COTE: A Man On A Mission II Love is War?

Chapter 28

In this school, only when you graduate from Class A in the third grade, you can get the free entrance exam granted by the school and enter the university you want, or you can get a letter of recommendation from the school to go to the position you want.
The reward was only for one class, but four classes were admitted at the beginning.
So of course there will be class rivalries and class competitions.
"So you want to join forces with other classes?"
After returning from Sakayanagi, Hachiman found Horikita-san.

Um. Although he received help from Yosuke's mother and Kushida for his promotion, and Sakura no longer considered him a bad person, Hachiman would still choose to go with Horikita Suzune when it came to discussions.

Because whether it's Yosuke's mother or Kushida, they will help you when you need it, not that they themselves have the determination to get promoted.
Therefore, Hachiman trusts his deskmate more than them.
After all, Horikita's sister is also very determined to get promoted. She hopes to make her brother, who is the student council president, look good.
So the probability that she will take the initiative to work is very high. 

"Judging from the current situation, the overall strength of our class is very weak, so it is very important to find a helper." Hachiman gave his opinions.
'A helper?' She noticed his strange choice of words.

But Suzune couldn't deny it. In the class evaluation scores announced the day before yesterday.

Obviously the starting point is 1000 points. But the result is this.

 First-grade Class A has 996 points;
 First-grade Class B has 834 points;
 First-grade Class C has 611 points;
 First-grade Class D has 480 points.
Moreover, Class A only deducted 4 points in 6 days, and also obtained the school's rules in advance, making it a very powerful enemy.
If Class D were left to charge alone, this scene would be impossible to imagine.
At the same time, if alliances are possible, then class competition is more like that.
But what lies before us now is the choice of alliance partner.
Hachiman and the others are Class D, and Class A is the target and cannot be chosen.
Then the only choices are Class C or Class B.
"If you choose Class C, since each other's scores are similar, you can try to form a group."
"But I suggest choosing Class B." Hachiman said.
"Have you obtained information about Class B in advance?"
"No." He shook his head, while slightly being amazed that Horikita thinks so highly of him, Hachiman felt flattered, "It's just that the overall standard of Class B will be higher, and our class needs help more than being in a group."
Help. This class is full of scumbags, and needs a big person, so they can latch onto their thighs and reap more benefits like a parasite.

"For example, if there is a written exam, although your grades are good and there may be a few students with good academic ability, but there are too many idiots in this class.... " Hachiman spread his hands helplessly.

"So, don't you feel that there is not enough manpower to teach them? And if we form an alliance with Class B ..... yeah, there are more top students in their class, we can borrow some for guidance."

"..." 'In other words, you want to have sex for free?!' Class D has a lot of bad students.
If you take a written test, it will be really terrible. Since there are so few senior students, there must be a lot of students who fail in exams again and again.

Only. "Why would other students fail? They could have understood it by listening carefully during class." She really thought Hachiman was pulling her leg.

"I have never failed in any exam." Suzune said, proudly. It was really a huge feat in her mind.

"..." Hachiman's expression instantly changed to ╮(╯▽╰)╭.

OK Horikita-san, who has been studying hard, please stop talking.
When he arrived at Horikita's dormitory, he found her schedule posted on the wall.

Among them, 'I have to read 10 hours a day.' It's just that you study hard and get good grades.

Only. However, if a top student like her said these outrageous words to the students in his class, those with poor grades but high self-esteem would definitely not accept it.

'So, I'm afraid even trying to hold a study session will fail..... There are chances of being a riot.'

'Then I will definitely have to seek help from an outside class'. Hachiman was sure he was doing a good thing.

"So, finding a high-quality class and then supporting us is the best plan." He said, taking a lesson from his own book.
"Then..." She thought for a moment.

She was really dumbfounded that there are such people, who exist in this class who could fail in the exams? Suzune couldn't believe it.

"....Do you already have the contact information of the students in Class B?"

"No." Hachiman shook his head. 'How could I know anyone from outside the class?'... He only knows one Sakayanagi Arisu at most.'

And she is still from Class A, which is equivalent to the big boss of the enemy camp.
Now that school has just started, most of the communication between students is still within their own small circles.
But there is one person who is different.
That person had contact with the students in Class A on the second day of school, and must have become involved with the students in Class B by now.
So, another person needs to come on board.


