Counterattack Strategies

Chapter 25

Chapter 25 – Women’S Clothing Gangster (7)

Raiders of women’s clothing (7)

The show models from different companies entered the lounges arranged by their own companies respectively. Before they entered, each lounge was already filled with many show models who were not within 30 people, as well as senior executives from various show model agencies. and representatives are present. Because after the performances of the top 30 show models with the most fans, there will be a very grand and high-level banquet, and high-level executives from major companies will attend. This kind of banquet only happens once a year.

And after each show model’s performance, different companies will send fireworks to the show model to represent their support for the show model. Some companies will give fireworks to one or more show models, but one show model can only give it once, the more show models you receive in the fireworks, the more face you will have. And Rui Yusheng is so confident that he will be the most popular show model in each company because he is very sure that he will be the show model who receives the most fireworks gifts.

Today, almost all the senior managers of the company came, because Weiding Group is one of the host companies of this event, and the senior management of the group will also attend the banquet. As a company under the Weiding Group, all the people above have gone, and they must also go.

Rui Yusheng was the first to perform on stage. He changed into a white floor-length dress and came out in the dressing room. After glancing at Lu Jingqian, he walked towards Get ready backstage.

What Rui Yusheng wanted to perform was the piano, and after the lifting platform was raised, he was sent to the stage. He has learned the piano since he was a child, and on such an occasion, of course he has to perform his best talent. However, compared with professional piano players, his playing skills still have a certain gap. However, this kind of live performance to give back to fans, as long as the performance is not too bad, generally no one will say anything.

Most of the show models will choose to perform with musical instruments, which is the safest choice. There are also good dancers who choose to dance, but over the years, almost no one chooses to sing. Because lip-synching or the use of voice changers are not allowed at the scene, and in such an occasion where even speaking is cautious, it is even more impossible for someone to expose his male voice.

What Rui Yusheng played was a lyrical piece. He wanted to prove that he could control and control whether it was **** or sensual.

After he finished playing, the lift went down, and now he just went to the lounge and waited to watch the fireworks for him.

Rui Yusheng sat down on the sofa, watching the gorgeous fireworks captured on the big screen in the lounge, the corners of his mouth could not help but rise. And after each fireworks ceremony, a large bouquet of real flowers will be brought in by the staff and placed next to the nameplate with Rui Yusheng’s name on it.

In order to avoid the embarrassing scene where some show models do not get the fireworks, the agency will give fireworks to the show models of their own company. However, in order to avoid comparisons and falsification, it is also stipulated that a company can only give a show model once.

Rui Yusheng received a total of eight fireworks gifts. After his fireworks gifts were over, the host came to the stage and announced to the company that gave the fireworks gifts. In addition to the fireworks gift from Yu Shi, there are seven other companies that gave him fireworks gifts. These companies are all endorsements by him. It’s also quite normal.

Rui Yusheng felt that it was impossible for a show model to get more fireworks gifts than him, and it was even more impossible for a newcomer like Lu Jingqian to get more fireworks gifts than him, so he had secured all the best resources of the company.

Enough to enjoy the envy of the eyes, when the next show model came on stage to perform, Rui Yusheng felt that it would be boring to just sit like this. So he stood up, sat down beside Lu Jingqian and asked, “What talent are you going to perform today?”

“What talent did I prepare, does it have anything to do with you?” Lu Jingqian said with a blank face. They are all from their company here. If they are not facing fans, Lu Jingqian no longer wants to pretend to be with him.

“I just care about you, why are you so angry?” Rui Yusheng said with a smile, “Is it because I don’t want to share the resources with you? I’m really sorry, because I really want to get the honorary title of Her Royal Highness, so I held a meeting at that time I was a bit bad at the time. But you should be able to understand me. I told you before how hard it was for me to get to where I am today. We are good friends who grew up together. You should help me once, next time I will definitely do my best to help you once in the honorary title competition, how about we each do it once?”

Rui Yusheng didn’t want to completely offend Lu Jingqian yet, but it’s not so much that he didn’t want to, it’s better to say that he knew that he couldn’t completely tear himself apart with Lu Jingqian.

Although he felt that he had already found a lot of backers for himself, those people were nothing compared to Freddie. So before he decides to completely destroy Lu Jingqian, he should maintain a good relationship with Lu Jingqian. He has reflected on that some of his previous actions were really impulsive, and that is because he still regarded Lu Jingqian as a child. Wen Nan is kind, simple and easy to deceive. After Lu Jingqian got angry with him a few times and lost control of his emotions, he realized that he was no longer the Wen Nan he used to be.

“Do you really think I’m a fool? You can cheat as much as you want?” Lu Jingqian said in a voice that only the two of them could hear, “I don’t want to spend energy acting with you anymore, because you alone can’t It’s not worth my acting energy. It’s too easy for me to deal with you. Instead of acting with me here and pretending to please me, you should use your energy to think about how to take the move. Because next, I won’t It will make you feel better.”

Rui Yusheng’s body froze because of Lu Jingqian’s words, an inexplicable strong fear emerged in his heart, he could feel that Lu Jingqian was not trying to scare him, he would really do what he said. However, such a sense of fear did not make him reflect on his mistakes and think about stopping, but instead aroused more anger in him.

It was almost time for Lu Jingqian to perform on stage, so he went into the dressing room to change into a dress, and then went backstage to get ready.

