Counterattack of Infinite Supporting Characters

Chapter 38 It's So Exciting

Su Yi smiled and said nothing.

Holding Yang Chan's hand tightly, he pinched her vigorously, signaling her not to look so serious... Aren't you telling the Jade Emperor that this matter has something to do with us?

Yang Chan also responded with a small pinch, meaning that you have done such a lawless thing, how can you still be so calm?

Su Yi thought to himself, is this lawless? If it is really the legendary Taishang Laojun who is the head of the Sanqing and has become the immortal saint, I will naturally hide as far away as possible, but although this Taishang Laojun has unfathomable mana and powerful magic weapon , but he himself doesn't seem to be good at fighting skills, why am I afraid of him?

Besides, there is still the Monkey King brand scapegoat!

But at this time, Taishang Laojun rushed down anxiously, and said loudly: Your Majesty, it's not good! The old Taoist put the five gourds and nine-turn gold pills in the alchemy furnace of Tushita Palace. The Dan Yuan Conference was held, but they were all...all...all eaten by that monkey Monkey King, he, he,... He seemed to be unable to eat three gourds, and the rest was packed and brought Let's go, there is nothing left for the old man!!!

In the end, there were already tears and anger!


Today's shock is almost more than the total shock that happened in the past 10,000 years in the Heavenly Court. This guy is even more daring!

The Jade Emperor's complexion turned purple, and he was so angry that his blood was surging!

The Peach Banquet held by the Queen Mother of the West has been a routine for many years, and as the Jade Emperor, although he and the Queen Mother have been friends for many years, he cannot be left behind. Therefore, after the Peach Banquet, there will always be a Dan Yuan Conference... …

If it is said that he was at fault for the Pantao Banquet, but he didn't feel any pain, then this Dan Yuan Conference...

Really touched his reverse scale!

Yang Chan blinked her eyes, gave Su Yi a strange look, and asked Taishang Laojun, Old Lord, why are you so sure that Monkey King stole the elixir?

Taishang Laojun sighed: The Three Holy Mothers don't know something. Although the old man is not good at fighting skills, he has been practicing for many years, and he has a peek at the secrets of heaven. Just count and count, and the past can be seen... The old man saw it with his own eyes. Seeing that monkey rushing into the alchemy furnace, although he can't see clearly because of the high mana of the monkey head, he can still see it pouring something into his stomach!

Yang Chan gave Su Yi a strange look, thinking that since Old Master Taishang can pinch and count, why didn't the two of them go to Tushita Palace? And the second brother seems to have already understood this matter! But it seems that my brother and sister didn't get caught, and they got two gourds of elixir for nothing, really earned it!

She had a happy expression on her face, and then realized that it was not appropriate to laugh at this time, so she hurriedly straightened her face! Pretending to be sad...

As for Su Yi, he knew secretly in his heart that Journey to the West is really powerful, able to pinch and count, and it is really thanks to him being free from Yu Tiandao, they can't count his existence...

But if you want to complete the task, you can't come secretly! After all, there are not many things that cannot be calculated. If everything cannot be calculated, it will still make people suspect him!

At that time, it is inevitable to be passive!

Su Yi thought secretly in his heart, while Taishang Laojun frowned and pondered for a while, and added, And look at that monkey staggering and drunk... seems to have drunk too much?!

It seems that I drank too much...

I drank too much...

Drank too much……

The Taishang Laojun's unintentional words became the last straw that overwhelmed the rational weight. Did you drink too much? What to drink... Naturally, it was Qiong Yao at the Yaochi meeting!

My own heaven has become the monkey's back garden! After eating peaches, eat Baizhen, after eating Baizhen, drink Qiongyao, after drinking Qiongyao, eat elixir...

Then he patted his ass and went down to earth!

The Jade Emperor was furious and shouted, Where is Li Jing, King of Tota?!

Li Jing took a step forward and knelt down on the ground, The minister is here!!!

I ordered you to be the Grand Marshal of Conquering Demons, and the Third Prince Nezha to be the Great God of the Three Altars, the Twenty-Eight Constellations, the Nine Obsidian Star Officials, the Twelve Yuanchen, the Five-Fang Jiedi, the Four-valued Gong Cao, the East and West Stars, the North and South Gods, and the Five Sacred Four Gods. All the astrology and astrology are yours to deploy, and you must capture the monster monkey in one fell swoop! There must be no mistakes!!! Marshal Canopy!!!

