Counterattack of Infinite Supporting Characters

Chapter 29 Yes, I am the parent of this monkey

Liu Yumo's words were inexplicable, Feng Qingxue and Yang Chan next to her were both inexplicable, and they didn't know what she meant!

But Su Yi understood what she meant!


Before being suppressed on the Five Elements Mountain, and after learning supernatural powers, Sun Wukong was nothing more than a monster! And it's an extremely vicious monster...

Although his image was portrayed on TV as naive, but he admitted in person during his study in the future that he did not eat less human beings.


I have to mention that the Jade Emperor was able to make him an official in the sky after making such mistakes by forcibly snatching the golden cudgel and revoking the book of life and death. It can be seen that he really wanted to lead this ignorant monster to the right path... It's a pity that there is something wrong with his brain , Let a monkey guard the Taoyuan, if you don’t guard it, it’s a problem!

All in all, in handling this matter, the Jade Emperor still behaved like the Great Heavenly Sacred Lord Xuanqiong Gaoshenjun!

It's a pity that Monkey King's reaction was very unreasonable!

The Queen Mother of the West set up a peach banquet and did not invite you. It is understandable for you to get mad, but why did you eat up the peaches before this event? And stealing elixir, ruining the banquet...

It can only be said that the current monkey is obviously a nouveau riche who has suddenly gained power, and his character cannot keep up with the power, and he has begun to be a bit unscrupulous! That's true, but in just a few years, he has completed a path of cultivation that ordinary people can't complete in thousands of years, and coupled with his stubborn nature...

No wonder Liu Yumo said that he was starting to swell!

Sun Wukong... really started to swell!

I don't understand what you are talking about...

Feng Qingxue touched her head strangely, and said: But it feels very strange, why does it seem that the monkey has changed a bit differently? It's only been a few hours... What's going on?

Her sense is the most acute, and she vaguely senses that the current Monkey King seems to be different from the naive monkey before!

I'm afraid the metamorphosis began with defeating the army of the Heavenly Court!

I found out that the high gods are not as powerful as I imagined, and I found out that my own strength is far beyond my imagination. It is no wonder that he would say that the Jade Emperor will take turns and come to my house next year...

Brother, do you have a chance of winning against this monkey?

Liu Yumo walked gently to Su Yi's side and grabbed his arm. Although Su Yi's blood helped her refresh her mind, she was already exhausted after playing back and forth in the heavenly court for so long!

I always feel that the effect of Nuwa's blood on her is getting weaker and weaker.

Strange, it obviously has such a big effect on Xiaobai!

Su Yi thought puzzledly, but when he heard Liu Yumo's words, he was startled, with a smile on his face, Why? Don't you have confidence in me?

Patted her on the head lightly, Don't worry, if it was me ten years ago, I'm afraid I might not be able to control him, but now...

The current Monkey King has not eaten flat peaches, elixir, or samadhi real fire, and is far from the strongest. Although he has only absorbed 30% of Yang Jian's mana, but with his original strength, at least he can Going hand in hand with Monkey King...

restrain his words...

Su Yi clenched his fist lightly, with a confident smile on his face!

What? Second brother, are you going to fight this monkey? Why are you fighting him? Obviously... He is so close to you... Aren't you friends?

Yang Chan's bright eyes widened, she didn't understand why the second brother wanted to fight a person who was originally a friend of him, who was also a fighter against the Heavenly Court!

Su Yi took a long breath and said, Sister, you have to understand that no matter how powerful I am, I'm still a human being. I can't be friends with a man-eating monster... When I saved him...

Saving him back then was just to accomplish his own goal!

When Journey to the West begins, maybe we can establish some friendship with this monkey, but now...

Su Yi smiled and changed the subject, Okay, let's not mention these disappointing things, finally arrived in Heaven, do you want me to accompany you to have a good time?

Okay, okay, I want to watch the sunset in the sky...

Okay... let's go and see!

Su Yi took Liu Yumo's hand in a funny way, then greeted Feng Qingxue and Yang Chan, and the four of them walked side by side towards the horizon.

That day, a few people played very late in the Heaven Realm, and Su Yi hugged Yumo, who was already tired, and flew down to the mortal world with the two Yujians!

Seeing Su Yi flying with the sword in the air, Yang Chan's eyes widened in shock again. This is the first time she has seen such a flying appearance of the sword that enlarged her own weapon and stepped on it... …

It is completely different from driving the cloud, but the speed is...

