Cooking in the Monster Shelter

Chapter 99

Chapter 97 Forsaken Nursery Rhymes (5)

When an outsider broke into the forest, Blue Beard was walking quietly among the shadows of the trees as usual.

Suddenly the bushes not far away swayed, and then there was a faint rustling sound. When he followed the prestige vigilantly, he saw a strange and beautiful face.

That was a young girl who looked very young, her hair was as deep black as the night sky, her peach blossom eyes were slightly raised, her jet-black pupils reflected obsidian-like light in the sunlight.

As a “girl killer” in the true sense, he rarely sees such a look. The already high killing intent reached its peak instantly after seeing the girl’s appearance, prompting Blue Beard to grip the snakeskin bag and quietly approach her step by step.

She seemed to be looking for something everywhere, so she didn’t find the tall man hiding in the shadow and approaching gradually. When the sound of footsteps became louder and louder, the slender black shadow covering the ground almost completely enveloped her, and the girl finally turned back afterwards–

Then he was blindfolded and put it straight into a huge snakeskin bag.

“No need to struggle, it’s useless.”

Feeling the violent shaking in the bag, Blue Beard smiled triumphantly: “This bag is endowed with magic, even if the gods are alive, they can’t take the initiative to break free-don’t expect to ask for help, although the outside sound can be heard in the bag, but Your voice can never be heard.”

He woke up this morning and was still thinking, wondering if he could meet a beautiful little prey. He didn’t expect to step on iron shoes and find nowhere to find it. It was all effortless to get it. This is the advantage of being delivered to the door. I am really sorry if I don’t take it. Conscience.

Blue Beard tightened the mouth of the bag contentedly, and was about to go home to think about how to deal with this little girl, but was interrupted by a loud voice not far away——

Three people walked quickly from the end of the trail. They were a tall and sturdy adult man, a thin boy, and a little blond girl with a big red hood. These people seemed to be looking for something, and he held his breath. , Vaguely heard the words “Lin Ma” constantly shouting in their mouths.

Then there was an extremely clear and loud girl’s voice: “Look over there, it’s Blue Beard!”

Little Red Riding Hood first spotted the strange middle-aged man standing on the side of the road, his legs trembled in fright, and tightly grabbed Lu Yin’s shirt.

The blue beard in this world obviously combines the image characteristics of the serial murderer in the two stories of “Bluebeard” and “Fichel’s Strange Bird”. Not only does he have a conspicuous dark blue mustache, he also holds it in his hand. A snakeskin bag that can easily fit anyone in.

In appearance, he is just a slightly weird middle-aged man. The fluffy and messy long blond hair was tied into a low ponytail. His thin cheeks were not **** and looked a little malnourished. They were wearing old noble clothes. If you identify them carefully, you can vaguely see a few strands of solidification in the sun. Blood stains.

The most eye-catching thing is probably the huge snakeskin pocket that was stuffed and swollen in his hand.

“There seems to be someone in that pocket.”

The creature in the pocket kept struggling, showing a vaguely outline figure, Little Red Riding Hood stepped back, and his voice was much quieter: “Will it be Sister Lin? She was exploring the way by herself… Didn’t it happen to meet him? Putting on the blue beard and being put in a bag?”

It turned out that the girl in the pocket was called Lin Ma.

Blue Beard sneered. What Ariel, what Sophie, what Aisha, these names are too simple and popular, when he brings this woman back to his castle, he must give her an unparalleled name-Blood Raven·Mean· J·Q·Antalya·Mengxunmei·Rose Rose Tears.

“Mr Lin you said,” he said slowly, “Is it black hair and dark eyes, she is pretty, wearing a long skirt? Unfortunately, the girl was just put in a bag by me, and you probably won’t even see the last time. Up.”

Lu Yinge suppressed his expression and responded in a low voice: “Let her out.”

“I can only unlock this pocket. If you want her to come out…” Blue Beard squinted at him and laughed more and more wildly, “It depends on whether you have this ability! I thought I could only hunt one. Prey, if you all have to send it to your door, then I have to reluctantly accept it!”

When he finished speaking, he threw the snakeskin bag aside, took out the dagger in his arms and rushed at the crowd.

Lu Yinge guarded the two children behind his back, the dark brown pupils faintly overflowing with bleak scarlet like wisps of blood.

He didn’t speak aloud, and his sullen look couldn’t tell whether it was out of anger or worry, until the other party rushed to the front, the young man raised his hand in the face without hesitation——

His movements were so fast that he couldn’t catch his sight, even facing Blue Beard’s almost crazy and aggressive slashing, he could actually avoid most attacks. The dazzling fight lasted for less than two minutes. Before Mingchuan and Little Red Riding Hood were relieved from their consternation, they saw Lu Yinge grasping Blue Beard’s wrist with great precision, and then suddenly twisted his face calmly.

