Correcting the Villainess of the Academy

Chapter 71

I could only go through the discharge procedures after spending a full three days in the ward.

It seemed like a way to keep Yeon Minha (with her kindness) by my side, but I simply couldn’t endure it any longer.

Back then and even now, the ceiling I saw lying in my hospital bed was the most terrible and painful sight in the world, as far as I knew.

Although I still had residual effects from the trauma and medication, I could manage daily life, so gradually outpatient treatment would be okay.

Thus, I could return to the daily life of the cradle once again.

“…Let’s wrap up the lecture here, and the next class will be the ranking match drawing, correct? Before that, I have an important announcement for you all. So please open your ears and pay attention.”

Professor Kwon Chanyul, with his ponytail, glanced at the clock and stopped the projector.

“There has recently been a series of serious disciplinary actions against multiple freshmen. The highest level of punishment, including a reduction in ranking points and suspension. The reason for the punishment was trying to access specific keywords that are banned from being viewed in the library database.”

Just as he said, the classroom, which was always packed, had noticeably more empty seats that day.

“At the faculty meeting, a special training session for freshmen was decided. Although this knowledge should be acquired in the second-year course, it seems that this year’s freshmen are overflowing with academic enthusiasm.”

With a tired expression, the professor turned towards the blackboard. Suddenly, chalk began to float in the air and wrote large letters by itself.

“Most of the spells you know, whether they’re general magic or unique magic, can be classified into two systems. The emission type, which extracts particles from the source to restructure the material, and the circulation type, which consumes particles from within to enhance physical abilities in various parts.”

Perhaps some sort of responsive powder was mixed into the chalk, as the words ‘Emission type’ and ‘Circulation type’ shimmered with light on the blackboard.

For an important announcement, what he was saying seemed quite basic. I knew all of it well enough to recite it by heart.

“However, there is one more system of magic known so far.”

In the next moment, strange letters began to appear on the blackboard.

– Interference type.

“Interference type mental magic directly affects the opponent’s brain. You can manipulate their neurons at will or even directly attack the brain to cause disruption in their actions. And right now, all magic of the interference type is strictly prohibited in use and improvement.”

Among the students who were listening with boredom, a small ripple of surprise emerged.

“In the dawn of magic, there were serious considerations regarding the application of interference type magic. However, due to the potential chaos it could cause in society and the serious aftereffects it could lead to for the target, all materials regarding it have long been discarded. Additional research is also similarly forbidden.”

“Professor, what about those who received the punishment…?”

“Right. I don’t know where they heard it, but they tried to look up information related to interference in the library and triggered an alarm. They sure were bold. There’s no way such knowledge would exist in the cradle library…”

The professor nodded at someone who raised a hand with a question.

“What you need to know about interference type magic is only its harmfulness. Don’t get curious about how it’s written, its principles, or anything at all.”

“Professor, what happens if someone gets caught secretly researching interference magic?”


With that word abruptly spilling from his lips, the atmosphere in the classroom immediately sank as if a mouse had died.

“If traces of interference magic are found, a specialized elite force directly under the high council will be dispatched to hunt down the related persons. That knowledge will be disposed of immediately on-site, and if guilt is confirmed, the related persons will be executed on the spot.”


“Also, this punishment isn’t limited to the individual involved. Anyone who is suspected to have even touched that knowledge, like family, friends, or children, will share the same fate. This law is enforced strictly without exception, even for the twenty-seven families or five clans.”

The professor’s explanation reverberated softly in the quiet classroom.

“Let me reiterate. Beyond the name and its harmfulness, do not inquire about anything else related to interference type magic. That is all.”


“Hey, Hyun Ah!”

On the way to Hwayangkwan for the drawing of the ranking match after class, I turned at the sound of someone calling my name and saw a male student and a female student walking towards me.

The kind-looking male student waved his hand cheerfully, while the girl, with an aristocratic appearance, seemed uncomfortable as if something displeased her.

The tags they wore read ‘Ryu Seunghun’ and ‘Moon Yeowool’.

“You look good in that badge! I could see it from afar. It sparkles!”

I glanced down at where he pointed. The decoration for the military merit badge was visibly pinned on my chest.

Indeed, it caught the light and attracted attention.

