Correcting the Villainess of the Academy

Chapter 81

The vehicle carrying us traveled along the long road for dozens of minutes. The cradle was a facility built far to the west of the capital city, in a reclaimed area, and it was completely in the opposite direction of our destination.

There was no real boredom during the journey, as I was absorbed in the impressive feel of the luxurious vehicle I was riding for the first time.

It felt completely different from the stiff and cold rugged terrain vehicles I had used while traveling to the northeast or south. It was as if I were on some kind of ride from another world.

The vehicle prepared for our departure from the hotel to the cradle was nowhere near this level.

There was almost no shaking, and the seats were so plush they felt like moving beds.

Between the seats facing each other, there was even a table to place drinks and snacks — talk about fancy!

As I pretended to observe my surroundings using the mask as a shield, a voice came from the seat opposite mine.

“…Looks like you really like it, huh?”

Minha sat there, still in a reserved posture with her hands neatly clasped. The glossy dark blue dress wrapped her like a second skin. Her unique, luxurious, sweet scent filled the confined space.

I had seen many unsightly things during my time, but upon seeing her refined appearance, she did indeed seem like the daughter of a noble family.

“It’s nice. Honestly, I was a little surprised. With a vehicle like this, I could live here for a lifetime.”


Feeling a bit embarrassed, I spoke honestly, and Minha suddenly cleared her throat as if she had heard something she shouldn’t.

“Uh, well. You really say the most casual things. Be careful. I’m fine with it, but it might lead to misunderstandings with others.”

“…? Yes. Thank you.”

I didn’t feel any disdain or condescension, so it was probably her way of looking out for me not to seem too rustic.

“…Anyway. Don’t you have any questions for me? It feels like I’ve monopolized the conversation. Feel free to ask anything. I’ll answer with all my heart as much as you ask.”

The journey hadn’t been boring thanks to the constant Q&A with Minha. In fact, it almost resembled an interrogation on her part.

Still, I learned various facts. For example, we shared a common dislike for dishes made with bran.

“Well, I don’t really have anything specific…”


It seemed Minha was waiting for me to say otherwise, as disappointment spread across her face like paint. I quickly retracted my initial statement and had to think hard to come up with a question.

Then, recalling something I had been curious about for a while, I brought it up immediately.

“Um, can spirits only be seen by spirit masters?”

“Is that what you’re curious about… Never mind. It’s nothing…”

Still looking slightly disappointed, Minha pouted but then nodded forward.

“…Wild spirits can’t be seen unless they’re with a spirit master who has an open passage. Even we can only see spirits of a type that matches our unique wavelengths. But the ones we command are a different story.”

Minha slightly opened her right hand and murmured something. Suddenly, a circular 3D magic formation appeared in her palm without any particle arrangement and vanished almost instantly.

“Though it’s virtually ineffective and seldom practiced, spirit magic allows us to temporarily summon creatures into the material realm. Like this.”

As soon as Minha finished her sentence, something strange began to shimmer in the air above her shoulder.

Then, bluish light started to coalesce into a shape, gradually taking form until a transparent caterpillar, roughly the size of a palm, emerged.

When Minha touched its head with her finger, it nuzzled against her like a loyal puppy.

However, it looked somewhat different from the description in the materials Mok Jinwoo had sent me.

“Aren’t spirits supposed to look like sparkling clusters of light?”

“Right. You know that well? That is usually how they appear. It’s the same for the children around here. They only mimic native species when they reveal themselves in the material realm.”

Minha stroked the caterpillar’s head with her finger as she spoke.

“Even if they belong to the same species, they take on different appearances since they imitate creatures they haven’t seen before. That’s why spirits are distinguished by their properties rather than their appearance.”

After adding a couple more magic formations, different transparent creatures resembling tiny butterflies or birds appeared, flitting in and out of existence.

Yet, it was exceptionally strange how well Minha seemed to get along with them.

Weren’t spirits supposed to be a kind of parasite that channels mental corruption?

“This is unexpected. I guess you get along with spirits better than I thought.”

“I’ve given up on them halfway, you know… it’s not something I can control… they aren’t doing it on purpose… and thanks to you, I don’t have any mental issues right now.”

“Is that so? That’s good to hear.”

I nodded and continued watching the caterpillar-like spirit that was still visible.

It looked cuter than I had imagined. Unintentionally, I reached out slightly, wanting to pet it.


But the once docile caterpillar that had been receiving care suddenly turned fierce in an instant.

As soon as I extended my hand, it bristled its hair and spikes, making a menacing hissing sound as it puffed up its body.

Then it vanished again, its form being replaced by a glimmering light that faded into the air.


As I withdrew my hand in dismay, Minha hurriedly spoke as if to apologize.

“Th-that’s strange… it has never acted like this before…”

Then she seemed to recall something suddenly and muttered.

“Come to think of it, back then too…”

“Back then?”


