COTE: A Man On A Mission II Love is War?

Chapter 18

The three of them stayed in the Student council's office.

"Hikigaya, you are quite smart." Manabu decided to praise the other party, even though he just announced the news about breaking a camera, "You just understood my hint."

"Vice President Nagumo was promoted by me, but it's better not to tell him some things.”

On the other hand, Secretary Tachibana seemed a little confused.

She had already recognized this Hikigaya as the junior whom she met on the first day of school when she went to the third-grade teaching building with her classmates to investigate.

'I remember that the president spoke highly of this junior at that time.' Only. Now she doesn't understand.
Because she didn't notice President Horikita's wink at this first-year Class D junior.

And. There are some things that cannot be said.

'Could it be that there is some connection between President Horikita and this first-year Class D student, or... the two of them have secrets that cannot be told to others?' Tachibana looked confused on the side.
Of course she didn't know that it was just Horikita's brother who was protecting his sister's information.

The strength of this school is paramount, and its goals are very clear. Graduating from Class A is everyone's ambition.

So, once competition arises, you can also use underhanded tactics.

Therefore, for someone like Horikita Suzune, once her sibling relationship with Horikita Manabu is exposed, it is likely that a fuss will be made.

President stopped him from telling the relevant content and asked him to keep it quiet.

In other words, there are people in the student council that Horikita Manabu cannot handle.

It seems that the President also has a very hard life.

Even if he reaches the position of Student council president, he can't say that he is safe.

'In other words, is it true that people who are too upright and maintain their character are always fighting against all kinds of things?'

'So it's really hard work.' Hachiman thought to himself.


"Then what is the purpose of your visit today?" Manabu didn't want to waste more time doing casual chat, "....The camera now was just a deliberate trick, pretending to be a fool to make people lower their guard."

"No." But Hachiman was determined, to make himself a fool, "I'm really here to consult....What will be the consequences if the camera is damaged?"

  ? ?
"Did you really do such a reckless thing?!" Manabu almost stood up, in extreme shock.
Because the other person was the one whom he personally gave 100,000 points to shut up, Horikita Manabu still recognized Hachiman's insight and acumen. 'And I don't think that the other party will do such a stupid thing!'
"It's not a rash," Hachiman's eyes looked very fierce, full of fighting spirit, "...That's the answer I got after careful consideration."

"Because, I want to climb up. To be precise, I want to touch class A, so I can't let the class fail in the first month."
"And to do that. If you destroy a camera, you will definitely be punished by the school."

"Compensation is one thing, but what I want to know is whether doing this will harm the class.....If it can harm the class, then I will fucking do it!" Hachiman said while his started to look more alive, he seemed quite excited about doing these things.

Will you do it, if it can damage the class? 'Do you have any grudges against your classmates?'

'He actually wants to hold everyone back!

'And you already know that your target is Class A, and then you still want to deduct points from your own class?!

''Are you poisonous?! Manabu wanted to throw this club assignment straight at Hachiman's head, for doing this kind of....

'Wait a damn minute....If you are holding the class back... holding it back, you must have something to hold you back....?

"..." Horikita learned. His face started frowning while squatting on his quite expensive, and butt-relaxing chair, seemingly thinking about it for a long time.

Thinking about the reason why Hachiman wanted to get promoted to A and then deliberately caused the explosion in his own class.

Probably more than a minute passed. 'Is Hikigaya a part of that famous Crimson demon clan?' Manabu pushed up his glasses, he was slightly mistaken, “You guy.”

"I take back my evaluation.....You are really ambitious."


"Would you like to join the Student council?" He invited Hachiman. 'This species must be protected at all costs!'

Instead of giving an answer, the President directly asked the other party to submit an application for joining.

"..." Tachibana. ??

Because the president and this Hikigaya kouhai were talking about things, that... she couldn't understand again.
'Just now, I didn't realize that the two of them were using code words, but now... I can't understand them at all.'

'What on earth is going on?! Akane complained in her heart.


And just when the student council president gave the invitation.
Katsuragi and Yahiko have also returned to class.
Yahiko himself is also a proud and arrogant type, but when he came to this school and met Katsuragi, he was immediately impressed by him.

"Katsuragi-kun, Totsuka-kun, you are back!" After the two returned to class, students immediately came over to greet them.

As Katsuragi's top horse boy, Totsuka has also gained respect.
The person who greeted them was a boy named Masayoshi Hashimoto who joined Katsuragi's kindergarten yesterday.

He's tall, thin, good in all aspects, and very handsome.

The students in the class have been divided into a kindergarten and Sakayanagi's institute. There are also a few people who are still watching in the middle.

Hashimoto is a member of this kindergarten. "Have you submitted the application for joining the Student council?"

"The student council president said he would look at it," But it was Yahiko who answered him, instead of his owner.

"That's a good thing. If we can enter the student council, then our class will have another advantage." Hashimoto's mood became instantly better, after hearing this news.

The strength of this school is paramount.

The school gives students enough freedom, and the student council has extremely high authority.

