COTE: A Man On A Mission II Love is War?

Chapter 2

This school provides students with excellent conditions, including free tuition and living expenses.

It also guarantees job packages and 100% admission rate into the University you want.

It sounds like a lie. Of course, it is!

Because students in each grade are divided into four classes ABC and D, but in the end only students who graduate from Class A can receive the awards promoted by the school.
Rest of these unwanted bastards will be arranged to be merged into other schools when they graduate.

This ensures the school's deceitful lies of providing 100% employment standard.

After all, do you think the school's doing a charity?

Stop Dreaming!
These kinds of advanced high schools operate to cultivate talents who can take on important responsibilities in the future and solve various problems of Japan such as low-birth rate and stuff.

Quiet topic.

But the method is very normal,  competition.

Gather various kinds of species together, and then let them kick each other's faces in class confrontation, to gain more knowledge.

The school adopts students recommended by principals of junior high schools across the country, then conducts special inspections and evaluations on these students.

Then divides them into four classes ABCD according to their excellence.

Therefore, although it is about competition, the basic hardware of each class is different from the beginning. Very unfair.

The higher the class ranking, the better the basic quality of these students.
So in the past, when the third grade graduated, most of the students from the original Class A represented the school.

Rarely will there be a move from bottom to top.

Class D, on the other hand, is a place rated as trash... Full of defective products and hopeless waste of semen.

This was the true essence of this lucky school.

And Chabashira had just considered paying the price herself and telling Hikigaya once he asked those questions.

But. She now felt that there was no need to tell the other party.

Whether it is the insight that allows him to pay attention to her huge number of points, or the ability to think rationally without being dazzled by the school's various benefits, and to deeply understand that there is no free lunch.

It all made her feel that as long as Hachiman was given time, he might soon discover the true nature of this school.

It seems that Hiratsuka-san really gave her a treasure.

"Your question involves a relatively high point price, so I have no comment." Result, she again chose to offend him.

But please don't mistake into thinking that Chabashira's deliberately doing it.

"Oh.... Hachiman's luck was really bad today, all his bullets missed the target.

"Don't be so downcast.” It's just when she realised that her old habit of being too poisonous has started to affect this child, she started giving some encouragement,  “Make a deal with me, I can help you get the permission to convert your points into cash in advance."

'Huh? Did I hear it right?' Hachiman then raised his head and looked at this female teacher, his eyes widened in shock.
Although Sae Chabashira looked careless in class, now there was... light in her eyes.
But... Hachiman felt as if... he was being tested if he's worthy of Thor's hammer.

"What does Chabashira-sensei want me to do?" The private account column on Hachiman's student ID card only has 100,000 points.

In terms of purchasing power on campus, one point is equivalent to 1 yen.
But he also feels he may not even receive that pitiful amount next month.
After all...
There are 40 people in one class, 4 classes equals 160 people, so the monthly expenditure is 16 million.
Not just first-year students but there's also upperclassmen.
So, no matter how you look at it, it's a huge sum of money, and the school, which has financial expenses, won't be so tolerant.
And because of this conversation, all kinds of things that Chabashira-sensei could hint without comment were revealed.
The school is not that kind. Not to mention doing charity.
"As a class teacher, I don't know your information very well. If you help me investigate some students, write a file and submit it, I can give you 200,000 yen for each Candidate," Chabashira decided to offer him a new job, "And don't even think about refusing, because there will never be anyone as willing to give money as me."

In other words, this teacher wants to monopolise me. How possessive?!
A student's file is worth 200,000. If there are 40 students, it is 8 million.
Now a student can only get 100,000 by enrolling in school. This treatment looks pretty good.
But Chabashira-sensei said that there would never be someone willing to give so much money again...
'Does this mean that the next time will really be terrible?'


After accepting the mission from Chabashira-sensei, Hachiman returned to the classroom.
After all, he is still just a student.
But when he came back, he found that... the students in the classroom had long been disappeared, leaving only two or three people.
'Really? In other words, have students formed their own small circle?'

But at this moment, the handsome green-blond haired boy sitting at the table near the podium suddenly turned around.

"The students went to get their books and have already returned to the dormitory with them."
"Some people also went to the shopping street to verify whether they can use the points on their student ID cards for shopping."
Oh. That's it. Because when Hachiman went to chase Chabashira, he was taken to the rooftop of the teaching building.
It was already half an hour after he actually came down.

This time was indeed enough for the students to get their books, divide them, and then leave.
Moreover, it is free accommodation and living expenses worth 100,000 yen. Everyone must be very excited, so they naturally went to verify if they can use this money directly.
It's just... 'Isn't this terrible?'

Because it also meant that the students formed their own clique...and he was the only one left behind.

And Hachiman is already burdened with the mission of finding his own friends that Komachi said.
'Has my mission already become more difficult, before it even started?'

Hachiman was now really regretting coming to this school, What's the point of coming here?!

"But....I decided to keep all the books for you and it's great to have you back now." Hirata said, while standing up from his desk.

"My books have already been brought back to the dormitory by others. So, do you want me to help you with this?"

