COTE: A Man On A Mission II Love is War?

Chapter 42

Karuizawa is pitiful. What she had been hiding was an injury to her abdomen.
Between the fair skin, there is an extremely long scar that looks like it was cut with a sharp knife, very ugly.

But let everyone know that this injury... once endangered her life.  This is what she said about almost dying for resisting.

And if this injury is exposed, she will definitely be questioned, and it will remind her of the past when she was bullied.


The entrance to Horikita Suzune's dormitory.

"Suddenly I felt..." Hachiman was lost inside his memories after hearing what Karuizawa went through, "The junior high school I went to was pretty good.”

It was also confirmed that she was indeed injured. And it's the kind of fatal injury.

If Karuizawa could still go out to go to high school after experiencing years of misery and even life-threatening despair, it means her heart was already strong enough.

But now, at this school where she thought she would be saved, it was discovered again. This weakness, to her, is a feeling of despair and helplessness.

So now, Karuizawa is sorting out her mood.

Then Hachiman very timidly asked the landowner, Horikita Suzune about  obtaining the temporary right to use the shower inside her dorm room.

When Suzune realised what might have happened, her face looked quite cold and mysterious. To be honest, Hachiman never saw that kind of expression on her face before.

She looked quite scary, even more so when she molested Kushida at 'Happy Dove' cafe in front of everyone.

It was similar to looking at trash, but he still didn't waver and fought for Karuizawa because he knew this girl was quite perverted herself so there shouldn't be much problem, right?

After all, this is a girl's dormitory now, and Karuizawa was suddenly wet after he splashed Horikita's water on her. It would be very bad if others found out.

In this way. Karuizawa ended up taking a shower in Horikita's room.


Both the native of this room and Hachiman stood at the door of the dormitory.
"...Junior high school?" Horikita was quite surprised by this question, but she didn't give it much thought and started talking about her lonely life, “I did't have many friends because I was busy studying most of the time."

“But I seem to have heard that a big event happened in junior high school.
It seems that one class and their class teacher went on strike for a month, ” She described this kind of huge scandal with such a straight mouth like it has nothing to do with her.

Suzune even thought it was quite troublesome, so she even started going home early instead of spending her time at the library like usual.

"..." Hachiman. Ok Horikita-san, please don’t say such horrible things outside.

Because do you know what you are talking about might be Kushida’s dark history?
Hachiman already knew, that Hirata's past was troublesome, and he also thought of various possibilities about Kushida, such as being a prostitute and other rude things.

And Horikita-san, don’t you understand a little bit now? This is a girl's dormitory, and Kushida-san lives right next door to you?

Or are you deliberately trying to cause unnecessary trouble?

Don't tell me this girl is still holding a grudge against Kushida?!

How horrible! Are you still not satisfied? Do you really want to cross the sacred line with her?! Hachiman was thinking very rude things, about the person standing beside him.

Even if she does, you cannot say such terrible words casually. Otherwise, Kushida's bomb will explode!

So, Hachiman immediately stopped this situation from getting worse.

What if Kushida was eavesdropping from inside her room? It'll really be terrible, for his goal of scamming Chabashira-sensei.


"How do you spell the English word "give up"? Hachiman asked while looking straight at her forehead.

"..." Suzune. "Are you testing me on purpose?.... You're serious?” She sighed heavily, as if getting tired from this whole day.

“Abandon” To be honest, she just wanted to enter her room, then bury her face inside her very soft and comfy futon. Just end this troublesome day already.

"Is there any other word?" Hachiman decided to make sure, that she would stop talking.

“Give up.” Very good. No wonder she's always burying her nose inside that vocabulary book.
That’s it, Horikita-san, now please don’t talk about anything related to your junior high school.

20 minutes later.
After taking a shower and changing clothes, Karuizawa also blow-dried her hair.

Of course, there was no change of clothes for her here, so she borrowed Suzune's....

According to the owner, she just needs to clean it thoroughly and return it to her.
In other words, if a girl borrows something from her, Horikita Suzune will also borrow it from them.

