Correcting the Villainess of the Academy

Chapter 109


At someone’s presence, Yeon Minha’s face brightens up. She lets out a small gasp filled with joy.

It was utterly ridiculous that just moments ago she had been glaring fiercely, and now she was acting like the tragic heroine.

However, even Seoyeon quickly turned her body toward the direction of the voice.

A masked male student was moving toward them with heavy steps.

Even though his expression was completely hidden, the anger and hostility he radiated was palpable to everyone present.

The first target of his ire was Chun Harin, who had just been mocking them.


Chun Harin’s face turned pale as she felt the menacing aura she hadn’t sensed during their last encounter.

“O-Don’t come any closer…!”

As she stumbled backward, the male student paid her no mind and closed the distance.

She looked just like a mouse struggling before a cat.

“How dare you pull this kind of crap again…”

He strides confidently up to Chun Harin.

With a condescending glare, he lets out a low and deep threat.

The way he clenched and unclenched his bulging veins suggested a clear intent to use force.


Seoyeon involuntarily lets out a small whimper upon witnessing the scene.

A strange familiarity envelops her body once again.

The image of Chun Harin being crushed and lying on the floor reflects back in her mind.

However, physical retaliation in a situation that wasn’t an official duel was strictly prohibited by the rules in the cradle.

Although such events were not entirely unheard of, this was the hallway in front of the student council room, where many people passed by.

The tense standoff between Chun Harin and Yeon Minha might be somewhat tolerated, but the moment he laid hands on Chun Harin, severe punishment would be all but guaranteed.

“Hey, hey… wait a minute…!”

In a panic, Seoyeon tried to intervene.

Extending her arm slightly, her gentle voice automatically spilled out.

However, it seemed her voice didn’t reach the male student at all.

Ignoring Seoyeon, he continued to press Chun Harin.


Suddenly feeling a cold touch on her back, Chun Harin turned around while shaking in fear.

Blocked by the outer wall of the hallway, she now had nowhere to run.

She gaze back in terror at the male student.

Particles were condensing near his fist, creating a mirage-like vapor.

All Chun Harin could think about was the excruciating pain that was about to come for her.

And at that moment where tension was palpable, another voice trying to stop the male student’s actions rang out.

“Stop… stop it.”

Seoyeon couldn’t help but doubt her own eyes.

Yeon Minha had leaped between them, desperately trying to intervene.

They were so close together, it looked almost like she was in his arms.

“Calm down… calm down…”

As he raised his hand, Yeon Minha firmly grabbed his wrist and shook her head.

“Why are you so angry…? Huh?”

With a pleading gaze, she began to gently coax him in a soft voice.

“Look at me… look into my eyes… that’s right…”

What happened next was truly astonishing.

The male student, who had previously ignored Seoyeon’s words, was slowly softening under Yeon Minha’s persuasion.


Seoyeon lowered her outstretched arm and let out a hollow sigh.

A sharp pain began to sink into her heart for some reason.

It felt intense, like a sharp scythe tearing through her insides.

The emotional sting was somehow more painful than seeing Yeon Minha nestled safely in his arms.


At long last, the male student sighed deeply, as if the tension in his mind had settled.

Yeon Minha too felt relief as she released her hold on him.

As she confirmed that he was truly calm, Yeon Minha turned her body to face Chun Harin.

Chun Harin was still trembling on the floor in a most pitiful state.

“…Chun Harin.”

Just moments ago, Yeon Minha was acting like a benevolent senior, but now her expression was filled with disdain.

Genuine disgust radiated from her face as she looked at Chun Harin.

“It’s quite a sight, isn’t it? One might think you were dying. Huh?”


Even after being openly mocked, Chun Harin could only bow her head and tremble in response.


After a moment of silently enjoying the sight, Yeon Minha sneered.

“Hey. Let’s go…”

Without even glancing at Seoyeon, she turned and disappeared down the stairs.

The masked male student stood tall in the same spot.

Since he had turned around, Seoyeon could only see his broad back.

“No matter what… no matter what…”

“Um, um…?”

Suddenly, a cold and dry voice devoid of any vibe flowed from his mouth.

“I didn’t expect you to stoop so low.”

He was clearly reproaching Seoyeon.

He thought she was the one who had orchestrated the previous chaotic scene.

Seoyeon, momentarily unable to keep pace with the situation, quickly regained her senses.

“Ah, no… I was…!”

