for humans to win it.”

“Who said it has no weaknesses?”

Lin Yan spread the white paper on the table: “‘Once you are called, the pen fairy must show up’,’Bixian will honestly answer all the questions asked by the fairy.’ Only by relying on these two rules, it can’t help it. Poses a threat to us.”

However, questions such as “How did you die” and “How can I kill you” are forbidden to ask. What’s more, even if the pursuit will be forcibly interrupted when the pen fairy is summoned, once the entrustment is over, he will still be treated as The number one target of the pen cents chase.

Could it be that… Lin Feng intends to subdue it by asking questions alone?

You Haoyu couldn’t think of what to do.

When everything was ready, Lin Hao picked up the gel pen with satisfaction and raised her head to meet Lin He’s sight.

The youth was expressionless, but his heart trembled quietly.

There need to be two people to invite the immortal, You Haoyu has already lost the qualification to invite the immortal, and Su Ze is a completely untrustworthy stranger. Looking around the audience, only he can take on this task.

Please Pen Xian is to shake hands.

Although he was unwilling in his heart, but occasionally being touched by Concubine Lin once in a while, it didn’t seem to be a big problem.

The main point of the painting: It is definitely not that he wants to shake hands.

“Since you ask me, then I…”

Just halfway through this sentence, he could hear Lin Concubine’s voice ringing in his ears very clearly: “Su Ze, then I beg you.”

Lin He:?

Lin He:? ? ?

He was so angry that his eyes widened immediately, and he was a little bit aggrieved in anger.

It was him, obviously he came first… Whether it was meeting or contact, he was the first one, so how could she choose another person.

After staring, he thought uncomfortably, no, no need to be forced to contact that woman, he should feel ecstatic.

Su Ze also didn’t expect Lin Yan to call out his name. After his astonishment, he was overwhelmed with ecstasy. While responding “OK”, he took a bragging look at the young man beside him.

It seems that this man is really not favored, and he is not as good as his newcomer.

Lin He sullenly watched as they both held the gel pen between their close palms.


For no reason, when he saw the right hand of the two holding each other, he felt like a block of stone in his heart, and he was panicked with breathing.

Could it be the reason why the convenience store is not ventilated?

Lin Yan’s casual tone came in her ears, full of ridicule: “Is it not sure why, I suddenly feel uncomfortable in my heart, like a block of stone?”

The young man frowned slightly and said in a cold tone: “No.”

He just felt a little sour in his heart, and his fist was also a little itchy.

Lin Yan squinted and smiled, pressing harder step by step: “Is it sour-hearted, with itchy fists, uncontrollably wanting to punch someone?”

You Haoyu looked at the three of them in a daze, and then slowly typed a question mark.

What’s the situation?

He should indeed be in a terrifying and terrifying spiritual space right now. This should be a thrilling survival story. As a result, I see how these people react…

What about the **** fight? How did it become a love triangle to fight for the upper rank war? Did the villains take the wrong script?

Lin He didn’t respond immediately, the light in his eyes darkened.

It’s not the roundworm in the belly, this woman shouldn’t know exactly how he feels. Since she can say it without any problems, there is only one possibility—

This uncomfortable feeling is that she is playing tricks.

Distracted by these meaningful gazes, he replied in a deep voice impatiently: “Yes. What did you move?”


Su Ze finally laughed out loud, without concealing the provocation under his eyes, and wrapped Lin Hao’s right hand tighter in front of him: “What do you mean by hands and feet? What do you call, eat-jealous -”

He dragged these two words very long, and every sound was turned into a cold sword and deep into the eardrum, piercing the rush and the root of the ear.

After hearing this, the young man smiled coldly, his eyes filled with disdain and contempt: “Jealous? Naive. This woman has nothing to do with me. No matter how intimate you and her act, it won’t affect me in the slightest.”

Concubine Lin gave him a complicated look.

Although that is the case.

But can you take back the dagger in your hand? It’s already on Su Ze’s wrist straight up, hey! The little brother You Haoyu watching by the side was scared to cry by the ferocious expression that you were about to kill!

See the blood and see the blood, President, you should be more sober! !

Lin He didn’t realize that he had pulled out the knife at some point until he felt Lin Lin’s slightly blamed gaze.

The blade was impartially facing Su Ze’s wrist, the tip of the blade had touched the opponent’s skin, and there was a tendency to chop off this hand severely.

His cheeks were hot again, and he looked down awkwardly and withdrew his hands.

Concubine Lin held back a smile and looked at Su Ze: “Then let’s start.”