"Then Horikita, please continue waiting here." Instead of thanking her, Hachiman still left her standing outside in the cold breeze.

"..." Suzune. 'So, did they really reached adulthood? But, Hikigaya-kun said it was some kind of therapy'

Even though she's a person with very low emotional intelligence, she still knows about this kind of extra curricular activities. It's just she had no interest in useless things like love, so just study honestly.

'But why my room?'  It was obviously her own room, but Suzune was being kicked out. 'Can't I see what's going on?'

She wouldn't tell anyone about this, if it was really that much of a serious topic. Only, she thought it was just a repeat of being kept in the dark like Sudo-kun's case. So, she kept a long face.
But there is no way around this.
Although Karuizawa's past was told to Hirata, it was to seek help.
It was just that Hirata decided to abandon his job, and handed it over to Hachiman, who used his own observations and then induced Karuizawa to speak out.

But this kind of past, just like she is worried about, cannot be told to others casually. Especially, his neighbour Horikita who just snitched on her best friend, Kushida-san.

Revealed her dark secrets, like it was just a casual talk. So, he could only let her wait outside the door.
With that, Hachiman walked into the house. Karuizawa had already finished taking a shower, with a little mist.

It smells so good.

She is obviously using the same type of shower gel as Horikita, because Hachiman was her deskmate, he couldn't help but notice these little things.

But it makes people feel more fragrant. Besides, this is also the first time Hachiman has seen a girl's state after bathing.

Sure enough, Kushida’s fake stimulation was of no use at all.

Hachiman felt himself shaken. But he quickly tried to calm his heart down.
Because he found that Karuizawa was sitting obediently after taking a bath, but her eyes seemed a little uneasy.
Yes, she's a little scared, because all her secrets have been leaked to another boy, who has been rumoured to be a lolicon.

"...." Hachiman.

"If you feel uneasy, then I can exchange one of my secrets." He immediately wanted to change the other party's mind.

"There's no need for this." But Karuizawa's requirements didn't seem to be high. "...Can you promise to protect me?"

"Since Hirata-kun has told you my secret...then that means you have gained his trust," Karuizawa then looked towards him with hopeful eyes, not with that contempt looks she usually gives him in the cafeteria, "It means you have power, so can you protect me?"

Oh. That's it. You're so realistic, immediately asked for his help. No wonder she thought Hirata was the same as him. Just throw the responsibility to other people.

Very good traits indeed. Grass!
However, it's great that she's willing to cooperate. It would be better to say that she initially sought help from Hirata for protection.

And Karuizawa has become very timid, and even her strong appearance now is just a disguise in order to protect herself.

"My goal is to lead Class C to Class A, and you also know the situation of the simps in our class, so when I aim for Class A, I need to control them when necessary."

“I already have Hirata, Kushida and the girl whose room you've been invading for a while...So, if you are willing to assist, then I will do my best to protect you in all aspects." In fact, the word protection cannot be said casually.

But since the other person wants his help, he can obviously ask her support in return, right? There's no need to sell yourself for free. Hachiman values himself very much.

Generally speaking, it needs to be said by those who have the strength, and at the same time, by those who value it.

But just now, Hachiman really wanted to say that. Probably sympathy.
Karuizawa's experience was very bad, and if he put himself in her shoes, his life would probably not be better than hers, and it might even be worse.

So. That's why Hachiman said that his junior high school was pretty good. As for these problems children who were discarded into Class D.....yeah, their junior high schools were all outrageous!

It no longer feels like just the so-called 80, but more like a crime.

But. If he was in an environment like Karuizawa and encountered 80, then he would probably do something.
For example. There can be several treatment options. Like, if Karuizawa was bullied in the past, he could use violence to deal with it.

Similar to Hirata's. But unfortunately, she probably isn't very good at fighting.

It's just that it doesn't mean that if you can't use violence, there will be no other options.
For example. She was obviously being bullied, but the school turned a blind eye to her matter, and her parents just told her to swallow her anger.

