COTE: A Man On A Mission II Love is War?

Chapter 71

Class C, first grade. Lunch break.
The last class was maths, which required mental use, and it was digested quickly.

That's why, the moment the bell rang, students of Class C, began to go to the cafeteria for the meal.

“.....” Onikura-sensei. "It's none of my business. I'm just a math teacher, and don't have any value..."

“.....” Random Npc. She decided right there, to never follow the path of Onikura-sensei.

It's because, class points are retained, and the monthly living expenses of more than 50,000 points are enough to live a healthy life, have the freedom to choose their food.

It would be better to say that only after experiencing the super delicious free wild vegetable set meal, people are very satisfied with this outcome.

It is natural to eat shit, but there was still one boy, who didn't leave, Hikigaya-kun.
He just sat in his seat, like a good boy.
'It was confirmed early in the morning, that Horikita prepared a lunch specially for me!' So, Hachiman just had to pass the time, and wait for his partner to take action.

“....” Onikura-sensei, when he saw a black-haired boy, with slightly dead-fish eyes, who has no intention of moving, and there was also another girl beside him, it's Horikita Suzune.

“.....” Onikura-sensei. 'I'll reward them 1,000 points each!'  So, that's why before sleeping at night, both H students received a transfer of 1,000 points from their maths teacher, on the basis of good performance during the class.

“.....” Hachiman, whose math's was similar to that of a scumbag.


Among the students who were going out to eat, there was also a girl who was busy talking to her companions, but when she passed by the back door, her eyes suddenly glanced here.
And this person is Karuizawa Kei with a beautiful golden single ponytail.

'By the way, Karuizawa, what are you still doing here?' When he first came into contact with this girl, she would occasionally look behind her during class, but after Hachiman sent a message ordering her not to do so, Karuizawa followed his instructions like a plague.

Only, during class today, she looked back several times. 'But most of my classmates are like this, so it’s not that surprising.'

'But, don’t stare now! Can't you see that, Onikura-sensei is still inside the class?!'
"Kei——" The said girl, was quickly called away by her companion.
But, Hachiman didn't waver at all, and stayed in the classroom, very well-behaved.
Finally, only two H people were inside, sitting obediently,  and this kind of behaviour is similar to Class A.
“.....” Onikura-sensei, also deserted the room at this point, while shaking his head, probably at the blonde-haired girl.

“.....” Karuizawa, she didn't get the bonus of 1,000 points. 'Well, it's obvious, right? My math is pretty terrible after all......


Two minutes have passed, but the girl named, Horikita Suzune, who is sitting next to him, still hasn't spoken yet.

But her eyes were a little unstable, and seemed to be looking to Hachiman's side, and then bit her lip.

For Horikita, the relationship with her  Nii-san in the family has already been blasted.

Although, Hikigaya-kun can eat the food she cooks as long as he pays for the ingredients, it's the first time for Suzune to make bento for others.
As for how to invite the other party, she had no experience.

Fortunately, 8man is a well-known, human observer, will definitely be aware of this.
"Then I'll go to the cafeteria too -"
Only, Hachiman couldn't hold it any longer and pretended to stand up, he moved his chair, making a deliberate or even explicit noise.

This is a farce, specially placed for Horikita. 'Give her a chance to talk.'
And after doing this, 1 sheep, 2 sheep......6 sheep, only, when Hachiman's patience was about to reach the South pole, and pour some hot water on his neighbour's head.
"Can I take up a moment of your time?" It was none other than, Horikita Suzune who finally decided to break her oath of silence.

Just take a look.....'I have very little experience in dating.'

Right, So even though Suzune's been given the chance to try and make the invitation, look at what she's saying?
"Can I take up a moment of your time?” So polite.
But, this kind of attitude only passed in a moment, and she seemed to be very troubled.

Instead of putting her hands on the table like usual, she put them on his (?) thighs, looking very nervous, "You didn't bring those rice balls today, did you?"
'Isn't this nonsense? Haven't you, scoffed at my lunch so many times?'

Suzune, had also stared at her partner many times, who always buys those rice balls from the convenience store, and then turned a blind eye, while scoffing from above.
That's why, Hachiman came to the conclusion that, a girl with those fox-eyes, is a pure sadist....who loves watching other people's misery. 'Just like Chabashira-sensei!'

"I did..." When it seemed like she had made progress, Hachiman also cooperated with her.

“Then, if it's just rice balls, it would be relatively plain," Even though, Suzune opened her mouth, she just gave another insult, and made a long face, while looking at his bento, but it sounded like she was forcing herself very hard, “And, didn't you say yesterday, about wanting to have lunch with your friends?"

Hachiman nodded, his head in agreement, “Indeed and I will also pay for the ingredients.” 'Just push her a little more, and her bento would be mine!'

And as if hearing what he said, Suzune felt a lot more relieved, “Right, um -" then, she took out a small package from inside the drawer, under her desk, "I did make a bento."

“.....” Hachiman. 'Don't laugh, don't laugh.....'

Yeah, she finally took it out. It was already discovered by him in the morning, when it was being hidden.
And, now it's finally out! 'It was really not easy, the process of tricking her into handing over the lunch box took a lot of effort...'
But, now Hachiman understands, why Horikita-nii, was willing to pay 1 million points to reprimand his little sister that night.

Because, it's really hard for her to get along with others, and even more to make friends.

