Correcting the Villainess of the Academy

Chapter 136

“That’s it for today. From this week for the next two weeks, it’s external request week, right? Everyone, be careful… and try not to get into trouble just because you’re overly eager…”

The refined Professor Moon Seon-kyung continued her lecture even after the bell rang, alerting the end of the class.

Perhaps because of her friendly demeanor, which was similar yet softer than her niece Moon Yeowool, she was especially popular among the male students.

Even though several minutes had passed since the class ended, the students remained glued to their seats.

One female student frowned at the male student next to her, who was gaping with his mouth wide open, and lightly pinched his thigh.


“Oh dear, what am I doing?”

At her exclamation, Professor Moon snapped back to attention.

“I talked too long. Everyone, please hurry and go. Remember what I said.”

She then called out to a student who was slowly getting up from the crowd.

“Oh, and Yoo Jin-hyun?”


The face of the boy who turned to look was covered by a peculiar white and shiny mask.

“Please head straight to Professor Kwon Chanyul’s office. You know where that is, right? There’ll be a briefing regarding the requested appointment.”


The male student nodded after hearing the professor’s words.

As he packed his things, he suddenly glanced up at the back door of the classroom.

It felt as if their hearts connected; a pair of green eyes was subtly watching him.

Jin Yeseo, who had hesitated for a moment, silently mouthed, “I’m going ahead first.”

Without even waiting for a response, she whirled away and disappeared into the hallway.

No one in the classroom noticed this fleeting communication.

It was something they shouldn’t have noticed, after all.

The delicate relationship that neither side could claim lasted for several more days.


“I’m late.”

As I opened the door and walked in, instead of Professor Kwon Chanyul, a familiar voice greeted me.

Nine students were already in the office. What used to feel like a spacious room now felt rather cramped.

Those summoned here were all students ranked in the top ten at the moment.

I immediately recognized the faces of some familiar faces.

Choi Woojin welcomed me with his signature cocky voice.

Ryu Seunghun waved to me cheerfully, while Moon Yeowool stuck close to him like sticky rice cake.

And sitting alone in a corner was the girl with a bob cut and no-frame glasses.

I suddenly remembered that she was the one who had stuck close to the student council president as a secretary. I believe her name was An Sol.

I wondered if the sting of her defeat from the rank battle still lingered, as she occasionally shot Ryu Seunghun disapproving glances.

Speaking of which, the repairs at the basement archives should be done in a day or two. When that happens, I’ll be able to use the key given by the student council president.

I hope Seol Yujeong’s past records are still intact.

“I arrived earlier than scheduled.”

I replied to Choi Woojin while surveying the surroundings.

Unfortunately, there was only one empty seat left, and it was right next to Choi Woojin.


I suppressed a sigh and sat down.

Just then, a hefty male student began to speak to me with a displeased grin, as if he had been waiting.

“So, how about it? Have you thought about my duel proposal…?”

“No. I said I’m not doing it.”

I cut him off before he could even finish his sentence.

It’s been a busy time lately.

‘I wanted to fly freely like you. To prove my stronger self… and grasp what I desire.’

Why did Jin Yeseo’s words resonate so deeply? If it weren’t for that, I would have never considered accepting his proposal.

I might have felt a similar longing to my past self, even if the reasons were different.

But what she doesn’t know is that the things I desire have long slipped through my fingers like grains of sand.

I’m just desperately trying not to repeat past mistakes.

I still can’t be sure if accepting Jin Yeseo’s offer was the right decision.

Anyway, she is one of Yeon Minha’s allies.

Even if unintentionally, I should take solace in the fact that I’ve caught a weakness of someone like her.

Moreover, I’ve even obtained help for studying theories that I’ve been too embarrassed to mention to Yeon Minha…

“Tch. Stop acting so high and mighty. Just…”

“Oh, everyone is here. Sit down, sit down.”

Just as Choi Woojin was making a face of dissatisfaction and urging us again, the door burst open without a knock, and Professor Kwon Chanyul, sporting his signature ponytail, appeared.

He gestured for the standing students to sit back down and headed towards the desk where he handles his paperwork.

In his hands, he held several thick envelopes stacked full.

After sitting down and reviewing them again, he began to speak.

“I trust you all know why I’ve summoned you. Take your names in the order I call them. Let’s see… An Sol?”

“Yes… oh my!”

Before the girl with the bobbed haircut could even respond, something whizzed and flew into her arms.