The steps to invite the immortal were followed step by step. After chanting the spell, the gel pen really made a circle without any effort from both of them.

Now it is late at night, and the surroundings are terribly quiet. The back of his hand was faintly enveloped with a layer of gloomy chills, and Su Ze couldn’t help but feel a little timid at the thought of a ghost holding his right hand.

There was a cold wind passing behind her, Lin Yan suppressed her voice very low, and every word fell heavily into the night: “Bi Xian Bi Xian told me—

She concentrated for a moment, and asked in a very serious tone: “What is the specific value of Pi’s Pi in mathematics?”

all. field. lonely. Quiet.

As we all know, although it is rounded to a value of 3.14 in daily life, the pi is actually a completely infinitely recurring decimal. There is no end to the series of numbers.

Concubine Lin could clearly feel that the pen in her hand shook suddenly.

After a pause of five seconds, the pen finally began to write on the paper. However, the expected 3.141592 did not appear as expected. Only the same short sentence of the same tooth and claw occupies the entire page—

“You are sick?”

“Are you sick?”

“You are sick, are you sick, are you sick?”

Even if you are unwilling in every possible way, “An honest answer to all the questions asked by the fairy” is an unchangeable rule. After venting wildly, as if finally confessing his fate, the gel pen began to swing wildly uncontrollably.

3.141592653, every number is a tragic accusation, every stroke is a tragic drop of blood and tears.

What is the dryness of the sea and the decay of the rocks? This is not just a simple pi, but a great dedication spirit willing to devote a lifetime to mathematics, an eternal pursuit of truth.

If there is a Nobel Prize for Lifetime Achievement in Mathematics, it must be awarded to this Mr. Bi Xian who did not want to be named but dedicated his life to Pi.

You Haoyu blankly looked at her lips with a certain smile, while secretly admiring her, she couldn’t help but feel a faint worry: in the pen fairy game, please not let go of the hand holding the pen. As long as the pen fairy is still writing, Lin Hao and Su Ze have to hold the gel pen and not let go.

Although she restricted Bi Xian by doing so, she also got into a dilemma that she couldn’t escape.

As soon as this thought came to mind, You Haoyu caught a glimpse of Lin Yan raising an eyebrow at him, and then unhesitatingly, resolutely, released his hand from the pen holder.

You Haoyu:?

Su Ze:? ? ?

“Don’t let go, don’t.”

She stretched out her hand to hold Su Ze’s right hand that was about to let go, and said to him in a serious tone: “Penxian will kill the last person who let go. If you want to survive, just wait for it to finish writing slowly.”

Seeing the appearance of Bi Xian and the lost boy freaking out at the same time, You Haoyu was stunned by this fierce operation.

When referring to the urban legend about the pen fairy, the narrator’s original words were “Once two people release their hands halfway, the pen fairy will be entangled with them for the rest of their lives.”

In other words, if only one person let go, Bi Xian will still answer the questions on the paper as usual.

She actually took advantage of the rules and pitted another strange story that had been invited to the fairy together.

This, this, this.

Is this the legendary doublekill!

“You, you bastard!” Su Ze trembled with anger, “I was so good to you, but in the end it was calculated by you!”

Lin Yan’s expression remained unchanged, and then she flicked, “I am doing this for your own good. You should also know that all humans in this dimension will be surrounded by monsters, right?”

The little boy didn’t understand the meaning of this sentence, and stared at her ferociously.

“I know that your heart is pure and kind, love and righteous, no matter how dangerous a situation you encounter, you will never leave me-but that will only cost you your life in vain.”

Concubine Lin sighed, her eyes full of serious and affectionate expressions: “I am alive and well, and you can’t let you die with me. Since you insist on not leaving, I can only make this move and let you stay here.”

Su Ze was stunned.

Is she to… protect him?

“Pi is very long, and it will take a few hours to write it all.”

Her tone was full of the desperate tragic and heroic before the decisive battle: “A few hours later, the war should be over. If I was alive then, I will come back to reunite with you; if I die…”

Lin Yu choked and pursed the corners of her lips, tears flickering in the corners of her eyes: “When the pen fairy finishes writing Pi, you can completely forget about me and find someone to take you home.”

Of course these are all lies.

Once both of them let go, Bi Xian will attack the two players indiscriminately instead of the one who let go; Pi is an infinite non-recurring decimal, and it will never be possible to finish writing.

However, Su Ze knew nothing about it.

Urban legends do not understand each other’s information, and have never received basic mathematics education. Under such circumstances, they can only believe in her.