Looking at Su Yi who deliberately slowed down to take care of Liu Yumo in front of him, even though he slowed down very slowly, his speed at this time was still not inferior to her driving on the clouds with all her strength!

If the second brother did his best, how fast would it be?

I don't know...but it must be much faster than ordinary immortals, right? Is this how the second brother flew in his previous life? Where the hell was he in his previous life?

Frowning in puzzlement, Yang Chan thought silently in her heart, trying to find memories similar to the second brother's previous life from her memory! Unfortunately, but found nothing...

But at this time, quietly nestling in Su Yi's arms, Liu Yumo seemed to fall asleep exhausted, but there was a little gleam in her squinted pupils, her voice was low as if she was talking to herself, Brother, can we come to Heaven to play often in the future?

Su Yi lowered his head, pressed his chin lightly on Liu Yumo's forehead, and smiled, Of course.


An inexplicable smile appeared on Liu Yumo's face, she arched her head in Su Yi's arms, and fell into a deep sleep this time!

Not surprisingly, more than a year has passed in Guanjiangkou at this time!


In the days that followed, there was no disturbance!

If there is a difference, it is that Su Yi took Liu Yumo and Feng Qingxue to the Heavenly Court to play more and more times... Walking on the galaxy, looking at the Heavenly Palace, and being in the sea of ​​flowers and clouds...

Su Yi gave up his cultivation for the time being, and concentrated on playing with the girls around him!

This incident even alarmed the Jade Emperor!

Zhenjun Erlang, who had always been at odds with the heavens, went to heaven frequently, and he only came for a few days.

Marshal Tianpeng immediately told the Jade Emperor that he was worried. Su Yi liked to walk by the river, but Tianhe was under his jurisdiction. If there was a trouble, he would be the first to suffer...

But I don't know why, the Jade Emperor just said let him go!

Of course, even if the Jade Emperor chased people away, Su Yi would not pay attention at all. Who made Yu Mo like to play in the sky?

And maybe it's because the Heavenly Court's spiritual energy is sufficient, or maybe it's because the air is pure, anyway, after staying there for a long time, Yumo's spirit has improved a lot, which can be regarded as a surprise!

After Yang Chan went with them a few times, she found that the three of them were just visiting the heavenly court every time, not at all the scouting enemy situation she imagined, and she was too lazy to go with this second brother who was getting weirder and weirder all the way!

Every time I went to Heaven, I disappeared without a trace!

Su Yi didn't care about her either. Yao Ji seemed to be very popular in the Heavenly Court back then, which made Yang Chan also very popular in the Heavenly Court. There were plenty of places to go!

Occasionally, I will meet Monkey King, and the three-person team will become four people, and several people will go boating on the water together...

Sun Wukong seems to like Liu Yumo and Feng Qingxue very much, maybe because the two of them don't treat him as a different kind... Especially when Feng Qingxue calls him a monkey, he always grins his teeth happily, Can't be happy!

The two girls, no matter which one, gave him an extremely close feeling!

As for Su Yi, who had saved his life, Sun Wukong felt a little restrained when he came into close contact with him. If facing Liu Yumo and Feng Qingxue was like facing his sister, then facing Su Yi, there is actually a feeling of facing back then. The feeling of Patriarch Bodhi...

It has nothing to do with strength, it's the kind of feeling that you will be restrained when you see it, even if he thinks that his strength has surpassed the Erlang in front of him, he still can't get rid of the sense of restraint.

Looking at Monkey King's restrained appearance, Su Yi reckoned that it must be because of Nuwa's blood! Did he instinctively regard himself, the son of Nuwa, as the parent?


Thank you bookworm for my 10,000 reward! ! Thank you Fengyun Icon for the 2500 reward! 1300 reward for the blood burial in Huangquan! Short reading, GUNDAM10086, Lingsha Luoxue's 500 tip! Thanks to Timoris for the 300 tip! Yaoyujun i's 400 reward! 200 rewards from Swadia! Thanks to Qiuqiu, Wuzi Tianshu VVVV, Sanyuan Street, Wanshi v Dizun, Ximen and others Qiuyu, Xue LOVE Xin, Jiuge☆Shao Siming, Mo Wenluo, Tianye? Wushang, Passerby 6666's 100 Reward! Thank you for the 40 tip of Curtain Sword! 10 tips for Fallen Prayer and Huaxia Dragon Roar!

Cough, cough, cough... I came back from Wuhan today... Oh, the quality of the girls in the university is really high, and my dizzy thighs make me dizzy... But it's time to return to my daily life, and it will last for three shifts tomorrow... Until I Pay off the debt even more!

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