Even her friends would abandon her because they were afraid of being bullied together. Karuizawa became isolated and helpless, so she endured it.

This situation is terrible. And if it was Hachiman, he would probably adopt another plan.

If the world abandons you, then just becomes the god of the new world.
The simplest thing is to record their crimes and send them to their parents. It will be more interesting if the other party pretends to be a good girl at home.
If even their family doesn't give a titty fuck about this, you can find someone to send them spam text messages, or go to their door and throw shit.

In other words, if these people made you collapse, then destroy them too.
Ordinary people are prone to commit crimes at the instigation of others, but they are also easily bullied into not daring to fight back.
Because they don't want to lose their peaceful and stable life. Even bullies have something to be afraid of, as long as you can find it.

Therefore, if your own world is destroyed, then destroy their life too.

No need to hesitate. A little bit of an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.
But these things are all hindsight. For Karuizawa, the current school that has nothing to do with her past is her salvation.

Otherwise, she would not use the strong appearance of the current hot girl to disguise herself, like an external skeleton. Pretty hard but very soft inside.

"Protect...?" The person in question seemed to have not recovered yet.
Because. To her, the word protection must be very far away. Otherwise, there would be no near-life-threatening injuries.

That was her own fight, and she resisted, but the price was too high.

"The students in this school are selected through screening," Hachiman used a very calm tone while responding, knowing this girl is very fragile inside. “It's like a new beginning. And you also want to start a new life in this place....So, this is a win-win solution. I will keep your secret. But”

He deliberately paused here, and looked at Karuizawa with a serious face, “In return, I also need your help." Indeed, it's no joke, Hachiman needed to convince her on this matter.

"....” Karuizawa, she seemed to think for a moment.
"So...then. Are you sure you can help me in dealing with Manabe's problem?" She asked hesitantly, if he can handle this matter, Kei will do her best to help him.

Manabe? She didn't even use the honorifics? Is that how much you hate that girl?!

But in other words, you have decided to choose his side. So, can this day still be saved from being completely turned into a mess?

"I will handle Manabe's problem. The student council has given me a spot. Although it's only a disciplinary committee member, I can give it to you.” Hachiman opened the main issue that has been bugging him for a while.

There's no reason for Karuizawa to decline this request, since it only helps her in the long term to solidify her higher status further in the class,

"The Student council of this school has very high authority. As long as you show that you are a member, that loud mouth will give in." That's it, now what'll this girl do?

In other words, it meant inviting her to join the student council. Although the disciplinary committee had no authority, having a name was enough to protect her.

"I understand." Then, Karuizawa looked at him with her slightly gaining colour, no longer empty and full of darkness like before, "...but don't reveal my secret."

"Of course." Hachiman immediately agreed with her request, he didn't want to get in unnecessary trouble either, "It would be better to say that even mentioning this kind of past would be uncomfortable. I'm sorry for splashing water on you before." Now, that she has accepted his fishing job, you should apologise for your  rude behaviour earlier.

Score some good points in the other party's heart. But in reality, Hachiman didn't want her to think that he was a lolita control.

“...” Karuizawa. Since you know that splashing water on me is too much, then don't do it, you idiot?! Even though she wanted to complain, Kei restrained herself.

Besides it was the first time, that she has been found speechless so many times. No way to respond, it was a new experience.

Also, she's also not stupid. Karuizawa quickly realized Hikigaya was testing her by doing this?

"In other words, Hirata-kun didn't tell you my secret?" Karuizawa narrowed her eyes at him, with a suspicious look on her face. Was she fooled by the other party this whole time?!

"Based on speculation," Hachiman sighed, there's no need to hide it any longer, “There's something wrong with your expression when you faced Rika. It doesn't match your image as a leader of hot girls.
And when both of them come together as a team, as a person with higher status you should have ridiculed them...

"Instead of..." He paused for a moment, as if remembering what this girl did to him in the cafe earlier, because that reaction was very strange, “Come and borrow other people's power."

Borrowing other people's power means hugging him and then pretending to be powerful.