While I felt good about it, I also felt a bit embarrassed. Was it really necessary to flaunt it like this? Such trivial rules can be quite a bother.

“You looked so cool at the ceremony last time. A military merit badge… it’s something else…”

“…Seunghun, I’ll head out first.”

While he was speaking, the female student next to him abruptly said in a sulky tone and walked away.

“…Your fiancée seems to be uncomfortable with me. Is it okay to keep talking like this?”

“Haha, Yeowool has been a bit sensitive lately… I’ll apologize on her behalf…”

The kind-looking male student scratched his cheek awkwardly.


“Well, my ranking hasn’t been so good lately… I’ve been falling behind Yeseo and others… it’s just a bit concerning…”

Hearing that, I checked the first-year ranking board placed in the hallway.

I could see the name ‘Moon Yeowool’ ranked 14th. There was quite a gap between her and Jin Yeseo, who ranked 2nd. Was there some competitive spirit there? Although that Yeseo girl seemed to glare fiercely whenever she saw me.

My name was at the very top of the first-year ranking. Thanks to the bonus points from the military merit badge, there was an even more overwhelming gap between me and the 2nd place than before. Looking at it, I felt a wave of satisfaction wash over me.

Naturally, my gaze shifted to the adjacent 2nd-year ranking board.

There, I spotted the name Yeon Minha, who had been stuck in 2nd place until now, suddenly shooting up to 1st place, having overtaken someone else.

“And since you also joined the mentoring group, it might make you a bit more cautious… But believe me, she’s nice once you get to know her. Don’t think too negatively of her…”

Honestly, I had no particular opinions. It was just surprising to see two people who seemed to have such opposite personalities hanging out together.

Aside from being Sehwa’s younger sibling, I did find her to be quite decent every time I saw her.

Especially for talking to me constantly since my recognition was at rock bottom. Even when she couldn’t visit during my stay, I appreciated that she came as soon as she heard the news.

They say someone with connections like that must surely be a good person…

“So, where have you been all this time?”

“Outskirts of the capital, taking down a Mandarini infestation. You wouldn’t believe it; swarms of them buzzing out of houses the size of a building, and inside, people’s bodies turned into dumplings…”

We chatted lightly and headed toward the now familiar Hwayangkwan.

On the stage in the auditorium, where freshmen were bustling around, a peculiar-looking machine had been installed.

Inside were dozens of colorful balls, which seemed to float in midair as if in a vacuum.

Once Shin Jae-yu confirmed that all the freshmen had arrived, she clapped her hands to gather everyone’s attention.

“Alright, everyone here? You all know the rules for the ranking match, right? Without wasting any time, come out and draw a ball.”

Following her instructions, the lowest-ranked students began to step forward and draw balls. The names on the balls would automatically pass to the next students in order.

The match-ups were drawn randomly from adjacent rankings. There was no way I would face someone from the 200th ranked students out of nowhere.

Since I didn’t have anyone above me, my opponent would be chosen from the students in the next 10th rank below. Who might it be?

“Ryu Seunghun – Choi Woojin!”

“Oh, no…”

“Hahaha! Hey, Seunghun! Nice to meet you! I just realized, isn’t this the first time I’m going up against you and not Yeseo?”

“Hey, if you scratch Seunghun’s face even a little, you’re dead!”

As someone burst into laughter, I came to my senses, realizing we had reached the top-ranking students’ turn for drawing.

From a distance, I noticed Seunghun looking awkward, while Choi Woojin patted him encouragingly, and Moon Yeowool glared daggers at him.

But if those two were facing off, who would I be up against…?


I turned my gaze back to the stage. A blonde girl with green eyes was stepping up to the machine and putting her hands inside.

Since all match-ups had already been completed, only one ball remained.

She snatched the floating ball out and with a shimmer of particles, a name slowly began to etch itself on the surface.

“Final match-up! Yoo Jin-hyun – Jin Yeseo!”


“Of all people, I have to face Yeseo… what should I even say…”

After the drawing ended, as we walked back, Seunghun muttered with an awkward smile beside me.

I felt just as bewildered. No matter what, I wasn’t planning on losing to anyone, but among all the possible opponents, there was just one person I really didn’t want to clash with.

Jin Yeseo was famously known as someone’s follower.