Minha sighed softly as if regretting her slip of tongue.

Then she shared a story from a few weeks ago.

She mentioned that the spirits had shown me battling dark magicians in a dream from the south, and when she woke up, they were in utter fear.

At the time, she thought it was just a meaningless dream and didn’t realize the figures in the dream could be me at all.

Either way, it’s quite a fascinating occurrence.

“I think it might be related to your abilities…”

Minha whispered very softly so the driver wouldn’t hear.

That seemed likely. If they came within the range of my blockade, they wouldn’t be able to siphon the owner’s particles, or more accurately, their feeding behavior would be impossible.

So now, were they going hungry every night?

Minha’s eyes held a question as she looked at me, filled with curiosity about the existence of the blockade.

In truth, I was just as curious.

The chief promised to tell me once he graduated, but could I really wait three years? Maybe I should just go to the East during vacation and press him for answers…

“Is that so…”

“Well, it seems fine when they’re not visible. You don’t have to be too disappointed. I’ll show you often. So you might get used to it and be okay…”

Detecting a slight disappointment in her voice, Minha spoke as if to comfort a child.

That treatment felt slightly embarrassing.

“It’s okay. There’s no need to force it if they’re scared. Thank you, at least in words, senior.”

“…But how long are you going to keep calling me senior? It’s been quite a while since we’ve developed a friendship…”

Suddenly, Minha started saying something strange.

“Doesn’t ‘senior’ sound too stiff and businesslike? Others might think we are enemies or something.”

“Then what should I call you instead of senior?”

After hearing my retort, Minha paused for a moment before responding in a calm tone.

“Under normal circumstances, it would be absolutely forbidden. However, considering you’re particularly special, I might allow you to call me ‘senpai’ without ‘-nim.’ Since we’re on the topic, how about practicing it? You need to keep using it to get used to it.”

The sudden suggestion caught me off guard for a moment. But I felt no real need to refuse, especially since it seemed quite pleasant that she wanted to bridge the distance between us.


I lightly changed my title according to Minha’s suggestion. Surprisingly, there was no particular reaction. She merely nodded slightly with that dignified expression.

“…Not bad. But I think dropping the surname enhances the resonance. Right now, it feels kind of awkward and not harmonious.”

“Then how about just ‘Minha-senpai?'”

This time, Minha bowed her head a bit deeper.

“…That’s pretty good. It definitely feels more affectionate and closer than before.”

“I think it’s fine too. So from now on…”

“But if you have any complaints, you could call me differently. Like ‘nee-chan’ or something… If someone else were to do that, I’d cut them down on the spot, but… since you order it, I have to obey…”


I fell into thought for a moment.

‘Nee-chan,’ ‘nee-chan.’

I recalled the contents of Minha’s academic record that the principal had given me when plotting the scheme long ago. And it was indeed noted that Minha was 17.

As the chief had said, not all magicians blossom at the same age. There can be a difference of one to three years; hence, they are treated as adults based on their blossoming period rather than biological age. By the standards of the cradle, biological age didn’t matter at all.

However, I was 18. And though I couldn’t pinpoint the exact time I became a magician, I was definitely faster than Minha.

Considering both biological age and the timing of becoming a magician, it would feel natural to call her ‘senpai’ for familiarity, but calling her ‘nee-chan’ was out of the question.

“Senpai, aren’t you 17?”

I made my decision and spoke to Minha.

“I’m 18 years old. No matter how you put it, it feels strange calling you ‘nee-chan.’ I should rather be called ‘onii-chan,’ right?”


Minha repeated my words, her eyes widening. Then she suddenly lowered her head deeply, clenching her fists tightly, shaking with evident agitation.

I hadn’t meant it seriously. A title is merely a nice thing. Still, had I pricked her pride too much?

After some time, Minha straightened up with a cold expression as if nothing had happened.

“How dare you, junior, to be so rude.”

Her glance looked somewhat resentful, but there was no longer the same rejection as before.

“…‘Nee-chan’ is off the table. From now on, call me ‘senpai.’”


I replied without much thought.

A moment later, a partition separating the driver’s seat and the back seat slid open, and the driver’s voice rang out.

“Miss. We should arrive in about ten minutes.”

“Oh? Okay.”

As Minha nodded and replied, the partition closed again.

She adjusted her appearance a couple of times before stretching her white, slender finger toward me.

“What are you doing?”

“…Stay still. I’ll take care of things gently.”

Minha reached out and started to mess with my hair. Her fingers soon moved down to pat my shoulder and absentmindedly untie my tie before re-tying it.

Her faint warmth and sweet breath were teasing my nose up close.

“…This is fine. Not bad.”

I wondered what the point of all this was, considering I wore a mask, but I felt there was no need to ruin Minha’s satisfaction.

“And our contract is absolutely a secret from your parents… understand…?”

She suddenly added hastily as if she remembered something.

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