Counterattack [Interstellar]

Chapter 100

Chapter 100:

“There is a situation on the main star. Your Majesty has secretly recalled His Royal Highness.” Pei Yao put on the electronic eyes and contacted all those who can be dispatched to assign them one by one. I have entrusted this side with full power to me. Please contact me directly in any case. In order to avoid unrest, matters concerning your Highness’s departure must be kept confidential.”

Anyone with a brain knows what happened to the main star. At this moment, Alston announced that the crown prince back to his side is reasonable and reasonable. Everyone is not suspicious. Pei Yao’s temples are soaked with a layer of fine sweat, I hope he thinks There is too much, this disaster is only his father’s revenge, not against Alan, and I hope that there is really an undercover between them, and I heard what I just said.

“Principal, now I have found out what went wrong! We…”

“Let’s talk about this later.” Pei Yao interrupted the monitoring doctor, and said as he went downstairs, “The security guards have begun to search and rescue all the students one by one in the classroom. Now those who are not assigned to work go to the campus immediately, room by room. After searching, students who are in heat or about to be in heat are stunned and brought back to the exercise site, and then transferred to the care of young students who have not been in heat. After the above arrangements are made, they will immediately exit the exercise site and repeat the above orders. After successfully searching and rescuing more than 90% of the students Stop, and guard the gate of the exercise field until reinforcements arrive.”

“Above nine cities…” a teacher hesitated, “the remaining students…”

“Our goal is to protect most of the students, and we can’t hold too many hands down by a few people.” Peiyao paused and said in a sinking voice, “The rest will be handled by my Royal Highness’s cronies and I separately. Just protect the exercise site. .”

The instructor nodded: “Understood.”


Pei Yao switched to the communication of the monitoring doctor who had just spoken out: “Where is the problem?”

The monitoring doctor swallowed his mouth: “It is a forbidden drug that has long been discontinued, Mrn-15, which directly acts on the guide glands to force…force estrus.”

Pei Yao frowned, suddenly stopped, and turned to look at the flower pavilion not far away.

The monitoring doctor over there continued: “This medicine is very volatile, and it must be stored in the laboratory with stabilizers. Obviously there are no additives in these medicines. Now…the vapors of the medicine have been distributed throughout the school. I didn’t find where they spread from, hug, sorry…”


A heavy breathing sound appeared from the flower pavilion a hundred meters away. Pei Yao held his breath. He took off the electronic eye and slowly walked around behind the white paint fence.

“Fortunately, there is a way to detoxify the poison after this kind of medicine is poisoned! As long as we give us plenty of time to treat the poisoned person, it only takes a dozen hours for him to steadily resist this passive heat of estrus, and it takes ten more hours. It can be cured within a few days of treatment without any toxic side effects…”

The monitoring doctor was still chattering anxiously, Pei Yao had already seen the source of the sound at this moment… a sentry with blood stains on his face, completely plunged into estrus.

“We are very apprehensive about confirming these only now, the principal! Please allow our medical staff to also participate in the rescue work. We can at least help the guides who are in heat so that they are not so painful…”

Pei Yao took off the electronic eye and slowly drew out the dagger around his waist. He slowly approached from the back of the sentinel in estrus. The heat of estrus made the sentinel dull. The sentry only discovered Pei Yao when he was less than five meters away from him. , He turned around abruptly, his red eyes staring at Pei Yao angrily, and he was about to pounce on him. Pei Yao immediately backed up and turned behind the sentry. His left hand grabbed one arm of the sentry and forced him to backhand, and his right hand held high. The side of the knife handle was slammed down against the back of the sentry’s neck, and the sentry’s roar stopped abruptly.

“You…” the doctor over there was puzzled after hearing the abnormal sound, “what’s the matter with you?”

Pei Yao took off the shirt of the sentry who fell to the ground and tied his hands and feet, Pei Yao helped the electronic eyes, and his voice was slightly gasping: “Please sort out what you have learned and send it to the White Tower.” Go, just received the news that a large-scale combination fever broke out in the Baita Academy. As for you… immediately go to the exercise site to help take care of the students there.”

After explaining, Pei Yao ended the communication. Behind him, a few strings of irregular footsteps were staggering towards him…

In the jungle deep in the exercise field, Allen frowned suddenly and slowly opened his eyes.

“Your Highness!” The ceremonial officer knelt down and helped Alan, “Are you awake? You…just one hour later, what do you…what do you think?”

Allen’s eyes have completely turned red. He is hot all over, and he can hardly hear the voice of the ceremonial officer. Allen’s brows are furrowed, he turned his head and touched the faintly painful neck, and the memory of his unconsciousness gradually returned. , Allen’s heart was empty, and he grabbed the cuff of the courtesy officer and said dumbly: “Where is Pei Yao?”