Honestly, I wanted to avoid this troublesome situation, but how could I have predicted that it would end up being exactly her…

“This means I can’t even root for anyone… I just hope no one gets hurt… huh?”

As Seunghun was speaking, he suddenly gasped and froze, eyes wide.

Following his gaze, I saw a familiar, aloof-looking girl standing at the end of the hallway, arms crossed as she watched us.

On her chest, just like mine, a golden military merit badge was shining brightly.

“Haha, seems like the senior has something to say. Go on ahead. I need to go comfort Yeowool…”

Seunghun politely bowed and greeted her. Yeon Minha only nodded lightly as if to acknowledge, giving a nonchalant response.

After Seunghun left, I approached her and asked.

“Good afternoon, senior. Do you have something to discuss?”

However, Yeon Minha glared at me with a displeased expression as if something was bothering her.

“…Do I really need to have something to say?”

“Well, not necessarily.”

“…I just came by. I heard there was a ranking match drawing… just for a moment.”

Yeon Minha spoke, then suddenly focused her gaze on my chest.

“Really… what is this?”

Following her words, I looked down.

My tie was loosely tied, and the collar of my shirt was slightly crooked.

I thought I had gotten used to it, but I still had some clumsiness in that area. Feeling embarrassed for showing such details to others added to my discomfort.

“…Wait a moment.”

“Yes? Please, go ahead.”

“Just hold still. The way you’re throwing it on is making it crooked. You need to tie the knot properly…”

Without hesitation, Yeon Minha swiftly loosened my tie.

Embarrassed, I glanced around to see if anyone was nearby. Thankfully, no one seemed to be passing by.

With skilled hands, she began redoing it, twisting and tying it again. Before long, it was perfectly adjusted in place.

Though her gentle touch brushed against me occasionally, I felt no discomfort whatsoever.

Perhaps it was because I let her do something so forward while knowing she could easily stop.

“…Done. If you turn it clockwise twice, it shouldn’t come undone even with vigorous movements.”

“Thank you…”

Yeon Minha lightly nodded, looking satisfied. Her hair and clothes were definitely neat, reflecting someone who couldn’t tolerate disorder in herself.

“…Ahem. About the ranking match. I heard you’re set to face Jin Yeseo…”

“That’s right. Quite bizarre, isn’t it…”

“Well, you know… what if we postpone the ranking match schedule…?”

Unexpectedly, Yeon Minha uttered something I never thought she would say.


“I know your ability, but… your body isn’t fully recovered yet. And as far as I know, if you submit a medical certificate, you can postpone the match by a few days…”

So, this was the reason she came to see me directly.

“Don’t worry. I’m almost fully recovered…”

“Why do you guys always try to puff yourselves up like that? I noticed your gait earlier…”

“Senior, you’re worrying too much. Even if my condition isn’t perfect, I can handle it.”


“And if I just back out like that, it would affect you too, wouldn’t it?”

“Um, um…”

For a moment, the stubborn Yeon Minha let out a sigh, sounding deflated.

I hadn’t lied. By the time the ranking match rolls around in two days, I would be much better, and even if not, I had no thoughts of losing.

Moreover, even if it was true that I could delay it, there would be those looking for reasons to complain.

So there was no need to give them unnecessary openings.

“…Fine. But don’t push yourself. I won’t mind at all if you lose.”

After a brief silence, Yeon Minha whispered softly. How curious it was to hear someone who had always seemed indifferent show concern for me.

“Don’t worry. Such a thing will absolutely not happen. I’ll definitely win.”



After the masked male student left, Yeon Minha continued to stand there.

“Seriously… are you doing this on purpose… phew…”

Then suddenly, she muttered while banging her head against the wall.

“Why the heck do I keep touching other people’s ties…”

A whirlwind of mixed emotions surged within her, causing her to feel dizzy. Worries about his not-so-fully-recovered health, competitive feelings against Baek Seoyeon, and gratitude for him stepping out for her.

She held no doubt about the outcome. Surely, Jin Yeseo was an exceptionally talented freshman, but there was several layers of wall between them.

Thus, what troubled her were not doubts about victory or defeat, but unexpected feelings.

Each time she imagined him being overwhelmed by Jin Yeseo, a wave of anxiety washed over her, along with a vague sense of unease.

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