Counterattack [Interstellar]

Chapter 43

Chapter 43:

Every year, Auston will send his greetings to the people of the whole empire on his birthday every year, summarizing what he has gained and lost what he has gained this year, and then he will look forward to the next year’s work. This passage will be broadcast live every year. The way to play, usually just a few minutes, the format and content are roughly the same, but this year is different. After finishing the summary and blessing all the people, Allen called his youngest son Allen to the camera.

Even Crown Prince Anthony had never won such a prize. This action of Aston instantly caught everyone’s attention, and in the next second, Aston smiled and dropped another bomb. He announced his youngest son. Good news that Alan and Major General Pei Yao, commander of the Legion of Glory, are dating.

As soon as the voice fell, everyone on the scene was stunned. Everyone in the camera looked different. Pei Yao was calm from beginning to end, but the slightly reddish corners of his eyes betrayed that the master once cried, and Mrs. Jennie’s eyes were tearful, towards Alan. Constantly nodding, Prince Adair smiled comfortingly while comforting his wife gently. Admiral Barker kept a smile on the corners of his mouth, and secretly gave Allenby a cheering gesture. The royals and star generals passed by. After the initial shock, they came back to their senses and congratulated them. In an atmosphere of joy, only one person was incompatible with everyone…

Bettina bit her lip and looked at Auston with a smile on her face in disbelief.

Bettina was not that stupid, she understood completely now, she was completely fooled by Auston this time… Auston had long wanted Alan and Pei Yao to make the relationship public, and she This eagerness for quick success has undoubtedly become the stimulant of the two people’s feelings, and directly retreated them to the public!

Bettina’s slender fingers gripped the skirt tightly, and her delicate crystal nails pierced deeply into the fabric. If she hadn’t already surrendered to Auston, she could hardly control herself rushing to catch Huaao. Ston’s face is gone! She worked so hard and lonely, she worked so hard, and in the end she actually made wedding dresses for others!

Bettina’s Persian Cat Quantum Beast screamed desperately, and eagerly tried to rush to Alston, but finally retreated timidly.

Mrs. Jenny’s leopard turned her head and looked at the Persian cat who had been calling forever. Mrs. Jenny turned her head sensitively and followed her Quantum Beast’s gaze. She saw Bettina’s face full of resentment and a vicious look. To Allen.

Mrs. Jenny sneered, gently let go of her husband’s arm, and walked over with her leopard.

“I heard that you are always talking about Major General Pei Yao? You want to make up for him?” Mrs. Jenny gathered her shawl and smiled charmingly. “Then you should be very happy now? Your Majesty has fulfilled your expectations. You should I know, Your Majesty has always liked Pei Yao very much, and has always been looking forward to him being able to officially be with Allen.”

Bettina lowered her eyes, tried her best to suppress her anger, smiled reluctantly and said, “Yes…I’m very happy.”

“Seriously, it’s really not easy for Major General and Allen to be together.” Mrs. Jenny shook her head and smiled, “Thanks to your Royal Highness’s willingness to part with love, and also thanks to your recent actions.” Mrs. Jenny said to Bettina just now. I didn’t know the conversation with Pei Yao. When I reminded Ellen to be careful of Bettina, Ellen said that he didn’t need to worry. Mrs. Jenny thought he had planned to reveal the relationship between the two today, and this came to Bettina’s ears. The taste changed again, and Bettina thought that Mrs. Jenny knew too.

“You…” Bettina asked in a low voice after being depressed, “Did your Majesty tell you?”

Mrs. Jenny was a little confused. She didn’t want to show her timidity in front of Bettina, and said nonchalantly: “It’s not important…”

Bettina’s years of depression in her heart broke out in a moment of low self-esteem, and that’s it… No matter how much she paid for Auston, no matter how respected her son Anthony is now, the royal family always look down on her! In front of Jenny and the others, she was always an outsider, a low-status woman, a woman who was not worthy to stand with them!

Bettina’s eyes were full of resentment, and she gritted her teeth and whispered: “Pei Yao…what is different from me? He also has no noble blood, he has no prominent background, he doesn’t even have his own family! Why do you guys? Would rather accept him than accept me…”

“Do you need me to remind you, Madam?” Madam Jeanne suddenly raised her voice and said coldly, “Even if Pei Yao’s life is ordinary, at least he is innocent, and there has never been anyone between him and Alan.”

Bettina was poked into the pain in an instant, and she was speechless.

Mrs. Jennie glanced at Bettina from top to bottom with the arrogant eyes peculiar to nobles, lightly mocking: “You didn’t have to work hard for today? It’s just that… tomorrow’s page is probably already occupied by Ellen and Pei Yao, no reporters are willing. It’s a pity that it’s a waste of words for you.”