Before I knew it, there were nine envelopes floating in the air above the office desk.

“A request from the High Military Court. Do well. Next… Choi Woojin?”


“A designation from the Wall Guard Troop. This might be difficult. The situation in the north has been quite tense lately. Are you alright with this?”

“Uhm, why do you ask? This is actually better for me. It means an unexpected opportunity to accomplish something, right? Ugh!”

“Tsk, tsk, still immature, huh? Stop your nonsense and just take it.”

A heavy paper envelope flew and struck Choi Woojin on the forehead.

“Next, Ryu Seunghun. A designation request from the Intelligence Bureau’s Masada Branch.”



As he called names, the number of floating envelopes dwindled one by one.

Professor Kwon called my name just as the last envelope was left.

“And finally… Yoo Jin-hyun.”


Before I could even open my mouth, a thick and surprisingly heavy envelope soared into my arms.

“A designation from the Special Crime Investigation Office under the Metropolitan Administrative Office. The Special Crime Division deals with incidents that the Security Bureau cannot handle. It could be quite complicated.”

“…I’m okay with it.”

Even if it’s complicated, it’s still something that can be dealt with at a student level.

Isn’t anything tougher than the southern invasions or the Jeokhwa incident?

There’s no option to refuse, so I’ll just do my best.

“You’ll be able to check the details of your request by matching it with the password pattern you received in advance. But don’t open them right now.”

A student who had been glancing at the envelope was startled back into attention at Professor Kwon’s words.

“Always keep in mind that there are often cases where other students interfere once they learn about the request’s contents. The cradle cannot intervene in such matters. Of course, this is purely a personal choice. If you want to take risks and seek help from friends, you’re free to do so.”

Professor Kwon said with his characteristic expression of indifference.

“With this designation request, you’ll truly step onto the testing ground. However, I believe that as future leaders of the Republic for the next several decades, this degree of difficulty should be a given. Now, go.”


Bam! Pow!

“Huh… heh…!”

In the old training room of Building A.

A dull thud echoed along with someone’s groan.

This dilapidated personal training room had become a place no other students dared to enter anymore.

It was the only optimal space where one could hide from the eyes of others within the Cradle.



In a tattered training outfit, Jin Yeseo was rolling around on the floor in a pitiful state.

Her eyes were half-open, and from her slightly parted lips, a rough and shallow breath continuously escaped.

Her sweat-drenched body bore bruises all over, some of which were already a deep shade of blue.

“Get up.”

Yet Lee Hyun indifferently thrust a blade towards her, as if it were nothing.

“J-just a moment…!”

“I told you yesterday. There’s no such thing as a moment in actual combat. Get up quickly. Otherwise…”


Clenching her lips, Jin Yeseo struggled to get back on her feet, as he was approaching with the intent to stomp on her head.

Half-determined, she readied herself again.

She glared at Lee Hyun as he closed the distance and swung her practice blade wide.


Though the practice blades were certainly made of wood, the sound rang like metal striking against metal.

Particles lost in the clash sparkled like fireworks at the point of contact.

In a distance close enough to feel every eyelash and breath, a pair of blazing green eyes fixated on the smooth mask.

“You, you… this isn’t training, is it? How can this be…?!”


Before she could finish her sentence, Lee Hyun swept aside the blade he was facing and kicked her below the belly.


“There’s no such thing as holding back. And didn’t I clearly say I’d give it my all against you?”

After slamming against the wall, Jin Yeseo let out a groan.

The masked male student continued to approach her.

“Your hands are too high, which means your center of gravity is compromised. That’s why you can’t even parry properly. Plus, the lower part is completely exposed; you’d be dead if this were real combat.”

“Ugh… but this is…”

Jin Yeseo staggered as she got up again.

Through her disheveled hair, her green eyes sparkled fiercely.

“And even now, I’m already being generous. According to your level.”

Lee Hyun suddenly recalled the events from two years ago.

Back then, Sa Jaehyeok was akin to a demon risen from hell.

A boy barely reaching his own height had thrown him into the mud all day long.

At times, he was forced to expel everything he had inside, and except for his face, his entire body was adorned with bruises.

Even now, just thinking about that time made his teeth clench, but it was undeniable that the level he had achieved in such a short period was due to that brutal training.

Even the usually gentle sisters had never intervened during that period. They would simply bring towels or drinks as comfort after the day was done.

Anyway… compared to that time, this felt merely like light stretching.



Clenching her lips, Jin Yeseo charged at him again.

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