Count of Wizards

Chapter 124

Chapter 117 Snake eyes appear!

“Of course, I need about half a minute to activate. During this time, I can’t be disturbed, and for the whole day after the demon blood is possessed, I will be in a severely injured state, and there is no way to use mana!” Ma Gerry nodded and said:

“Three Minutes” Connor was lost in thought. Margaret could only remain as an apprentice as a senior wizard for three minutes. The time was not very long. Obviously, she couldn’t face the snake’s eye directly with this demonic blood possession. Being caught off guard is the best choice!

After serious consideration, Connor made his promise to Margaret very solemnly, “Margaret, within 30 seconds of you activate the demon blood possession, I will help you block the eyes of the snake, no It will make you suffer the slightest interference from snake eyes, but you have to remember that the first attack is the most effective!”

The two carefully discussed the plan for tomorrow. After confirming every detail in the plan, in order to prevent being broken by Snake Eyes, Margaret did not return to her room, but in Connor’s room. And Connor each occupy one side of the room and start to recharge

Leaning on the recliner, Connor squinted his eyes slightly, and gently stroked his suitcase with his palm. Whether he can hold any Mr. Snake-eye tomorrow, it depends on the contents of the suitcase.

In the early morning of the next day, the Ivanka docked on the island of San Jose, the first stop after leaving Luen. Because San Jose is a major station, the cruise ship Ivanka will stop at the dock of San Jose from early morning. At noon, the Ivanka will leave San Jose at 12 noon to continue its unfinished journey.

“Fifty meters behind left!” Following the crowd disembarking from the boat, Connor slammed Marguerite’s jade hand under the cover of the people beside him, and quickly wrote on the delicate palm of him. :

Connor grabbed her arm at first, Margaret thought it was Connor was crazy, she was ready to pull her hand out with an anger, but when she felt the handwriting written by Connor on her palm, her face instantly became angry. She grabbed, but she was not so stupid enough to turn her head to look directly, or use her own mental power to probe, but calmly helped up the little girl who walked down beside her.

“Thank you, thank you!” The parents of the little girl who was lifted up by Margaret repeatedly expressed gratitude to Margaret, and Margaret smiled and stroked the little girl’s cute head, taking advantage of this opportunity, The corner of Margaret’s eyes was very natural and concealed and swept towards the area Connor said.

What Connor said was unknown. When Dingqing saw it, there were more than a dozen people, but Margaret’s eyes were immediately locked on one of them. It was a man with a peaked cap and a gray robe with tattoos on the bare skin. Middle-aged man.

In order not to alert the other party, Margaret quickly shifted her eyes away, and also wrote on Connor’s palm: “Snake eyes?”

Connor glanced at Marguerite, smiled and did not speak, but took the lead with Marguerite, walked out of the pier, and casually recruited a taxi that was parked around the pier waiting for business.

“Go to the Newcastle Beer Hall!” We walked into the carriage with Margaret, and Connor handed the carriage driver a one-shilling note and stated his destination.

“Understood, sir!” Gleefully accepted the bill Connor handed over, the coachman raised his whip and started work.

The carriage ran for about five minutes. Looking at Margaret’s suspicious face in the carriage, Connor took out four or five small paper bags from the space ring and raised her to Marguerite, motioning her. Taking out these small paper bags, Marguerite woke up like a dream, and immediately took out the same paper bag from her space ring.

Opening the carriage window, Connor and Margaret evenly threw the small paper bag out of the window. After closing the window, Connor smiled and said, “You saw the tattooed man, right? From the time he appeared, I looked at you and me from time to time, but I am not sure that he is the snake eye, but when I mentioned the Newcastle Beer Hall just now, his expression was obviously abnormal, so if not surprising, he should be the snake eye. !”

Marguerite nodded, hesitated and asked again: “Will your powder be useful?”

“To be honest, this is the first time I have used these powders. I don’t know what kind of practical effect it will have, but what I can tell you is that this magic powder was created by an alchemist above a formal wizard. According to his records, as long as the spiritual power does not reach the level of a formal wizard, he will be interfered by the fans to varying degrees. I think it is unrealistic to use the fans to completely get rid of the tracking of snake eyes, but it is delayed. Time, UU reading disrupts his tracking of you and me, it can still be done!” As soon as the voice fell, Connor violently slashed his ears and listened to him and Ma. On the coachman that Grete was talking to.

The coachman is an ordinary person, no matter where he can hold Connor’s knife, he didn’t even hum, he just died and fell on the spot. Connor took out a bottle of strong acid from the space ring and poured the strong acid on the body of the coachman, while whispering: “I originally planned to save your life. I will remember things that you shouldn’t know in my next life. Don’t be curious!”

Glancing at the corpse that has turned into a pool of thick water, Connor said to Margaret in a deep voice, “Prepare a place to wait for me, and you can prepare the demon blood to possess you as soon as my black mist comes out!”

nodded, Margaret turned and disappeared in the dense woods on both sides of the dirt road.

Seeing Margaret disappearing in the woods, Connor found his suitcase from the Space Ring and placed it next to him, and then personally drove the carriage back to the Ivanka cruise ship.

Mysterious fan is an alchemy product created by Reyes recorded in Reyes’s alchemy. Its main function is to interfere with mental power. Connor still trusts the ability of his mysterious teacher. Since he is in The book says that if there is no spiritual power that does not reach the official wizard level, he will be disturbed by the fans. Then Connor believes that any Mr. Snake Eye who tracks them behind will definitely be affected as long as the spiritual power does not reach the official wizard level. interference!

The longer the fan is dragged, the longer Connor can arrange, and the chances of winning are naturally greater!

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