Bettina flushed, gritted her teeth and retorted: “Thank you for your concern, but I did not carefully prepare the clothes to attract anyone’s attention! I just don’t want to lose your majesty’s face, I…”

“I thank your majesty for your troubles, but I still want to be fair to my poor brother, you really have nothing to do with your majesty’s face.” Madam Jeanne smiled and corrected Bettina, “What did Pei Yao do today? People may question Alan about being rude, but if it is you, you will only be mocking yourself, and no one will pay for the behavior of your mistress. I think you should be able to understand this.”

Mrs. Jeanne’s words seemed to slap Bettina’s face one by one. Bettina couldn’t stand it. She had no confidence in Mrs. Jeanne, let alone the situation today. She just wanted to hide herself now. Bettina’s face was gray, and she whispered: “Sorry, I’m not very comfortable…”

Bettina turned to leave, and Mrs. Jenny’s leopard suddenly jumped in front of her and stopped her. Bettina turned and looked at Mrs. Jenny. The latter smiled: “I have forgotten to say something. I am sorry that I can’t agree with you. The major general is not as ordinary as you said. After he is a martyr, this is the noble lineage of the empire, and he has been enlisted in the army since he was a child. Comparing yourself with our royal concubine, you are not worthy.”

Mrs. Jenny smiled gracefully and turned back to her husband.

“What’s the matter?” Prince Adair turned to look at Mrs. Jenny’s face seriously, “Don’t you like talking to her? Angry?”

Mrs. Jenny shook her head and smiled. Of course she was not angry. She was just a little emotional… The last time Bettina had a face-to-face chat with Bettina was in the last century. At that time Bettina was a student who was about to graduate from the White Tower, and she was It was the royal client who was entrusted by her uncle to negotiate with Bettina. At that time, Bettina was even more beautiful and energetic than now. She told Bettina at that time that this was a dark road. , I can’t stand in the sun for the rest of my life if I really go down, and Bettina proudly tells her that she doesn’t care.

Mrs. Jenny sneered, don’t you care? Don’t you start to care now? At the time, I said I only wanted a pure love, but now… it’s all farts.

Mrs. Jenny shook her head and no longer thought about the bad things. She leaned on her husband’s shoulder and smiled as she looked at the two people who were being interviewed in the distance.

“First of all, I want to bless the two of you.” The female reporter flushed and smiled, “Can you tell me who the two pursued first?”

Allen smiled: “Thank you for your blessing, it is the major general I am after.” After Allen said that, he turned his head and glanced at Pei Yao, his eyes were full of doting, but Pei Yao is still the usual calm face in front of the camera. However, if the reporters are careful enough, they will find that Pei Yao’s fingers are trembling slightly, and Allen has been holding his hand tightly from beginning to end, which is easily invisible to others.

The female reporter smiled deeper when she heard the words, and continued: “What made you announce this news today?”

“This is what your Majesty meant.” Allen smiled, “It was also decided temporarily. Your Majesty is very happy today for his birthday. I hope to share this joy with everyone.”

Another reporter nodded, then smiled and asked: “Yes, your combination with the major general may bring a grandson or granddaughter to your majesty. This is probably also a point that makes your majesty very happy. Have your majesty considered this aspect? When will the two officially hold their wedding? Do you plan to have a child soon? I wish you two again.”

“Thank you for your blessing.” Allen was in a very good mood today, and was kind to everyone. “The things you asked are not in our plan for the time being… Alice has a lot of things, and the major general and I can’t take care of ourselves for the time being. .”

“You and Major General Pei Yao are in a relationship with the superior and inferior at the same time. Will this affect your work with the Major General, Your Highness?”

Allen smiled: “Not at all. The major general at work is very serious and will not respond to me.”

Allen’s self-deprecating answer made everyone laugh. The female reporter who asked the question at the beginning smiled and asked: “In this way, your Royal Highness is the active aspect of your relationship. In an interview, you previously revealed that you like active and passionate lovers. , Now it’s up to you that your choice and your expectations are not in line with each other.”

Allen shook his head and smiled: “No, this is not a conflict, I love Pei Yao, and I only look forward to his initiative and enthusiasm.”

Allen’s words were ambiguous. Several female reporters blushed, and another female reporter smiled: “Then can I take a few pictures of His Royal Highness and the Major General? As a memorial.”

Previously, Allen only agreed to do text interviews. According to the rules, these reporters were not allowed to take photos at will. However, he agreed very happily. The reporters were very excited and quickly adjusted the camera. A reporter smiled boldly. : “Can you be a little closer, a little warmer?”

Allen nodded and said yes, then turned his head, tilted his head and kissed Pei Yao’s lips with a stunned look.

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