Rui Yusheng clenched his fists tightly, and he stared at Lu Jingqian’s back forcefully, thinking that he must strike first before he attacked himself, but what method should he use to deal with him now? Calm down, calm down, he must have a way.

The talent that Lu Jingqian was preparing for was singing, a talent that few show models were willing to challenge, and the company originally did not agree to let him perform. But he insisted on performing and singing, and promised not to screw up, and after singing a cappella in front of all the trainers, he got the company’s approval with the guarantee of the trainers.

Seeing that Lu Jingqian didn’t have any musical instruments in his hands or around him, the fans in the audience were wondering what he was going to perform when soft prelude music sounded, and Lu Jingqian raised the microphone in his hand.

The fans were stunned, thinking in surprise, is he going to perform and sing? This is a talent many years ago, no matter which show model challenged it, the result was disastrous. Why is he so upset?

When the clear and ethereal voice reached everyone’s ears, they thought it was the sound played. It wasn’t until Lu Jingqian walked slowly while singing that they realized that it was Lu Jingqian. singing.

They couldn’t tell whether it was a man or a woman from the voice, but it was the least important thing at the moment, because his voice was blowing into their hearts like a spring breeze, making people feel refreshed.

After hearing Lu Jingqian’s singing, Rui Yusheng was stunned in shock, because in his impression, he had never heard Wen Nan sing, nor had he seen him learn any musical instruments. He thought that even if he wasn’t the worst performer in this performance, it was impossible for him to perform better than him. Although performing well in this kind of dance is not particularly important to their show models, but like Lu The extraordinary performance of Jingqian will surely arouse heated discussions again.

Rui Yusheng turned his head to look at the others, and found that the teachers had expressions of satisfaction and relief, and the managers of the management also had expressions of listening and appreciation, and even Xiumo closed his eyes and expressed enjoyment. listening.

The better Lu Jingqian performed, the more jealous and uneasy Rui Yusheng became. He had already lost in terms of appearance, so he was naturally unwilling to be crushed by Lu Jingqian in other aspects.

After the accompaniment music ended, Lu Jingqian sang the last few lines in a cappella. This way was more artistic, and it was also to prevent people on the Internet from saying that he was lip-syncing.

Lu Jingqian walked to the lift platform and waved goodbye to the fans in the audience. The fans screamed in unison, which made Lu Jingqian feel like his eardrums were about to be shattered.

When Lu Jingqian returned to the lounge, the teachers and managers stood up to greet him and praised him for his good work. Now that his skill is made public, it will definitely bring a wave of enthusiasm, and more endorsements will come to him.

After Lu Jingqian finished chatting with the teachers and managers, he looked for Rui Yusheng with his eyes, and found that Rui Yusheng had already sat back to his original seat. Although he looked indifferent and seemed to have no emotion, Lu Jingqian could still see the jealousy and anger in his eyes.

After the two looked at each other, Rui Yusheng glared at Lu Jingqian not to be outdone, his eyes seemed to say, it’s too early for you to be complacent, even if your performance will cause heated discussions on the Internet, but Don’t even try to beat me in the number of fireworks.

Lu Jingqian raised the corners of his mouth and sneered, then walked to the sofa and sat down. He didn’t care about the fireworks gifts at all. The most important thing was who the companies that gave the fireworks gifts would choose in the end.

At the beginning of the first firework ceremony, everyone was quite calm because there was a firework ceremony for Lu Jingqian. When the second fireworks ceremony started, the people in the lounge didn’t react too much, because Lu Jingqian’s current enthusiasm has not passed, and it is normal for one or two other companies to give him fireworks.

Then when the fifth, sixth…fifteenth fireworks ceremony was released, not only everyone in the lounge was shocked, but even Lu Jingqian himself was surprised, wondering why so many companies gave He gives fireworks.

The seductive general manager looked at Lu Jingqian with a shocked and puzzled expression and asked, “What’s going on? Do you know that they are all sent by those companies?”

“I don’t know either.” Lu Jingqian shook his head and said, he was also wondering.

When Rui Yusheng passed him in Lu Jingqian’s fireworks ceremony, he bit his lips hard to control his anger. Every time Lu Jingqian passed him in the fireworks ceremony, he bit harder. His lips were about to bleed from him.

They all thought that Rui Yusheng must have received the most fireworks gifts, but they didn’t expect Lu Jingqian to get 15 fireworks gifts, the number was double that of Rui Yusheng, and no show model had ever received it before. So many fireworks gifts.

So when the host came to the stage to announce that the fireworks were given by those companies, everyone in the lounge except Rui Yusheng couldn’t help standing up and getting closer to the screen, wanting to hear the names of those companies more clearly.

The first company is Yushi, which will definitely be heard, so they urged the host in their hearts to hurry up and say the next one. When they heard that the second company was Du Lin, they were just stunned for a moment, and they were not too surprised, because Du Lin also gave Ruiyusheng a fireworks gift. They are currently Du Lin’s spokespersons. Fireworks are normal.

However, after a series of company names were read out, the general manager of You Shi opened his mouth in shock, not knowing how to react.

Compared to the shock of other people after hearing these company names, Lu Jingqian felt suddenly enlightened, and then he couldn’t help but smile because he knew who gave him the fireworks.

Although the fireworks gifts are given by different companies, these companies are all under the Weiding Group, and the only one who can get all the companies under Weiding to give him fireworks is Frey Yue.

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