Counterattack of Infinite Supporting Characters

Chapter 37: There Is a Price to Pay


Su Yi turned pale with fright, and hurriedly raised his head to look up, feeling a little terrified in his heart.

Unexpectedly, someone has been hiding on the beam of the house. Who is this person? Friend or foe?

If it was the enemy, why did they kill the last two survivors?

If it was a friend, why didn't he take action when he was injured just now, and turned a blind eye?

But whether it's an enemy or a friend, Su Yi can be sure of one thing, this person's martial arts are far superior to him.

You must know that the four of these thieves teamed up, but they were able to draw with Su Yi for a short time. Even if there are only two people left now, if Su Yi wants to kill them, he will definitely need twenty moves to do it... But this person only It was easy to do it with two chopsticks, and if he hadn't taken the initiative, Su Yi might not have been able to find out his existence in the end!

In just a short moment, countless thoughts turned in Su Yi's mind. Now that his left hand has been severely injured and he can't lift it up, and after a lot of hard work just now, only five or six out of ten of his internal strength is left. If someone shows malice towards him, then It is really the most dangerous situation.

He raised his head apprehensively, glanced at it, and immediately felt relieved!

I saw an old beggar lying on the beam of the room. He had a dignified rectangular face, and his tattered clothes were patched here and there with holes. He was carrying a big gourd on his back, holding a green jade staff, and was holding a baked The chicken is delicious... None of this is important, the most important thing is that this guy is missing a finger!

Hong Qigong! ! !

One of the best archers! A peerless master who is as famous as Wang Chongyang, the founder of Quanzhen Sect! Didn't expect to see him here...

The still-shocked mind instantly calmed down.

After all, Hong Qigong's strong character is comparable to that of later generations' soft girls, so he is absolutely trustworthy.

Suddenly seeing a peerless expert whom he had a crush on, Su Yi suddenly felt better, he smiled slightly, bent down and saluted and said, Yang Kang, a disciple of Qiu Chuji's sect of Quanzhen Sect Changchun Daoist, met old senior Hong!

Oh? So it's Xiaoqiu's apprentice... Hong Qigong landed lightly, without any dust when he landed. He took a sip of wine and said with a smile, But how do you know that the old beggar is the one? Hong Qigong who never killed a good person in vain in his life?

Su Yi's face turned red immediately, this guy has heard his feelings from beginning to end... It's embarrassing now, imagine that you say something that you admire a person behind someone's back, only to be heard by that guy in person, it's so embarrassing what a shame...

Seeing that Su Yi was blushing and unable to speak, Hong Qigong laughed loudly and said, The old beggar didn't mean to laugh at you, but just curious how you know so much about the old beggar's life? Of course, if it's inconvenient , let’s just say... After all, if you talk about seniority, I’m from your grandpa’s generation, so how can I bully my younger generation?”

Su Yi smiled a little embarrassedly, and said: The younger generation likes to pay attention to some unofficial martial arts history, and often sends people to collect some, so they know a lot more about these martial arts secrets than ordinary people...The younger generation knows Senior Hong once missed a major event because of his gluttony, and cut off a finger as a warning, but now he easily took the lives of those two thieves when he saw senior make a move... Hehe, people with nine fingers in the world are not Few, and there are many people with high martial arts skills, but as far as this junior knows, there are only nine fingers with such high martial arts skills. Senior Hong is the only one! Come get angry.

Hahaha...You kid's words are so comfortable|! Hong Qigong couldn't help laughing when he heard Su Yi's judgment. Although Su Yi didn't flatter him just now, the words in this passage are beyond words. It meant that he was highly respected, and the other party had said good things about him before, which were all sincere, and his impression of this young man suddenly improved.

In other words, the favorability has exploded.

Hong Qigong took a few steps forward, reached out and grabbed Su Yi's left arm, and said, Come, let the old beggar see your injury!

It's time to work, senior.

