Corrupted Heroines

Arc 7 – Jellyfish Possession 1.1

Mira was lost in another world, and that was just the start of her troubles.

“Ohhh, this is no good,” she groaned, searching around with her big blue eyes for any landmark or sign that might prove helpful and bring her back. “I slipped into the Farside.”

It had happened to another one of her classmates lately. Irma. They were even friends, but apparently she had managed to find her way back thanks to…

“I suppose I’ll have to make use of this. Please work lucky charm, please work…” Mira pulled up her necklace. Hanging from it was a small blue stone, which seemed to shine even brighter than in the waking world. “Time to see if I can find my way home or get some help…”

Mira stood up from the beach where she had found herself just moments ago. The sand was black as night and the sea a blinding white, the waves crashing on the shore with a murmur that sounded like half-remembered words. The sky was not blue, but a deep red, and where the sun was supposed to be there was just a hole, even darker than the sand. It was just… an emptiness that seemed to suck her in.

Mira gulped. She had heard descriptions about the Farside, and though it was supposed to be mildly dangerous by itself, it had things in it that were far more… unsavoury.


Maybe not all of them were dangerous though. After all…

“If Irma managed to get out of here you can do it as well, come on!” Mira tried to reassure herself as she straightened her blouse, patting on her skirt to get the sand off the fabric and off her socks. Her high school uniform was not the best attire to explore another world. In fact, it might have been the worst possible one, with her white shirt, plaid skirt, white socks and blue shoes. “Thankfully it’s going to be a memory in just a few weeks…”

Right before getting lost in the Farside, Mira had been looking forward to the final few weeks of high school. In just a few more days, at the start of summer, she’d be nineteen, she’d graduate, and she’d be free. She could try find a job in her hometown or find it somewhere else as well, but at least she’d leave the high school days behind her.

And now she had to get lost in this stupid place.

“Talk about bad luck…” Mira mumbled as she started to walk by the black shore. Perhaps she’d find a way back sooner than later. “They say that the key is finding a door open on three sides.” She had no idea what that meant, but she had to look for it.

“Now let’s see… what else did Irma tell me about this place..?”




Irma had disappeared into the Farside without a fuss. Actually, Mira only found out about it because her friend told her herself.

“Oh my god,” Mira reacted, covering her mouth with her hands. “I’m so sorry! How was it? Are you alright? You did not bring anything back, did you?”

That was the first rule. It might happen to get lost in the Farside. Maybe you just opened the door the wrong way, or maybe you did not look where you were going. These days it was happening more and more often. People studied the phenomenon, but for some reason it seemed nobody took it too seriously. It was just a thing that happened and besides most of the people who got lost came back.

Most of the time.


There was this blonde girl, Alex, in Mira’s class who was a bit obsessed with the Farside, but she was also a weirdo, so Mira never really interacted with her.

“I’m fine, I’m fine,” Irma reassured her. They were sitting in their usual place, behind their private school, away from everyone else. Irma was a pretty girl with an easy smile and warm brown eyes, but she was not exactly the popular kind of girl. Mira, who was a bit of a loner herself, had felt pulled to the other girl. “I did not bring anything back, rest assured. Not even a handful of sand.”

“Is there sand on the other side?”

“Lots of it! An entire shore, and there is a white sea as well. Everything is so weird, I couldn’t believe it.”

“Oh my god,” Mira leaned over and hugged her. “I’m so glad you are back safe and sound! I had no idea…”

“Sometimes it just happens…” Irma reassured her with a big smile. Sitting up straight, she pulled out something from her pocket. “Tell you what. I bought these the moment I came back, do you like them?” She showed her a couple of pendants with bright blue stones. They shone like sapphires, or maybe aquamarines. Looked nice and expensive.

“Those are lovely… where did you get them?”

“There’s this pawn shop specialised in items for the Farside, I got a few just in case I was lost again. Here, I bought one for you as well.” Irma put it in Mira’s hand. “It’s going to protect you.”

“Thanks…! I… how much do I owe you?”

“Don’t be silly, we’re friends, it’s just a gift. I’m just so glad to be back, you know.”

“Thank you!” Mira hugged her and Irma hugged her back. “So… how did you come back?”

“I had some help. You see, by the shore there is this long wooden pier that leads into the water, and beneath it lives a helpful entity known as Geryon. You can ask him for help! He’s brought me back without asking for anything, so you are going to be safe with him!” Irma smiled, perhaps a little wider than necessary.

“Sure thing! I will make sure to ask him if… if it happens. But with your lucky charm I’m sure nothing bad is going to happen to me.”

“Haha… for sure,” Irma assured her, looking at the charm hanging from Mira’s hand. “That’s one powerful little thing, you know.”




“Hmmm, I hope this thing works…” Mira looked at the pendant as she kept walking. The Farside was even weirder than she had thought. Apparently she had been here for hours, or at least that was how it felt. Looking back, she saw her footprint stretch all the way to where she could see. But she did not feel any hunger or thirst. In fact, she did not feel tired at all. “It’s like walking in a dream. Maybe it is a dream..?” She tried to press her finger against her palm to see if it went through, a little trick they taught you in kindergarten to distinguish dream from the Farside, but her finger did not go through her palm at all. She sighed. “I’m actually here, uh…”

Something shifted at the end of her vision. Mira stopped, looking around. She held up her lucky charm. It would protect her, wouldn’t it? Like it had protected Irma…

“A-Anybody there?” But she was alone. She had seen something like a flash of white, but she wasn’t sure. “Weird…”

She kept walking and after a while, she wouldn’t have been able to say how long, she finally spotted something stretching into the white waters. A wooden pier that must have been a hundred paces long or maybe more.

“Ah! I have found it! I have found the pier, finally! Thank you Irma!”

With renewed enthusiasm Mira started to run, finally reaching the pier.

“I hope someone is there to help me…” she mumbled.

And then, as she put her foot on the pier, something grabbed her from behind.

Hello there. It's been a while. As you might have noticed, I have decided to pull down the veil a little bit and start to adopt a more public identity when it comes to writing. I hope you like the change!

So... I was away for a while because needed inspiration to write more stuff, and between commissions and job it took a bit. But I have created a few astounding arcs for you, and this one is a bit special. This one was inspired by the amazing doujinshi Otherworld Interspecies Sex - The Tentacle Returns by Hachiya. 

I was so inspired I practically produced a whole novella (that's why you might notice a little more of a buildup this time), and have decided to split this Arc in two: the part that is closely inspired by Hachiya's dounjinshi will be published for free in its entirety -- and then there is a continuation to my story in this Arc, which is original and which I put for sale on Amazon (it's also about tentacles and possession, but it mostly deals with one of Mira's nosy classmates getting what she deserves...). You can find it by clicking on the sexy cover (I'm so proud of the little jellyfish to the left)!

As always, thanks for reading. I will see you soon with the next chapter to this tale.

Click on the cover for the premium sequel! ⬇

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