Accompanied by the cracking sound of broken bones, everyone heard his slightly muted voice, holding back his anger: “Don’t let people go?”

One is a contingent member who has learned all kinds of grappling techniques since childhood, and the other is a medieval nobleman who has always killed people only by instinct. When the two meet, the disparity in strength is self-evident.

Blue Beard gasped with pain.

He saw that the man in front of him was difficult to deal with, but while he was in a weak position, he also possessed incomparable powers—

The owner of the candy house, the witch named “Olivia”, had reached a cooperative relationship with him a long time ago, and therefore gave him the magic of resurrection. No matter how severe the body is traumatized, even if there is no vital signs, it can be restored to its original state within a period of time.

He would never beg for mercy from these inferior guys. There were two ways to defeat the opponent in front of him.

One is to gradually wear down the opponent’s physical strength through constant rebirth, and when he gradually feels tired, he will rush to kill him in seconds. But that would make oneself repeat the unbearable pain over and over again, which is the next choice.

The second is to summon Olivia immediately and use her powerful power to defeat the enemy-as a witch’s collaborator, if you want to summon her to your side, you only need to say her name aloud.

Blue Beard is a smart man, so when Lu Yinge fell to the ground, he did not hesitate to choose the second method.

“Don’t be proud of you!”

The messy-clothed middle-aged man took a deep breath, and shouted hoarsely with all his strength: “To hunt you, I’ve been fully prepared. Come out-Olivia!”

After calling her name, she added a sentence very appropriate: “I am not alone, haha, I didn’t expect it!”

Blue Beard’s almost mad laughter continued, and it seemed that he never stopped, or that he would stop laughing only when Olivia appeared next to him.

It’s the same as the villain who succeeded in trickery in the film and television drama.

The clouds on the horizon were swaying, and the birds were chirping around. The surroundings were full of silence, and the scene was full of peace and harmony.

Suddenly a morning breeze blew, rolling up several leaves that fell on the ground, and one of them swept across the man’s cheek very briskly, adding a sense of desolation.

Although, no one responded to his call.

Lu Yinge:…

Lu Yinge: “Although you are indeed inhuman. But now, are you making fun of you?”

Blue Beard felt a little embarrassed.

This time his voice softened, and he slowly spoke with a hesitant tone: “Uh…Olivia?”

The wind is slack and the water is cold, and Olivia is gone forever.

All the words were gradually diluted in the thin air, and the sound of the wind blowing over the leaves could be heard quietly all around, only the blue beard with an unusually ugly constipated face, yelling in vain: “Olivia–!”

If you want to go back to where the witch herself went, you need to let the time go back one hour ago.

“So, Blue Beard and the owner of the Candy House have reached a cooperative relationship?”

Lin Yan sat under the mottled shadows of the trees, and looked down at Mingchuan softly.

His memory only recovered a few sporadic points, and he still couldn’t remember what happened in the orphanage. The only thing that left an impression was some information about the monsters in the forest.

If he wanted to recall the clues of Blue Beard and Candy House, he was bound to remember the countless deaths before. Seeing the boy’s brows tightening, Lin Yu stretched out his arms in silence and gently held Ming Chuan’s hands in his palms. .

Her movements are gentle and slow. The feminine soft palms bring a reassuring touch and superficial heat. She slowly dips along the skin until it brings the warmth to the bottom of her heart.

Ming Chuan pursed his lips slightly, his back finally stopped trembling: “Yes, no matter who caught me first, the two of them will invite the other…to kill me together. Once I was lucky enough to severely wound Blue Beard with a dagger, no Thinking of him just yelling, the witch appeared in front of the house.”

Lu Yingo thought for a moment, then whispered, “How strong are they?”

“The witch should be stronger. Not only is she proficient in many magics that violate the laws of physics, but she will never really die anyway, even if she is fatally injured, she can recover after a period of time. If you want to head-on, the winning rate should be very low-but I I found that because of her age, the witch’s eyesight was very weak and she could not see clearly what was in front of her. If she attacked, she might be able to stop her for a short time. But correspondingly, once she wakes up, we will suffer more. For fierce revenge.”

Mingchuan couldn’t help shivering as he said, “Bluebeard is very strong. He uses long knives and daggers as weapons. Just like the witch, his wounds will heal on their own. It’s important to note that he is always on his body. They all carry a snakeskin bag, and as long as it is put on someone’s head, that person will be put in instantly.”

“The immortal witch and the perverted murderer…” The gray wolf put on another little girl’s face again, maintaining a shivering posture, “This is absolutely impossible to fight, right?”

Is there any mistake, such a terrifying monster actually lives in the same forest as her, and according to Lin Yu’s words, she and this group of people… originally belonged to the same level of boss?

Is it too late to consciously leave the group now?

