Cop Craft – Dragnet Mirage Reloaded

Book 3: Chapter 1: (23)

"Translator: ClefRunner"


Matoba pulled out his portable device and offered it to Tilarna. It was displaying an online news outlet. Almost all articles were related to the Sherwood High violence incident.

A lot was also written about Emma Sehlam, the one person out of nine that got out alive. Every week there would be a huge scandal about Emma’s house. About their problem child and her days doing drugs and having sex behind the mask of a proper student.

She was done for.

And in the middle of all of that, there was an article written about Moda Norbam.

It was a half baked gossip article.

There was a story about how Norbam possessed hypnotic powers, and how he could force his opponents to do whatever he wanted by controlling their mind. How everything about God and his religion was a lie, and how he was apparently some sketchy priest back in Semani, according to “an acquaintance”.

「Well they do have a source that knows his weakness. Be it the author or the advertisers. I asked these small gossip outlets to run stories like this from time to time. If we can make other people doubt his words, then at least… maybe he won’t be able to manipulate your average Joe. And maybe convince some guy who is already under his spell.」 「That’s right, it’s a small act of rebellion. And extremely small act.」 「Don’t say that. We worked hard for this.」

They weren’t able to catch Norbam in the end. However, they could get him someday. If not, then there was no point in doing their job in the first place.

Her eyes were stuck on a few pictures on an online article about the violent incident that took place in Sherwood High that she was reading in a bad mood.

「Why was it such a gentle kid? We have two pictures of the mysterious Semani girl that was hiding behind this whole incident」

It was a picture of Nyath and Norune. Somebody had taken it at some point, somewhere for some reason. Probably somebody who was close to Norune had leaked it. The picture was taken somewhere within school. It was most likely the west wing, and Nyath and Norune were standing next to each other smiling at the camera.

She had seen pictures of the body, and her ID, but it was the first time she had seen a picture of Norune while she was still alive and smiling. She was beautiful, elegant and she had a gentle smile.

This girl had done something like that?

Tilarna couldn’t even imagine it. Even though she seemed to be treating Nyath as a friend. Nyath, the boy who until Tilarna’s arrival, only had a single friend in her. Nyath, the boy who went out to get revenge for her, after she had lost her life.

They looked happy in that picture.

Even though they were fake smiles. Or actually, was it even like that in the first place? Even now, Tilarna knew absolutely nothing about what kind of person Norune actually was.

The world he believed in, and the world that knocked him down and beat him up. The difference between the two made Tilarna’s heart ache.


I couldn’t help you. Even though you were my friend. Or at the very least that’s how I felt. And even then—

The screen looked blurry. Her face was feeling hot. She had reached her limit.

Tilarna stopped right in front of the elevator, and while holding her phone tight, she looked down as her face became drenched in tears. Other officers were passing to and fro, but no one even cast a glance at her.

「Tilarna…?」 「Sorry. It’s just that…」

She grabbed Matoba’s necktie, and forcefully pulled him towards her. She pressed her forehead against his chest as her shoulders trembled slightly. She tried not to make any sound. She tried not to let herself weep.

She just sobbed silently, with her face against Matoba’s chest. Even though she knew that she was doing something terrible in a place like that, she couldn’t stop herself.

「I’m sorry. But… I just…」 「It’s okay.」

Unexpectedly, he started gently caressing the back of her head. She thought he would at least make a comment mocking her.

「I’m sorry… I’m really sorry…」 「It hurts seeing all these people thinking we’re having a lovers’ quarrel, but— well, all the gossip won’t be a problem until next week. Don’t worry too much about it.」

Why are you saying that? Everybody in the office knows what’s going on just by looking. And you’re not that kind of man. The kind that would accept me when I’m behaving so effeminate…

「Hey. Let’s go home and I’ll prepare something for you. I’ve been looking up a good carbonara recipe. I’ll make you eat lots of it, so cheer up.」 「Thank you. But… Napolitan’s fine…」

She had eaten that dish only once, but for some reason she desperately wanted to eat Napolitan. Napolitan prepared by Kei.

「Ah? But that’s a pretty common pasta in Japan, and it’s not a particularly ingenious dish or anything…」 「But, Napolitan…」

She sniffled softly, and repeated.

「Okay, I get it. Then I’ll prepare it for you. So stop crying.」 「I want to eat Napolitan…」 「I’m telling you I’ll prepare it.」 「Napolitan…」 「For fuck’s sake.」

Even after the elevator arrived, she kept clinging to Matoba’s chest, repeating the word “Napolitan” over and over again.

End of Volume 3

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