"Also, we have formed a class group. Can you join it? I will bring you in."

"It's very convenient for notifying things and helping each other."

"Well, of course, it doesn't mean that I need to worry about you... It's just that Hikigaya-kun was interrupted when he introduced himself, which made me feel uneasy.... I feel like I can't let it go," This boy named Hirata said so many things, which made Hachiman's mind slightly puzzled.
Eh? What kind of angel is this? He was really surprised.

After just entering this class, it was this handsome boy in front of me, who introduced himself.
At that time, Hachiman's view of the other party was that he must be a nice person, very good at social interactions, so his popularity would definitely increase.

Just a social animal, nothing worth paying attention to.

But now. It seems that Hirata is not just nice, but...he is really a male angel.

"Then, let me add you as a friend now." He even took out his mobile phone and prepared to contact him.
But he was interrupted by the sudden messages on his phone.

It seems that he received invitations from several classmates at the same time.
"Well, wait a moment..." Hirata said quickly, and started replying to these random people.

Hachiman didn't even know the name of a single person, but this boy.....he just

The messages basically consist of the other party asking him what happened and what they should do.

Very trusted. Obviously busy.
And this also caused some changes in Hachiman's evaluation of him.
Because. The other person seems to be not only a male angel, but also a male mother.



After getting his room card from the dormitory administrator, Hachiman opened the room he was assigned to.

304. It wasn't too big, about four by five.

However, the facilities are quite complete. There is a single bed with white sheet on it, proving that it's a brand new and completely clean, so you can stay here with confidence.

There is a computer desk, a swivel chair, an intercom phone on the computer desk, a locker next to it, and even an air conditioner.

Directly opposite the door is the bed, with bathroom and toilet on the right side of the door.

The wall outside is the closet. From the entrance to the bed, there is a small kitchen, enough for housing one or two people.
Very simple, yet perfect.
For students, it is definitely an excellent environment. But for Hachiman, who has no experience staying with others.

What a relief. "Then I'll put down the book on the table.”
"Do you have any plans next, Hikigaya-kun?" Huh?

'Is this boy still talking? And it seems like he is planning to continue acting with me?' But Hachiman knew, this boy was very busy.
"I will probably go to the shopping street to get soap and other stuff. Then maybe explore the school a little bit," Hachiman explained his plans to the other party, no need to be shy.

Hirata already helped me a lot. "After all, I have just enrolled in school, and haven't even visited it yet."
"Is that so..." But he seemed ready to follow, but then shook his head for some reason, "There are some things I can't do with you here."

'This wording's very strange. What things does he want to do with me?!' Even though Hachiman was confused,  Hirata didn't pay much attention and looked down at his phone.

It seemed that students in the class had a dispute with other classes.

As a male mother, Hirata decided to go and have a look. In other words, he has now begun to play the role of glue for the class.

If there is a contradiction or problem, he is like a firefighter who goes to pour the water and rescue people.
Having such students as classmates is reassuring.

However... there are a lot of people in the class whom, Hirata need to worry about... Generally speaking, Hachiman still feel that it is not safe.

Sure enough, it was just like what Chabashira-sensei didn't directly explain.
'I definitely won't get such an exaggerated living allowance next month like I do now?'
So, after Hirata left, Hachiman also put the books he was carrying on the table.

Then he walked around the dormitory to get familiar with the environment
and after that he sat down against the back of the chair.
"Click -" Hachiman clicked on his phone and took a photo.

It's not that he likes this kind of behavior, but he wants to take a photo and send it to his sister Komachi.
Tell her that you have settled down and show off that your living conditions are very good.

[Message not sent].

? ? Hachiman then walked to the balcony and raised his phone.

Then look at his phone's screen again.
[Message not sent].

"Beep!" Hachiman decided to take a walk outside the door.

[Message not sent]
"..." Okay. He got it.

This is what full boarding school means.

Not only are students required to stay isolated for all three years, but they are also cut off from contact with the outside world.

But the functional software in the mobile phone, in addition to the student ID card mentioned by Chabashira-sensei, is also the original software of ANHS that was installed from the beginning.
School forum.
It is under the management of the Student Council.
Hachiman clicked on it and found that he needed to log in with his ID number.
It seems that he was asked to give his real name. However, the content above is a bit confusing.

  [This year's freshmen have entered school, and the store where I work is extremely busy. ] This is suspected to belong to a store clerk.

  [Hey, these days every year are extremely hard. I really want to take a vacation, but I still have a 4-year contract. ] Or the clerk's.
It can be confirmed that the store clerks are not allowed to leave school at will, and they are required to stay here for a certain number of years.

  [Please surf the Internet in a civilized manner. It connects you, me and others. Civility and health depend on everyone. ] And this may be announced by the student council

  [The painting club is recruiting members. Students who pass will be rewarded with points if their works are excellent. ] And this is for senior students.

Looks to be in good condition. And it's also a way to get points.
But, Hachiman scrolled down the forum interface and suddenly stopped.

Because a new post caught his attention.

