Counterattack of Infinite Supporting Characters

Chapter 47: Su Yi Fights Sun Wukong

Amidst the rumbling thunder, a huge thunder force shot out through the demon-suppressing sword. Due to the addition of the thunder-attributed demon-suppressing sword, its power was a little stronger, and the silver brilliance shone all over the world into a Silver...

And as its most direct target, the vajra bracelet was directly blasted by the powerful thunder force with a loud bang, as if screaming, the bracelet flew powerlessly into the distance!


This is an exclamation from the heavens!

How can it be?!

This is the exclamation of the big monster and giant hiding in the dark!

No one would have imagined that, seeing that the vajra bracelet is so close to Monkey King, as long as Su Yi does nothing, he will naturally enjoy the fruits of victory, but he would actually help Monkey King block the bracelet...

This is already several times stronger than my strongest output...

Lei Gong had a face full of lovelessness. As Lei Gong, his ability to envoy Lei Ting was not as good as that of a layman. For a moment, he really felt the hot eyes around him.

Oh...a sophisticated diamond bracelet!!!

Taishang Laojun cried out in distress, and hurriedly flew towards the place where the diamond bracelet was thrown far away.

But at this moment, feeling that savage and merciless thunder passing by his side, Monkey King suddenly got a jolt, and the warlike blood just faded away, and he finally reacted! Why do I want to fight this guy to death here?

The blood faded away, and all that remained was the slippery escape from before...

Haha laughed a few times, Immortal, you have to remember, you just said that from now on, the goal of heaven is only my grandson, and my monkey grandson must not be affected, hehehe... Since your The target is me alone, and my old grandson will not accompany me!

As he said that, taking advantage of Su Yi's stiffness when he cast the Excalibur Sword Yu Lei Zhen Jue, his figure flickered, and he had already escaped from Su Yi's sword, and then disappeared without a trace!

Oh... not good! Taishang Laojun is not helping, and now Sun Wukong has escaped!

Nezha stomped his feet and said loudly in displeasure.


Now all the heavenly generals, even Avalokitesvara are a little embarrassed, fortunately he didn't make a move, otherwise, the one who lost his face this time would be himself, right?

The Jade Emperor's face was also very ugly!

At this time, far away at Guanjiangkou, Feng Qingxue yelled at the monitor: Brother, the monkey is surrounded by strong winds, he must have gone to heaven, you go to heaven to catch him!

Liu Yumo lazily said: Save your energy, Qingxue, this is a monitor, not a walkie-talkie, brother can't hear us!

But did Sun Wukong just escape like this?

Although Yang Chan was very unhappy that Su Yi would help Tianting, since the second brother wanted to be a judicial god, he must have his intentions, and she didn't want him to fall at the first step! At that time, don't you want to lose your lord!

Third sister, don't worry, why do you think brother brought Xiaotian dog with him?

Liu Yumo let out a soft breath, Poor monkey, I can't escape my brother's control!

But is it true that my brother is so powerful?

He was able to beat Sun Wukong... It seems that he has been really lazy and never stole in the past few years!


Watching Monkey King disappear without a trace, Su Yi sighed softly. As expected, this monkey has never been the kind of person who respects his opponents, otherwise he would not be in the future on the way to learn the scriptures. The monsters, went directly to ask for the savior, and now they realized that they ran away!

Looking up at the sky, Li Jing was flying down on the auspicious clouds, and shouted: Don't panic, Zhenjun, I will send a hundred thousand heavenly soldiers and generals to help you find the whereabouts of the monster monkey!

Su Yi smiled and said loudly: No need, you don't interfere! Roaring Dog! Go, find that monkey for me...

Wow woof woof...

Xiaotiangou, who was lying under Nezha's feet, heard Su Yi's cry, and suddenly stood up with a jolt!

Although the body of a small dog is small, but at this time it finally has the breath of a divine beast...

Looking up and screaming, a ferocious air floated wantonly, the clouds were dense, and the sun in the sky was gradually covered, like a dog devouring the sun!


In Su Yi's arms, the jacaranda curled up into a ball in fright, shivering and screaming incessantly!

Su Yi patted his chest lightly, and shouted loudly: Shoutiangou, stop barking, and find me the trace of Monkey King!