So if you can join it, you can benefit your class whether it is obtaining information or various things. 'I feel safe as a student of Class A.'

"..." And Katsuragi. He said nothing, but watched Yahiko and Hashimoto socialize.

The place where these people are now is the class, and Yahiko directly announced that he went to the student council to submit an application.

The goal is probably to show off to other swingers who have not yet joined their respective play houses.

Tell them that choosing the steady path is the right thing to do. 'Although I don't really care about these utilitarian things.'

But Katsuragi also thinks that although Sakayanagi is very aggressive in all aspects, she is also quite smart.

But it was indeed too radical. 'The class couldn't let her mess around as she pleased'

For example, when discussing the class's corresponding strategy with her privately, the other party actually suggested that it would be okay even if Class A loses.

The third grade is a long time, and they can just find another opportunity to go up.

But this kind of pillow talk...

It can give students of Class A  psychological trauma! 

It's not a good fortune at all! Only. 

What if you fall and can't get back up again, twice or even three times? That would be a big blow.

So, he didn't dare to do such risky things.

And judging from the information obtained and the experience of the seniors, it is the best plan for a stable player like him to grasp the advantages of Class A and then continue until graduation.

So, he also acquiesced in Yahiko doing these things that are similar to buying people's hearts.


"But when we went to the student council, we found Hikigaya Hachiman from Class D, first grade entering inside." Yahiko also wanted to make this boy quite popular, help the other party.

Students in Class A will collect some information about students in other classes.

As for Class D in the first grade, most people don’t have much contact with them.

But before, Sakayanagi had arranged for Masumi Kamuro to go to Class D, first grade, to date a boy.

Then she herself even ate with the said person in response.


She had dinner with the boy from Class D, first grade. The relationship seems to be very good.

But this is just a rumor, but during lunch break yesterday, not only one classmate noticed that Sakayanagi Arisu was indeed sitting opposite a boy in the cafeteria.

And that boy is Hikigaya Hachiman.

"But Hikigaya doesn't want to join the student council like us. Rather, he doesn't have this awareness."

"He even treats this school as ordinary.."

"And went to consult if the school's camera is accidentally broken, what will be done next, such as whether he's going to be expelled from school and compensation,"

Totsuka concluded with an excited voice,"In other words, Class D is indeed hopeless!”

"Yahiko!" Katsuragi immediately stopped him from spreading rumors.

Although it is a pity that a considerable number of classmates still think that Sakayanagi can lead them, Katsuragi can confirm that she is arbitrary and dangerous.

So, we can’t risk the whole class. 'It’s just that Yahiko went too far now!'

Because if you continue talking, you would doubt Sakayanagi's ability to read people.
Katsuragi just hopes that these people will trust and believe in him, rather than really trying to divide the class.

So, he decided to be the bigger person and stopped the other party. Looks like that's the point. But it doesn't.

Hashimoto joined their playground yesterday. But he didn't join because he trusted Katsuragi.

He was actually a student of Sakayanagi's institute , and was arranged by her to infiltrate as an undercover agent.

After these few days, the students in the class have begun to divide into three factions.

One is the conservative group who believes in Katsuragi, the other is Sakayanagi Arisu who firmly believes in intelligence, and the other is a few people who have not yet taken sides.

Therefore, after obtaining the information from the Katsuragi's children, Hashimoto immediately sent the information to Sakayanagi Arisu...well, Kamuro Masumi beside him.

Just like Yahiko Totsuka next to Katsuragi, Kamuro-san next to Sakayanagi has also acquired the status of representing the henchmen around her.

Therefore, people from their side also respect her, who has always been with their leader.

It's not about strength, but the close relationship with Sakayanagi. So, these things are reported to her first.
And her rhetoric is, 'Kamuro-san, I value you very much, so you can do this kind of contact and summarize information.' Then she became the microphone.

But Kamuro-san knew very well that this was simply a sign that Sakayanagi didn't care.

Because the students in the class have jointly borne the price of obtaining the rules and essence of this school from Mashima-sensei.

Each person paid 50,000 points.

It seems quite fair, but it might take away the credit that should belong to Sakayanagi Arisu.

Because as long as she pays, the results are all hers. Instead of being like now, they were divided into two parties.

Kamuro-san didn't actually join her camp on the day she entered school, but later listened to the students of Sakayanagi Institute, telling what happened that day.
She took 10 students directly to the upper grade.

Playing chess as a bet, she made a fortune off the upperclassmen and taught them a hard lesson.

Therefore, Sakayanagi is actually a very decisive and aggressive person.

If I were to describe her, she would probably be...a little Tyrannosaurus Rex.

So what kind of things Katsuragi's sperm are doing now? Kamuro-san feels that her owner doesn't really care at all.

So. Only the information collected by the people studying under their Institute will be passed on to her.

On the one hand, if you don't send it, it is equivalent to passing the blame to the people on your side for not telling her.

Kamuro-san, doesn’t want to get in trouble.

Then. "Kamuro-san, I leave this important job to you."

