Correcting the Villainess of the Academy

Chapter 28

“Uh, uh…?”

“Hey. Can’t you shut your mouth? It’s been annoying to hear since earlier…”

In response to the sharp reaction, the one who stepped in was the blonde female student from earlier.

She had clearly been the one to represent the freshmen during the pledge… What was her name? Jin Yeseo?

A pair of eyes looking at me burned with intensity, as if they were facing an enemy.

Next to her was a muscular male student who seemed more curious than anything else.

Across from them sat the female student who looked like a noble lady, and one gentle-looking male student who didn’t know how to handle the situation.

But there was something familiar about the male student’s appearance.

I hadn’t realized it from afar yesterday, but up close it was clear that he resembled Sehwa unnie.

Come to think of it, the male student’s surname was Ryu. Didn’t his sister mention something about being friends with her brother…?

“Who does this brat think he is, rolling in here like he owns the place…”

“Stop… Stop it…!”

Seeing the atmosphere heat up, Yeon-i waved her hands to intervene.


At Yeon-i’s intervention, the students awkwardly sat back down. Only then did she let out a light sigh and show a slightly troubled expression.

“…I’m sorry, juniors. How about we just call it a day? I think I need to clear up some misunderstandings with Junior Yoo Jin-hyun. Also, Minha and I aren’t that bad together, so I don’t know why those rumors spread…”

“No way, senior! I don’t know what would happen if you were left alone with that guy…!”

“Heh, thanks for your concern. But you don’t have to worry. It’ll be fine…”

Jin Yeseo’s protest was quickly quelled by Yeon-i’s light laughter. Her tone was filled with confidence in her own skills.

Eventually, the social gathering atmosphere was broken, and the students left the salon. Now, there were only Yeon-i and me left in the space.

She had mentioned clearing up misunderstandings, but Yeon-i sat silently for a while.

After sipping from the now cold teacup, she finally spoke.

“…So, it seems our junior has made up her mind on which path to take?”

Her smile remained bright and her tone friendly.

However, her voice now pierced through me like a cold blade.

“…Well, I’m not sure what you mean by ‘path,’ but I don’t really want to get close to you, senior.”

“Is that so? How convenient. Honestly, I didn’t want to get along with trash like you either.”

The previous atmosphere of friendliness had completely vanished. I couldn’t believe this was the same person who had just defended me from remarks about my appearance.

“Calling a stranger trash, I can’t believe those words came from the mouth of Baek Seoyeon senior. It’s as if you know me well…”

“You wanna know me? Sure. I know you very well. You’re from the 66th Division full of trash losers. Did you think I wouldn’t know?”

My words were cut off before I could finish.

“Our family’s intelligence network even reaches the military, you know? Don’t think that’s all. I know you had a private meeting with the principal before enrollment. How’s that, isn’t it hard for someone your age…?”

“…Don’t insult the leader and the seniors. They aren’t people to be talked about like that…”

“Why? Isn’t it true? The leader is a pathetic punk for someone from a prestigious family, and the girls have been crazy about that punk for over a decade, abandoning their families and going to the outskirts?”


“I know about you, Yoo Jin-hyun. You might have joined the 66th Division most recently, but your cruelty is on par with that punk leader. There are stories circulating among the captured criminals about you. The weird dude with a mask on his face.”

Yeon-i’s words were filled with spikes.

“Not only do you mercilessly kill those who surrender, but you’ve also meddled with civilians, nearly being court-martialed. And that you’ve been saved from that a few times by Sa Jaehyeok? Truly, the leader and his subordinate are cut from the same cloth…”


I had been well aware that the general perception of the 66th Division wasn’t good.

We dealt mainly with demon tribes and guerrilla rebels, and because of that, we often caught demon tribe members who transformed into humans or rebels hiding among civilians.

The eyewitness accounts of such incidents had transformed into rumors mixed with the leader’s eccentric personality, spreading through the surroundings as misinformation, but since the leader took no particular measures, those rumors became reality.

Whenever I asked about their reasons, the leader would simply wave his hand and head into the barracks.

According to the explanations my sisters gave, they were actually quite satisfied with the rumors since they frightened the enemies in advance and significantly reduced troublesome incidents.

Of course, if they intended to later advance into the central political world, it would be quite damaging, but they had long given up that dream, sighing heavily.

As for me… to be honest, there was some truth to what they said.