“His Royal Highness…” The ceremonial officer subconsciously wanted to step back, and said vaguely, “His Royal Highness… decided to leave the arrangements for the rest, so let me first…”

Alan was anxious, pushed away the ceremonial officer, and staggered to get up. Although the ceremonial officer was afraid and frightened in his heart, he whispered: “Please calm down, your Royal Highness is stronger than you think, half… …Half an hour ago, he escorted a few students back. I heard that they were in good condition, yes, yes…”

The etiquette officer grudgingly smiled: “Almost all the students have been safely escorted into the exercise site, and the situation is much better than we expected, Lai An, do you remember Lai An? Their class has not been affected because they are far away from the source of the poison. , And successfully subdued more than a dozen sentinels who fell into heat! It was a miracle… You don’t know how brave they are. Now the guides who are not in heat left the center of the exercise site and went to the periphery to assist our instructors to resist the outside. Sentry!”

Allen couldn’t listen to this at all, he closed his eyes and shook his head irritably: “Where is Pei Yao? Contact him… order him to come back immediately!”

“His Royal Highness! Please calm down!” The ceremonial officer sweated anxiously and said helplessly, “His Royal Highness knows what he is doing! If he retreats here at your order from the beginning, now the exercise field is here. Whether it will be safe and sound is still unknown!”

“Do you know how many sentries were resisted by Her Royal Highness?” The ceremonial officer did not dare to mention the multiple wounds on her Royal Highness that she had just heard. He paused to persuade him, “Please calm down, as long as your Royal Highness is still there. Outside, then our instructors and your knights will still have the confidence to continue fighting, then you still have hope to wait until rescue, Your Highness… you, how are you?”

The feverish Allen could hardly see what was in front of him. He blinked reluctantly and walked out in a daze.

“His Royal Highness!” The ceremonial officer rushed to help Alan, tears could not help streaming down, “God…You are already in a coma…Do you know what I’m talking about?”

Allen naturally didn’t know, he just wanted to go out instinctively, he couldn’t go, even if he climbed, he would also go out. The ceremonial officer choked out: “You are in a coma, and you can’t forget that you are going to find your Royal Highness…”

The ceremonial officer was cruel, and was about to learn Pei Yao to stun Alan again when he suddenly heard a faint noise after hearing a bush not far away.

“Who is there?!” The ceremonial officer instantly picked up the photon gun and pointed it at the sound source and said loudly, “Come out now!”

The ceremonial officer took a deep breath and said solemnly: “I count down three times, and I will shoot if I don’t come out again! Three!”

Allen has completely fallen into estrus. Even though his self-control ability is amazing, it is almost impossible to wake up now. The ceremonial officer did not dare to take risks. He fired more than a dozen shots into the bushes as soon as he counted three. There was no sound from the photon gun. , A muffled grunt in the bushes was very ear-piercing, the ceremonial officer’s heart was cold, and someone had already entered…

In order to avoid everyone, the ceremonial officer deliberately chose a secluded place, but now it was quietly surrounded by people, and the surrounding began to make fine footsteps. The ceremonial officer trembled all over, and he subconsciously protected Alan behind him. Miraculously, Alan, who was in a coma, opened his eyes and said hoarsely: “Pei Yao is outside…they are also coming in…?”

The ceremonial officer instantly understood Alan’s meaning, and shook his head quickly and lost his voice: “No! Your Royal Highness can’t be okay, he… he is the son of Admiral Pei Xuan, the descendant of the expeditionary army, how could it be so easy… You Don’t think too much, now the most important thing is to protect your life, Your Highness!”

Allen ignored the obstruction of the courtesy officer, pushed the courtesy officer away, and stood up slowly. He raised his hand to loosen his neckline and said in a dumb voice: “I didn’t think too much… he will not have an accident, nor will I …”

Allen’s skin is extremely sensitive due to the heat of estrus. The dust and dead leaves in the jungle can be wiped on his skin, but the severe pain at this moment is a good medicine for Allen. Allen shuts down. He closed his eyes and waved all the ideas that could drive him crazy, leaving only Pei Yao alone.

Allen did not fall into despair like the ceremonial officer imagined, nor did he scream and go crazy. He thought of Pei Yao, and the three thousand turmoil in his heart instantly became clear.

In my memory, the major general who rushed into the control room and glared at him sharply questioned him suddenly. Allen raised his right hand slightly, tried his best to manipulate the extremely unstable mental power in his body, and whispered, “What he said, as long as… …As long as I don’t receive news of his death, I…can’t give up to survive.”

The ceremonial officer involuntarily stepped back two steps and looked at Alan incredulously. Behind Alan, a ten-meter-long snake slowly appeared. It slowly stood up and vomited a blood-red snake letter.

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