Cooking in the Monster Shelter

Chapter 8

Chapter 7 Matcha Jelly Cheese

Fried chicken is consumed very quickly. Concubine Lin said goodbye to everyone and went home soon, and when she came to the asylum, it was already the next evening.

After experiencing the painful lessons of last night, tweeted frustrated and decided not to stay behind closed doors, relying on the dews from all over the world to drown his sorrows. To Lin Lin’s surprise, Minuo was also waiting for her in the central square.

After returning home last night, she deliberately checked the containment file of the succubus, and was subconsciously stunned when she saw the five words “contact phobia”.

For succubus, sultry is an irresistible physiological instinct, and this kind of behavior will almost certainly lead to contact. That is to say… Mino had to lift a rock and hit her in the foot again and again. According to the archives, it was not uncommon for her to accidentally vomit or coma when she was sultry, making herself sick and uncomfortable almost every time.

Few people can resist the temptation of a succubus. Imagine that when the man gradually develops a good impression of her, he is about to further develop the intimacy through physical contact. Unexpectedly, as soon as he meets the other person, the girl he likes will be trembling and retching with nausea…

This will definitely cause a lot of psychological shadow on others! As a male self-esteem has been ground to dregs! Hey!

Concubine Lin greeted briefly, and then handed out the desserts in the small white boxes to everyone in turn. Dracula took it and couldn’t wait to open the package.

A touch of verdant green tore through the dull summer air, small rectangular strips of dessert lying quietly in the box, a few dark red round red beans dotted on the cake body.

The combination of deep red and lively green is in sharp contrast, not only can give people a strong visual enjoyment, but also the attraction for taste.

Lin Yan squinted and smiled: “This is matcha jelly cheese, eat it while it still has some air-conditioning.”

The dessert was green in color and regular in shape. Dracula was a little bit reluctant to cut it open. He paused for three seconds before picking up the small spoon hanging next to the box.

The matcha jelly cheese, as the name implies, is to mix the cheese, matcha powder, milk, biscuits and light cream into a mold, then freeze and shape it in the refrigerator.

At this time, it was about twenty minutes after it was taken out of the refrigerator. It was the time when it tasted the best-it left a little bit of frozen coolness, and it was slightly softened due to the heat of the air, so it would not appear too cold and rigid.

The moment he put the spoon in his mouth, Dracula’s eyes widened.

Milky aroma, tea aroma and red bean sweetness blend with each other, and the three distinct tastes bring top taste enjoyment. The rich sweet scent made him roll up his tongue subconsciously, wanting to wrap up the scattered flavor.

“As for such an exaggeration? The dignified vampire actually makes such an obsession with human food, look at you for what you are.”

Mino snorted and lazily put the matcha cheese into his mouth. The moment the tip of his tongue touched the body of the cake, his body became stiff, and his eyes widened as he did.

The cold air melts between the mouth and tongue, and the matcha adds to the fresh and silky taste. A mouthful into the throat, the refreshing breath penetrates into every pore of the body, completely dissipating the summer heat.

Ah, it smells so good.

A box is not large, and Dracula is reluctant to finish it quickly, so he sips it while chatting to delay the time: “Do you know Concubine Lin? An angel came to the asylum yesterday.”

No one knows better than her.

Concubine Lin was familiar and unaware: “Angel?”

“Actually, it is a genetically mutated birdman, but as far as I know, this race is generally very high-valued.” Talking about the beautiful opposite sex, Mino blushed excitedly, “If we can be with them…”

“Imagine the feeling of the big wings sweeping your body.” Lingxi gave a smirk, deliberately accentuating his tone, “Furry and soft, every feather is soft and warm.”

Mino squatted in the corner with a pale face and retched, and tremblingly raised his **** at him.

“I heard that the task force brought it back.” Dracula contemplated for a moment and turned his gaze to Lingxi. “Speaking of the task force, did their captain die not long ago? Do you know what happened? ?”

Concubine Lin bit the spoon and smiled unclearly: “That should be called’sacrifice’.”

“How would I know.” Lingxi rolled his eyes. “The task force was originally a high-risk occupation. It is not a rare thing to die. I remember that the previous captain also died in an accident, but it is strange to say that the two of them No one is alive or a dead body is seen, the news is all suppressed by the house.”

Concubine Lin’s right hand gripping the spoon suddenly tightened.

She was about to ask more about the task force, but her thoughts were interrupted by a melodious phone ring.

The ringtone is a clean and soft piano tune. Dracula smiled and joked: “This tune really goes well with you.”

“Recommended by someone else.” Lin Hao paused, her eyes clouded over her eyes impenetrably, and she took the phone out of her pocket, “Sorry, I’ll go over there to pick up the call first.”

The caller was Li Mobai, a very young researcher.

Concubine Lin had just arrived, and she was not very familiar with the staff in the asylum. She only nodded with this person, and never expected that the other party would take the initiative to call.