Therefore, the President is also under a lot of pressure, and wants to rely on him. 'Maybe, this idiot sister will get some hidden knowledge.....' Otherwise, it would be really painful.
'What a dirty brother!' Although he said this, Hachiman's impression of that guy with black-glasses, has increased quite a lot. 'Because, I also don’t want Komachi to meet me like this....and get worried..'

Only, now Suzune took out a bento, making the boy think, it might be possible to liven up the atmosphere, by throwing sparkles.
“Then, I'll just eat those rice balls...
“...Huh?" Suzune suddenly raised her head, and narrowed her eyes at this boy, who just denied the lunch, she was offering, "Hikigaya-kun, are you serious?!" Her gaze seemed to make Hachiman a fool.
'Of course, not!' If he was really serious, he wouldn't stay here in this room after the class, but directly visit the cafeteria on the third floor instead.

During the second period, Sakayanagi sent a message that she can treat him today.

'But, I didn't go' And now, when Hachiman noticed that his partner, looked like she was about to cry, so he quickly said, "Gomen, because after thinking about it carefully, I think it's impossible for you.....but it is indeed made for me. Then, let's have lunch together!"

"...It's nothing special,” Suzune seemed to be relieved after hearing this, because she even woke up thirty minutes early to make it, "It's just because you said about sharing lunch yesterday....." And even though, her voice was a little low, but since Hachiman's utmost attention was on her bento, he still heard it clearly.

That's why, he took the lunch box, and put this treasure on his table.

From unpacking to opening the lid.
'Although the best eating time has passed, I can still tell from the color and appearance.....this bento is really made by a girl.' But Suzune's gaze never diminished, she probably cares about getting a satisfactory response.
'Even if it doesn't taste good, please don't hurt me....' That's probably it.

Hachiman is also quite a gentleman. For example, he can say that the cookies which are baked very dark are also very delicious.

“Although, there is less meat and oil, it still looks good from the outside,” That's what Hachiman said, by scanning his treasure from top to the bottom.
However, when he picked it up with chopsticks, Hachiman found that Horikita was still looking at this place, and it seemed that she really didn't feel relieved, if he didn't give an accurate answer, "Well... it's quite delicious!”
'Suddenly, I felt that tasting Horikita's craftsmanship was not that easy.... there's so much pressure!'

"What are you on about? You haven't eaten anything yet?!”
“.....” Hachiman, who wanted to look cool. 'This girl, can't you understand people's hearts?!'
Then it seemed, the monster inside him was being freed from those metal chains, and he picked up a piece of fried tofu fish with his chopsticks and bit into it.

Horikita, usually shows no expression when eating lunch, but judging from the appearance and smell, it shouldn't taste bad.

“'s quite delicious." But the moment Hachiman took a bite, even his clothes were about to tear open, and reveal his naked body, because the feeling of instant satisfaction came over.

Only, Hachiman is not a picky person, and he feels satisfied. 'All I can say is that Horikita really has great cooking skills.'

'This kind of craftsmanship may be higher than mine....' Hachiman, who wants to become a housewife after graduation, has now really developed a favorable impression of the girl named, Horikita Suzune.

"Really, even though you used the same word.....and, considering that Hikigaya-kun, usually has a heavy taste, I made it a little saltier....” This kind of reply was given, it makes Hachiman feel that, she wants him to know, much hard work she had done to prepare this for him.

'Damn it! Kushida's warning really came true!'
'But, Horikita, making salty food is a way to deal with your mother-in-law!

Can you not use it against me?'
Although he was complaining in his heart, Hachiman still expressed some gratitude.

"There's also tea, would you like it?"
But, Suzune took out another thermos bottle, and then the lid was detached, using her right hand.

She poured the tea from the bottle directly into the lid, and then to-

'Isn't this, the same lid she usually brings?....Horikita Suzune, do you know, what extraordinary thing you are doing?!' The word indirect kiss came directly to his mind.

No no no! Can't think so, because, this is Horikita Suzune, right?
She has no friends, is neglected by her brother, and doesn't even know much about love, so... she probably hasn't thought about it, too much!

'But, now that Horikita is ready, it would be a bit cruel to refuse her directly....'

“.....” Hachiman.
So, after thinking about it for a while, he decided to put the thoughts about the opposite sex out of his mind, and decided to accept Horikita's cover.

Only, when his eyes looked over, she was still holding the lid in her hand, but, had no intention of coming over.
“...I can't reach it like this."

The distance between the two tables was 40 centimeters, and Horikita didn't move at all.

“.....” Suzune, who was still using that chair to massage her butt, opened her mouth, "Do you want me to stand up specifically to hand this over?"
'.... Right, I should say this is a very Horikita Suzune-like behaviour.'

She will definitely have no friends, if this continues....
Please carefully imagine that you made a friend and then made lunch for the other party, which suddenly brought the two of them closer.

The friend also felt that Horikita was quite nice to get along with, and she also prepared tea, but this rude comment was being thrown from her venom-like mouth, “Why aren't you moving over to get this? Do you still want me to stand?"

It wasn't even like two friends, bickering about their old days.
'There's even a high chance of getting a middle finger on the spot....' But, Hachiman had no choice but to stand up and walk in front of her.
“Hikigaya-kun is so lazy, here you go!" But at this time Suzune, was getting irritated, and she actually handed over the tea.
Lunch boxes are generally cold food, but, they actually taste better if paired with hot tea.


Author's Note

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