The person Hachiman needs is Kushida Kikyo.
Yosuke's mother is mainly devoted to the students in the class, but Kushida-san has contacts in the class and outside classes.
She can often be seen greeting students from other classes in the common hall on the first floor of the dormitory.
Hachiman also noticed that one of the foreign students who greeted Kushida had a very similar aura to her, but was more popular than Kushida-san, had long pink-blond hair, and was an outgoing girl with a voluptuous figure.

'Although I didn't want to contact Kushida at first, I need her strength now.' So, Hachiman sent her a message that Horikita-san needed you, and she came immediately.

"...." Hachiman. 'This girl is really obsessed with Horikita. I'm afraid she will definitely kick her own butt one day.'

"Hey...hey -"

She probably ran over in a hurry and arrived at the door of Horikita Suzune's dormitory. When Kushida opened the door, she could be seen putting her hands on her knees and breathing.
But her face, which has become slightly rosy due to exercise, is quite cute.

"But." Kushida-san seemed a little surprised in his eyes. "Why is Hikigaya-kun in Horikita-san's dormitory, and why have you already come in?"
Have you... gone in? Right.
Hachiman also felt a little bit of pressure.

Because Kushida sticks to Horikita every day, but she is as cold as ice.

'But Hikigaya-kun....can you go in and out of Horikita Suzune's dormitory like it's an everyday thing?'

Kushida found it weird. 'Are they talking bad things about me?'
It's a bit strange indeed. At the same time, her eyes were on his feet.

Hachiman wore a pair of boy slippers.

'It's just that this is a girl's room, why are these here?'
'In other words, you, Hikigaya Hachiman actually has a very good relationship with Horikita Suzune, right?'

"..." Hachiman.

He slightly regretted letting Kushida come here, but we should have met in his room or somewhere else.
"Horikita had a new idea and invited me over," He tried to explain himself, "And the shoes are the reward."

'Are the shoes his reward?' This statement is very strange, but Kushida can understand it, because Horikita Suzune has a very strange personality.

For example, if she invites you to dinner, she will probably ask you to help her after the first bite.
So it doesn't mean that it's incomprehensible to use shoes as payment now. But Suzune was just listening silently.
The slippers that Hachiman is wearing now were prepared by her. But it doesn't mean anything else.
The shoes were just that she felt that if there were many special exams, and there were cameras everywhere in this school, the only safer places would be dormitories and the like.
It was strange to go to the boy's dormitory. Although she didn't care about other people's eyes, she just didn't want to spread strange scandals, so she might as well let Hikigaya come by himself.
The last time the other party came over, she discovered that he could only take off his shoes and wear socks, which was not a polite gesture.
'So when I went shopping in the supermarket, I bought a pair.... But she didn't explain this kind of simple thing.
Because Suzune really doesn't like dealing with Kushida. So it would be great if Hachiman could deal with her.
And. This boy once broke a camera in class before, but only a few people actually knew the truth.
Therefore, everything Hachiman does is Horikita-san's idea.

She has an idea, Kushida, can you help, and other things that push the blame are easier to understand.
And. Horikita Suzune has been harassed by Kushida, and she probably understands that the other party seems to be eager to have a good relationship with her.

In other words, asking Kushida out in her name is very effective.
Then it was obvious that Hikigaya-kun had mastered this.
"This is water." Since it was her own dormitory, Horikita-san was somewhat prepared.
She filled both Hachiman and Kushida with water, a little salt was also added.
Looks very ordinary. But.
"Thank you." Kushida-san felt a little flattered. Then she took the water glass and looked at Hachiman with slight emotion.
He quickly caught her gaze. 'It's just no, Kushida....She just didn't say anything nice to you. It's Horikita just treating her guests normally.'
Rather, you are actually regarded as a useful person by everyone now.

'As long as you drink her water, she can officially start using you!'
'Look, she is even watching your open mouth.....very creepy.'
"You want to form an alliance with Class B... Well... when you mention that word, it feels like using the bigger person for your own benefit." Kushida-san probably understood what they meant.

Then she said. "But Class B now has someone who can make decisions for the class."
"There are two people, one is Ichinose Honami-san and the other is Kanzaki-kun."
"How should I put it, the students in Class B all trust them” Kushida shared her information, she drank her water after all, "Then they also gained a status similar to that of a leader."
Then that's right. If the class is taking exams against each other, someone needs to lead them.
'Like Class D, well... let's not mention this one....'
Hachiman didn't think that a strong man would emerge from the scattered sand. Rather, it would be amazing to be able to work as hard as Yosuke's mother to stick them together.