As soon as these words were spoken, not only did You Haoyu’s face be shocked, even Lin He, who had always been cold, couldn’t help but twitch his eyes.

Obviously it was an act of selling teammates that was so conscientious and conscientious, but was twisted by her abruptly and turned into a righteous sacrifice for love. Hey! A little water oozes from the fundus of your eyes. Your acting skills are too good! Would anyone really believe such a cheeky!

Flicker, if you continue to flicker, you can fool someone to count him as losing.

Su Ze fixedly looked at her.

Although he was itching with hatred for Lin Hao, the other party was so affectionate and righteous, and he was too embarrassed to accuse him. He could only hide all his anger in his heart and pretend to be touched: “Why are you doing this? I have paid so much? Sister, I will wait for you to come back alive. If you do not come back, I will wait for one day, and if you do not come back for a year, I will wait for one year!”

Lin Hua pursed her lips and smiled, frowning her brows tightly: “Stupid boy!”

…This silly boy actually believed it! This is called “It’s terrible to have no culture”! Obviously it is a dangerous and dangerous Hundred Ghost Night, why are you two starting to act in a bitter drama here? Hey!

The two great actresses and actresses competed with each other in acting. You Haoyu couldn’t stop the spitting in his head. Lin He, who was also standing beside Lin Hao, watched, focused on the deviation, and his thoughts were completely focused on another matter—

It turned out that Concubine Lin didn’t want to hold that little white face’s hand, but had planned for a while and wanted to subdue him by this method.

Lin He thought that both he and Su Ze belonged to extremely dangerous strange talks, but Lin Lin tried to set up a situation to trap the latter, but insisted on keeping him by her side.

What is their status in her heart?

The speed of the heartbeat increased somehow, and his chest seemed to leap over a smart deer.

The young man with a gloomy look lowered his eyes slightly, and the corner of his mouth under the mask quietly evoked a small arc—

Then forgive her for acting so intimately with others.

“According to the interaction of forces, unless one party voluntarily gives up, Miss Mary will pull the river for a lifetime; thanks to Pi, Bi Xian will never be able to leave. Thinking like this, it is simply a perpetual motion machine that will never stop.”

When he walked out of the convenience store leisurely, Lin Ma made a thumbs-up with her left hand: “Look, science can really defeat superstitions.”

The result is really “defeated” in the literal sense! The original meaning of this sentence is not like this at all!

The strange story of “lost boy” was once a smash hit. The boy deceived countless honest people with his simple and harmless appearance. I am afraid that even he himself would not have thought that today he will meet a guy who is more scheming and good at manipulating people’s hearts. She was tragically playing around.

Although I don’t know how cruel and inhumane the “Miss Mary” she used to be, from the cheerful and brisk tone of Lin Lin’s tone, it is probably too miserable.

Lin He, who had been so calm for a long time, finally spoke, full of disdain and anger at her bad behavior: “Playing with emotions and shamelessly, I really have never seen someone as disgusting as you.”

After a pause, he reluctantly added: “It’s likable and never gets tired of it.”

You Haoyu laughed loudly.

Lin He ridiculed him so much that Lin He couldn’t hold on to his face, gritted his teeth and continued to say cruelly: “Don’t be proud of you, after tonight, tomorrow will be—”

The four words that he desperately wanted to say in his mind whirled on the tip of his tongue. He took a deep breath and made up his mind to say them, but as soon as he uttered them, they changed to completely different meanings: “I like you. Do you want any gifts for the anniversary of the second day?”

What he wanted to say was “your death day”.

Lin He gave up struggling, shut up completely and stopped talking.

You Haoyu didn’t know his fierce psychological struggle. He only felt that he would grow up to be a man, look good, and romantic.

It turns out that someone as cold as him would also say sweet and greasy love words to the girl he likes, is it just Lin Concubine…

The young man in school uniform glanced sideways at Lin Yu. The little girl was beautiful, with the words’Benevolence, Righteousness and Morality’ written all over her gentle and weak cheeks. He felt strange anyway, he looked at it carefully for a while before he could see the words from the cracks, four characters were written all over his face—

Emotional liar.

The author has something to say:

It’s three more in one, right (?)

I really don’t have a drop. Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution

Thanks to the little angels who cast [land mines]: Ye Zhimu and Yu Xiaoxiao;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

50 bottles of General Shoveling Shit; 30 bottles of Xiao and Amo; 10 bottles of Rabbit Talking; 6 bottles of Gu Pianhong; 5 bottles of Winin; One bottle of Drunk Mirror, Nicole, Luoyang and Moshang Flower;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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