Hearing Su Yi's voice aroused impatience, Xiao Tianquan immediately shuddered, and hurriedly put away his ferociousness, his nose shrugged in all directions, and with a strong kick, he had already flown into the sky and was heading towards the sky in the sky. A cloud bites away...

Ah... stinky dog, how dare you bite my grandson!

Sun Wukong's screams came over!

The white cloud that was bitten by the Xiaotian dog changed a few times, and turned into the appearance of Monkey King again! He didn't run away directly, but stayed on the battlefield, presumably to see Su Yi's frustrated expression when they couldn't find him!

Unfortunately, he didn't expect that there was a bulldog at the scene!

Su Yi swung his swords horizontally, and Fen Jixi and Jian and Zhenyao Sword came out. Under the sword control technique, they turned into two meteors and stabbed straight at Monkey King! again!!!

A red sword is unbearable, but with the addition of a silver long sword, Monkey King's fighting spirit has disappeared, so why would he still want to fight Su Yiqiang?

Using the golden cudgel to parry the sharp teeth of Xiaotiangou, his figure flickered again, and he disappeared!

The Fen Ji Xihe sword and the Demon Suppressing Sword immediately pierced through the air!

And Su Yi snorted coldly, and shouted: Shoutian dog get out of the way!!!

The roaring dog immediately retreated knowingly, while Su Yi pinched his hands into a sword art, and the Demon Suppressing Sword and the Fenji Xihe Sword hovering in the air instantly changed from two to four, from four to eight, and turned into tens of thousands. There are almost endless numbers! ! !


With a stern shout, under the Wanjian Jue, endless rain of swords shot down densely and seamlessly!

This time, the heavenly soldiers and generals, and the monsters were all shocked again. They could see that this illusion technique was not a magic weapon, but was really made of pure swordsmanship and mana!

Is there such a magical sword technique in the world?

Queen Mother Xi showed a look of admiration, This Erlang, the surprise to me is getting bigger and bigger! He has walked a path that no one has ever walked before...

The rain of swords under Wanjian Jue was like a tide, without the slightest gap...

There was another horrified scream, and a small flower flew out in a hurry, fleeing into the distance!

Su Yi yelled: Shoutiangou, catch up!

As he said that, he stepped on one of the ten thousand swords to keep up!

One person and one monkey are fighting on this mountain of flowers and fruits!

Back in Fangcun Mountain, Sun Wukong loved the way of change the most, so this is also the spell he is best at!

During the changes, there is no sign at all, sometimes the sky is like a bird, sometimes the sea is like a fish, sometimes it turns into a pine tree, and sometimes it is attached to the earth! There are really so many methods, it is hard to guard against!

If it wasn't for the Roaring Sky Dog, Su Yi would be lost after only a few changes!

However, with the help of Xiaotiangou, and although Su Yi is not good at changing, he has various methods, and he can always be forced to show his original shape...

But this pure fighting technique made everyone in the heaven mesmerized, and they didn't dare to offer their hands to help this matter. After all, the lessons learned from the Taishang Laojun are there...

But gradually, Su Yi became impatient!

This Monkey King is as slippery as a loach, and he can't catch it at all. Even though Xiaotiangou can find his traces, he has to take a step slower after all, and the result is slow step by step...

etc? !

Just now I saw the scene of the vajra bracelet falling down...

Could it be that he just unconsciously opened the divine eye?

If God's Eye is activated, will it be able to regain the disadvantage?

Xiao Tiangou was still sniffing and searching for it at this time. Just now, Monkey King continued to enter the water, and the smell was a bit weak. In addition, he deliberately hid it, even Xiao Tiangou would not be easy to find it!


Try to see if you can open your own eyes!

Su Yi slowly closed his eyes! Gently press the two fingers on the forehead!


Thank you for the 6000 tip from Sass! ! ! Thank you Tianye? Wushang, it's Lolicon's 1000 tip! Thanks to Lingshaluoxue, Fanning the Fire 100, and Flying Mooncake for the 500 rewards! Thanks to Swadia, Khanziyan, Qiuqiu Leader, and Instant Eternity for their 100 tips! Thanks to Curtain Sword for the 20 rewards! Huaxia Dragon Roar, Ding Wujue's 10 rewards!

It's three o'clock today...

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