"Do you have any other information about them?" Hachiman asked.
It has been determined that the joint target is Class B. It is very useful to obtain so much information about the other party.
"I don't have Kanzaki-kun's photo, but Ichinose-san's photo is on my phone." Kushida-san probably got Horikita Suzune's water and thought the relationship was +1.

So she started working hard.

But when she wanted to click on the photo, she accidentally clicked on the chat software.

Then react quickly. "Ah, don't look at it. Hikigaya-kun!" Kushida said in a loud voice, slightly panicked.

Hachiman quickly turned his head, but still found it. Her chat software is amazing.
There are actually 67 groups.
Moreover, some groups have five girls, but she actually created 6 groups.
In other words, the relationship between girls is very complicated.
There are people we have to interact with, but there are also people we hate together.
The same dormitory can be divided into several groups. It's still different overtly and covertly.
Although she pressed the wrong button, Kushida quickly found the album and then the photo.

However, being able to show her mobile phone on the table means that she is very clean.

She has not downloaded anything strange on her mobile phone, and some information can also be seen by others.

Click on the photo. She is a quite beautiful girl.
The other party has beautiful long golden-pink (strawberry-blonde) hair, and also has moving facial features. Her skin is white and delicate, and her waist is slender.
Also in great shape.
She has a very good appearance, and the photos taken with a smile on her face make her look quite friendly.

"This person is..." Hachiman murmured.
"Is this Class B...?" Suzune also whispered in a low voice.
"No, it's probably G." But the boy inside her room, replied before she could, very busy scanning those things with his rotten eyes.

Suzune didn't know what this meant for a moment. Because there is no G class in the school.
"..." Hachiman. "Well, I just made a mistake. Is this Honami Ichinose from Class B?"
Then he glanced at Kushida-san. She didn't show any strange behavior and kept the same expression as before, which meant that she didn't hear anything.

Horikita's emotional intelligence is not enough, but Kushida is different, otherwise his words would be regarded as an annoying boy whose mind is full of pornographic waste.

In fact, you can't blame him.
Because the photo that she showed was a photo of Ichinose in her casual clothes.

Very flattering. It's just that she probably had a good personal relationship with Ichinose, and that's why she had this kind of photo.

"Does Hikigaya-kun know Ichinose-san?" Kushida asked.
"Well, because we live in the same building, we can see each other occasionally." Hachiman said. "She is always surrounded by friends."

"Yes, Ichinose-san is very popular. There are many boys who like her," Kushida said, some unnecessary things.
Oh. 'So why did you tell me this information?' It's not like I like Ichinose' Hachiman was just shocked by the other party's photo.
She looks quite beautiful, but don't underestimate his straight daughter. If Horikita Suzune beside him is really ranked among beautiful girls, she will not lose to Ichinose.
"And it seems that there are girls who like Ichinose!" But Kushida didn't stop rambling, and broke another big news.
"Her academic performance is very good, and she seems to be the first in the entrance written examination."

"And, she is very popular, and the students in the class trust her. However, there seems to be no tension in her class atmosphere,” She continued to provide confidence.

"Everyone is enjoying campus life. About two-thirds of the students in their class have participated in various clubs."
Is the atmosphere a sunny one?
Then join the club and enjoy life?

This means that Class B has not yet fully entered the state of class competition.
Then there is room for smooth control.
Hachiman feels that forming an alliance with Class B is no longer difficult. 'Just grab those juicy thighs!'


The next morning, it was the weekend and there was no need to go to the classroom, but Hachiman walked directly to the public hall on the first floor.

And there, there was already a cute girl with short blond hair waiting.
She was sitting on a chair to the side and looking at her phone.
Probably hearing the footsteps, she raised her head and noticed Hachiman's arrival. Then she put the phone away even though she was looking at it intently, then stood up from the chair and walked towards Hachiman.

Kushida-san is very popular, she looks very cute, like a little angel, but Hachiman feels that some of her actions can give her extra points, "Then let's go"
"Hehe... just why are we going to the Student union and Horikita-san is not?" Hachiman has decided to form an alliance with Class B.
Then what we need to do is to make an appointment with the representatives of Class B, interview them, and sign a contract.