Desperately, she tried to explain herself to the male student, but he had already vanished, following Yeon Minha.


Seoyeon stared vacantly at the spot where he had just stood.


Seoyeon’s mood remained at rock bottom.

She couldn’t even recall how she had applied to join the student council.

The vibrant hues of happiness faded like waterlogged paper.

As she wandered around like a ghost, the surroundings gradually darkened, and the light of the moon and stars shone in the sky.

Suddenly, she found herself at the garden on the hillside next to the main building.


The wide flowerbed on the hill here resembled a paradise that she had lost.

Walking here alone was one of the few activities that brought her joy.

Strolling between the low hills could somewhat alleviate her melancholy.

Even in her hazy memories, her body seemed to instinctively know the way.

After thinking for a moment, Seoyeon finally stepped onto the forest path. It was already past curfew, but she didn’t care one bit.

Instead, her heart longed to shake off this sticky heaviness of depression.

But even after walking for a while, her mood didn’t improve at all.

The horrifying encounter from earlier continued to haunt Seoyeon.

“Ugh… No… no…”

Just as she was about to slip back into despair once again, Seoyeon suddenly shook her head vigorously, as if to wash her face like a cat.

“Everything can be resolved with a little misunderstanding…”

Despite nobody being there to hear her, she spoke up in an attempt to bolster her courage.

“Ah, what happened earlier was a situation ripe for misunderstanding… If we meet again… then…”

Though it was almost forced, this act of self-soothing was enough for her.

After all, it was far better than the wretched times when there had been no hope at all.

Once she steadied her heart, the surrounding scenery finally began to come into focus.

She had wandered deeper into the garden than usual.

Before her lay an area blocked off due to the path ending at the edge of a cliff.

Thick chains were placed to block the walkway right in front of her.

Just as she was about to turn away, something that sounded peculiar, almost like mumbling, drifted through the rustling leaves in the gentle breeze.

Listening closely, she realized it was indeed people talking.

It felt like a friendly couple sharing a private conversation.


In any case, both they and she were violating curfew.

Thus, she intended to pretend she hadn’t heard and turn back but… for some reason, a sinister sensation kept creeping up and catching at her ankles.

After hesitating for a moment, Seoyeon reached a conclusion.

“I just need to see who they are…”

Then she activated her particle array device and created a very thin shield around herself.

She added another layer beneath her feet to minimize her presence.

While this trick wouldn’t be much use in actual combat, it was perfect for briefly dampening her presence.

Seoyeon began moving toward the direction of the sounds.

Since the garden wasn’t very large, she reached her destination quickly.

The heart of the garden appeared before her, nestled among the hills in a circular path, equipped with benches for students to rest.

The presence she sensed was coming from the very end of that path.

Seoyeon quietly advanced, hiding between the trees beside the walking trail.

Before long, she spotted the shadows of two people.


The moment she recognized who they were, Seoyeon was engulfed in shock.

She desperately covered her mouth with both hands and hid behind a large tree.

Eyes glowing red and a mask reflecting the moonlight—features impossible to misidentify.


“Why… why is that girl here…?”

Seoyeon couldn’t take her eyes off them.

It was an undeniable recognition, so she couldn’t convince herself she was mistaken.

They were sitting close together on a bench, like a couple in love.

Well, to be precise, Yeon Minha was practically rolling all over him.

While the masked male student occupied his spot at the edge, Yeon Minha was nuzzling up to him.

As Seoyeon watched, her heart tightened in painful agony.

Yet no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t tear her gaze away.

Feebly, Seoyeon could hear their conversation.

“…Senpai, it’s curfew now… we should be going back…”

“They said it’s fine as long as I’m with you.”


“…Why? Do you not want to be with me…?”

Yeon Minha looked up at him with damp eyes, speaking in a subdued voice.

Seoyeon felt a rush of disdain at that sight.

On the other hand, she desperately hoped the male student would affirm Yeon Minha’s words.

However, soon after, the voice that came from behind the mask shattered her last bit of hope.

“I couldn’t have known you would stoop to such petty acts.”

He spoke with a cold, dry tone laced with disappointment.

Seoyeon flinched, realizing he had caught onto the truth.

“Ah, no… I…!”

Then she desperately tried to explain herself to the masked student, but he had already disappeared behind Yeon Minha.


Seoyeon’s heart sank as she continued to watch them sit closely together.

“Hey, how about we talk about something else instead…?”

“Sure! Just this once, can you take off the mask…?”

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