"..." Karuizawa listened to his analysis with a blank face, “...Then w-why did you know I was injured?"

Yeah, answer that question?! How did you know my injury? Are you a stalker?!

"You put on your swimsuit in advance during the swimming class and didn't show your skin in front of other girls even after the class, right?" So, Hachiman who was now being labelled as a perverted stalker, used the data that Horikita told him.

"If it's an ordinary girl, then maybe she has gained weight, belly fat, or has some acne or something that she doesn't want to be seen by other people. But if it's not that kind of superficial thing, I think it might be a scar. That's why I asked if you have been injured?" Hachiman didn't even know that his reputation among Karuizawa's mind was getting lower and lower.

'How do you know what girls are thinking?! You're a very terrible person!' Just through observation, he can discover her true nature, and then it is confirmed that she has been injured by the way she wears her swimsuit.

'Don't this guy have other things to do besides observing people? Especially in the swimming class, he's very creepy?!'

But if the opponent is so strong, does that mean she has found a big tree?
After experiencing panic today, Karuizawa suddenly felt... as if she was a little relieved. So, she decided to give this bigger person a chance.


Like this. The next day.
Hachiman comes to keep an appointment with Hirata. According to Karuizawa, she asked this person first for help because she didn't want to be bullied anymore and wanted to consolidate her current position.

She is the top hot girl in the class, but seems to have poor academic performance.
Um. Horikita mentioned this several times in their conversation. It sounds more like a vent.
And the motor nerves are also average.

Hachiman discovered this after observing her for two days, that Karuizawa has no athletic talent either.

What about other specialties? It seems not.
If anything, it is probably the strong look of the current hot girl. Although Hachiman discovered her true nature through his own observation, he did not realize that her toughness was actually an act before he thought about it so seriously.

Even Kushida and Sakura didn't see through it. This acting is really awesome.

And according to her.
"I didn't want to be bullied, so...I dressed up like the people who bullied me, and then imitated them." Karuizawa explained how she came up with this idea.

Does this mean Karuizawa finally became the person she hates the most?

Hachiman arrived at the agreed place, waiting for Hirata's arrival while thinking wildly.
And about 5 minutes have passed.
"Sorry, I'm a little late." Hirata-man has arrived. There was sweat on his forehead and some heat on his body.
Judging from his busy appearance, it seemed that he had just helped other students and then arrived late.

This is normal, after all, their class is the original Class D. All kinds of bolts and nuts, need someone to adjust.

"Actually." But Hirata opened his mouth in such an unexpected way, that directly blew Hachiman's mind away, deep in the Aquaman's trench.

"Hikigaya-kun, I want to ask, what do you think about campus love?"

"Of course, I don't mean to have a real relationship." Hirata quickly tried to reassure when he saw his benefactor's expression looking extremely weird, “I hope you will date Karuizawa-san. She suggested a way to fake our relationship to maintain her position, but now, I think this position can be given to Hikigaya-gun.....Since, you're a much stronger person and have more famous reputation than me.” he said this last statement with a big smile on his face, very charming.

If Hachiman was a girl, he may have been wooed by Hirata but....
Um. I thought, he wanted to tell me about the secret of Karuizawa... So why this kind of stupid thing?!

'Is it a relationship, again?! Don't tell me this guy's still bitter because of what happened last time?!' Hachiman stood up immediately. He looked at this idiot in shock.
Because. He really thought Hirata wanted to tell him Karuizawa's secret, but it turned out to be asking him if he wanted to date her instead?

And then he explained himself.
"Karuizawa-san, she was severely bullied in the past, and hoped to find peace in this school. But unfortunately, she became the type she hates the most."

"But this is also a way to survive. I have no judgment." Hirata said, while looking down with some embarrassment, "....It's just that she found me and hoped to have a fake relationship with me, which can improve her status in the small team."

Everyone knows Hirata is the little sunshine in the class and is very popular, so dating him can gain similar benefits. Assist with the same effect.
Only. This is a matter that the other party is looking for you, Hirata. Why did you suddenly turn around... Hachiman's mind started rolling wildly, thinking about various kinds of reasons.