But it's a lower class after all, so it's okay to prepare a little.
The negotiation materials prepared by Hachiman are the roster of the whole grade, or the basic information of the students of the whole grade.
'If I want to be promoted, I must first collect information about my enemies.....'
Class B, on the other hand, has not yet realized this under the introduction of Kushida-san.
So it can be used just right. Think of it as a bargaining chip.
"Horikita doesn't think it's necessary for so many people to go together”
"I see." Kushida nodded, her head in mutual accord, "So Hikigaya-kun is very keen to be promoted to Class A."
"Because this is a bug-like opportunity. Generally speaking, my academic performance is not very good, so it is difficult to easily get into the university I want but if you can be promoted to Class A and get admission to the school without taking the exam, then it is equivalent to taking a shortcut." Hachiman said, knowing how stupid this girl really is, so easy to fool.

I see. Hikigaya-kun is doing it for himself. Kushida didn't doubt anything else.

Kamuro-san from Class A contacted her last night and asked about the relationship status of the girls around Hikigaya-kun. She asked a lot if there was any sign of love with anyone.
This move feels a bit strange.
This surprised even Kushida. But she still gave some thoughts. 'Was Kamuro-san thinking that Hikigaya-kun's luck would come?'

Already have a girl he likes? Is it Horikita Suzune? But looking at it now, it's not.

Hikigaya and Horikita both have the same goal, and their relationship is more like a cooperative one.

It's almost impossible to imagine what it would be like for someone like Horikita Suzune, who had a hard time making friends, to fall in love.
'And Hikigaya-kun, hmm...?
Kushida thinks that Kamuro-san doesn't need to worry, because there are very few girls who might like this boy.
Because he might look very handsome if he could cover up his dead eyes.
But he didn't. And what girls care about most is appearance.


"Excuse me."
The two came to the door of the Student council.

Today is the weekend, but there is only one person on duty in the student union. He has short blond hair, long hands and feet, and is probably very good at sports.
Then there was also a slutty sign of Vice President Nagumo on his desk.
You must know that there are no reminder signs on the desks of other miscellaneous items, accountants, and student council presidents.

But. This is also useful, because whenever he comes to the student council, he will be noticed.
However, only Vice President Nagumo is in the office today.
"Are you a new student? What are your needs?" Vice President Nagumo looked businesslike.
"That's right, we want to print a roster for the whole grade." Hachiman said.

"Oh?" In fact, Nagumo has a very strong memory. When he was sitting here, he paid attention to the new students who arrived.

Among them, the boy happened to be the one, who came to the student council last time to consult on how he would be punished for destroying the camera.
As a result, the other party came again today.
Then he also brought along a pretty cute elementary school girl.
But, Nagumo didn't pay attention to Hachiman at first, thinking that the other party might have done something wrong again.

But now, he's a little more interested.
"Why are you thinking of printing the roster of the whole grade?" Nagumo asked, with a smiling face.
"I am very unfamiliar with the students from the foreign class. I hope I can get some information about them first because there is someone I want to make friends with." Hachiman said, with a straight mouth.

"..." Nagumo. That's okay. 'This is really embarrassing.'
'If you want to make friends with others, then you should take the initiative to contact them.... but he actually came here to get information?'

He thought the other party was really pitiful.
"Printing the roster requires 100,000 points." Nagumo said. Then he took out a QR code trademark.
"You can print after paying the points." He said, with a bitter look. Even though he felt bad, but won't decrease the price.

"So expensive!" Kushida-san was shocked.

But Nagumo-senpai smiled slightly, "Although you can buy everything in this school, the prices of many things are also very high."

Probably because he was facing a super cute elementary school girl, Vice President Nagumo's expression became much gentler. “But since you want to print. I'll help you pay 20,000." He said, trying to score some points.

"Is it really okay?" Kushida seemed a little surprised. "This is not a small amount of money."
"Yes. After all, for us seniors, the richness of points is different from yours." Vice President Nagumo said richly.

"Then thank you Nagumo-senpai." Hachiman thought they were going off topic, so he decided to bring his nose, "Can I print now? I paid 80,000 points."

"..." Nagumo. 'Why are you talking now? Didn't you see I was trying to impress a cute junior?'

But, he does have points in his hand, and removing tens of thousands of yen won't make him feel bad.

It's almost meal time, and he is ready to eat. 'So if this can be used as an excuse to get to know the freshmen girls, it's not bad....'