I can swear I’ve never touched an innocent person, but the anger that erupted every time I faced criminals and trash was something I couldn’t control.

However, I thought the events surrounding the leader and the 66th Division could have been figured out easily with a little more investigation.

No, perhaps they never intended to from the beginning.

If they knew about my background and the principal’s private meetings, they could roughly guess how I would act in this cradle.

There was no need to objectively evaluate someone who would clearly stand against them. There was no need to show a good side to someone who wouldn’t reciprocate.

Just the fact that they had shown openness to me in front of other students was enough. If I accepted it, it would be favorable for them, and if I resisted it, there would be no harm to Yeon-i whatsoever.

Fortunately, the only records Yeon-i had about me were limited to events after I received my new name…

“…I don’t know what info you’ve heard, but I’ve never laid a hand on civilians, not even once. I’d appreciate it if you could refrain from speaking like that without knowing.”

“Well, of course you’d say that. I didn’t expect a response in the first place.”

Yeon-i shrugged lightly, as if my statement was amusing.

“Still, it seems our junior isn’t as clueless as I thought. I doubt you’ll end up starving anywhere.”

“…Is this how you usually are?”

“Well? You probably don’t need to know.”

Yeon-i’s voice was once again filled with mere tranquility.

“Why? Do you have complaints? If so, why not share them with your other friends? That might lighten your concerns. Of course, I don’t know if anyone would believe you.”

Suddenly, our past conversations came rushing back.

– I was never there from the start. The beloved daughter of the head of the family, I live a sheltered life and have never left the capital.

– Everyone who knew my whereabouts is dead, and no one would believe what you say. Of course, that’s natural. Who would believe the words of a rural bumpkin like you?

“…Don’t worry. I don’t plan on telling anyone.”

Now, whether in the current conversation or then.

“…You’re not as stupid as I first thought. But I’m not sure if Minha will accept you just because you showed such sincerity. For some reason, she looks a bit worn out these days. Well, just do your best till the end.”

Yeon-i flashed me her unique refreshing smile.

“And as a senior, I’d advise you not to do anything unnecessary. Otherwise, you’ll only hasten your own demise.”


I silently left the reception room without answering.


“Do you hear anything going on inside?”

“Not a sound. It seems to have soundproofing.”

“…Just try touching a single finger to your sister. I’ll kill you on the spot.”

Several students remained in the hallway instead of leaving. The reason was Jin Yeseo’s stubbornness as she was grinding her teeth.

“How can someone’s personality be like that? What kind of attitude is that towards someone who invited you to take care of you…”

“I’ve never seen anyone so unaware of their place in my life. I need to teach them some discipline in sparring sometime…”

“Ugh, why are you all like this? Seriously…”

Moon Yeowool and Guk Jaeryong exchanged glances at Yeseo with disapproval. Nearby, Ryu Seunghun wore a troubled expression, trying to calm them down.

“Hmm, I think they seem alright. It’s better than someone who just barks like a dog because they’re called by a senior, right? Kind of makes me reconsider…”

“If Seoyeon unnie called, you should be grateful and bark like a dog. It seems you also don’t know what manners are.”

“This crazy girl is going off again…”

“Hey? The door is opening…!”

Woo-jin and Yeseo were on the verge of clashing, growling at each other. Yeowool whispered urgently to them, concentrating on the entrance.

Soon, out came a masked male student who looked strangely drained.

“Hey. Stop right there. What the hell are you…”

Just as Yeseo was about to confront the male student, he ignored her as if she didn’t exist and slipped past her. Yeseo was left momentarily speechless, her mouth moving soundlessly.


Woo-jin couldn’t hold it in anymore and burst into laughter.

The masked male student, who was about to leave after slipping past Yeseo, paused for a moment, turned back, and approached them. He finally stopped in front of Seunghun.


It appeared the masked male student had something to discuss with Seunghun. He stood there hesitantly for a while before stiffly extending his right hand. His voice was filled with awkwardness.

“Uh… Hi…”


“…Let’s… get along?”

“Uh…? Oh, yeah. Let’s get along. Nice to meet you…”

Seunghun took the hand the masked male student offered. Satisfied to have received a handshake, the masked student quickly walked away, disappearing from their sight.

“…Is he for real? What a weirdo…”

Yeowool muttered in disbelief, gazing at the empty space where he had just been.

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