COTE: A Man On A Mission II Love is War?

Chapter 25

That afternoon, when school was over, Sakura Airi, who had looked haggard and lost in the morning, had an instant change in her mental state.
If Hachiman had to describe it, it would probably be that it suddenly went from wilting to being in full bloom.
And the reason is clear. She had been scowling in the morning, but now she was at ease.
The reason for being haggard is probably because she found her camera missing and searched everywhere, because the things in the photos were all selfies of her, including close-ups of her in a swimsuit.

If someone saw this kind of photo, they would feel ashamed.
At the same time. The photo shows her true face. So.
Whether it is the revelation that she was a graphic model in the past or that she is a very beautiful girl who deliberately disguises her old-fashioned appearance, it will make her feel troubled.

"If it is true that glasses can seal your appearance, then should I buy a pair of flat glasses?" Hachiman wondered out loud,"Maybe my evaluation will also improve?"

Horikita Suzune looked over in confusion.
"What are you talking about all of a sudden?" She asked while her eyebrows raised, "By the way, do you think there is really no problem with this?"

"What do you mean?" Hachiman was confused, 'What the hell happened this time?'
"It's the camera. You asked Kushida-san to return the camera to Sakura-san, and she had no idea you were involved in this matter." Horikita said, while looking at him like he was an idiot for going through so much trouble.

"So, isn't it just that, you did a good thing, but the other party didn't know anything about it?"

Eh? 'In other words, Horikita, you are the kind of person who does good deeds and then informs the other party.'

Meaning, she's very serious person.
There's nothing wrong with that. If you want to gain Horikita's favor, you have to do things in front of her.

Let her see and experience it, and absolutely cannot use any secret care or the like.

Because she is a piece of wood, she won't speculate on you unless you tell her.
And about that. Hachiman now understand a little bit why Kushida worked so hard that day when she was asked to release the rumor, and then even showed her hard work openly in front of Horikita-san.
'Because Kushida already knew what kind of person she was....'
It's a pity that Horikita is too aloof, and Kushida still can't capture her heart.

"This is because Horikita, your thinking is not delicate enough." Hachiman said. "What will happen to Sakura if she finds out that I have seen her photos?"

"..." Suzune. She always felt, that this guy is always thinking something weird. Their wavelengths are quite different.

"She will feel embarrassed, because if someone sees her obscene photos, she may have random thoughts and maybe some romance will start because of this," Hachiman said such wild things, astonishing her once again.

"Will something like this happen?!" Suzune seemed to be hearing this for the first time. It seems incredulous just thinking about it.

Yes. For example, you are usually alone, and then because you entered junior high school, everyone bought a mobile phone, and you also bought one, but no one exchanged numbers with you.

Then a girl with good looks and cheerful personality exchanged numbers with everyone including you. But then after some time, she changed her number.

And then you tried to contact her, but it was the wrong number.
It may seem like a trivial matter, but it may mean different things to different people.

Some people may care about this girl because of this, and then enter their own puberty with a smile on their face, something to brag about.
But if you continue to talk about it, it will probably be a dark history.

Hachiman stopped there.
'Now I understand a little bit why Komachi always wanted me to contact others and gain such creatures as friends....'

'Because if you had a friend, you probably wouldn’t misunderstand a girl’s affection for you so easily.'

And he doesn't want to contact people in this way and leave an impression on the other person's heart.

However, Sakura is actually a graphic idol, which is something Hachiman did not observe.
In other words, in terms of gathering intelligence and information, Hachiman's Camera actually lost to Angel Kushida.

'The opponent is too strong!' Only.
The content that Kushida obtained may not be through observation, but by entering into the other person's heart.....

Therefore, she is extremely aggressive.
From time to time, Kushida likes to break the gap in other people's hearts.


After that heart-breaking girl, returned the camera to Sakura, whose condition improved visibly.
She was probably nervous because she lost her camera, but Kushida-san, a girl who still talked to her, picked it up and returned it back, which really made her feel at ease.

"So, do you think this is okay?" The little angel with short blond hair said to Hachiman. "Aren't you very interested in Sakura-san?"

After school, Horikita was about to leave, but Kushida really wanted to follow her back to the dormitory just as she described.
However, after realizing that she was ignored as usual, Kushida approached Hachiman to talk to him.

It was about returning the camera to Sakura.
"Why is Kushida asking this question too?" Hachiman asked.
"Eh..." Her voice was drawn out. "So Horikita-san has also asked about
it..... Yes, she has that kind of personality..... She believes that hard work will be rewarded, and if you do good things, you should also leave a name."

'It seems that you are very fond of Horikita Suzune.' Understood.
Hachiman feels that this girl cannot learn to be diplomatic, and perhaps should start taking lectures from Kushida-sensei.
Because she is an amazing master of smoothness......'Must be a lucky boyfriend indeed.'
"Horikita used to be alone, and she's still alone now. Moreover, she has been focusing on studying." Hachiman said.