He is currently the Vice President of the Student Council and will take over once President Horikita steps down.
Then he can complete one of his fantasies.
He wants to form a student council that is all girls, so cute girls can join.
The school girl just now is quite cute, so I can leave a good impression at first.
But. While giving the computer the printing command, Nagumo raised his head.
"By the way, do you still have so many points left?" He has confirmed that Hachiman has really spent 80,000 personal points.

But you must know that the admission points for new students are all unified at 100,000, so Hikigaya Hachiman has already enrolled for a week, and there is still so much left, and doesn't it hurt to spend it like this?

"Sometimes students from Class A will treat me to dinner!" Hachiman said, his face looked quite happy, "So you can save a lot of money."

Right. 'So your class is being infiltrated....Was he being taken care of by a student from Class A? Or... become their tool boy instead?'

Nagumo was even less interested.


What Hachiman got was two rosters, one was printed, and the other two were photocopied.
According to Hachiman's words, keep two more copies as backup.
Since he had already collected money for printing, Nagumo did not continue to collect money for copying.
So, Hachiman and Kushida-san left the student council.

Then he went to the cafe where Kushida, Ichinose and Kanzaki had agreed to meet.
But on the road. "Why did you ask to make two more copies, Hikigaya-kun?" Kushida asked, slightly confused.

"We can keep one the real one for ourselves," Hachiman said. "One copy can be used as a bargaining chip with Ichinose and the others."

"Then, the other copy can be sold to the students of Class A for 80,000."

"If they also come to print, they will charge 100,000. points, so we have a ready-made list, plus it only costs 80,000 points, so the probability of selling it is very high."

"And as long as the students of Class A buy it, the points paid will be returned." This boy said, such horrible things, but Hachiman was actually in a good mood now.

"..." Kushida. Good guy. 'As expected of you. He was actually having sex for free!'
No wonder the payment of points was so direct. It turned out that it had been planned for a long time to let students from Class A take over.
Kushida's mind was still stuck on what Hachiman said that sometimes students from Class A would treat him to dinner, so he could accumulate points.
As for the students in Class A, Kushida also knew that the other party only knew Kamuro-san and Arisu Sakayanagi from Class A.

'Then I thought about the relationship between Kamuro-san's message last night and Hikigaya-kun's romantic luck.....'
So, she was wondering if it was Kamuro from Class A. 'No, it should be her owner, Sakayanagi-san....'

'Hikigaya-kun... was being taken care of? The idea is astonishing?!' Is this the result?
Did he want to let Sakayanagi Arisu take over from the beginning?


The school is quite big.

About ten minutes later, the two of them arrived at the meeting place.
Kato Cafe. Among them, Horikita was already waiting there.

She is still as cold as ice, but it is undeniable that she is quite good-looking.

Just sitting there, you can see people passing by looking in her direction.
At the same time, you can also notice that while she is looking at the vocabulary book, she is holding a folder.
"Horikita-san." Kushida greeted her immediately like a follower.

"..." Suzune. She did not respond.
Obviously, Kushida-san has hit a wall again with this girl named, Horikita Suzune. She simply doubted life at this point.

Obviously, she entered the other party's dormitory last night, shared information, and then invited Ichinose and Kanzaki out, and went to the student council with Hikigaya to print out the roster.

Logically speaking, that means she helped a lot. 'But now, Horikita Suzune doesn't like me anymore.'

'Sure enough, if I'm useful, it's Kushida-san, but if my value is gone, it's "..." and ignores people?'

'Just discard me like a used toilet paper?' She felt like crying.  

This scene was a little awkward, but Kushida, Horikita, and Hachiman were all used to it.
So all three of them sat down.
Kanzaki and Ichinose, who were scheduled to meet, hadn't arrived yet, so they had to wait.
Didn't have to wait long.
"Kushida-san--" Hachiman and the others were sitting here, and then they heard someone calling Kushida's name.
"Ichinose-san~" Kushida Kikyo also stood up all of a sudden. She folded her hands and looked happy.

Hachiman and Horikita looked over and saw a man and a woman walking in from the door of the coffee shop.

The man has slightly curly purple hair and is very handsome.
At the same time, his legs and arms are very strong, so I guess he's very good at sports.

