Correcting the Villainess of the Academy

Chapter 2

Unfortunately, my retribution didn’t last long.

While I was on patrol, the old security guard stumbled upon me gleefully beating the girl.

He immediately subdued me and reported everything to the captain.

But regrettably, by the time he arrived at the school, the situation had already concluded.

“Uh… uh… ugh…”

The captain let out strange groans upon seeing the girl’s state, nearly collapsing while clutching the back of his neck.

Even I had to admit the girl looked pretty battered. Her usually neat hair was a mess, and her cheeks were swollen and red.

Her arms and legs, exposed, were covered in scratches and bruises.

Maybe she felt unjustly treated; her wide-open eyes were teary.

However, rather than pity, all I felt was disappointment that I couldn’t hit her more.

“Hyun… what is this…”

“Dang it! Because of your son, we could all die now!”

Rushing in right after the pig was my mom. Seeing her, the captain bellowed loudly.

But at least Mom maintained a cooler demeanor than the captain. She glanced between me and the girl with a strange expression.

Then she snatched the medicine box brought by the guard, kicking everyone out of the classroom except the girl.

“I should’ve sent that brat to the East Development Squad earlier… Oh, dear…”

The captain’s anxious mumbling echoed down the hallway. Given his reputation among the kids, I was initially just relieved I hadn’t been beaten up.

But hearing his laments made me gradually realize the reality of my situation.

Though the kids had complained behind her back, they had never openly shown resentment towards her.

There had been warnings from the parents, but the kids knew that her background was different from ours.

Yet, despite this, I lost my temper and beat her up badly.

Even the teacher and the all-powerful captain were trembling in fear.

Of course, the captain didn’t care what happened to me, but I started worrying and getting anxious that the trouble might spill over to my mom.

And it was a while before the classroom door finally opened.

“Come over here.”

The first to appear was Mom. As she spoke gently while looking inside the classroom, the girl timidly emerged.

She had various spots on her face and body covered in band-aids and ointment.

Seeing her like that, I felt all my strength drain away. I had gone through so much to ruin her, only to see her being treated like this.

Even more ridiculous was that the once-menacing girl was now obediently following Mom’s words.

And what came out of her mouth next was the cherry on top.

“…If you apologize now, I’ll show you mercy.”

What did she just say?

My worries and anxieties vanished into thin air. With that tone that implied I was the one in the wrong, my fist involuntarily clenched.


Noticing my expression, the girl flinched.

But behind her, Mom was glaring at me with a fierce look.

With that expression, Mom was unbeatable. Ultimately, I had no choice but to submit to an adult’s power.

“Uh… I’m sorry…”


I extended my hand first, but the girl pulled back and trembled.

Maybe she was recalling the beating from just a moment ago.

But eventually, she tentatively reached out her finger and touched the tip of my finger.

A soft, cold sensation passed through. Only then did Mom let out a small sigh as she watched us.

Right after, the strict-looking maid who took care of the girl arrived. Upon seeing her in such a pitiful state, the maid appeared as if her soul had left her body. She suddenly knelt down and started apologizing for her sins.

From what I overheard, she said she was delayed after being attacked by a horde of monsters on her way back from being called to her family home.

No wonder the girl had stayed alone in the classroom longer than usual.

“…Father, the lord called for me. It couldn’t be helped.”

But the girl just shook her head. Yet, her voice was surprisingly soft, unlike how she usually spoke with others.

Then suddenly, the maid rose and pointed a sharp blade at my neck.

However, surprisingly, the girl stopped that action, and although the maid showed some surprise, she obeyed her master’s command.

The girl, who had been about to leave the school, turned around as if she’d forgotten something and hesitated before speaking up.

“…You. What’s your name?”

“What? I can’t hear you. Speak louder.”

The girl flinched at my words and then suddenly screamed.

“Gah! I’m asking what your name is!”

“…? It’s Lee Hyun.”

“…Lee Hyun… Lee Hyun…”

The girl quietly muttered my name before finally turning around and actually leaving the scene this time.

The captain finally sighed and returned to his place. My mom and I also headed home.