“An Xin, An Xin.”

Concubine Lin still kept a slight smile, without leaving Ming Chuan’s eyes: “So, only Blue Beard can summon the Witch, and the latter can’t let Blue Beard appear next to him, right?”

Mingchuan nodded.

“After the witch is killed, it will take a while to wake up, right?”

Mingchuan nodded: “About half an hour.”

“The last question,” she turned to look at the quiet Little Red Riding Hood, bending her eyes, “You have a full set of disguise. Not only your appearance, but your voice and hair can also be changed. If you want to say it, you You’re so skilled in making those masks, shouldn’t the speed of making those masks be slow?”

Little Red Riding Hood nodded subconsciously, then froze for a moment: “What, what do you mean?”

“The witch has very poor eyesight. As long as she attacked, the chance of winning is very high. In the original book, she couldn’t see the scene in the boiler. After the probe went in, Grete was directly pushed into the boiler. We can make a good face in advance. Mask, cover her face while she loses consciousness, and then put her anywhere in the forest.”

Lin Yu smiled: “Blue Beard can’t be on call, and the witch has been attacked by an unknown person. As a partner, she will most likely to wake up—”

“Go to Blue Beard for help!”

Ming Chuan’s eyes lit up, and his voice became rarer and clearer: “But at that time she completely changed her appearance, and she must not be recognized. Moreover, Blue Beard is best at sneak attacks. When she meets a strange woman, she walks directly behind her and quickly takes the bag. Hold the opponent’s head.”

“Because the witch’s eyesight is very poor, she can’t see the blue beard that is approaching her…” Little Red Riding Hood still gave a dazed expression, “So before she can identify herself, she will be put in a bag.”

“Bingo!” Lin Yu smiled deeper, “At that time, let’s put on another wonderful divorce drama-it depends on your acting skills.”

This is probably the case. The witch Olivia that Blue Beard was thinking about finding was actually put into the bag by his own gloves.

However, the male protagonist of the incident didn’t know anything about it. The only news that he knew was that the accomplice who had agreed to show up somehow disappeared. The high probability is that he left him and ran away.

“The’Olivia’ you call, isn’t it the old aunt who lives in the candy house?”

Little Red Riding Hood added fuel and jealousy, so unhappy, today, she is her own Oka shadow queen: “She was bitten by us, crying and screaming that she would never mix things with us again-she didn’t tell What about you? You have been abandoned by your companions, uncle. What a pity!”

“Even to escape… Damn it, I knew that woman would lose her chain at a critical moment! It’s just an ugly and useless old woman, do you really take yourself seriously?”

No one responded to his curse for a long time, only the person in the snakeskin bag began to writhe frantically. Blue Beard spit on the bag and his face was impatient: “What move? When I solve this group of people, let the crazy woman go in and accompany you.”

Lu Yinge watched the play quietly, and interjected after a long while: “Aren’t you two close friends?”

“Friend? Stop kidding.”

Blue Beard kicked the snakeskin bag again to vent his continuous anger: “If it wasn’t for the candy house to attract enough humans, I would disdain to have anything to do with her. The woman is selfish, greedy and lazy, The look in the eyes is not easy to be thief, the strength is not at the same level as me, at best it can only be regarded as my hunting tool. I just want to use her, but I didn’t expect that she actually treats me as a partner, really stupid! ”

This passage caused fierce resistance from the woman in the bag.

He thought that he had been betrayed by his companions, and his mood was down to the bottom. At this moment, seeing the captive so arrogant, he kicked her angrily: “Oh, beg for mercy, afraid? Wasn’t it stubborn before? Twisted so badly?”

The little Red Riding Hood onlookers forcibly resisted the smile and tried to prevent himself from laughing: “Uncle, you are too heavy, someone is a girl anyway.”

“Girls? I kill girls specifically!”

The man stroked the two blue mustaches with interest, with a look of cruel expression in his eyes: “Even the famous witch Olivia is still one of my prey. Not to mention simply kicking. One or two strokes, even if the traitor’s body is used as a trampoline and jump left and right on it, I can do it!”

Also “as a trampoline jumping from side to side”, Blue Beard is no longer simply “seeking a dead end”.

Instead, I drove a hearse to drift, and in the end, it wasn’t exciting enough, so I put disco in the grave. If you let him know, the tortured captive in the bag is Olivia herself——

The scene at that time was definitely a world famous painting.


An unfamiliar female voice came into his ears, and Blue Beard turned his head indifferently, unexpectedly seeing a familiar face.

Lin Ma walked out from the shadow of the woods slowly, plucking the leaves between her hair. She was in a good mood, and her tone of voice was therefore particularly brisk: “Let’s not say whether you can defeat the witch, whether you can defeat us at this moment is unknown.”

