Corrupted Heroines

Arc 7 โ€“ ๐Ÿ”ž๐Ÿ”ž๐Ÿ”ž Jellyfish Possession 1.6

โ€œYessโ€ฆ I canโ€™t waitโ€ฆโ€ Mira panted, reaching out to pet the jellyfishโ€™s head, just like she did all those years ago when she had saved it. And now it had saved her as well. Beingโ€ฆ grateful and offering her body to its pretty and juicy tentacles was the right thing to do, wasnโ€™t it? โ€œB-But waitโ€ฆโ€ Mira felt like she was gathering her final bout of energies, collecting the ragged throughs inside her mushy mushy fucked-up brain. โ€œW-Where are you going to live? People are going to notice you in my world, right?โ€

Oh donโ€™t worry! There is plenty of space in your head!

โ€œI-In my heeeeeee-iiii!โ€ She squealed. Mira felt the entity press itself against her left ear, squirming inside her ear canal and squeezing itself in, wet and warm andโ€ฆ โ€œooohhhooโ€ฆโ€ Mira squirmed in place, stiff and unable to move as the entity kept squeezing itself inside her ear canal. She could feel it coming inside her, pressing against her brain and fucking it up, fucking it up her synapses which went off like fireworks. She saw red and white and she blinked and trembled and her pussy twitched and her nipples throbbed and she was squealing and her hips bucking back and forth, unable to stop, as her pussy leaked like a faucet, her hot juices dripping down her thighsโ€ฆ

Hmm, a little tight. Let me try again.

The thing withdrew. Mira could think again. For the final, glorious moment, she could hold control over her body. Miraโ€™s eyes glanced at the door โ€” her heart jumped at the chance. Something inside her screamed to dash, run past the door and away, go back home as herself, or still mostly herself. She would probably become a sex addict for the rest of her life, but she wouldโ€ฆ

And then the thing pushed inside her brain again.

Ah, thatโ€™s better. See, the little trick is to lube it up a little.

โ€œGhf, ghfhu, fhgh!โ€ Mira groaned like an idiot as the jellyfish squirmed inside her brain, her tongue now uselessly lolling out of her mouth, drooling over her chin. Her hips kept bucking, her pussy about to feel the biggest orgasm she had ever felt in her life.

Itโ€™s going to be a big one, said the jellyfish, or maybe it was her own inner voice, or maybe they were one and the same nowโ€ฆ

Just a little push.

And with one final mighty squelch the jellyfish pushed itself completely inside her brain โ€” everything turned back and Mira let out a throaty scream of ecstasy, her pussy releasing a jet of juices that stained the grass below and down her thighs. Everything turned white for a couple seconds, and thenโ€ฆ

Something squirmed out of her ears. A pair of translucent tendrils.

โ€œOh, helloโ€ฆโ€ Mira waved at them. โ€œYouโ€ฆ did youโ€ฆโ€ Hmm. She was having a hard time finding the right words. Words in general were not that easy. You had to move your mouth like this and thatโ€ฆ and breathe through them and use your tongue and even your teeth. Sheโ€™d get used to it. โ€œAre youโ€ฆ feeling at home?โ€

It feels amazing inside here! Iโ€™m right besides you, and I will be ready to protect your forever. The tendrils coiled around her fingers lovingly, giving it a light stroke, and then they withdrew inside her brain like slurping up a wet noodle.

โ€œUhโ€ฆโ€ Mira blinked. She looked at the door and at the other world โ€” no, her world, their world โ€” outside.

On a hot May afternoon, Mira stepped into her schoolโ€™s parking lot. She was sweaty, red in the face, and if someone had seen her right there, they might have noticed how her pupils, instead of the usual round shape common to humans, squirmed and wriggled for a moment into something resembling an eight-pointed star.

But it was just a moment.

Mira sighed and looked at her stained legs, walking weakly towards the closest schoolโ€™s bathroom.

โ€œNeed to freshen up a bitโ€ฆโ€ she groaned.

And maybe I can give you a little help there, the jellyfish whispered inside her brain.

Mira smiled.

โ€œHmmโ€ฆ thatโ€™s a good ideaโ€ฆโ€

Hmmmh... squishy.

Writing this pat got a little challenging. Please let me know if you liked it!

I will see you tomorrow with the next chapter!

Click on the cover for the premium sequel! โฌ‡

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