Mom lamented that it felt like her life had been cut short by ten years because of me. When I apologized, she lightly hit me on the head.

I didn’t answer when she asked why I had done that to the girl. Upon hearing that, Mom’s expression turned a bit sad.

Conversely, I was curious about how she had managed to tame the girl so easily. But Mom also evaded my inquiry, telling me to ask her directly later.

Then she urged me, “From now on, be friends with her.”

“Why should I? I don’t want to.”

“Don’t say that. She’s a classmate.”

“Just because we’re in the same class doesn’t make us friends! I heard she comes from a super rich family. Jin Ho said she might be a wizard.”

“Wizards are just people too. All kids are just kids.”

“She probably doesn’t want to be friends with me either.”

“From what I see, I don’t think so. The fact that she told you her name earlier shows that.”

“…But I don’t like kids with bad personalities…”

Mom always had a keen sense of observation. She quickly caught onto my hesitation and stepped up her persuasion.

“She might actually be a nice kid once you get to know her. She just might be a bit lacking academically.”

“Academically? What do you mean?”

“I think she really likes having friends. But she just doesn’t know how to approach them. So she keeps blabbing nonsense instead.”


“Don’t you feel sorry for her?”

Mom delivered the finishing blow.

“I honestly think our kind-hearted and smart Hyun could teach her a little bit, especially since you feel a bit guilty for hitting her earlier, right? How about apologizing along with your teaching?”


Mom knew me all too well. After being persuaded for a while, I eventually gave in.

‘Yeah, that much is doable,’ I thought.


Despite thinking she might not come due to her injuries, the girl arrived before me at school and took her seat. The bruises from yesterday were still visible on her face.

When the other students saw her condition, they all gasped and started whispering amongst themselves. Seeing this made me feel a bit sorry for her.

If she had friends, wouldn’t they worry about her instead of gossiping?

At least I had Jin Ho and Ina, but there was no one around the girl.

Since I had already made up my mind, I decided to help her out. I headed straight to the seat next to hers instead of my usual spot.


Upon hearing my voice, the girl, who had been looking out the window, suddenly turned her head. Her unique icy expression twisted into one of sheer terror as soon as she saw me.


“Hey. If someone greets you, you should at least respond.”

“Ah… uh… um…”

Hearing my insistence, the girl stammered out strange noises and suddenly bit her tongue.

I thought we had made up, but seeing her eyes wide with fear reminded me that yesterday’s incident hadn’t quite left her mind.

Only after confirming that I wasn’t about to hurt her did she regain her composure. She cleared her throat a couple of times and attempted to adopt a haughty tone again.

“Cough. Uh… nice to meet you.”

Her refusal to greet me properly made me let out a sigh in exasperation. The road ahead felt overwhelmingly long.

But I couldn’t go back on my decision now.

“…I’m sorry for what happened yesterday. I won’t hit you again. But you shouldn’t say things like that. It’s my least favorite thing.”

The moment the word “dislike” came out of my mouth, the girl flinched.

“…You… said you dislike that? Then will you… again…”

“I said I won’t hit you! I apologize, didn’t I?”


“I’ll try to hold back in other matters too. But don’t say things like that.”


“So let’s promise. I won’t hit you, and you won’t say that again.”

I held out my thumb and pinky to the girl. She hesitated for a moment but then opened her fingers and lightly wrapped hers around mine.


The cool and soft feeling of her skin was refreshing.

It seemed like she felt more at ease now that her safety was assured; she let out a gentle sigh.

“By the way, what’s your name? I heard yours yesterday.”

“…Baek Seoyeon…”

“Is your name just one syllable like mine?”

“…No, um, both are names…”

The girl hesitated to reveal her surname.

“Forget it. You don’t have to tell me. But how should I call you, then? Just call me Hyun.”

“Hyun… Hyun…”

Repeating my name, Seoyeon finally said, “Then you’ll call me Yeon… um, I allow that.”

“Sounds good. Let’s get along from now on. I’ll teach you all sorts of things, so just learn well.”


Seeing her puzzled expression, I thought she had some cute sides after all.

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