Or rather, Karuizawa actually entrusted you with it at the beginning, but you decided to transfer her to me?
If you need Hirata's help, a good old man like him will definitely not refuse.

But once the relationship is real or fake, even if it is fake, it still has to be performed in front of everyone.
First of all, acting in this kind of thing is not a good thing in itself. Moreover, if you started fake dating, both your connections, and meetings with each other will also skyrocket.

But Hirata is everyone’s Hirata.
So once you fake a relationship, it will be very difficult to wipe everyone's butt again. So, he is doing this for everyone. Hachiman quickly analyzed it.
"But, why did you choose me?" He still couldn't understand this outcome, Why's it always him? “You must know that I'm not very popular in the class.”

"Not popular..." Hirata seemed to look at him in surprise. "But, Hikigaya-kun, didn't you just defeat everyone by yourself during the conduct test? So, everyone thinks you are an awesome person," he said, with such a look that seemed to be asking if he was an idiot?

"..." Hachiman. Is that so? He never thought he has that strong attack power? He's very self-aware about his abilities.

"...Then my reputation among the girls must not be very high, they even thought I was two-timing and called me a lolita control, so if you choose..." Hachiman still didn't want to accept this reality and wanted to fight!

"That doesn't matter at all," Hirata shook his head, not even denying his words, meaning he was really regarded as a person who likes small girls. "You just need to get in touch with more people and act like a close friend in front of everyone, and your evaluation will definitely improve,” he seemed very serious about wanting Hachiman's help in this matter.

Oh, that's okay. So, this mothe-
"W-wait a minute." Hachiman immediately looked over, when he realised something very bad, "Hirata, do you want me to come into contact with Karuizawa on purpose?"

"..." Hirata. “Ha...ha, you really discovered it." He touched his head, as if to accept his loss, “Karuizawa-san has a past of being bullied, already know that I am very sensitive to this kind of thing.... Although her hope is to live a safe life in this school.
But I think her heart also needs attention.”

In other words, Hirata himself did not save his friend, so he chose the extreme way to cut himself off from this world n

Which made this person in front of Hachiman feel very guilty, and when he saw Karuizawa who had a similar experience to his friend.

Then he felt compassion. I want to care for the poor child. But does that mean that, Hikigaya-kun heals the other person's inner trauma?!

And this kind of thing...Do people really think that he's some kind of therapist?! Just come to him for treatment?

"Why do you think I'm suitable for doing this kind of thing?" Hachiman couldn't but throw his hands in exasperation.

"A feeling." Hirata answered his question, with a face that was looking somewhere else, “If it were you Hikigaya-kun.... if I met you in my past, things might be very different."

In other words, he still has regrets in his heart and hopes to be saved.

But Hirata said that if Hachiman and him, had known each other for a long time, maybe they wouldn't be on such a trajectory?

Is it? Then you think very highly of him.
But Hachiman just wants this world to be destroyed, so he can become the god of the new one.

"However." So, in the end he had no choice but to accept his situation, "If you ask me to fake a relationship with her, then Karuizawa will definitely not agree.”

He started looking to get out of this troublesome situation from another way. Just blame Karuizawa, then you can't say that he didn't try his best, right?!

“I haven't told her about this yet. No... it's better to say that I haven't replied to her request yet" But Hirata's attack power was too strong today, he was determined to drop this problem on Hachiman's head.

"However, I think there should be no problem, because what Karuizawa-san needs is someone to rely on and help her shine... so it doesn't matter who it is." He said with such a sunny smile, that Hachiman felt, it should be rated very high on the list of being creepy.
But. This is looking for life-saving straws. As long as they can save lives, any kind of straw is very important.
Only. It's probably impossible to communicate. Rather, he has already given her the weapon that will give both, support and light.

So, Hachiman thought that his chances of being rejected is pretty good. And he didn't find this feeling annoying, but instead brought some very needed comfort to his heart.


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