"So, She's probably the type who doesn't hear what's going on outside the window." He was trying to relieve the pressure inside Kushida's heart, knowing how delicate this girl is.

Give her a olive branch.

"So I want to know a little bit about Horikita's past, but she only studies everyday, it's not interesting at all...” he even downgraded the other party.

"Oh." Kushida suddenly became cute. And this is why Hachiman said such things.
This girl has a dark history. He knows about it, along with their homeroom teacher, Chabashira-sensei.

'As long as you know that the classes are divided according to an evaluation system, and then you are excellent in all Kushida-san, you may also be considered a good girl....'

Where's the bomb then? 'It's useless for her to be so nervous.' She can obviously be used for free.

And in order to still have free sex in the future, Hachiman decided to use words that could comfort her.

Tell her that Horikita probably doesn't know about her dark history.
"Sakura is very introverted and a little timid, and it would probably be troublesome for her if the photos in the camera were seen by boys. So I think it's better not to tell her," Hachiman repeated what he said to this straight girl, Horikita earlier.

"That's it, Hikigaya-kun, it's really..." Kushida said in a mysterious tone, and as she spoke, Hachiman found that his left hand was embraced by the girl's soft hands.

'This scene happens again!' Kushida raised her head slightly, looking at him with moist eyes from bottom to top.
"What a nice guy." She said, with a cute smile.

Okay, the good guy card gets one.

Because he knew that Kushida was a bomb, Hachiman didn’t think that she was such an innocent girl.
'Shouldn't it just be said that it was an attack by a girl?' When Kushida did this, even though she knew that she was doing it artificially, he still felt like a little deer bumping onto each other.

Hachiman doesn’t feel like he’s done anything big enough to deserve Kushida’s praise.
When he was observing his classmates, he would also focus part of his gaze on class's little angel.
Kushida mixes well among girls and can fit into any clique no matter where she belongs.
And her popularity among boys is not low. For example, Ike Kanji said that Kushida-san is simply an angel.

However, she never did this to any boy. In other words, Kushida must be attacking him.
Hateful. 'Is this the image he has in Kushida’s mind? Do I need to be attacked like this?!' Hachiman reflected on himself.
"However, Hikigaya-kun has been very close to Hirata-kun recently." She said, while tilting her head slightly, still holding our MC's hand.
This gesture is very cute. Kushida knows how to use her strengths very well.

Hachiman now really understood that she didn't give him the good guy card because he returned Sakura's camera.
But for this. 'Do you want to stop me from contacting Hirata?'

"Horikita wants to be promoted to Class A, and I also think that if I can be promoted to Class A, I can go to the university I want without taking the exam," Hachiman said. "So after being caught by Horikita, I assisted her."
"Then because of a quarrel in the class, Hirata and I met privately, hoping that this kind of thing would not happen again. If something happened, I could inform him in advance and he would handle it." Hachiman answered honestly for the sake of Kushida's dedication.

Even though Hachiman felt like, he was explaining his secret affair with a man to his wife, who found out what outrageous things her husband is doing behind her back.

"Oh." Kushida nodded, happily.

She felt quite relieved, there were rumours of even holding hands, so she just wanted to confirm, if Hikigaya also abandoned her like that straight girl Horikita?

"Yes, Hirata-kun is very concerned about the relationship between classmates." She passed a comment like that.
Hirata and Kushida are of the same type, excellent in all aspects, outgoing in character, and gentle in nature.
Gets along well with almost everyone.
Also do the same work in the
class....maintain the relationship between classmates. Then, they are the same type of people.
"But, if it's a matter of assistance, why don't you come to me?" Kushida became pitiful again.

'Why are you going to see another man?.... When you have a sexy little angel like her as your wife?'

Eh... Hachiman looked at Kushida Kikyo in shock. 'Because your words are very similar to what a jealous wife would say.'
'Are you jealous of Hirata?' Not good!
Hachiman quickly recited the rules silently. 'Creatures like girls are big liars.'

The kindness and tenderness they show may be the same, they have for everyone. So, don’t get it wrong, Hachiman!
But deep down, he can't deny that Kushida-san is really cute.
Even though he knew she was deliberately putting on the cutest look, it still made people shake.


And Kushida probably just put him on a list that is as difficult to conquer as Horikita Suzune, so she came into contact with him.

Then everything is just preliminary work before being conquered by her.
After understanding this, Hikigaya finally felt calm. Then the contact with Sakura ends here.
That's how it should be.


School was over the next afternoon.
Hachiman is asked out by Kushida.

The reason is also very straight forward. She hopes that he can accompany Sakura to the shopping street where the camera was bought and that it can be repaired there.
But she hopes he can ask Horikita-san out with him. Hoping to increase their contact.  

What Horikita-san said before about helping spread rumors and then becoming her friend was a lie.

She was still ignoring her for the past two days, so Kushida wanted to work harder. 'So, has it become like this?'