She didn’t press the answer button until she walked out of the central square: “Hello.”

The voice of the young man hurriedly put on a string: “Hello, hello! Fortunately! Miss Lin, do you remember the angel you brought back last night?”

Concubine Lin smiled: “Mr. Li, I can still remember what happened yesterday before I got Alzheimer’s disease. How is his current state?”

“Yes, I’m sorry, I’m not good at talking.”

He seemed a little embarrassed, and his voice softened: “He is not very well, his body and mind have been damaged to a great extent. You should have seen all those wounds. As for the mind—how to say, the group of abducted angels He was brainwashed and domesticated, and he is now…a little abnormal.”


“Just, yes,” he knotted his tongue and seemed a little shy. “He will use very intimate movements to please everyone close to him, just like a pet. In addition, angels are very resistant to eating and going out. He trembles with uncomfortable feeling when he is in the sun. In my opinion, the dark life in the secret room has been imperceptibly embedded in his thoughts, and it is difficult to correct it in a short time.”

Lin Yu listened quietly, and asked with a little confusion, “But why did this call call me? I’m not a psychologist either.”

“He asked me about you, I think…” He paused, and continued with a certain tone, “He wants to see you.”

She didn’t show much emotion about this, and she responded with four words: “The nestling plot.”

A newly born bird will regard the creature it first sees as its own mother. When applied to human beings, it creates a strong attachment to the person who is benevolent to oneself.

Since losing his memory, the angel has been imprisoned and abused by the club owner. After being rescued from the secret room by Lin Lin, it is likely that she will subconsciously form a sense of dependence and trust in her.

“He is very resistant to contact with outsiders now, maybe you can communicate with him normally.” Li Mobai sighed, “So Miss Lin, can you make time to visit the sixth floor underground? The room number is 280, please.”

This man looks like an old father who is worrying about his son.

Concubine Lin inexplicably remembered something from a long time ago, her dark eyes were clear with water, and the corners of her mouth curled up slightly: “Okay, I’m coming right away.”

Li Mobai obviously didn’t expect her speed to be so fast, and he was slightly startled when he saw Concubine Lin in front of the room.

He has a slender figure and a fair complexion. He wears the white coat most commonly used by researchers. A pair of pure black frame glasses cover the dark coffee-colored eyes. He is dressed as a typical science man.

“Thank you so much!” He stammered and lowered his voice, and gestured to Lin Lin to open the concealed iron door. “I, I will wait for you at the door. If something happens, just come out and call me. ”

After a pause, he added in a panic, “Well, the soundproofing here is very good. I will not peep or eavesdrop.”

This person must have been a tyrant who hadn’t said a few words to a girl when he was studying. Lin Yan exchanged glances with him and gently opened the door of the room.

This is the second time she has entered the room on the sixth floor. Quite different from the dark and gloomy surroundings of Chi Yu, the moment the iron gate was opened, a soft and warm white light broke into the field of vision.

The house is more like a clean and simple bedroom, with single beds, desks and wardrobes neatly arranged, all halo like a layer of tulle on the cage.

The angel sat against the wall in the corner of the bed.

He was put on a clean, pure white shirt, and his original fluffy and messy blond hair was carefully trimmed, and he looked quiet and obedient. When he noticed that the door was pushed open, he gently raised his long eyelashes, his eyes hitting a pair of pitch-black eye pupils.

Surprise, disbelief, confusion, and a little surprise, many complicated emotions entangled in his mind, but he couldn’t say a word.

Lin Yan broke the silence first, and Qing Ling’s soft voice chuckled, “Hello, we meet again.”

After the angel’s sight hit her, he hurriedly moved away, and it took a long time to reply in a low voice: “…Hello.”

“Are you still used to life here?” She stepped forward and sat on the edge of the bed. When she approached, she obviously felt that the person next to her was stiff. “Why don’t you want to go out?”

He still didn’t raise his head, his drooping eyelashes covered a mottled shadow, like a child worried about being punished after making a mistake.

Concubine Lin smiled: “Don’t be afraid. I came today to give you a small gift.”

When he heard the word “gift”, the angel instantly turned pale, and quickly raised his eyes to look at her, his ignorant and helpless gaze reminded of a frightened deer.

-It should be the club owner who gave him some weird things in the name of “gifts”, which left a conditioned mental shadow.

Lin Yan scolded the scumbag secretly in her heart, took out the packing box from her bag with her expression unchanged, and carefully opened it.

“It’s a small dessert I made,” she said softly, took a bite with a small spoon and handed it to his mouth, “Maybe it’s better than that candy.”

The fresh green domineering occupies all the sights, the angel’s long eyelashes trembled lightly, lowered his head obediently, and his thin pale lips moved down slowly.

Then skipping the dessert, it floated lightly on the back of Lin Hao’s hand.