While checking on Su Yi's left hand injury, Hong Qigong said: The old beggar came here yesterday to do business, and he was so hungry in the middle of the night, but there is only this inn in this town, so he wanted to come to the kitchen to get some food to fill his stomach. He just happened to hear that the handymen here were planning to slaughter a fat sheep, hey...the old beggar encountered this, how could he stand by and watch! So the old beggar slept here all night...

As he spoke, Hong Qigong grabbed Su Yi's left arms and suddenly exerted force, making a crisp sound.


Su Yi couldn't help but let out a scream.

Okay, it's okay, your meridians were contused by that kid's horizontal kung fu practice, and it will be healed after two days of quiet practice.

Patting Su Yi on the shoulder, Hong Qigong continued: I wanted to save the life of that fat sheep, but I didn't expect that the fat sheep they were talking about turned out to be a real master, heh heh, this time I kicked the iron plate Come on, they deserve to die here. You are right, you killed so many innocent and kind people, and if you earn enough money, you want to live a stable life? Good and evil are rewarded, it’s not that there is no reward, the time has not yet come ah!

So Qigong, you have always been on top? You really... Su Yi's affection for Hong Qigong is not ordinary. After all, he grew up listening to his stories, and couldn't help it. Qigong shouted out, Since you are hiding on the beam, why do you sit and watch this junior get hurt? This junior really almost thought that he was going to die here...

Hmph, you slick boy, do you know that I did it on purpose? Hong Qi justly said, If you want to stand out with a sword, you need capital. Your capital is naturally enough, but the opponent's strength is not weak. , that iron-armed black dragon was quite famous in the rivers and lakes more than ten years ago. You are stupid and want to do justice for the sky. If you find a helper and come back again, but you want to fight them, you are really stupid!

Oh... I understand... Su Yi suddenly realized: Qi Gong deliberately hurt me so that I can learn a lesson, so that in the future when I walk in the rivers and lakes, I will pay more attention to my own safety and will never do anything beyond the limit. It’s within the scope of your own ability, right?” can't say that... Hong Qigong said with a dry smile: How should I put it... The main thing is that the roast chicken made by their cook is really delicious, and the old beggar ate deliciously , and according to my observations, you and that iron-armed black dragon should be on par with each other in terms of martial arts, and you are slightly better. I thought there would be a close fight between you! You took care of him with one move, so if you didn't react for a while, you didn't have time to make a move... Hey hey, anyway, you are lucky, you just suffered a little injury, no hindrance, no hindrance!

Su Yi's eyes became straight when he heard this, and he said angrily: It's too bad that I think you are so good, Qigong! You are so busy eating, you forget about me. The roast chicken made by the cook is delicious, but you just see it to me. If you don’t want to save me, if he gets you a few more side dishes, are you going to help them kill me?”

Of course not... Hong Qigong said with a righteous face, and then he seemed to feel that he was really wrong, so he turned into a smile and handed the half-eaten roast chicken to Su Yi, Hey, but this roast chicken It tastes really good, would you like to try it?

Su Yi had a cold face, then seemed to think of something, showed a smirk, stretched out his hand, but instead of picking up the roast chicken, he clasped Hong Qigong's shoulder instead.

What are you doing? Hong Qigong asked puzzled.

It's nothing, Qigong, do you know? This is my first time killing people...

Well, I heard what you said just now, what's the problem?

Su Yi smirked badly, and his face gradually turned pale, but his face became more and more brilliant, So, the first time I killed someone, I was disgusted enough, and I was so upset by your anger, now you You dare to hold food and put it in front of me, you are asking for your own death!!! Ugh……………”

The acid water in the stomach could no longer be controlled, gushing out one after another.

Following Su Yi's vomiting, Hong Qigong, who was clasped tightly by his hands, was completely unable to dodge. The big puddle of vomit with a strong smell poured all over his patched but clean clothes superior. brat, are you trying to disgust me to death??? Hong Qigong screamed.

Then there was Su Yi's weak but happy smirk.

Who told you to treat me with death...

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