Corrupted Heroines

Arc 3 – Queen of the Monster Maze 3.3

Kikori blinks, cleaning her face off wood splinters. She did not expect to have so much strength in her body!

She did understand that the encounter with Sir Enceladus left her with a stronger pair of arms, but she surely could not imagine they’d be like this

“Whoa…” the tree creaks and falls down, each half hitting the ground and leaving the Visage behind her speechless.

“How strong are you? You are!”

“I… it’s kind of a new thing.” But there’s something more important to check.

Kikori holds up her hand, feeling the drizzle. Around the other trees is more or less the same, but here is starting to feel different.

And as she holds her palm out under the rain the tree itself starts to disappear into mud, which filters through the alabaster plates covering the floor.

“So that’s how it’s going to be for this trial…” she turns towards the next tree and begins hacking at it. Her axe cleaves right through the bark. Her new strength makes her feel so confident!

Then another. And then the next, chopping through the hard wood.

“Amazing! Lady Knight, you are amazing! So incredible! Yes you are, yes you are!”

Kikori grins at the praise - it feels good! - but she is also panting hard… and she has just taken off a dozen trees, making sure they’d fall around in a circle, thus cleaning up an area.

Strength is one thing, stamina is another, huh?

She stops, looking up. The drizzle is no more.

In fact, she can see a faint glow above them. It’s not blue, so it might not be whoever it is that’s controlling all this telling her she has overcome this trial and she can proceed… but it might just be the sky.

Ardesia walks into the spot where rain doesn’t fall anymore. With each step, she trembles, Kikori clearly sees each tremor shaking her large breasts and her firm buttocks. Only then she realizes that she is more or less naked. A flush spreads to her cheeks. She has never found women attractive… has she?

Perhaps this place is changing her more than she believes.

“I can’t believe it, I can not…” she whimpers, holding out her hands as if to protect herself from the water. “There is no more rain! No more! Thank you! Thank you Knight, yes I thank you, I do!”

“You’re… welcome,” Kikori replies. “How long has it been…”

“I do not know, but it was such a long time! I feel like it was forever! Since the last time someone came here!”

“Wait, you mean…” no, it couldn’t have been Ember Soar.

Besides, there was someone else rumoured to have come here and left…

The Herald of Corona.

“Do you know someone called Summer Storm?”

“I do not know, I know not,” she says shaking her head. “I can tell story if you like. For now let me enjoy the air without the rain, please…”

Kikori nods, a bit taken aback by what’s going on. And what kind of trial is this?

She lets Ardesia bask in the calm air in the middle of the circle.

And then she notices that, between the stones, green saplings and starting to grow.

“What?” Kikori stomps one of them, but she can still feel it grow beneath her foot. “Stay down, you overconfident weed!” She hacks at it with her weapon and the metal burns through the wood. The plant disappears.

“Always it is like this, it is,” Ardesia says, a sad look once again upon her face. “At first a bit of rain was nice. But then the forest never stop growing, the rain never stop falling, and I have been so alone for all that time.” She passes a hand through her hair, the snakes coiling around her fingers. “Company of my snakes is nice, but nobody to talk with since last visit, nobody to. Always storm.”

Kikori frowns at her words.

“You have been alone for so long… I’m sorry.”

“Even just to take down trees would be fine, would be. But hands can only work so much, and wood grows faster than I can scratch it. So I stopped, yes I have.”

Kikori looks at her axe.

This… is not the right moment to get all sentimental.

She is a Knight. This weapon was given to her by her superiors at the Academia. A weapon of war to destroy the enemies of Corona, to kill the monsters that threaten mankind.

And yet…

Since she came here each monster has given her something nice: the tentacle beast a very good orgasm, Sir Enceladus a shoulder to cry on and a lot of support (especially with his big dick inside her), and now Ardesia…

Ardesia is not giving her anything, is she?

Because that’s the point! She is not here to take…

“I’m a Knight in training,” Kikori sighs, walking closer to her new friend. “I have been entrusted my holy weapon to smite evil. I would have never considered it something akin to a gardening tool… but perhaps it’s the sort of weapon that can be more effecting in your hands than mine.”

She smiles, takes her hands and puts her axe between them.

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