  [Chess arena, registration fee is 100,000, two wins out of three games, but as long as the challenger wins any one game, he will receive a bonus of 1 million points. ] And this is an ordinary student.
But the title is quite brave.
'One fucking million, what kind of rich woman is this?! Hachiman immediately clicked in.

It was found that the poster also had her real name, Sakayanagi Arisu.

Arisu, well... the name is quite nice.
When he clicked on this post, Hachiman found out that some students have already replied, saying that the other party is too proud and arrogant.

And she's just a new student. 'In other words, can I check this person's class?'
Hachiman then clicked on the information about [Sakayanagi Arisu] with a chess piece as her avatar.

  [ID14520, real name has been verified, identity is first grade Class A, Sakayanagi Arisu]

First grade Class A? In other words, the other party is indeed a new student.
'Are the points that the students in Class A have at the beginning different from those in Class D?' He was really confused.

So, Hachiman decided to start a conversation [Are your initial points also 100,000? ]

But after waiting for 2 minutes, he still didn't get a reply. Only at this time, it seems that someone started to take action.
Start asking about the location of the challenge, preparing to give this freshman who doesn't know the heights of the world a bit of a senior year shock.

But the reply he got was to go to the chess and card club. The venue there is ready for use.
'Meaning the other party has already kicked out the leader of this school's chess club'

'Is this girl so impressive? I also want to join the fun a little bit' Only,  Hachiman continued to obtain more information.

[The free mountain and vegetable set menu at the 5th window of the restaurant seems not that bad] And these are by ordinary students.
After clicking on the post, someone immediately responded.
"Are you sure? The mountain and vegetable set meal at window 9 that I had today was terrible."
"Help me stand in line and I'll go get one too."
"Is there any food there? Help me get one too."

"..." And clicked on the information of the students who responded.

He finds that the other party is from Class D of the second grade, Class C of the third grade, and Class D of the third grade.

A little bit uneasy. Because although free stuff can be taken by anyone.
' it looks like they are fighting for each other' Hachiman was having a bad feeling.
'Because these second- and third-year seniors... are they living such miserable lives?' His mood immediately became conflicted about enrolling in this school for the umpteenth time.

Ten minutes later.
Hachiman quickly read the first two pages of the forum.

Then he analyzed it quietly. It seems that not only students, but also people from the Student Council and shopping malls can log in.
Information can be gathered from here. However, this scattered data is very messy and needs to be sorted out.
When it came to collecting information, Hachiman didn't go directly to the shopping street to check whether the points in everyone's student ID cards could be spent directly as money.
Because there are already people in the class who have done this simple thing.

They went to the shopping street and purchased items directly, the payment using student ID was successful.
And there are no restrictions on whether you spend a large amount of money. You can also directly spend 50,000 points to buy a game console.
This is really great. It's better to say it's a bit bad.
'Because why would you spend 50,000 points directly to buy a game console?'
'Don't you have any sense of crisis?' What if something terrible happened?

Because if these people take a closer look at the forum, they will find that the direct seniors in Class D are eating unpalatable set meals.

'Why are they reduced to eating unpalatable food?' But Hachiman's luck is still good. He found that the students in this class seemed to be incomplete.
When he was invited to join the group by Hirata, the top interface showed only 25 students.

It's better to say that it's only been half a day since school started, and 25 students have already joined, which shows that people who know how to socialize are really awesome.
After getting familiar with the dormitory again, Hachiman was also ready to go shopping.
On the one hand, he knows that the points seem to be high, but judging from the performance of the seniors, it seems that the situation of Class C and Class D will become very bad in the future.
So, maybe I should save money like I thought earlier.
Then Hachiman also have to start doing the tasks assigned by Chabashira-sensei.
He can get a reward of 200,000 for completing her mission, which looks very tempting.

Only. Hachiman stood waiting at the elevator door from above which opened automatically.
He found that there was already a girl in the elevator. The other party has blond hair, moist burgundy pupils, and a smooth face.
The lips were also shiny. She's a pretty cute girl. 

As for this girl, Hachiman has an impression because she was the second person to stand up and introduce herself when Hirata  organized the self-introduction.
And he remembered clearly what she said. Her name is Kushida Kikyo, and she wants to be friends with everyone.
If it's not ambition, then it's because of strong social skills.
"You are..." The other party seemed to think that Hachiman looked familiar.
But what he was thinking about, was that his self-introduction was interrupted.
So, it's normal not to be known.

"You are Hikigaya Hachiman-kun, right?" the other party asked politely.

"Chabashira-sensei came in at that time, so you didn't finish the introduction. But I remember Hikigaya-kun saying that he was from Chiba."
"The scenery there is very beautiful, and many TV dramas are shot there. I got the materials from the seaside Makuhari." This girl named, Kushida seemed very talkative.

Eh! In other words, did the other party remember my incomplete self-introduction?

"Hey, Hikigaya-kun, can you tell me more about Chiba in the future?" Then, Kushida even looked at him with cute, but moist eyes.

This is the first time Hachiman... has been looked at like this by a girl.
Well. 'What's going on? Not only does Class D have mother Hirata, but now there's also a little angel Kushida?' 

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