The minister is here!!!

A burly-looking man strode out and knelt down beside Li Jing.

Su Yi's heart skipped a beat again, thinking, is this the future Zhu Bajie? It looks majestic...

The Jade Emperor said angrily: Li Jing is in charge of encircling and suppressing Monkey Sun. You are in charge of the Tianhe Navy and are in charge of encircling and suppressing Huaguo Mountain from the ground. You must not let a monster monkey go. I want them to know the price of angering me!!!

Marshal Tianpeng said loudly: Yes! I obey the order!!!

Su Yi snorted disdainfully, and said to himself in a low voice: The so-called price is implicated? Kill those innocent lives, and use the bones under your feet to reflect your supremacy! How majestic...

His voice was not deliberately suppressed, everyone heard this sentence, and the face of the Jade Emperor suddenly became even uglier! The look in Su Yi's eyes became more sinister...

Taibai Jinxing groaned secretly in his heart, my second master, you must not say a few words... Otherwise, I am afraid that the extermination of the monster monkeys will start with you first!

Thinking of facing two powerful opponents at the same time, Taibai Jinxing smiled wryly and remained silent!

Before the Jade Emperor could speak, the canopy had already stood up and glared at Su Yi, Your Majesty's holy judge, how can you allow you to talk nonsense, but how dare you doubt His Majesty's Sacred Heart?

Hearing others talk about her sore feet, Yang Chan's eyes were filled with anger!

Just as he was about to curse back, Su Yi grabbed his hand and sneered, What? You want to please the Jade Emperor by scolding me, but as a general, you can only flatter horses... Waste is waste, you If you have the courage, just come and get me! A dog that can only growl and bark, don’t you know that even if you are a dog, you have to learn to be a good dog? At least my Xiaotian dog will not treat me without my order People are screaming!

What did you say?!!!

Enough is enough!!!

The Jade Emperor yelled and glared angrily at Marshal Tianpeng, Hurry up and go here, have you forgotten the order I gave you?!

Su Yi also snorted softly, Let's go, Chan'er, I originally wanted to come to this peach banquet to see the world, but I didn't expect that I didn't increase my knowledge, but I just watched a good show... If Monkey King is here, I have to Give him a few pennies!

As he said that, he ignored the Jade Emperor, treated the people around him like Taiyi Daoist, Barefoot Immortal and others as nothing, turned around and left!

All the immortals were suddenly angry!

However, the Queen Mother of the West showed admiration on her face, and said with a low laugh: This Erlang is such an upright character! He doesn't intercede for Monkey King, but cares about the innocent creatures on that mountain, and in the face of so many immortals, he also treats him with respect. Ruowuwu, Jade Emperor, your nephew is really amazing!!!

The Jade Emperor smiled wryly and said: It's just that you are too wild. Alas... Li Jing, when you descend to the earth, restrain the canopy and let him capture those monstrous monkeys alive. Don't make too many murders!

Queen Mother Xi laughed and said: If you say this in front of him, maybe he will look at you with admiration!

The Jade Emperor snorted and said, I'm not a person who will give in to others, but the creatures on that mountain are indeed innocent! I have a compassionate heart from the heavens, so naturally I won't commit more crimes!

Hard mouth and soft heart! Hard mouth and soft heart!!!

The Queen Mother of the West covered her mouth and laughed lightly. The little anger she felt because of the stolen flat peaches had disappeared... After all, it was just picking something long and nothing valuable!

Yujian descends to the mortal world!

Yang Chan put her arms around Su Yi's arm, and felt that it was too exciting to live a serious day. She always felt like a good girl when facing that Liu Yumo and this brother now!

It was so lawless and so exciting!

But Su Yi smiled wryly in his heart. He thought that if he rejected Yang Jian's memory, he could reject everything about him, but he didn't expect that the senses were still there. The ironic words he couldn't help but almost disrupted Yu Mo's mood. It's planned!

But that's okay, if the Jade Emperor hadn't been helpless, he probably wouldn't have summoned himself!

Just in time to own it up for sale! ! !

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