It is cold and soft, with a touch like milk pudding.

Concubine Lin had never had such intimate contact with the opposite **** before, and she immediately stopped breathing and quickly withdrew her hand without thinking.

He looked up at a loss, his eyes were stained with a little panic, the blush spread from the roots of his white ears to the bottom of his eyes, and he almost exhausted all his courage to ask her, “Don’t you like it?”

“How do you like it?”

The angel did not expect that she would throw the question back, frowning blankly.

Does he like this?

The answer is unknown.

From the beginning of his memory, he was told that he was the owner’s pet, and the meaning of existence was to please all the guests who came to the secret room.

They always smile contentedly when they are pleased, but the angels themselves are extremely confused by this behavior—why does simple physical contact make them happy? Obviously every time he could only feel nauseous for no reason.

“If you don’t like it, don’t force it to do it yourself.”

His silence made clear the answer, and Lin Lin moved the spoon forward again: “Want to eat?”

A faint smile spread from the corners of his lips for unknown reasons. He tried to raise his eyes to look at the girl beside the bed. After glancing at the rich black, he took his gaze back without a trace, and said solemnly, “Yes.”

When the lips touch the cake body, the first sensation that strikes is the coolness that has not yet dissipated.

Because it is made of frozen paste, the dessert tastes soft and light like ice cream. The delicate and silky texture of matcha melts on the tip of the tongue with the cold temperature, reminiscent of the green forest after the rain. The matcha has a refreshing and rich flavor, with just the right sweetness, with a slight bitterness of green tea, and an endless aftertaste.

After the tangy tea fragrance, a scent of milk swept over. The sweet aroma of whipped cream and milk is like a surging dark tide, flooding every taste cell in the mouth, but this aroma is faint and faint, intertwined in the aftertaste brought by matcha.

The matcha neutralizes the sweetness of the cream, and the milky aroma dilutes the bitterness of the matcha, resulting in a strong, calm and soothing aroma. The aroma of tea and the sweetness of the cheese melt in the mouth together. At this time, the upper and lower teeth are together, and you can chew the soft and plump red beans.

Adzuki beans are the best match for matcha. When they are lightly crushed into crumbs, the mellow and sweet taste spreads out unrestrainedly, entangled with matcha.

This is a novel and addictive taste. Before the angel recovered from the rich fragrance, he heard Lin Yu whisper: “You still can’t remember the past?”

He pursed his lips and let out a “um” from his throat.

“Don’t worry.” She handed out another spoonful of dessert. “Me and the staff in the shelter will do our best to help you retrieve your memories.”

After thinking about it, he added solemnly: “Don’t do this kind of intimacy to other people casually in the future. Kissing is something you will do when you face the person you like.”

The angel blinked, unable to understand the meaning of the word: “The person you like?”

“Yes,” Lin Yan chuckled, her peachy eyes curled beautifully, “When you are with that person, you will feel very happy, and you can’t help but want to be close to her.”

There was a brief silence in the room, and the scarred wings shyly gathered under the white light.

He suddenly raised his head to look at her, in a nonchalant tone: “I am very happy now.”

He had been avoiding Lin Hao’s sight before, and now he couldn’t prevent him from staring at her and said this, the gentle light strayed from the bottom of his eyes, making the latter slightly stunned.

“It’s not the same.” Lin Yan shook her head, “You are in contact with too few people now, and there are many different individuals in the world. When you leave the room and meet that person one day, you will naturally understand what it means to like. ‘.”

The angel could not understand.

He thought about it for a long time and didn’t come to a reasonable conclusion, so he could only move away from the topic and ask the sentence that he didn’t have time to say during the last parting: “Then… will I still see you in the future?”

Carefully, softly, with a hint of pleading, people can’t refuse.

“It’s outside.” She glanced at the closed iron door and slowly raised the corner of her mouth, “I’m waiting for you outside the room. When you are willing to leave here and get in touch with other people, you will surely see me. ”

“But,” the angel lowered his eyes and lowered his voice, his nails sinking deep into his hands, “I am a monster, and everyone hates me.”

In the secret room, the master has said more than once that he is a monster out of step with the world. Except for himself and the guests who came to the secret room, no one would accept such ugly creatures.

He disgusted and hated his existence, and those two huge wings became a shame like a shadow, which made him afraid to take a step out of the room.

“Hate? How could it be possible.” The brisk female voice was like a gurgling stream, slowly flowing through the eardrums in a dull summer day. The angel heard Ms. Lin say, “Angels are a well-known race, and there is nothing to talk about.” Monsters. What’s more, there are many strange creatures in the shelter. Everyone will love you.”

She seemed to think of something, and the corner of her eyes smiled deeper: “Moreover, you are so, so beautiful.”

The author has something to say:

I have been thinking about how angels should wear clothes for a long time, and after thinking about it, only a special back button can solve this problem. XD

The next chapter is a happy copy!

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