Although Kushida has no photos of the other party, this boy must be Kanzaki Ryuji.
And female. 'I saw her photos yesterday, Honami Ichinose.'
It's just that she's more beautiful in person than in the photo.
This is a girl with long strawberry-blonde hair and a very voluptuous figure.

She has a lively personality and is very good-looking, also very outgoing.

Can be seen surrounded by her friends several times.
And Hachiman also gave some high praise for her appearance.

But don't underestimate his straight daughter, Horikita-san, she won't lose to this girl in her looks.

Although, in terms of popularity...

She is probably not as good as her.

"..." Suzune said nothing. Um. She continued to be aloof.
But now. They have arrived.
"I am Hikigaya Hachiman from Class D. And this one is Horikita. As for Kushida..." Hachiman stood up and introduced his free workers.

"As for Kushida... well, you must be familiar with her... that's w-why Ichinose came here, right?" Hachiman said, while looking over at the smiling girl beside him.

He slightly felt a little unsure. So, he looked at Kushida-san to confirm his statement.

"..." Kushida-san. She looked at Ichinose with a nervous look.

"He~he.... y-yeah of course I know Kushida-san! Hello!" Ichinose felt pressured, she said with slight embarrassment, finding this situation a little funny.

"I am Kanzaki Ryuji from Class B, first grade."
"Ichinose Honami." They also introduced themselves.
So, everyone sat down at the table. Kushida felt relieved, she didn't want to make a fool of herself like this.

Hikigaya-kun, please don't do such scary things!

Kanzaki-san didn't seem to be that outgoing person, so he kept quiet after sitting down.
And Honami Ichinose is more like the one in charge of the two.
"So, Hikigaya-kun and Horikita-san, you want to form an alliance with our class, right?" Ichinose asked politely.
"That's pretty much what it means." Hachiman nodded. "We are students in Class D, and you are students in Class B. Everyone has heard about the rules of this school from the class teacher."
"Only students who graduate from Class A can receive the rewards promoted by the school." Hachiman said, trying to build a good atmosphere.

To be honest he looks like Albus Dumbledore, trying to fool the enemy into thinking that everything he'd done is for the greater good and he is still a good person.

Hachiman, really thought he was doing these troublesome things for his own greater good.
"Hmm..." X2
Neither of the two bosses of Class B seemed to have a strong statement.

They doesn't seem to be interested in Class A.

"It is true that there are some students in every class who study well, but after being promoted to Class A, the whole class can get rewards. I think this is a good thing. Everyone works hard together, fights together, and then wins together!" Then Hachiman created lies out of nowhere, and said with such an innocent face, making the other party think, that he really believed every single thing he just said.

But both Kushida and Horikita didn't believe such nonsense, Hachiman just spat. They know this guy very well.

But both of them didn't show it on their faces, as they are also on a mission to fool this leader of Class B.

Grab their thighs, and join the free ride. So, I need to work hard!

"Is that so..." However, Ichinose-san began to think about it. Unaware of the emotional turmoil of the other party.

"It seems pretty good." Kanzaki-kun also started to react.
Is that so? Both of them are the companion type. Hachiman knew they were just social animals, so why don't they take advantage of these beasts?!

"Then I will say it." Kanzaki, who was relatively introverted just now, began to express his opinion, "Everyone's goal is Class A. This is true, but judging from the published class evaluation scores, our Class B cannot compare to Class A, but your Class D is....well, I don't want to offend you, so I won't say it."

"So, what good will it do to us to form an alliance with you, and can your class really climb up?" Kanzaki said, he wasn't that easy to be fooled. He had met many politicians before in his childhood.

But he just ridiculed Class D, very impolite.
Similarly to, we are the upper class, you are the lower class, we are the advantage, and you are the garbage dump.

So, why should we bring someone who'll only hold us back?
"Most of us in Class D are poor at studying. If we take the normal written test and take the college entrance examination, we will definitely have no chance, so we don't want to let go of this opportunity to be promoted to Class A without exams and tuition." Hachiman said, now even revealing everyone's dreams.

"My Japanese is very good, but I can't say the same for English and Physics, so I also want to take this shortcut in life." There's not a single lie in the statement he just said.

Hachiman really wanted to take this shortcut to scam tens of millions of yen, out of his homeroom teacher, Chabashira-sensei.
"Oh. That's it." But Kanzaki said lightly, "I see your determination, but I don't see the essence."

