COTE: A Man On A Mission II Love is War?

Ch 94 – What a Creep!

“Yahiko!" At this point, Katsuragi had enough, he put down his sticks, and stared at this green ape, with an unhappy look.

“Although, I don't think there would be any of those hidden cameras here, and the conduct test is over....Still, this is not the behaviour of a person, who was born in Class A”

He tried his best to reprimand Yahiko,  and make this Little vermin understand, to not sully their name, with his low standard mouth.

Katsuragi's tone also makes sense, that's why, Yahiko, also restrained himself a little because, his master ordered to do so.

It's just that, Katsuragi also turned his smooth head, to look at Hachiman and the others.

“And, how about you also learn some etiquettes? Don't cause trouble to the people around you!” But, his face was mostly looking at Hachiman, while saying this.

“??” 'Why am I being scolded?!'

Hachiman was pretty confused, it was obviously his first time hanging out with these 3 idiots.....result, he keeps getting looked down upon.
It's just, as a human observer, he also noticed, Katsuragi's tone felt completely different from the one, he used with his classmate, Yahiko. 

It was first like a mature parent....but then, directly started being hateful....and his target, Hachiman, who didn't know any manners.

'I should learn some etiquette....'

At the same time, this suggestion is also very reasonable, because the behavior of Yamauchi and Ike just now was a bit disturbing, as if they were out of place.

Seeing that Hachiman and the others have gone silent, the students, who just learned to play cat's cradle, in Katsuragi's Kindergarten, also began to praise him, when they saw their leader speaking.

"By the way, that black-haired one is Hikigaya, right?"
"Yeah, I heard he was the one who destroyed the school's camera before!”

“Hey, I also read that post, made by the Student council, this defect was penalized 50 points!”

“I think he's also a criminal like Sudo,
just take a look at his dead eyes, they look very scary?!”

“I wonder how many people he has killed”

“.....” Hachiman, who keeps getting insulted.

“No wonder, Ichinose-san rejected this bastard!”

The people of Class A, just keep throwing offending remarks, even his dark love history wasn't saved.

Only, a boy had enough! Damn it, I'm going to fuck'm up?!


“What the hell are you talking about?!”

“I've already said this many times,  there were three people!"

"Yeah, it was self-defense just like Sudo mentioned!"

Even, Yamauchi started to take action, when he realised, this red-haired boy's momentum is too strong, he also tried to defend him friend.

“.....” Hachiman, who knew the reality behind, this person's double attitude in life.

When people like Kushida, Hirata and Karuizawa, were trying to convince everyone inside the class about, Sudo being an angel.....

Yamauchi, who is one of his best friends....this child was the first, who turned over a new leaf, and immediately betrayed him, with proofs like, throwing other students over, and then taught him about, the right way to punch someone.

And, now, he was trying to defend Sudo....or probably his own image.

'This kind of two-faced, best friend...It would be much better to just be alone my entire life....'

“Yeah, Sudo is right! Isn't that incident over?”

“It was someone from that bastard Ryuen's class, who tried to fight me on purpose,” Only, when Sudo, realised, there were people around, who can back him up, he quickly tried to defend him bad habits of punching weak people.

But, just from hearing these words, it's obvious that, Sudo has not even improved in the slightest, from his Oscar-winning, act in the previous beating incident.....

For a time, he was even thinking about starting to hit Kanzaki Ryuji of Class B, and then get promoted.

In this way, Sudo's current rhetoric is not very good at defending him.

But for the students in Class A....of course, they knew, it was Ryuen's class, who did it on purpose...
It would be much better to say, it was Yahiko, who instructed Ryuen, to attack Class B...

Even stole points from Katsuragi's bank, and then used it, to buy Ryuen's legs.

After that, just wait safely, for the 1st month's conduct exam to end, and directly score an O.

However, because the class points were exposed by President Horikita Manabu.

The sleeping hyenas of other classes, 
especially B, also realised this school isn't normal, learned every detail, for which Class A, had spent whooping 2 million points to buy...
Quite unpleasant.
What's even worse, Class B led by Ichinose, also started taking precautions like using hand sanitizer, or face masks, adopted the method of social distancing....become very well-behaved, just like those fairy angels.

It's just... Ryuen's Class C was also outrageous, not even a single point for days....

Therefore, the gap between these 3....yeah, Class A felt injustice.

Not only, such a large amount of points were used in vain, even their status of the Top Class, was being threatened.
In other words, Katsuragi's abandoned sperm, were not that happy, for being treated like shit.
That's why, Ryuen....maybe he can become a nice toy, in this way, Yahiko decided to have a private chat with him in the boy's toilet, and if everything goes just like he planned.

Ryuen, will be mobilized to attack Class D, and then cut the feathers of Ichinose....

~hehe~ And, who knows, if Ryuen will just explode in the middle, and even drag his own class, as a result of his violent behaviour.

Then, Class A will just sit back, and watch, Sakayanagi's angry look, of being defeated by Katsuragi-san!

But the result, Ryuen's plan just failed on the first step, which caused a huge explosion inside Class C.

There was only black smoke, on their entire floor.... directly thrown into Class D, by the President.

Even though, Class A was hoping to destroy, all the 3 opponents in just, 1 clean stroke.....Result, they lost points again....Gap with Class B....
That's why, after realising it was, Sudo, the main figure of court hearing, dining at this expensive place, there are a lot of Class A students, with only hostility inside their mind.

As a human observer, Hachiman, who was silent this whole reality, he's paying more attention to these students of Class A...but, then he just felt a little regretful.
'Because, I thought, most of the people of Class A, would be at least, near the level of Kamuro-san....'

But now, Hachiman felt like, he was just being afraid for nothing. 'It's like 3rd year Class A, all over again....'


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