Hey, hey hey!! The fuck is going on?!

Ayanokoji felt ignored? Author-san, what are you doing?!

He protested against this injustice, even breaking the fourth wall with all his might!!

But Author-san didn't pay any attention to this child's screaming and started typing again honestly.

It's really hard work, you should keep quiet Ayanokoji-kun, there's no need to increase the stress on Author-san any further.

But, what about my harem?!

"Shut this guy up, Author-san!" Hachiman complained, "I'm going on a date with three beautiful girls!"

He was imagining wildly in his mind.

Then, Ayanokoji's screaming was erased by Author-san's powerful keyboard.


Hachiman is going to ask Horikita out, while Kushida is responsible for asking Sakura out.

Hey Hey hey. How is this going?

What a fresh play. Are you a beast?!

However, considering that Sakura’s camera was picked up by himself, Hachiman did not refuse.
After all, Hirata also said that he can get to know his classmates better, and Hachiman also hopes that Sakura won't be afraid of him.

He's not a big bad guy, and don't really want to bully her.


The school only has one electrical appliance store, which is a monopoly business.
However, when Sakayanagi invited him to drink Yangzhi nectar that day, she said that she had arranged for the students in the class to investigate.

Students were not allowed to work in the shopping street in this school, and they were not allowed to open shops.

Yes. In addition to part-time jobs, which are very familiar to high school students, Sakayanagi also mentioned opening a store.

In other words, she has a lot of points on hand, and she can already consider large-scale matters such as opening a store. 'Is she really a rare wealthy woman?'

Of course, it is also possible that you want to concentrate the points of the students in the class to prepare for investment.
If you have a store while you are in school, you will make a profit every month. At the same time, the store can be sold or continued when you graduate.
This is indeed a good deal. And when we do something together, there is a sense of community of interests, which will strengthen the sense of unity and trust.
The students in Class A are really smart. Hachiman then turned his attention to his companions.
It's four o'clock in the afternoon.
The students had finished school, and those who joined clubs were already gone, while those who did not joined clubs went to have their own leisure time.
As for Hachiman's class, except for Hirata who was admitted to the club by the senior classmate at the expense of joining the football club because of his previous information acquisition.

Everyone else is still free.
And Hirata also revealed the true nature of the club.
After joining the club and becoming a regular member, you can receive rewards from the school.
Therefore, 20,000 points are added to his monthly living expenses.
It seems that in order to cultivate students' multi-faceted development, the school has also made some preparations and financial support in this regard.
Therefore, this is a legitimate way to obtain points, but it requires becoming an elite. It is definitely not possible for ordinary people to fish in troubled waters.
So, there are only 2 students who have joined the club. It's Hirata and Sudo, who was chosen to be a regular member of the basketball club because of his excellent motor skills from the beginning.
From a certain perspective, only a few stand out, while others are just trying to catch a fish, or don't want to work hard at all.

It's really like Class D. But Hachiman, who has always been from the
Go- Home club, has nothing to say.

Only. "Um..."
"Hello." In addition to Kushida, who has become familiar, beside her, or slightly behind her, stood a girl with pink fluffy twintails who was a little embarrassed.
She wears flat glasses. The face is smooth and fair.
It should be said that the disguise is really good, Sakura.
From a normal perspective, she is just an introverted and rustic girl with a somewhat low sense of existence.
But the reality is that she is a super beautiful girl who may not lose to Horikita Suzune in terms of appearance.
But this also shows that after seeing the other person's true face, and then looking at this persona, it will make people feel uncontrollably lustful.
Hachiman is doing self-reflection. Only.
"Um, Kushida-san..." Sakura felt a little embarrassed.
Her two little hands were raised and clenched into fists, and the person who could make her talk with peace of mind was Kushida Kikyo, who looked like a little angel to everyone.
"What's wrong? Sakura-san?" Kushida showed a cute expression and fully opened the affinity field.
"Ah, I said I have something to do with Horikita-san and Hikigaya-kun later. But can we act together now?" Kushida said, trying to make the other party feel guilty, "Or do you mind this?"

"Hmm... Gu... No, I don't mind." She just replied weakly.
'In fact, I really do mind it....' But Sakura lowered her head timidly.
In fact, she may still be a social phobic. Wrong. Rather say.
'Hey, hey, Kushida-san, you didn’t say anything to Sakura?

This is to Cut first and then play!'

But thinking about it, if Sakura had been told that he and Horikita would be there, she, who was afraid of strangers, might not have come out.
And Hachiman glanced at the black-haired, fox-eyed girl beside him.

"..." Horikita Suzune. Um.
This fox-eyed girl is standing alone, and she is not idle when she is alone, holding a vocabulary book and reading.

And Hachiman saw a very evil English word - Abandon.
Today's Horikita Suzune is also as cold as ice.

So, the four of them headed to the shopping street together. Then found the only electrical appliance store in the shopping street.

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