“Why, do you think I will be afraid of you! It’s just an unworthy defeater, why, do you still want to be put in a bag by me? Now let you taste the second in the palace…”

He was talking right above, and the jealous laugh came out of his throat together with the hoarse line, but before the last word was spoken, the whole person looked stiff and stunned.

and many more.

Since Concubine Lin is here… who is in the bag now?

Reminiscent of Olivia’s inability to be summoned, a whimsical and frightening thought slowly came to mind.

horse. Sa. card.

Blue Beard was expressionless, shaking all over.

Then he bent his head pretentiously, stretched out his trembling right hand, and untied the hemp rope tied to the snakeskin pocket.

The first thing that came out was a pair of pale palms covered with wrinkles. After being kicked several times, there were patches of bruises and blood stains on the skin; accompanied by the gurgling sound of dislocation of bones and heavier breathing, it was as thin as Chai’s arms, spiteful scarlet eyes, and blood-stained dry lips were revealed in turn, and finally stood in front of him completely, surprisingly, another woman with the same appearance as Lin Hao.

——The skin covering the cheeks was kicked to the point of being kicked, and it hangs softly on the bridge of the nose, looking nondescript and extremely frightening.

The woman didn’t say a word, raised her arm without saying a word, tore off the skin on her face, revealing the old cheeks that were originally wrinkled.

What a familiar face, what a kind feeling.

This time Blue Beard finally saw clearly that it was Olivia he was looking for.

Just because I looked at you more in the crowd, I never forgot your face again.

The two looked at each other, their silent eyes condensed a thousand words. This is a reunion of fate, a trick of fate. Friends walked together all their lives, those days no longer have, a word, she can really remember for a lifetime.

“Regarding your ‘ugly and useless old woman’,” Olivia raised her mouth coldly and wiped away the trace of blood spilling from the corner of her mouth, “I think it’s necessary for the two of us to have a good talk.”

Although he had made up a lot of incredibly beautiful words because of the absence of the witch before, if he were to talk about his strength seriously, Blue Beard would definitely not be able to keep up with Olivia.

It’s more than “failure to catch up”, one is the ordinary middle ages, and the other is the magical world that transcends the laws of physics. There is a whole dimension difference between the two of them, even if they are sitting on a rocket.

What’s more, the only snakeskin bag that can be used against her——

That thing can only work for everyone once.

Blue Beard: OVO is cute.

Blue Beard gave a dry laugh, and tried to enliven the atmosphere with a joke: “Oh, let me just say it! The woman Lin Yu looks young and delicate, so how come there are so many wrinkles on her hands! As expected, someone else is pretending to be a young woman. That’s it! I didn’t expect it to be you, what a coincidence hahaha!”

bad! The witch’s expression seemed to be even more terrifying, showing a scary face as if she had to eat a child at any time!

“I, I, I didn’t mean that!” Knowing that he had said something wrong, Blue Beard quickly changed his words incoherently, “I mean, even if you were kicked countless feet and received countless fists, you can stand up with pain… …It’s so great, a role model for my generation! Does it still hurt? Do you need me to help you beat your back and rub your shoulders?”

It doesn’t work at all! The witch seemed to be getting more and more angry, and she had rushed towards her beyond recognition! Is it because it reminded her of her experience when she was beaten up again? Please don’t come here!

The elderly lady had a fierce look. As she walked forward, she clenched fists and moved her wrists: “Whose strength do you say is not on the same level as you, eh?”

Blue Beard cried bitterly: “Because your power is far greater than mine, Lord Olivia! You are the crow in the sky flying and flying, I am the wild dog on the ground chasing and chasing, you are the wind, I am the mud bar!”

“Oh?” The witch twisted her dry neck, her bruised and swollen cheeks filled with murderous aura, “Who do you think is selfish, greedy and lazy, and the look in her eyes is not good?”

“These are me, I am all me! Because I am often with you, I am going to be blinded by the radiant light that radiates from your whole body. As for Lord Olivia…”

The desire to survive all broke out at this moment, and Blue Beard increased the volume incoherently: “You, you, you are my eyes! You are my eyes, leading me to appreciate the changes of the four seasons; you are my eyes, leading me through the crowded people— —”

Seeing that he almost sang the melody to the lyrics, the man was hit in the cheek with a fist before he finished saying a word, and he fell to his knees with a terrible pain on his face.

A man’s romance may be to greet one after another with iron fists.

“Here, isn’t the witch you want here?”

Concubine Lin paused for a while, and imitated the same tone as he had before in a very wicked way: “Where does the end of the world meet? Haha, I didn’t expect it.”

The author has something to say:

Unexpectedly! Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2019-12-0823:54:07~2019-12-1002:30:47

Thanks to the little angels who cast mines: Ye Zhimu, 1 TYW.STUDIO;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 11 bottles of crossing trees and flowers; 5 bottles of Anhui cedar;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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