These words were already a bit cruel.
Kushida-san, who was accompanying him on the side, had already felt the gap between the classes, or rather, the feeling of being looked down upon by others in the lower class.
In fact, it can be found from Sudo that upperclassmen sometimes ridicule younger students. Especially the students in Class D.

But there is no denying that the overall hardware configuration of students in Class D is inferior to other classes.
The climb up is very difficult.
"Really?" Horikita Suzune, who had been silent all this time, spoke up. "You want substance. If you reject us, our students in Class D will probably join forces with the students in Class C."

"And everyone wants to go to Class A and climb up."

"When Class D climbs up, they climb up to Class C first, and when Class C climbs up, they'll drive Class B down."

"Do you think this kind of thing is acceptable?" Horikita Suzune said, she didn't like being looked down upon.

She's here to fool the other party, not being ridiculed like this. Horikita-san is still capable.
Hachiman commented in his mind.
But it's probably not enough. Because.
Ichinose knocked on the table lightly, "Can I say something?"
"Okay." Horikita Suzune said seriously.
"Although I don't mean to look down on everyone in Class D, it's just that your class is with the lowest evaluation.

How can you attack us? If you can't help, then forming an alliance will not do us any good!" Ichinose said, with a serious face, looking from above.

Looks like this Ichinose Honami is not as stupid as Archangel Ichinose, from Author-san's first fic.

Hachiman decided to complain to Author-san later, for providing him wrong information about the other party. He didn't like doing troublesome things.


"...There are many students in Class D who are very poor, but that doesn't mean that all of them are bad!" Horikita stood up suddenly, even smashed her hand on the table.

She said with an angry face, Horikita didn't really like this big chested girl, who thinks she's also an idiot like those people who can even fail in written exams.
But such an explanation seems feeble.

Kanzaki, on the other hand, remained calm.

"This month's code of conduct exam is not over yet." But at this time, Hachiman opened his mouth, "So there is a chance that first-grade class B will become class D."

"And if you fall, how can you still say that about us?" He now directly threatened the other party, knowing his daughter is quite irritated and about to lose her temper.

??? X4 Almost instantly, four eyes paid attention.

On one side were Hachiman's free workers, Horikita-san and Kushida-san, and on the other side were the two representatives of Class B, whom they were trying to fool.

But things weren't going that well.

"Hikigaya-kun, what do you mean?" Kanzaki asked immediately. "Are you threatening us?"

Horikita-san on the other side started to pay serious attention, knowing how crazy her father is!
Previously, in order to break the situation, Hachiman directly destroyed the camera and exposed the class evaluation scores.
So, does he have any new insights now? A new insight indeed.
"Because the points in my class were deducted, the evaluation scores of the four classes were exposed, and the teachers also told us the school's rules in advance."

"And our Class D is indeed very bad. In 6 days, my class was deducted more than 500 points."

"But the gap between your Class B and Class A is also fully exposed. They deducted 4 points in 6 days, but you deducted more than 100 points."
"But after all, everyone knows the rules, so they are restrained, so the deduction of big points can be prevented."

"However, the code of the conduct exam is not over. So, if at this time, Class A hires us or hires Class C to cause your class to deduct points, what will be the result?" Hachiman revealed his evil thoughts about dragging the other party in the mud.

What will be the result? Rather say.
What a terrifying conjecture!

What we know now is that everyone's basic score is 1000 points, and then the behavioral standard test in the first month of enrollment will widen the distance between them.
There will be special exams every month after that.
But what was the score of the exam at that time? There must be no 1,000 points left.

After all, the school pays students living expenses based on the class evaluation score
So, the next special exam will definitely not have such a high score.
It can also be confirmed from the class evaluation scores of the senior students.

They have experienced so many special examinations in school, and their scores are not worth tens of thousands of class evaluation scores.
Therefore, there is a high probability that the next special examination will be scored as small as 100 points or 200 points.

Therefore, once the distance is too far at the beginning, the scores in the next exam will be low, and it will be difficult to catch up with the distance.
Then Class B will only be further away from Class A.
It doesn't matter if it's a long distance, but if you are dropped in the first month and become a C or D class... this scenario is scary to think about.
Morale was devastated and humiliated.
That is to say. What Class B needs now is... in order to prevent being attacked by Class A and falling, does it have to form an alliance with the students of Class D?

So, it's like a pressure match. The pressure came to Class B in an instant.
Class B needs to form an alliance to ensure that their class will not be attacked by black means this month.

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