It became like this. She became Sakayanagi's mouthpiece.

To sum it up, Sakayanagi, you don’t seem to be that concerned about the class struggle and the graduation of Class A.

It's just that she can't say this in front of the other person's face.
And now.

"Totsuka is talking about Hikigaya and you again," Kamuro-san was reporting the news like a sidekick of the bad guy, “....Then it was also mentioned that Katsuragi and the others went to submit applications to join the student council, and met Hikigaya, who was consulting from the president about how the students in his class would be punished if they destroyed the cameras?"

"Oh." Sakayanagi was quite satisfied by this intel. 

"It seems that Hikigaya-kun is causing trouble." She seemed quite calm.

"W-wait a minute, is Hikigaya-kun asking about the punishment for destroying the camera?!" Sakayanagi's voice immediately became very fast, and she said with a panicked look on her face.

"Wait a moment, let me confirm." On the other hand, Kamuro-san remained cool. Then controlled the phone to contact Hashimoto.

But soon.

"That's right, Katsuragi and Totsuka happened to hear it when they were leaving the student council." This news was reported.

But Kamuro then realized that Sakayanagi now looked like a domestic ragdoll cat, and she actually laughed. 'This girl is really unstable.'

"As expected of Hikigaya-kun."

"Fufu....Being on the same campus as him really makes my heart beat faster," Them she said something strange like that, with a small chuckle.

Kamuro-san looked at her in surprise. "You said your heart was
pounding.... Could it be that you really love him...?"

Sakayanagi looked over strangely, with her cheeks puffed out.

"What are you talking about? I have very high values in mate selection!” She immediately started dissing bad things about this unexpected candidate, "....People like Hikigaya-kun are definitely not my type, who don't seek advancement and just want to be raised."

"Besides, my fragile body doesn't allow for any emotions like love."

'Well, let’s listen carefully for now. Because Sakayanagi often goes back on her word.' Kamuro-san thought to herself.


Although Sakayanagi Arisu often goes back on her word, she is really useful.

Her mind is extremely bright. According to her, although there is no way to have a healthy body like ordinary people.

And even though god has closed a door for her, he opened a window instead.

Her intelligence and comprehension ability are far beyond ordinary people.

That is, the legendary genius. No matter what you are learning, she can master it very quickly.

And it’s even simpler when it comes to using her brain. And this kind of thing...Kamuro-san knows.

Because she served her these past few days, and also got more information about Sakayanagi Arisu.
It's like she's only in high school now, but already completed college courses on her own.

It's really too much. But, the topic of love was just mentioned.

Sakayanagi held her cane and then said."...Our lives may be facing challenges in the future."

"And Kamuro-san, your choice to bet on me, may be the most correct decision you have made in your three years on campus." She declared in quite an ominous tone, making people feel scared.

"..." Kamuro-san. “Did you start bragging again?......Ah, yes, yes, you are better than Katsuragi, okay?" She immediately changed her tone, when she saw Sakayanagi's face turned dark. Very scary.
"That's not what I mean, Kamuro-san." But she shook her head, as if finding her sudden change of very interesting, "I mean, a full-scale class war will begin next."
"And we, Class A, will also be involved."

"I'm afraid our classmates want to maintain the advantage they gained in this first month....but this plan will also be terminated."

"So, Katsuragi-kun's so-called solid plan went bankrupt."

But. Kamuro-san stared at her. Her clear eyes were full of confusion.

Sakayanagi had also tested the opponent's IQ and knew that Kamuro-san had strong limbs but not a good brain.

It’s just that she is not good at thinking, but can be good if she takes charge. Kamuro-san can just do the errands.
Rather, when she came to this school, she was a little worried about whether she could adapt to the campus life here because of her physical strength. 'In the end, Kamuro-san was really the best tool god gave me.'

Because she was treating her own tool, so Sakayanagi was very patient.

"This school puts strength first and hopes students will grow in competition on a class-by-class basis. And this is already bad information."

"After the new students enroll, in order to show fairness, each class is given the same starting point. A class evaluation score of 1,000 points."

"Then it is also standard. The first month is the customary code of conduct assessment to check whether the students have the standards to become students of Advanced Nurturing High School."

"Then if there is anything inappropriate carried out. Points will be deducted."

"And this is all known information."
"But what if something goes wrong during the process."
"What happens if something is forced to be announced early this month, which should be done on the 1st of next month?" Sakayanagi held her cane and continued.

"Then the class evaluation scores that ordinary classes don't know will also be exposed by the class confrontation system."
"So it's equivalent to us paying 2 million points to grab the opportunity and test questions, but the questions have now been leaked"

With that said, She picked up her cane, poked the ground, and then continued to explain.

"This is a terrible result. I'm afraid ordinary students in Class A will feel panicked."

"So during lunch break, when I just said that I accidentally released a demon king. It turns out that this demon king is really aggressive."

"The demon king... well, let's call him Hachiman, the demon king!”

Sakayanagi was in such a relaxed mood that she was even able to give Hikigaya-kun a nickname.

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